Women Mc Travels
World Around Traveller

by Motorcycle
by Car

Important - read at first:

After 44 years - on 18th.09.2014 - I decided to stop my researches on: "How were all continents discovered 1885-2014 by motorcycle-travellers?" The reason is that I have been sitting with all my passion behind the computers and reading books and articles for years day and night to come to the knowledge of these sites.
I am still full of other ideas including some travels. Also I want to move a bit more for my health instead of sitting too long behind the computer.

You can use all information for yourself. If you use infos and fotos for any other reason like publications please know, that there is still Copyright on all of it by myself and others.

I am German. I did my best to write most in English. If I missed some ,,,,,,,,, please take some of these and put them on the right place (Churchill)!

Bye Bernd Tesch. Village Hammer in forest EIFEL / Germany / United Europe / Multiversum

Welcome on this site!
Aybovan (Shingalesisch). Bem Vindo ! Benvenuti ! Boyeyi Malamu (Lingala). Buenvenito (Italian) ! Bien Venido ! Bienavenue ! Bienvenue (French) ! Bom Bini ! Dobrodosli ! Huan yin (Chinese) ! Julley (Ladakh)! Namaste ! Shalom (Hebro)! Tanastalink ! Tashi Delek (Tibet)! Terv etuloa (Finnish). Välkommen (Swedish) ! Velkommen (Norwegian) ! Welcome (English)! Welkom (Dutch) ! Willkommen (German) ! !

You are on the site:
Last update by Bernd Tesch: 13.07.2024 + 06.12.2023 + 21.10.2022 + 23.11.2021

Around-The-World by motorcycle

10 bi-1900 Around-The-World
1901-1950 Around-The-World
1951-1970 Around-The-World
1971-1980 Around-The-World
1981-1990 Around-The-World
1991-1994 Around-The-World
1995-2000 Around-The-World
2001-2004 Around-The-World
2005-2010 Around-The-World
2011-2015 Around-The-World
2016-2020 Around-The-World

Books for Around-The-World
See my website
= >1350 Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books in a date-base. Here look in the columne "continent" under Around-The-World.

Maps for all continents

Around-The-World by Motorcycle  1981 - 1990

How to see and print out (free of charge) or to buy maps for your mc-tour ?
See a good view for all continents or countries at:

Information about > 249 Motorcycle-Tours Around-The-World: 1912 - 2010 (plans)

Around-The-World by Motorcycle
Do you know this in other languages?
Rond de Wereld met de motor (Dutch)
Maailman ympäri
Autour du monde avec une moto Lune de Miel
Motorrad-Weltumrunder (German)
Il giro del mondo al moto (Italian)
Kotambola ja Mokili Mo Bimba

Dookola swiata na motorze
Svetovni popotnik na motociklu
La Vuelta del Mundo al moto
Jorden rund pa motorcykel (Swedish)

Copyright Bernd Tesch.Expert for Motorcycle-WORLD-Travels. It is free for you to read this and learn out of it. It is not allowed to take off or to publish any information of this without written permission of Bernd Tesch. This all is a part of the book in work "Motorrad-Welt-Reisen" = Motorcycle-Travels Around-The-World. ISBN  3-9800099-8-x.
GLOBETROTT-ZENTRALE Bernd TESCH. Grünentalstrasse 31. 52152 Simmerath-Hammer / EIFEL / Germany. Tel: 0049 (0)2402-938686.

First and largest summary in Internet and in literature (about 100 pages here) at all about "Around-The-World by Motorcycle". The detailed stories you will find in my in work being book.

I would be grateful if you could help to keep this update ! So far you find many language and grammar mistakes inside because of lack of time. Pardon. Will be corricated and updated with more Around-The-World-Travellers in future. If you find yourself inside or any lack of information please inform me! Bernd Tesch has been working in this field "Around The World" since 1970. In this times I had to write letters and to phone or to visit the World-Around-Travellers to get contact / information. Since 1985 fax helped. In 1991 I visited the most famous motorcycle-travellers in Denmark, in 1993 in Britain, in 1994 in USA and in between many in Europe (France, Germany, Netherland, Switzerland). In 1999-2000 I visited famaous Mc-Travllers in Australia. In october 2000 I saw Alberto Granada, best mc-travel-friend of Ernesto "Che" Guevara in CUBA. Many of  Motorcycle Travellers Around-The-World have been at my yearly Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers in april. In 1998 there have been 20 within 300 participants. In 2000 11 of them. Nobody knows more World-Around-Travellers in person than Bernd Tesch. I own the largest archive of World-Around-Travellers: 10 file-boxes full packed (90 cm wide). To find all this and all my activities was a "life-long job" and cost me a lot of money. Since many years I am working in a new book called "Motorrad-Welt-Reisen" = Motorcycle-World-Around-Travels. All books about "Around-The-World" by motorcycle which have been published until 1994 are published in my in German written, but very international understandable book called "Motorrad-Abenteuer-Touren" = Motorcycle-Adventure-Tours (432 pp, 500 pictures / drawings. About 264 Motorcyle World-Tours. ISBN 3-9800099-55-5. DM 38.90). I own all this books in all languages. If there is shown "Book:" under the traveller and you want to read / order this you can check if it is still available: >> >> German or English version >> Bestelliste or order. If you find this book there you can order it.

YOUR summary:PLEASE give me at first a complete view like this EXAMPLE-BLOG in THIS STYLE in English: Just copy this block below and overwrite it then with your name and all the details of your tour (done or planned):

01.10.2010 - 27.11.2011
Sven Müller (German, born-date??)  and Susan Smith (British, born-date??) your http://www.???
Around-The-World. Solo Around-The-World with BMW R 100 GS. 50.000 kms. Sven rode together with Susan Smith (British) who rode a HONDA 500 XL. Route: Europe 12.000 kms (Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Italy - Greek - Turkey ....) - Asia 15.000 kms (Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal. Bike solo by plane to Singapure. I flew to Singapure. Malaysia - Thailand - back to Singapure). - Australia 16.000 kms (I flew together with bike to Darwin. Around  Australia 16.000 kms. Or offer names like: Darwin - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney ...) - North-America (I flew with bike to Los Angeles. LA - New York) - Africa - Europe (Bike by ship to Netherlands / Amsterdam - Germany / Cologne).
Purpose of travel: ...??
The best: I wanted to find myself. Freedom. Sun. Friendship of  Turkey people. invitation by Pakistani. Climbing the Himalayas........)
The worst: I got Malaria in Nairobi. Attack of soldiers with weapons in Iran.....)...
Important useful informations for others:...
Book or publication (about your tour):...
Earlier motorcyle-travel-experiences:....

How many people does the World have?
2001 about 1,2 billion (Milliarden) in the industrial countries
2001 about 4,9 billion (Milliarden) in the not industrial countries
2001 about 6,1 billion (Milliarden) in the world
2050 about 1,2 billion (Milliarden) in the industrial countries (UN supposes this)
2050 about 8,2 billion (Milliarden) in the not industrial countries (UN supposes this)
2050 about 9,4 billion (Milliarden) in the world (UN supposes this)

Around-The-World by Motorcycle
(Summarises by year of start)
Plan or experience? You can talk with 300 high experienced Motorcycle-Travellers who rode all continents so far :

1981 - 1990


08.07.1981 - 14.08.1987
Harumi Meyer- Higashi (Japanese, born 24.07.1956) and Kurt Meyer- Higashi (Swiss, born 24.06.1958)
+ Around-The-World.
Harumi and Kurt rode 150.000 kms on one Yamaha XS 750 (1978; 3- Zyl., Kardan) Around-The-World through 7 continents. Harumi rode as a pillion.
Purpose of travel: We like to travel to see different nations, cultures and nature, to do so we think a motorcycle is the best way. It makes you close to people and one will find bike- enthusiast all over the world.
Route: Europe (Switzerland- France- Spain) - Africa (Morocco- Algeria- Niger- Nigeria- Cameroon- Centr. Africa- Zaire- Rwanda- Tanzania- Malawi- Zambia- Zimbabwe - South Africa) - by ship to Asia (Sri Lanka - India- Nepal- India by ship to Malaysia - Singapore) - by ship to Australia- by ship to Asia (Philippines- by ship to Taiwan - by ship to Japan - by ship to North America (USA - Canada- USA- Mexico- Guatemala- Honduras- Nicaragua- Costa Rica- Panama ) by plane to South America (Colombia - Ecuador- Peru- Bolivia- Chile- Argentina- Paraguay- Brazil - by ship to Europe (Italy - Switzerland).
Book or publication:
Harumi wrote a book in Japanese: "Amatory tandem ride around the world"
Later experience:
08.07.1999 - 13.07.2000 (Sibirien in winter, -35°C!)
Meyer- Higashi, Harumi (Japanese, born 24.07.1956) and Kurt Meyer- Higashi (Swiss, born 24.06.1958)+ +
+ Europe > Asia > Europe.
Harumi and Kurt rode 50.000 kms on one Moto- Guzzi Kalifornia III (1989) with sidecar (out of the 50ties) through Europe and Asia. Harumi often rode the sidecar herself. At home she rides a Yamaha Virago 535.
Route: Europe (Switzerland- France- Germany- Holland- Denmark- Sweden- Norway- Finland- Russia) - Asia (Mongolia- Russia- Japan - Russia- Kazakhstan- Kyrgyzstan- Uzbekistan- Turkmenistan- Iran )- Europe (Turkey- Greece- Italy- Switzerland).
We rode in Siberia in winter with - 35°C. WHICH detailed route in Siberia ???
. . In Russland Harumi rode often herself the sidecar. At home she rides a Yamaha Virago 535.
Fotos: Yamaha in Algeria between El Golea and Tamanrasset (1981), In South Africa and Moto Guzzi in Siberia on the River Silka (December 1999) at minus 35°C.
The best: Too many to mention…
Worst things: We forget it, as soon it gets better…
19.06.2002 Valeria Mitani informed me that they saw both in Switzerland. Asked for email.
06.04.2004 last update
16.04.2004 They were participants of the 26th Motorcycle-Meetng for World-Travellers

??.??.1981 - ??.??.1997
Claudia Metz und Klaus Schubert (Germans)
+ Around-The-World. 252.000 kms in all continents. It was planned to travel overland to Japan 10 months. They came back to Cologne after 16 years. The kept the World-Record in long time travelling by motorcycle until 1997.
With two YAMAHA XT 500. Nur noch die beiden Rahmen, Getriebegehäuse, 1 Spiegel, 1 Felge und beide Lampen original.. Ihre Fahrt finanzierten sie durch Fotos und Artikel unterwegs. Das deutsche Motorrad-Magazin TOURENFAHRER hat eine Reihe von Artikeln publiziert mit einzigartigen phantastischen Fotos und wundervollen "crasy ideas": Sie segelten mit dem Wind in Süd-Amerika mit beiden verbundenen XTs und bauten ein eigenes Dschungelboot "JUMA DA AMAZONIA", daß sie mit einer XT antrieben. Hiermit eroberten sie den Amazonas River und kamen schließlich auf dem Rhein damit zurück. Sie haben fast alles unterwegs erlebt. Höhepunkte und Tiefpunkte der "Planet EARTH Expedition".
Book: in German (1999): "Abgefahren - In 16 Jahren um die Welt".
1981 1st visit of Claudia and Klaus in Aachen before they started.
28.09.02 1st email from Klaus: Viele Termine in ganz Deutschland und in Österreich in der Wintersaison 2002/03 Ihres Dia-Vortrages bieten sie an in ihrer website:
02.10.02 1st request for update by email
18.02.03 2nd request for update.

Hans Tholstrup in Le: in 2003. Mi: in 2009. Ri: 2013.06.02 in Dallas, USA !

03.09.1981 - 20.09.1981 GB > Sydney and
03.09.1981-01.10-1981 - ? Around-The-World
Hans Tholstrup (Australian, born 08.11.1944 in Denmark)
+ Around-The-World. Hans wanted to brake the record riding overland from London to Sydney / Australia with a BMW R 80 G/S what he did in 17 days. -Then he rested one day and flew to Los Angelos in USA. He crossed it ad?. AIl in all it was 30 days. Having arrived he broke the record circling the world by bike by himself in 1974.
Route: Europe (Great Britain - Belgium - France - Germany - Austria - Yugloslavia - Bulgaria)- Asia (Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India. By ship to Australia (Perth - ??.??. which route?) Sydney by motorcycle to the steps of the Opera in Syney.
1981: Hans bought a big fuel-tank from Bernd Tesch in Kornelimünster which BMW paid.

One such rider was Hans Tholstrup, born 1944 in Denmark but resident in Australia since 1965. Having already completed the fastest motorcycle circuit around the world in 1974 ?? also on a BMW (Typ ??.??.??) - Hans Tholstrup undertook a similar world-around-expedition with an R 80 G/S in 1981. This made him one of the first motorcycle globetrotters to place their trust in the G/S for such epic journeys.
20.12.2013 E-Mail from Hans
20.12.2013 Next request for datas and fotos to Hans

Earlier Travels and events:
1969, 1970, 1972: Hans hat in Bathurst fuhr dreimal in einem Datsun 1600 in 1969. In 1970 und in einem Falcon GTHO im Jahr 1972.
1972-73: Erste Einzelausstellung in der ganzen Welt ohne Navigationshilfen oder der Besatzung 1972-3 fliegen (in einem einmotorigen 105 PS Grumman AA1B Trainer, nach einer 10-tägigen Learn-to-fly natürlich.

197?: Schnellste Fahrtzeit von Nordspitze Europas zur Südspitze Afrikas, 70er Jahre.
1974: Schnellste Motorrad-Schaltung ?? auf der ganzen Welt (BMW), 1974.
1978-9: Erste 4x4 solo Kreuzung von Australien von Ost nach West. Route?? miles? kms?? City (Start?) ?- villages ? city (Arrival)
1979: Erste Süd-to-Nord Auto Kreuzung von Australien, einschließlich selbstfahrende Kreuzung Bass gerade auf einem Schlauchboot mit dem Auto (Mini Moke) an Bord,.
1979: Öffnen Sie zunächst Bootsfahrt rund um Australien, weltweit längste Außenbordmotor Reise, 1979. Navigation berühmt bestand aus 'halten Australien auf der linken Seite ".
1981: Created & gebaut hatte weltweit erste solarbetriebene Auto, 1981.
1982: First Solar-Auto auf einem Kontinent (mit Fahrer / Ingenieur Larry Perkins, von Perth nach Sydney, 1982) zu überqueren.
First-LKW (semi) quer durch Australien von Perth nach Townsville direkt über ein 1500 km Abkürzung.
Erster Bus (22-seat 4WD) in Australien von Perth nach Townsville direkt über 1500km kurz geschnitten.
Erste Einzelausstellung in der Simpson Wüste (a weight-loss Übung) zu gehen.
2001: Öffnen Sie zunächst Bootsfahrt von Australien bis Japan, 2001.
2001: Erstes Serienauto (Elektro / Benzin-Hybrid) Brisbane nach Melbourne auf einer Tankfüllung, 2001.
Erste, der einen Doppeldecker-Bus über Motorräder zu springen - mit Co-Abenteurer Dick Smith den Leiter an Bord des Busses.

1977: Er beendete 1977 nach London-Sydney Marathon (in einem Moke) und gewann seine Klasse in mehreren Wirtschaft läuft in den 70er und 80er Jahre.

Aber er hatte einige Hahn-ups zu:
Ein Solo-Atlantiküberquerung in einem offenen Boot (Packeis vereitelt, aber er schaffte es mit Hilfe).
Fliegen eines Flugzeugs zum Südpol (Flugzeugabsturz in Columbia).
Seine Ehe (auch abgestürzt).
Ein Solarboot Reise von Darwin nach Japan (Piraten).
Ein "postie Bike Crossing of Australia" (fiel Fahrrad, brach Knochen).

Nicht schlecht für einen alten Kerl!
The idea for the competition originates from Danish-born adventurer Hans Tholstrup.
He was the first to circumnavigate the Australian continent in a 16-foot (4.9 m) open boat.
At a later stage in his life he became involved in various competitions with fuel saving cars and trucks.
Already in the 1980s, he became aware of the necessity to explore sustainable energy as a replacement for the limited available fossil fuel.
Sponsored by BP, he designed the world's first solar car, called The Quiet Achiever, and traversed the 4052 km (2,518 miles) between Sydney and Perth in 20 days. That was the precursor of the World Solar Challenge.

After the 4th race, he sold the rights to the state of South Australia and leadership of the race was assumed by Chris Selwood.

History of Solar Racing :
1970s: Although it had been more than 100 years since the inventions of photovoltaic (solar) cells[3] and electric vehicles,[4] it was not until the energy crisis of the 1970s that they were brought together. It would still be another decade before solar cars gained international attention.
1978: Edward Passerini's 1978 Bluebird (Martin 1978) is arguably the first documented solar-powered automobile.
1987: When Hans Tholstrup announced the World Solar Challenge (WSC) in 1987,[5] solar cars were transformed from the hobby of a few ecologically minded tinkerers to an international competition between some of the world's largest automakers and top universities. :
Tholstrup was an adventure racer who had set numerous records including for the first solo crossing of Australia from East-West in a 4WD vehicle, the first circumnavigation of Australia in an open boat,
1970er Erste Motorrad Kreuzung von Australien von Ost nach West, 70er Jahre.
1981 ca. a record 28 days around the world on a motorcycle,
and the first solo flight around the world without navigation aids.
In the late-seventies, the mounting petroleum crisis led him to set his sights on records for fuel economy, specifically the most miles traveled on a single gallon of gasoline.
1982: In 1982, he strove for complete independence from fossil fuels by partnering with Larry Perkins to build a solar car. They then drove this car, the Quiet Achiever, across the Australian continent - a distance of over 4000 km. The trip took 20 days and they averaged only 23 km/h (14.3 mi/h),[6] but this was still 8 days shorter than the journey 70 years before when
1912: Australia was first crossed by a fossil fuel-powered vehicle in 1912 (WSC 1998; King and others 1993).
1987: To further promote the development of solar technology, in 1987 Tholstrup staged the first World Solar Challenge: a 3000 km (1867 mi) race from Darwin in the north of Australia to Adelaide in the south. He invited an international field of automakers, educational institutions, research centers, and entrepreneurs to build racecars powered only by the sun. There were 25 entrants, with the field dominated by General Motors' Sunraycer, which raced down the Stuart Highway at an average speed of 66.9 km/h (41.6 mi/h), arriving in Adelaide two days before its nearest competitor (Roche Schnickel Storey Humphris and Guelden 1997).
03.06.2013: Hans: Se & hoer a magazine in Denmark did a big story on bike trip back them...

Peter Thoeming "The Bear" (born ??) and Peter Rae (born?)
+ Around-The-World. Peter "The Bear" and Peter Rae rode ?? km in ?? continents with motorcycels ?? st.
Motorcycle Touring. A guide for hardened explorer and novice alike.
Deutsch : Motorrad-Reisen. Ein Führer sowohl für abgehärtete als auch neue Auskundschafter. Ein Reisebericht der beiden Fotojournalisten anläßlich einer 2,5-jährigen Weltumrundung, gedacht als Führer zur Planung von großen Motorrad-Reisen.
Reiseberichte aus : England. Irland. Europa. Sydney-Singapure. Südost-Asien. Nepal und Indien. Von Pakistan bis zur Türkei. Großbritannien - Spanien. Von Marokko nach Spanien. Von Sizilien nach Griechenland. Athen - London. Kreuz und quer durch USA von Küste zu Küste. Peter Rae, Herausgeber des Magazins „Motorcycle Rider“ und Peter Thoeming, Herausgeber eines australischen Motorrad-Magazins, erzählen und beweisen, daß die Barrieren zwischen Einheimischen und Motorrad-Fahrern viel kleiner sind als bei Auto-Fahrern, und mögliche Freundschaften einfacher sind. 13 Kapitel. 191 S. 94 SW-Fotos. 12 Farbfotos. 3 Streckenskizzen. Hardcover. Englisch.
Verlag: Osprey Publishing Ltd. London. Großbritannien. 1982. ISBN 0-85045-436-0. Engl.  Pounds 9,95. (1982). DM 59,90 (1992).
1999 Berdn T. and Patricia visit Peter in Sydney / to Australia. Editor of Australian Road Rider, which comes out four times a year. I am the I also write a motorcycle column for about 60 newspapers around Australia. Most of that is corporate, writing annual reports and such things for big companies. My clients include Boeing and Sydney City. I live in Sydney , and would be delighted to meet you and Patricia. You can contact me on (02) 9223 5113 or at PO Box 2066 , Boronia Park NSW 2111. There are not many more bike magazines in Australia. As far as I know there are no specialists in historical motorcycle tours. Please don't hesitate to ask if there is anythnig else I can do. By the way, I am German by birth but I have been in Australia since 1959, and my German is very rusty so I hope you don't mind that I'm writing in English.
Other books: Peter "The Bear" Thoeming. Motorcycling in Australia. A resource book for riders. "Everything you didn't even know you didn't know abut motorcycling in Australia ". 200+ pages, DIN A5 paperback Colour cover. B & w inside.
The book contains a huge amount of information for anyone who wants to ride a bike in Australia , both locals and overseas visitors. It covers how to get a licence and how to import or rent a bike. Apart from a listing of useful addresses and lots of good places to stay and roads to ride, the book includes hints on buying and maintaining your bike and even ideas for cooking. If you are at all interested in taking up riding, or in coming to Australia to ride, this is the book for you. Motorcycling in Australia will be available from PO Box 2066 , Boronia Park NSW 2111 Australia by the end of February 2001. Publisher: Bear Face Book. ISBN: Not yet allocated. Ca. AUSTRALIAN $17.60 incl. Mehrwertsteuer, plus packing and postage.


??.??.1982 - ??.??.2000
Marcel Kersten (Dutch, born 06.05.1961)
+ Around-The-World. The optician and motorcycle-mechanic Marcel is a real long distance traveller. He circled the world with YAMAHA XT 500. He has been riding in Africa many times.
First Tour: 08.10.1982 - 30.11.1983 with YAMAHA XT 500 (new one). 40.000 kms.
Route about 3 months: Netherlands - Belgium - Luxembourg - France - Algeria - Tunisia - Italy - Switzerland - Germany - Netherlands. 30.12.1982 - ca. 09.1983: Marcel flew with SAS and the bike was shipped to Kenia (Mombasa) - Uganda - Rwanda - Burundi - Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe - Botswana - Namibia - South Africa - Transkei - Lesotho - SA with plane and bike to Luxembourg - Belgium - Netherlands.
05.02.1986 - 04.04.1987 with YAMAHA XT 500
By ship Marcel and the bike shipped from Germany (Hamburg) - Argentina (Buenos Aires) - Chile - Argentina (Ushuaia ca. april) - Chile - Argentina - Paraguay - Brasil - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia - Venezuela - Curacao (about april 1987).
02.01.1988 - 15.08.1990 with YAMAHA XT 500 and YAMAHA FJ 1200. No idea about total kms....
Marcel then married with Peruvian Ursuala always on the same XT 500 travelled back to Venezuala - Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia - Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala - Mexico - USA (until LA with XT 500 about 110.000 kms) - Canada - USA - they could both go as a work away on a container ship (Hambürg Süd Columbus Line) from USA (Los Angeles) to New Zealand (Auckland) - 6 months in New Zealand - XT 500 by ship to Singapore Marcel and Ursula by plane - Malaysia - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - XT 500 by ship to Australia  Marcel and Ursula by plane to Australia (Darwin) - 5 months by bike in Australia - in Melbourne they met the same ship and captain of Colombus Line as a work away the shuped via New Zealand and Hawaii to USA (LA) - The PR-Manager of YAMHA USA offered a new bike YAMAHA FJ 1200 (The XT 500 went back by ship to NL) - Mexico - Guatemala - Honduas - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - Colombia -.Ecuador - Peru - Chile - Argentina - Paraguay - Brasil - Bike and persons by ship to Spain (Polish Steam Ship Company) - Spain (Huelva) - France - Switzerland - Germany - Netherlands.
1992-94 Two years Marcel and Ursula lived and travelled in South America with a Landcruiser. The travelled about 9 months.
03.11.94 - ca. 10.10.95. Ca. 36.000 km (first tour) with XT 500.
Marcel rode solo. Route: NL - Germany - Austria - Italy - Greece - Turkey - Syria - Jordania - Israel - Egypt  - Sudan - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Kenia - Tanzania - Malawi - Mozambique - SA - Zimbabwe - Botswana - Namibia - SA.
20.09.1996 - 31.05.1997 with YAMAHA XT 500. Return Ca. 34.000 km.
Return-Route: SA - Namibia - Botswana - Zimbabwe - SA - Swasiland - Mozambique - Malawi - Tanzannia - Keni - Ehtiopia - Eritrea - Saudi Arabia - Jordania - Israel - Greece - Macedonia - Italy - Switzerland - Germany - Belgium - Netherlands.
08.09.1999 - 04.06.2000 Marcel has been travelling in South and East-Africa with a Landcruiser with his parents and tourists for 9 months.
Plan: 17.11.2000 - ???
He will be flying to Capetown and ship the car to South America and continue travelling there.
1982 Marcesl visits B.T. first time.
21.07.1999 Several times personal guest of Bernd Tesch. Today personal guest at the "Germanien Summernight-fete".Here I got the information that he had travelled in Africa over 150.000 kms.
1996, 1998 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.
03.09.2011 "In 1982 besuchte ich dich in Kornelimünster im alten Laden zum ersten Mal mit meinem Bruder. Wir haben zusammen Abendessen gegessen und du hast das Yoghurt mit den Fingern gegessen. Komisch wie einige Lebenspassagen immer wie ´Bilder´ im Kopf bleiben".
Anmerkung von B.T.: Das „mit den Fingern essen“ hatte ich wieder von den Afrikanern unterwegs gelernt…. Immerhin war meine erste Tour nach Afrika 1962 und die erste Afrika-Durchquerung in 1970-71:
03.09.2011 Next request for update and best foto.

??.??.1982 - ??.??.1992
Helge Pedersen (Norwegian. born??)
+ Two times Around-The-World in 10 years. 354.100 kms with BMW R 80 G/S called "Olga".
Als mich der Norweger 1982 in Kornelimünster besuchte, wollte er "nur" mit seiner BMW nach Capetown. Daraus wurde eine 10 jährige Welt-Reise mit ca. 354.100 gefahrenen km!
Route: 1982-84 Europa-Afrika. 1985-88 Latein-Amerika. 1988-90 Nord-Amerika. 1991-92 Australien und Asien.
Could you write this more detailed country by country ?
Purpose of travel: ??
The Best: ???
The Worst: ??
Publications: Book
: "10 Ar pa 2 Hjul" (in Norwegian) . Book: "10 years on two wheels: Around-The-World in 10 years" (English).
Earlier experiences: ???
1982 Helge visits Bernd Tesch in Kornelimünster in his Globetrotter-Shop. He planned only to cross Africa. He asked for information and a bit of equipment. Bernd T had crossed Africa 1970-71 and published a brochure-book in 1971 already. Helge spoke German as well.
27.03.1994 besuchte Helge das 16. Motorrad-Fernreise-Treffen in Monschau. Das "tragische" an diesem Besuch war, daß er - extra von USA über Norwegen zum Treffen kommend - dieses sein letztes Motorrad-Treffen war, da er sein Weltreise-Motorrad nach München ins BMW-Museum ablieferte!
11.03.2003 Helge: "Sorry that I can not come to the "25th Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Traveller"s, but have a great anniversary".
17.03.2003 Request for update
06.12.2023 Helge wrote that he will sale his firm Globe Riders after 23 years. Bernd Tesch asked for an update this blog again with daats and best 5 photos.

Reise-Bericht. Europa. Afrika. Süd-Amerika. Nordamerika. Asien. Australien. Welt-Reise.
Helge Pedersen.
10 Ar pa 2 Hjul. Helge schreibt Motorrad-Geschichte der Jetztzeit: Als mich der Norweger 1982 in Kornelimünster besuchte, wollte er „nur“ mit seiner BMW R 80 G/S nach Capetown. Daraus wurde eine 10 jährige Welt-Reise mit ca. 354.100 gefahrenen km . 1982-84 Europa-Afrika. 1985-88 Latein-Amerika. 1988-90 Nord-Amerika. 1991-92 Australien und Asien. Vom 25.-27.03.94 besuchte Helge das 16. Motorrad-Fernreise-Treffen in Monschau. Das „tragische“ an diesem Besuch war, daß er - extra von USA über Norwegen zum Treffen kommend - dieses sein letztes Motorrad-Treffen mit dem Welt-Motorrad war, da er sein Original-Motorrad nach München ins BMW-Museum ablieferte! Das „Beste“ war, daß er dem BMW-Museum zur Bedingung gemacht hatte, daß das Motorrad nicht poliert wird, sondern die Original-Patina dran bleibt !
Auch mit seinem Buch setzt Helge Zeichen: Es ist von der Aufmachung, dem Layout und den außergewöhnlich guten und charakteristischen Farb-Fotos, die zum Teil großflächig abgebildet sind, eines der allerbesten Motorrad-Reise-Bücher der Neuzeit! 192 S. 181 Farb-Fotos. Übersichtliche topograhische Weltkarte mit einskizzierten Strecken. Afrika-Karte. Latein-America-Karte. Nord-Amerika-Karte. Darien-Gap-Skizze. Asien-Karte. Japan und Süd-Korea-Karte. Australien-Karte. Jeweils eingezeichneten Routen. 30 cm Hoch x 21,5 B. Hardcover. Norwegisch.
Verlag: Ernst G. Mortensens Bokforlag. ISBN 82-527-1221-5. 1993. Out of print. DM 69,90. Norwegiam Crown 298,00
Bezug: Sörkedalsveien 10A, Majorstua Oslo. Norwegen.
Bezug: Helge Pedersen, 335 N. 73RD. ST. Seattle, WA. 98103. USA. Fax: 206374 2120.
+ O. 26.03.94 Helge überreicht mir auf dem Tesch-Treffen sein Buch signiert und dem Satz „Noch ein Weltumrunder“. 1982 Besuch von Helge in Kornelimünster. Ca. 1990 Leserbrief an MOTORRAD (nicht veröffentlicht worden) aufgrund der zu knappen Darstellung seiner Darien-Gap-Durchquerung mit der Bitte um Adresse von dem mir „unbekannten“ Helge. Ca. 1991 Helge antwortet von USA und erinnert mich daran, daß er mich 1982 besucht hat.
18.12.1993 Brief 03. Angeschrieben.
26.03.1994 Helge Pedersen ist auf dem Tesch-Travel-Treffen und überreicht mir sein Buch!
Sommer 1994 Besuch in Seattle bei seiner supernetten Freundin Karen Oftshus.
1994 nach dem Treffen erste Buchzusammenfassung versucht.
1997 hörte ich von einem Traveller, der mich hier besuchte, daß Helge sich über mich geäußert hätte: Er hätte wenig von mir gehört. Daraufhin habe ich mit ihm eMails gewechselt. Homepage:
22.05.1998 Buch nur spurenweise gelesen, da in norwegisch. + D

Buch in englischer Ausgabe:
Helge Pedersen
10 Years on 2 Wheels. A photographers´s journey around the world.
Ein Welreisender hört nie auf: Das norwegische Buch wurde erweitert um eine „Far East Reise 1996“ durch Russland, Mongolei und China mit Far-East-Karte und eingezeichneten Routen. Nunmehr 77 Länder und 250.000 Meilen. 210 S. 212 Farb-Fotos. 30 cm Hoch x 21,5 B. Hardcover. Englisch.
Verlag: Elfin Cove Pess. ISBN 0-944958-38-9. 1998. Bezug: Elfin Cove Pess. 914 Virginia St., Seattle. WA. 98101. USA. ISBN 0-944958-38-9. 1998. DM 89,00
17.04.1998 Das erste von seiner englischen Übersetzung von TOURATECH auf dem 20 TTTreffen gekauft. Buch dort mit anwesendem Übersetzer Scott Squire vorgestellt und alle restlichen Bücher verkauft:
Ca. 10.05.98 Helge schickt mir signiertes Blatt.
23.05.1998 Kurze ergänzende Zusammenfassung der englischen Version. Buch nur ansatzweise aus Zeitgründen gelesen. Dieser Text wird nach dem Lesen erweiter.
13.05.1998 Nachfolgenden Brief an Helge mit der Bitte um Korrektur
30.05.1998 Kurze eMail-Antwort von Helge mit einigen Korrekturen. Kein Vorschlag der Zusammenarbeit beiderseits von ihm trotz meines Angebotes.
13.05.1998 Dear Helge, since one year are published so many mc-TRAVEL-books that they are all lying on my floor. Because of lack of time I not even opened a lot of them, did not register them or even read them. I did not want to put YOUR Book to these, because I know and like you personally and it is a book concerning a World-Around-Tour by Motorcycle. I know now about 99 and own all books about this subject. It is as wonderful as the first book. You have done an incredible job. Congratulations ! I am sure you will sell another „1.000.000“ with your slides-shows. If you come here and show this it would be the first 90 minutes slids-show. You know we always have 5 slides-shows in one afternoon. But if you come march 2003 I can offer this to you and would be happy !

If I open any book I soon go to the back where the literature to the same subject is listed as a collection of books and essays and out of this I find out how good the author is informed and gives help to others. I missed this article. I think you wanted to demonstrate YOUR tour. At page 208 I found a short information about help for planning world-travellers. I missed my name and address. I do not have any idea why. I do not know if you see me as „competition“. I do see you not at all as a „competitor“. Although I know about the same numbers of countries you have seen I never have the idea that I have done something great as you have done. Because I recognised long ago that I will never have the chance to see all I want to see but still are interested in countries and their life I started to collect motorcycle travel books (now 272), build up best archives (10 boxes = Ordner full) of World-Around-Travellers, and met others and know about 10.000 long distance mc-travellers myself, more than 80 book-authors, had 160 slides-shows at 40 GLOBETROTTER-meetings and had 1998 the highlight to present 16 World-Around-Travellers at my 20 th meeting. This is my way. To proof that I like all mc-travellers and some more you can read the sentences of your book (above) and my sentences I send you by eMail (you did not get what I asked and offered you!). This was written long before I started to look more intensive in your book what I did today first and find out that you did not put in my address. I did not even have the time to read it. What I learned more in the very young future, Helge, is that I should stopping always helping others more than they help me. So I would ask you for the future if you see any chance to help me in my business (we are both sitting in the „boat of suviving“ what we are doing).
There will be five more Tesch-Travel-Treffen and if you have ever the chance to come: In 2003  1 week befote estern I will have the subject „MC-World-Around-Tours“ again and I would be very happy tp see you to promote your book and doing. Bernd. PS. It would be very kind to fill in the ??? and corrigate mistakes and send back the book-reviews.

Ca. 1982 - 1986
Vasante S. Shetty (India)
? Around-The-World. 1986 war der Inder auf einer 16 Jahre alten Lambretta (italienisch-indische Co-Produktion) schon solo 3 Jahre 65.000 km unterwegs.
Route: Von Indien (Bombay) mit Schiff nach Ost-Afrika übergesetzt - Sudan - Ägypten - Griechenland - Jugoslawien - Österreich - Deutschland - hier die Einladung von Thomas Schmidt, Werner Eberhardt und Hans Wöhrle angenommen, die er in Suez getroffen hatte - Plan: Schweiz - Frankreich - Spanien - Berlin - Skandinavien - USA - Ferner Osten - Bombay, 5-6 Jahre. War im Juni 1986 in Alpirsbach.
19.04.97 Erste Info von Gregory Frazier
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

20.08.1982 - ??,??.1987
Mopsa English and Richard English (born 1953. British)
+ Around-The-World with a motorcycle with sidecar. With one Triumph Thunderbird 650 ccm with a light special sidcar Squire box out of fiberglas. 4,5 years (planned was 3 years) through 60 countries. 90.000 miles (144.000 km).
Route: Europa. Afrika. Nord-Amerika. Süd-Amerika. Asien. Australien. Welt-Reise.
Book: Full circle.English, Richard and Mopsa. Full circle. Around the world with a motorcycle and sidecar.
Deutsch : Vollkreis. Um die Welt mit einer Triumph Thunderbird 650 ccm mit einem leichten Spezialseitenwagen Squire box aus Fiberglas: Ab 20.08.1982 in 4,5 Jahren durch 60 Länder 90.000 miles (144.000 km). Es sollten nur 3 Jahre werden... Es ist ihre Hochzeitsreise, deshalb behandeln sie sich am Anfang sehr rücksichtsvoll. Nach 6500 miles hat sich ihr Tagesablauf in einen natürlichen Ablauf gewandelt und sie lieben das unendliche Gefühl des Raumes auf dem Motorrad um sich... 78 SW-Fotos. 39 Farbfotos.
Verlag: Haynes Publishing Group. Sparkford. Great Britain. 1989. ISBN 0-85429-662-X.
Engl. Pounds: 14,95. Erhältlich laut Verlag nur bis ca. 03/1992.
1993 Bernd Tesch visited them in England in Oxford.
07.2018: BT. found Mopsa English happily again via facebook.
05.07.2018: First request for update.

09.1982 - 07.1985
Christa Wassermann and Adrian van Loenen  (Canadian?)
+ Around-The-World. 3 years with BMW 1969 R60/2.
1992 Info von Hans Stoffregen.
21.02.1992 1st contact.
21.02.1992 Send copies of seven artivcles in CYCLE CANADA (published ca. 1989). I did not have time to summarise all.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address in Canada or publications about them??
31.10.2003 Lloyd Rang Writer/Managing Editor wrote me: I worked with Adrian in Enterprise, Ontario, Canada in 1991-92. Adrian builds log homes (or did). He and Christa have one son.

1982. Elspeth Beard in GB before leaving. Ri: Elspeth Beard in Australia.

Elspeth Beard back in GB in 1984.

2009. Elspeth got as a present to her 50th birthday from B.T. an old frame in Liege-stil with a foto from common Australian-Mc-Travel-Friends Gail and Peter Forwood. They just became the first human beings having visited all 193 countries of the World with their Harley-Davidson.

2009. Elspeth Beards old water-tower. As an architect she rebuild this tower and got a lot of awards.

28.09.1982 - ca. 29.11.1984
Elspeth Beard (British, born 28th.april 1959)
+ Around-The-World. Whilst half way through her architecture studies, Elspeth left her native London and rode 48,000 miles (77,000kms) around the world, solo on a BMW R 60/6.
Route: Europe (Great Britain) by plane to North America (New York to Los Angles via Mexico) > by plane to New Zealand, Australia (Sydney, Cairns, Alice Springs, Perth) > by ship to Asia (bike sent by ship to Singapore whilst travelling on foot through Indonesia) Singapore by motorcycle to Malaysia, Thailand, back to Malaysia ship to India, Nepal, Pakistan, Iran) > Europe (Greece, Turkey, Europe, UK.) 
Highlights: Nepal , getting out of India and arriving home.
The Worst: Trying to get out of India , travelling through Iran during the war, being constantly ill, accident in Australia.
Book: Elspeth is planning to wirte a book someday. 
1994 Bernd Tesch has been searching Elspeth for years and found and visited her finally in 1994 in GB near London. She is a pilot and wanted to circle the world by a two-person aeroplane then with her son Tom. But she could not afford to buy a plane and to fly around the world. So she flew to Australia for some months and flew in Australia herself long distances. The architect Elspeth is an extraordinary woman. Because she has seen a lot Elspeth did not want to live in a normal house. So she bought a water tower on top of the hills in Surrey UK and spent seven years converting the water tower which has six floors inside. For this building she got several architectural awards. On the walls inside going up you would see a lot of pictures about her world-tour.
1994, 1996, 2000, 2005, 2006. Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers including her slides-show: "A girl wants to know the world. Solo around the world":
Diavortrag ab 14.00 Uhr   Elspeth Beard: "A girl wants to know the world. Solo around the world". 28.09.1982-29.11.1984, 48.000 miles (76.800 km). Because Elspeth already liked travelling with her BMW R60/6 at the age of 23 years she decided 1982 to make a SOLO-world-tour. She did not want to be 60 years and nothing having done out of her life. To prepare the "trip" she toured solo 1980 in 3 months through Europe and she crossed America 1981 west-east by motorcycle.
Being 23 and with her mc-experience Elspeth started 1982 for a two years solo motorcycle trip: North America- Australia- Asia- Europe. The next plan of the architect and pilot Elspeth would like to fly solo around the world.
It took me ( Bernd Tesch ) about 4 years to find the British motorcycle-world-tourer Elspeth, who is one of the only four girls of the world, who went SOLO around the world by mc.
08.08.1998 Elspeth wrote me "I took your advise - Bernd - to write my own book now, but I do not know when it will be finished".
1999 I got too little answers from Elspeth but could find out: She wanted to travel solo for three months in South America by Motorcycle, but her Motorcycle did not arrive there. So she travelled backpacking: "I defintely go back to SA". She is still continueing her book and wants to sell her selfbuild water-tower near London.
05.08.2002 - 06. 11.2002 + Around-The-World by car with 22 riders. British RTW-traveller Nick Sanders circled the world his fifth time. This time Elspeth organised and managed the tour guiding 22 mc-travellers after ca. 25,000 miles around the world. Including USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Turkey, Europe including Morocco.   
Elspeth Beard accompionied this RTW-tour driving the back-up van. When I met Nick Sanders in 2004 he said: Without the good help / soul of Elspeth we would not have succeeded.
21.03.2006 Last update.
19th.12.2006 Asked Paul Blezard to overwork the blog above.
01.05.2007 Another version of Paul Blezards article on Elspeth is now here:

03.05.2007 Asked Elspeth to visit the 50th. Globetrotter Meeting 25th.-27th.04.2008
05.05.2006 Send this version to Paul for update by Elspeth.
Elspeth is just back from another tour accompiniging Around-The-World traveller Nick Sanders in Morocco.
2008 Elspeth and Paul toured in South America by mc...
2009.04.25 Patricia and Bernd T. visited Elspeth and Paul in the water-tower in GB because of her 50th birthday
05.05.2009 Request for update to Elspeth.
B.T. 05.2001: The architect Elsbeth is one of the five women Bernd Tesch knows who circled solo the world.
B.T. 10.12.2002: The architect Elsbeth is one of the six women Bernd Tesch knows who circled solo the world.
B.T. 2004: There is another Japanese woman trying to circle solo the world.

12.02.2013 Paul Blezard has just re-written Elspeths story for Overland Magazine. .
The first half of the story appeared in Overland Magazine No.3:
The second half of the story appeared in Overland Magazine No.4:
12.02.2013 Asked for Update and the very best three fotos.
13.03.2013 Last summary with fotos first time.

26.10.1982 - 28.10.1983
Noriko Suenaga (today Noriko Muraki, Japan)
+ Around-The-World. Auf ihrer HONDA CB 750 F legte sie 50.000 km vom in 20 Ländern zurück.
Book: Fly the Earth (in Japanese).
Die Motivation für ihre Reise war heraus aus diesem kleinen Inselstaat Japan zu gehen und selber die großen Kontinente entlang der Wege zu sehen und zu fühlen. - Das beste an der Reise war genügend Zeit zum Denken zu haben, ein Buch zu schreiben und ein Jahr nicht zu arbeiten. Die schönste Natur fand Noriko im Westen der USA und an der adriatischen Küste in Jugoslawien. Ihre besten Freunde fand sie in Deutschland. Das interessanteste Land und der schönste Sonnenuntergang waren in Indien. Die schönsten Dünen fand sie in Tunesien (Nahibu Desert). Die wildesten Tiere sah sie in Australien. Die USA war am komfortabelsten zum Reisen. Die freundlichsten Leute waren in Brasilien. Die schönste Stadt war Rio de Janeiro. Die Länder, die sie wieder besuchen möchte, sind Indien und Tunesien.
Route: Mit HONDA XL 250 Paris-Dakar in Asia (Japan Niigata - Tokyo) - per Schiff Australien (Sydney - quer von Ost nach West-Australien bis Perth. In der Mitte von Australien war ihr Motorrad kaputt. Deshalb kaufte sie eine Kawasaki Z 650 und fuhr damit nach Perth) - per Flugzeug nach Asia (Singapure - mit Motorrad durch Malaysia - in Indien erlaubte man ihr nicht ihr Motorrad einzuführen, deshalb flog sie nach Europa - Türkei) - Africa (Tunesien) - Europa - in  Holland kaufte sie sich eine Harley Davidson, mit der sie per Schiff nach North America (USA. Von West nach Ost mit KAWASAKI Z 440. Von L.A. nach South America (Brasilien. In Brasilien mit HONDA XL 250) - Asia (Japan).
1992 1st Info von Volker Lenzner, Transcyclist. Japan.
1995 After 3 years of hard search I found her.
11.08.1998 1. E-Mail from Noriko. She did not touch a mc since 13 years. Since april 1999 she is living in Mexico with her daughter. "I really loved my motorcycle and it was my everything".


15.05.1983 - 2000
Tania Brown (British) and Keith Kimber
+ Around-The-World. Planned to ride Around-The-World 4 years. British Tania (Administrator with degree in linguistics) and Keith (Electronics Engineer) are riding since 18 years and have the world-record. Rode several times Around-The-World.
Route: Europe (GB) - Asia - Australia - North and South-America - Africa GB - .. Caribian Islands for a long time .. ALL their documents have been stolen in january 1999. Vancouver - Russia (starting from Vladiwostok in june) to Europe (GB - Spain).
So far they rode 220.000 kms by motorcycle CX 500 and 250.00 kms total including sailing distance in 99 countries.
The best: The whole tour has been the highlight of our life! But we especially remember riding 1000 kms  through the Andes in Argentina looking for a clear pass, past incredible mountain scenery. Scuba diving to 64 meters in the Red Sea with so much sealife, including sharks, it was like being in an aquarium. Flying over tiny islands in the Caribbean in a friend's plane and getting married in Gibraltar! Their philosophical thought about the very LONG tour: "Freedom is very hard to give up"! They realised to pay the costs for their 17 year long journey by selling their photos and articles to magazines.
1990 1st info by World-Traveller Martyn Swain
15.02.93 2 nd info by World-Around-Traveller Paul Pratt
02.10.1999 Tania and Keith rode from Vladiwostok - Amur area by train - now to the West to Europe. Because I helped them in advance for this tour they helped me a lot by a letter to update my informations concerning this tour.

B.T.: Since the German Claudia Metz and Klaus Schubert came back in 03.1997 after 16 years of World-Mc-Travelling Tania and Keith now have the world-record in long-time motorcycle travelling.


Keith Jackson.
Book: - Keith's incredible journey. Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. 1984. OUT OF PRINT. Bicycle.

1984 - 1989
Chris Reed (British ?)
+ Around-The-World. "Road to Ruin". A motorcycle-report with Honda XL 500 Around The -World including China.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

1984: Hans und Ina Stoffregen in Sri Lanka. 2022: Re: The BMW R 90 in Newu Zeland afer the TÜV.check.

??.??.1984 - ca. ??.??.1990
Hans Stoffregen und Freundin Ina (German)
+ Around-The-World. Hans and Ina travelled with one BMW R 90. Six years and ?? km. Since 19?? living in New Zealand.
Route:1984 Germany overland to India - 2 years Asia - 2 months Germany - Sumatra - 1 year working and travelling in Australia - worked in NZ and travelled 3 months there - with ship to USA - 2 years in USA, Canada and South Africa.
Publication: MOTORRAD 02.1991 and TOURENFAHRER 01.1991.
Best: ??
Useful information: ??

1990: 1st infomation by Peter Sauer
1994: Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.
22.03.2004: 1st request to see them again I asked my daughter Malaika Tesch being in New Zealand in end of march 2004 for two weeks.
23.10.2022::BT found Hans in facebook. Hans and Ina emigrated after the Around-TheWorld-Tour to New Zealand.
Update of the blog above with two photos,

1983-88? Romana Seruga and Zvone Seruga in ??

??.??.1984 - ??.??.1985
+ Romana Seruga (Slovenian, born ??.??.195. in ??) and Zvone Seruga (Slovenian, Born ??.??. 1956 in ??).
+ Around-The-World.  
With two SUZUKI. 152.000 kms. 35 months.
Purpose of the tour: ??
Route: country by country....
The best: ??
The worst: ???
Useful tips: ??? .
Publication and book: Book: In Slovenian in 1986: Potovanje k ljudem (z motorjem prek obeh Amerik. In German: Reisen zu Leuten mit dem Motorrad. In English: Travel to the people with a motorcycle about the American part).
1988: Zvone and his wife Romana rode Transafrica on one BMW R 100 GS  in 1988
1992: Ca. 1st contact
17.04.2000: Zvonne wrote me that he published 5 more books and made a TV-Film out of his later Transafrica Tour. He is a journalist and made a living out of it. In 1996 he and his wife and a five years old doughter finished one year backpacking trip around the world. But the bike? You know, you don't simply forget it and that's, why I better sold it five years ago. It doesn't work well with two kids. But, of course - a bike will be back! And mc journeys as well, hopefully. My kids just need couple of more years
01.11.2015: Hello, Berndt, still alive and moving. Zvone Šeruga here, 30 years ago, when I was motorcycling around the world, from Yugoslavia, now Slovenia. And I'm still on the road, usually 3 - 4 months long trips, mostly in Africa, last year to Iran & Oman. Sometimes with my daughter, sometimes my wife (still the same!), many times with young and pretty girls as a company, but with my wife's blessing --- can you imagine!? I'm in Dakar at the moment, after a month and a half on the road with GS 1200 Adv., every three weeks I change the pretty company of the rear seat, heading to Mali, Burkina and Togo - hopefully home by Christmas. Check my Facebook - - you'l find a lot of nice (and even sexy) photos there
01.11.2015 Asked again for Update!
08.04.2018 Zvone Seruga answerd:
Hey, Bernd, Zvone Seruga from Slovenia here, ATW 1983 - 88.​ I'm still here
​ and alive, 62 years young and still full of ideas. I take motorcycle groups to Morocco for money and ride Africa & Asia for fun. By the end of this year I start ca. 8 months of TransAmericana - do you have any cheap idea, how to get the bike to Chile or Argentina? Just changed BMW 1200 Adventure for KTM 1290 - better that than change my (a bit) old lady, who is still the same as long time ago and still sharing the bike with me. 

Really sorry, but I will not be able to join you at the party, I'll have a group ob ten bikes in Morocco at that time. But I wish you all the best and thanks for your care and good work. enjoy!
Romana and Zvone Šeruga, Slovenia. .


200.04.14 Gerad Doughty on a Tesch-Travel-Treffen in Malmedy. Foto Dunja Brodowski.

1985 - 1997
Gerard Doughty (British, born ??.??.19??)
+ Around-The-World. In 09.1994 with YAMAHA XT 600 from England - Europe - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India. From 11.1994  to 01.1996 he rode 32.000 kms travelling clockwise around India - Nepal - Bangladesh and Ladakh. North of Ley is the highest motorable pass in the world, 5.602 m (18.350 ft). Then by ship from Asia (Bombay) to Africa (Mombasa) and per bike to South Africa.
Purpose of your travels: ???
The best: "In all my travels India is surely the most fascinating country I have ever visited"
Earlier experiences:
1978: Started travelling on boats
1985-1997 (????): With BMW R 100/7 Europe (England - ) - Asia (India) - Australia (New Zealand).
Then by ship from Asia (Bombay) to Africa (Mombasa) and per bike to South Africa.
1988-1991: With BMW R 80 G/S  Africa (Transafrica) and North- and South-America.
1994-1997: Asia (India) and Africa with YAMAHA XT 600 Tenere.
In 09.1994 with YAMAHA XT 600 from Europe (England - Turkey)- Asia (Iran - Pakistan - India). Gerad rode from 11.1994  to 01.1996 ca. 32.000 kms travelling clockwise around India - Nepal - Bangladesh and Ladakh. North of Ley is the highest motorable pass in the world, 5.602 m (18.350 ft).
The best:
"In all my travels India is surely the most fascinating country I have ever visited"
The worst: ??
Useful tips for others: ??

02.12.1997 First info by Mark Manley.
1998, 1999. 2000: Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.
04.2003: Hopefully participant of the 25th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 04.2003 with the main subject "Around-The-World". Gerard would have the honor to give a slides-show of his planned tour. It would be very humorous !
2004-2005 Patricia Govers-Tesch and Bernd Tesch visited Gerad and his wife Julienne Robyn in Australia (Perth).
23.03.2013 1st request for update and the three best fotos in best quality for this blog

14.01.1985 - 02.04.1995
Emilio Scotto (born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the 27 of September of 1954)
+ Around-The-World.  An extraordinary adventure. One man, one motorcycle, 232 countries, 458.000 miles (732.800 km) in over 10 years.
Welcome to, the most complete and detailed website about Emilio Scotto. In here you will find information about his journey around the world as well as pictures and videos from many of the places, people and scenes that he encountered during his ten year long trip around the world and the magic and stories that were left in his life. We are proud to present a brief concept of what is, according to the World Guinness Records, "the longest journey ever made by man in a motorcycle."
The passage covered by Emilio Scotto in these nine years is the greater one of the history of the humanity. Nobody visited so many places with a Honda Gold Wing nor crossed so many kilometers by different countries. Emilio rode between being 30-40 years with Honda Gold Wing 1100 Interstate " Princess Negra " first and only moto of Scotto. She has been reconstructed in two occasions (Madrid and Tokyo). 770.000 kms (456,729 miles) across 215 countries.
22.05.2000 Bernd Tesch has heard about Emilio Scotto many years. Because he was "on the road" I could never contact him. I do not know more details. Who knows him, his present address in Argentina or wordkwide publications about him??
17.12.2002 1st contact with Emilio: My name is Emilio Scotto. I want to congratulate you for your web page and for including my story. I feel honored that you took the time. At the moment I live in Los Angeles, California. I'm working on a series of books about my two journeys around the world and possibly a movie. Inshala. If you would like we could exchange banners. My website is Or, let me know in what way I can help contribute to your webpage.
17.12.2002 1st request for update
B.T.: World-Record Around-The-World in long distance.
For more information about Emilio’s
Emilio Scotto book THE LONGEST RIDE is on sale by Amazon.  

The following is a short part out of an Articulo en jornal "La Moto" en Februari 1994. Páginas 86-95
Escrito en Sucre, Bolivia 12/98 de fotocopias malas.
(Disculpa algos pequeñas errores :) Arto Rasimus. His plan from 13 years to 30: To visit in five years all the continents of the planet (5), all the possible countries (172), territories, dependencies and islands; this had to be fulfilled in a same motorcycle, without interruption of constant trip under no circumstance. Practically the same distance between the Earth and the Moon, roundtrip (770.000 km).
The planet had been more wonderful from which my imagination had created, but also much more difficult and complicated. It was not question to arrive at a new nation and to happen through her, adding only a number for the record. It had to know it, auque not outside more than crossing it of one to another end. And thus it was as the fantastic adventure had to change the number of five years by most logical of  10. After nine years of trip I already have visited 172 countries, in the five continents through 565.000 kms. Why I did it ? Because I am a man for which the limits are not obstaculo to my freedom, but border to explore, goals to surpass, or to lose..., but always to confront. It was not heroísmo, only one irresistible curiosity, and much madness. Let us be sincere. The five initial years now are ten. The 172 countries that were in the world in 1985 now in 1998 are 215. The original motor of moto, that had to fulfill all the trip, was changed in Spain. And to top it all, already not even I am single. Now I take with me to Joy (my woman), of that I do not have the value of taking off to me nor by two hours. That yes, I follow put in 770.000 km and 215 countries, discounted one by one and day per the day, as if outside most sacred and most important of this world. I have narrowed the hand of 560,000 people. Million have seen me in newspapers, magazines and television. I must so much, I have promised so much, I have received from all as much, that if  had to pay the same, and it could not fulfill it, it would have to go on bail to the jail with a sentence of 112.000 years without freedom. Just by three hundred dollars in the pocket, the prudent thing had been to stay but remote possible of those strange dreams of conquest and those showy visions of remote places. But... the horizon was every day in the same place, broken by steep tips, curvilinear rivers, mysterious forests, luxurious hotels, historical cities, bleeding wars, and as if it offered little, populated with innumerable races of beings. Shortly I will go again on a trip. As you can see in the map mundi, still it lacks a small part to cover. I will publish a pair of books and three atlases of photographies. I will mount a film with the material that there am idi recording years in the last. And... infinitivos projects. I know clearly that, despues of these nine years of trip, no longer I will be able to return to take the life of a normal person, neither for the good thing nor for the bad thing. Me dispararón in two ocaciones, I greeted the Pope, I spent 60,000,000 pesetas, I married in India and, mainly, I learned what moto is one. In the nine last years I spent about sixty million pesetas. In metallic money the rest will not have been more despues I have received it in form of gratuitous passages for boats and airplanes, invitations in hotels, photographic equipment and clothes. The collaboration of companies and individuals has been always impresindible to be able to continue the trip. My articles, published in magazines worldwide, and sponsorships covered other half. Now, with a small part of the trip to finish, like always, I look for patrocinadores, great or small, you can locate to me on telephone (91) 347xxx.
So I decided to run the risk and I let myself absorb through the enigmatic breach that was opened like a door in my or rumiante life, and that me conduciria to the insecurity of the stranger, and the uncertainty of every new day, or if it is wanted, each new one to wake up.
Route: Argentina - Uruguay - Brazil - Amazon - Venezuela - Colombia - Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador - Guatemala - Mexico - U.S.A. - Canada. 12.1986: Germany (Frankfurt) - Switzerland - Italy - San Marino - the Vatican - Monaco - France - Spain - Portugal - Morocco - Spain - France - Great Britain - Ireland - Scotland and return to France - Luxembourg - Belgium - Holland - Germany of the West - Denmark - Sweden - the North Norway and Cabo - Finland - Soviet Union - ferry to Poland - East Germany, the crossing of the wall of Berlin with a special permission of eight hours - Germany of the West by third time - Switzerland again - Liechtenstein - Italy - Austria - Hungaría - Yugoslavia - Rumania - Bulgaria - and do not let to me enter Albania - Turkey - Greece and return to Italy.  The interview with the Pope - the preparation of the crossing of the Sahara - ferry to Tunisia - Libya - Tunisia of return - Algeria - Niger - Burkina Faso - Mali - Mauritania - Senegal - The Gambia - Guinea Bissau - Guinea-Conakry ferry Liberia to forget - Ivory Coast - Desire - Togo - Benin - Nigeria - Chad - Cameroun - Guinea Ecuato - Gabon - Zaire - and, by the way, Mobutu. They do not let to me pass through Angola and is then the turn of Namibia - South Africa - Lesoto - Suazilandia - Mozambique - do not shoot! - Return to South Africa - Bostwana -Boputhswana - Zimbabue - Zambia - Malawi - Tanzania - Madagascar - Rwanda - Burundi and return back to Kenya - Somalia and I become Muslim, I am called Khalid Sagal Yumali now - The United Gowein - Emirates Arabes - Qatar - Bahrein - Kuwait - Saudi Arabia - Yemen of the North and the South - Djibuti - Etiopia - Sudan - Egypt, the Sinaí - Jordan - Syria - Iraq - Jordan again - Lebanon - the Sinaí of return - Israel - the Sinaí once again - Egypt again - Libya for the second time - Tunicia and ferry to Italy two years and a day later. March of 1990: I return to Spain, save " the Spanish Princess ", circuit of Albacete and patrocinadores  - France - Andorra - Monaco - Italy and to 30 km of Rome the motor explodes. Return to Madrid, change by a new propellent - France - Monaco - Italy - Malta - Italy - Greece - Turkey - Cyprus - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - and I cannot enter Afghanistan beyond kilometers - India - Nepal - Tíbet - Nepal - India - Sikim - Bangladesh - India - Singapur - Malaysia - Thailand - Laos -  Malaysia - Singapur - Brunei - Singapur - Srilanka - Maldivas - Singapur - Indonesia - Australia - Papúa - New Guinea - Australia - New Zealand - New Caledonia - Vanautu - Salomón - Mauru - Kiribati - Fiji - Tuvalu - Fiji - Layer.
Who is Emilio Scotto?

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the 27 of September of 1954. Therefore it is now 39 years old, and it began its long trip does nine, the 14 of January of 1985 now. It spent one hour with the eyes nailed in Honda GoldWing 1100 Interstate to end up saying itself to itself. " There it is the world. " Two months later it left the same agency with his " Princess Negra ". Fifty and five thousand kilometers later, next to their maps and their illusiones, left to the North. Aprendi not to write more letters of peace. I believe that nobody knows for sure what is that, and I less than nobody. But I believe in the Amazon, in the forests of Sumatra, the whales and the seals. In all the places that I have visited I have put in policy, sociology and religion, three subjects that before did not exist in my previous life. And I have liked so much that does not go away of the head the idea to me to try to be, someday, president of Argentina. After to have known almost all the towns the Earth, my opinions make me seem racist to eyes of some. For others I am realistic. I believe that, is not question of races, but of cultures. For example, I prefer thousands vezes to the Chinese that to the Japanese. Scotto, " Bubby ". Young assets and rebel, a medical visitador that made reality its dream: to give the return to the world. " I have learned five languages. Nonstrange to my pais nor to my family. To me it does returned little tolerant. I am a pariah? If he is asi, it does not bother to me..., something will be necessary to be. "In these nine years, and more than average million kilometers, it I have found everything. And everything is a thing: happiness." Samoa of the West, Fiji, Rarotonga and Tahití. It is 1992 already July and I am in an airplane flying towards the American continent that I left in 1986. When arriving at Los Angeles (Californian) it will be completed, one will close, be united the circle, the roller, the ring of route of trip around the world. The first circumvallation of the planet Earth in moto is complete. Uelta to the world begins seguunda. The return, passage by the North Pacifico and I arrive at Japan. "the Princess " visits her home. We are in June of 1993 and I send towards the west crossing the great China and the desert of Gobi, Mongolia, Uzbequistán, Turkestán... In November of the year 1993 arrival to a point already visited in previous years: Helsinki, Finland. Aqui I put the brake, a small necessary and forced and also, why not to recognize it, wished parenthesis. Flight with moto to Madrid. Tens of people hope in the airport of  You lower with welcome placards and a beautiful song my oidos. Emilio... Scotto... you do not lower of moto! The celebrations and you arrive passage in Spain. Spain, that I want so much to you, with your successes and deceits, with your unique spirit..... When you read these pages I already will be in route towards Finland. The worse moment and vehicle for the mistaken place. Like always. And your eternal desire of being always a happy country. Although with your crisis, in which I do not create just a little bit nor. It lacks a year of trip and some patrocinadores decide that they will be with me. Others still I hope. When you read this history I am from way to Finland, to retake my route in the direction of Iceland, Greenland, Alaska, paises of the Caribbean and South America. Yes already I know it, is winter. But thus it is my trip, is not interrupted. Rain, you roar or the Universe collapses. They lack 40 countries, 170,000 km. In addition, already I am in the mistaken place, the momentoequivocado one and with the mistaken vehicle. Perhaps when you begin to read these pages I am beginning to write a new chapter of this adventure. Something like... "February of 1994-N5uuk-Greenland... 20 below cero... " 600,000 KILOMETROS Parti of Argentina with an initial capital of 42,000 ptas. A camera Kodak Instantamatic. Six coils of 24 exhibitions. Four spark plugs of spare part. A clutch cable. A map of South America and another one of Europe. A compass. A knife of submarine hunting. A stock market with winter clothes and another one with summer clothes. A plate, glass and places setting. Passport. An international permission to lead valid by a year. A coat to sleep. Vaccines against the rage, typhus, yellow fever, smallpox and malaria. My personal indumentaria era rather of pain. With the exception of the helmet it did not have anything of equipment. Neither gloves, nor monkey, nor dull, nor idea of what moto was one. The only thing that clear tapeworm was what what wanted to do and where wanted to go. My mechanical knowledge were absolutely null. It lacked card of international passage for moto. Nobody believed neither supported my project, nor companies, nor clubs, nor public or deprived organizations. From 1980 to 1984 I made 55,000 km within Argentina without greater new development. In November of that year general unarevisión was made before initiating the trip. The exit occurs in January of 1985. The speedometers are placed to zero. In Venezuela the carburetors are cleaned. Change of battery in Panama. General overhaul in California. Gripa a piston in Washington, to 66,000 km (plus 55,000 km of before beginning the trip). The repair carries out Sling in New York. I arrive at Europe, I cross 31 countries without new development. France sling replaces for the first time the shock absorbers, the front wheel and the seat. Italy sling carries out a general overhaul and takes advantage of to change to the cardan joint and the right side of the bracket. The mechanics warn to me that moto will not resist the African adventure, and they for the second time make me notice that it is necessary to change the motor. I refuse although the supply is gratuitous. Childbirth towards Africa with four bujíasy a cable of spare part clutch. A screw of alternators The only serious accident of the trip I have it in Tanzania. I fall to 130 km/h and to moto it is made pieces: fairing, suitcases, manetas, et cetera. " the Princess " is repaired by the son of the Italian ambassador in Tanzania. I arrive at Spain in April of 1990, two years and a day after to have started off for Africa. Montesa-Honda offers to change the motor to me, but I refuse. They have opened it and they have been scared, but I continue denying to me. Moto has 386,000 km of trip already (plus the 55,000 original ones). Many pieces of the motor change. The cardan joint is replaced again, in addition to the right part of the bracket, the seat and the shock absorbers. In Moto Dise6no they fix to the fairing and the suitcases.I leave course to Asia, I cross Spain, France and to puetras of Rome the motor explodes when it took 387,500 km remuelcan to Me until Spain. Montesa-Honda opens the motor and is totally appears fused. Good bye, nobleman animal! You have given more than what nobody hoped, the sky is your place. Montesa-Honda places a new motor, constructed eb the same year that the previous one, and that had been only used to train mechanics. Sling considers that this propellent is very " toqueteado " and the best thing is to hope to than they send one new one from Japan. I do not have time that to lose, I insist and in the end they mount the motor in "the Princess ", who in addition was disarmed. I leave for Asia, is November of 1990. The indented gears of the gimballing transmission are broken, and me they fix them in miraculous plan. In Indonesia they become to spoil, they change of sense and nuts are used extra to rivet I grasp. I arrive at Australia, want to receive to change the cardan joint to me, nonacceptance, and cruzco the country saying so that entrance of parking of Sling, I push meters... They change to the seat and the cardan joint, besides to carry out a general overhaul. I arrive at the United States, finalized therefore the first return to the world. Moto sum 515,000 km (plus 55,000 original km). They replace the front disc, that seems a leaf to shave, and carry out a general overhaul. I arrive at Japan, Sling changes the cardan joint, speedometers, carburetors, bracket, rims, embraque, tilted, escapes, starting and some pieces more. Great overhaul. They want to change to the chassis perone I deny, because it has been welded by the man of the steel and the tower in the helmet. When entering Helsinki (Finland) the cardan joint becomes to break. I open it, I put it the other way around and I arrive at Sling. They say me that the pieces will take two weeks in arriving, but I must go to the Ping5uinos.The greater disadvantage than I have had in this means million kilometers has been the pinions of the cardan joint. Although also it is necessary to consider that has not taken a very easy life that we say, because they have had to arastrar the 400 kilos of moto, plus those of the pilot, by places where an Africa Twin would have had it complicated. Conclusion: Never, never never, " the Princess " has left wire drawing me.
26.12.2005 Peter Forwood tries to find out more details concerning the detailed route of Emilio Scotto:

21.09.1985 - 07.1989
Martyn Swain (British)
+ Nearly Around-The-World in 4,5 years. The simultan  interpreter Martyn rode solo ca. 250.000 kms with a BMW R 80 GS.
Route: Europe - Asia - Africa 15 months: Europe (GB - France - Germany - Switzerland - Italy - Greece) - Asia (Israel) - Africa (Egypt - Sudan - Uganda - Kenya - Tanzania - Sambia - Malawi - Zimbabwe - Botswana - South Africa - Nambia - St. Helena). S- and N-America 15 months:  South America (Brasilia - Argentina - Chile - Bolivia - Peru - Eqzador - Colombia ) - North America (Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador - Guatemala - Belize - Mexico - USA - Canada. 2,5 months New Zealand. 6 months Australia. Asia 1 months (Singapur - Malaysia - Singapur) - South Africa
Martyn visited Bernd Tesch many times before he started.
11.1996 Bernd Tesch visits Martyn in Capetown. There he was asimultan-translater.

2006. Meeting of two RTW-traveller: Elspeth Beard and David Parkinson in London on top floor of Elspeths Watertower. Foto Elspeth Beard.

05.10.1985 - 31.08.1990
David Parkinson (British, born in Trinidad, West Indies, May 1944 - 20.august 2009: died in a storm after he was washed away from his sailing boat Santana)
+ Around-The-World. David, a retired Royal Marines officer and now an Insurance Assessor, planned his motorcycle tour to ride as much as possible in the dry sunny weather and avoid riding in winter time. He wanted to ride keeping in the sun as much as possible and just ahead of the rain. With BMW R 80 G/S through 5 continents and 55 countries. 160.000 km (100.000 miles).
Route: England (London) - South - America - the Darien Gap 4 days walking and 3 days canoeing - North-America - with Columbus - shipping - Line to Australia (Sydney) - flight to Indonesia with bike - flight to Singapore - Pakistan - India - Iran - Germany - Great Britain (London).
Route: EUROPE: Ireland - crossed by ferry to Wales - England (London) - France - Spain - Portugal - Spain. AFRICA: Crossed by ferry to Morocco - Algeria - Niger - Chad - Cameroon - Central African Republic - Zaire - Kenya - Tanzania - Malawi - Mozambique - Zimbabwe - South Africa. SOUTH AMERICA: Crossed by ship to Chile - Argentina - Uruguay - Brazil - Paraguay - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador including the Galapagos Islands - Colombia - CENTRAL AMERICA: Flew the bike to Panama and flew back to Colombia and crossed the Darien Gap in 4 days in a canoe and 3 days walking to Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala. NORTH AMERICA: Rode across the border to Mexico - the USA - Canada - USA, and from Long Beach, California by ship to Sydney with Columbus shipping Lines. AUSTRALIA: In Australia in outline I covered the East coast from Melbourne to Cape York and then inland to Ayers Rock and to Darwin. SOUTH EAST ASIA: Crossed by air to Indonesia with my bike and by air to Singapore then toured in Malaysia - Thailand and back to Malaysia and Singapore - then ship to ASIA: India (Madtras) - Sri Lanka - North to Nepal - walked to Mount Everest base camp - back into India - then rode with Jean Claude Charras to Pakistan - no visa for China or Iran so flew to Amman in Jordan - rode to Syria - EUROPE: Alone back to Turkey - Greece - Italy - Austria - Hungary - Switzerland - France - Spain - France - Switzerland, Germany - Belgium - England again.
The best: The Best: Crossing the Sahara, crossing the Darien Gap overland, and walking out to Mount Everest Base camp.
From his spareparts David needed only a filter and a gasket. Because he was afraid of the lonely evenings he took a small radio "Grundig Yacht boy" to hear the radio BBC worldwide.
The Worst. Breaking my clutch in Zaire. From my spare parts I only needed a clutch plate, filters, gaskets and front fork oil seals.
4 times visitor of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers: 1992. 1993, 1995, 2000.
Book or publication : None.
Useful information and TIPS for others: Get your personal, medical and motorcycle documentation right before you leave your home country.
14.11.1991 1st information by Engelbert Boos
11.-12.04.1992 David visited the "14th Motorcycle Meeting for World-Travellers" in Aachen first time giving a view standing in a row with four other World-Around-Travellers. Bernd Tesch had the impression to meet a real English gentleman !
03.04.1993 Slides-show by David "15. Moto-Fernreise-Treffen". This was for B.T. very impressive because for me Dadid is the prototype of an "English gentlemen". 1992. 1993, 1995, 2000. 2005, 2008. Visitor of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.
03.05.2007 At the time of writing (May 2007) David is half way through a round the world sailing trip, having left England in 2006, he is currently in the West Indies, where he spent the first few years of his life.
2009 B.T. and Patricia met David at the 50th birtday of Elspeth Berad in GB near London.
20.08.2009 August 2009: David died in a storm after he was washed away from his sailing boat Santana.

06.11.1985 - ?
Stig Ericson (Swedish)
+ Around-The-World. With a Honda XLV 750 R Stig (57)  wanted to fullfill his dream to circle the world.
Route: Europe (Schweden - Germany (Travemünde - München) - Athen) - Africa (Alexandria - Suez ) - Asia (Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) - Riad - Dubai - Bombay (Indien) - Hongkong - Taiwan - Tokio (Japan) - Yokohama) - North America (USA (San Diego) - New Orleans - Daytona - Vero Beach - N.Y. - Europe (Rotterdam (Niederlande) - Stockholm (Schweden)).
Book (in Swedish in 1989): "Motorcyckel Jorden rundt" (= Motorradfahren um die Erde = Motorcycling Around-The-World). See


< 1986
Eric or Frank Eliasson (Swedish)
+ Around-The-World. The lorry-driver visited Bernd Tesch before his trip several times in Aachen. He rode with a motorcycle BMW.
Book: Own a report from him. Did not have the time to summarise this.

Foto: Tom Smith on scooter Melawend in Egypt

10.05.1986 - 02.07.1988
Tom Smith (Canadian) and
+ Around-The-World. Solo Around the World with Honda Elite 250. 50.000 kms.
Route: Canada (Ontario - Nova Scotia - Ontario) - by plane to Great Britain - Norway - Sweden - Denmark - the Netherlands - Germany - Belgium - Luxembourg - Germany - Austria - Liechtenstein - Switzerland - France - Spain - Monaco - Italy - Greece - by ship to Egypt - Sudan - Kenya - by plane to India - Nepal - by plane to Singapore - Malaysia - by plane to Japan - by plane to Hawaii - by plane to USA  (at Los Angeles - across the USA via San Francisco - St. Louis - Nashville - Washington D.C. - New York)  and back to Canada  (at Fort Erie, Ontario).
Purposes: New perspectives on life and love. In part, a journey in search of  "Her" - my soulmate. I designed this tour as a project to promote international friendship and communication: "Cycle for Life: World Odyssey"- meeting with municipal, regional and national government officials - mayors, governors, generals, ambassadors.  It was a journey of meeting people on their own ground and finding common bonds between people - the basis for friendship and understanding.  It was also a journey into the self - to overcome personal limitations and to gain.
The best:  surviving three crashes, injuries and dysentery; feeling the terror in Paris during "the September Bombings";
shaking hands with Pope John Paul at the Vatican;  resolving a confrontation with an Arab along the Nile; learning from romantic interludes and troubles in the Sinai; being kissed by a lion in Kenya; being taken downtown by the secret police in Nairobi; surviving a blistering but fascinating passage through India;  coming to grips with life in Nepal; discovering a treasure in the South China Sea;  overcoming "the Wizard of Oz syndrome" in the corporate and media worlds of Tokyo;  exploring island life while marooned for four months in the Pacific; and relishing the home run "across the living breadth of America".
Book: In the Long Run (2000). Plus Digital 42-image slide show on diskette. Both are only availabale through tom´s website (see on top).
03.05.2000 1st. information by Grant Johnson:
04.05.2000 1st contact.
17.02.2003 Tom: Just a note to say CONGRATULATIONS! on the coming 25th Motorcycle Meeting fo World-Travellers "Around the World" 11.-13.04.2003 to the meeting. I hope that you and I meet in person someday.
15.09.2007 A new email form Tom that something big happens 27th.11.2007.
16.09.2007 Request for Update. And personal request to visit the "50th Globetrotter-Meeting 25th.-27th.2008" in Malmedy / Belgium

> 25.06.1986 - ?
Roger Gustavsson (Swedish)
? Around-The-World. A Swedish truck-driver of  Bromma who visted me sometimes in Aachen to circle the world by BMW. I am not sure if really completed the tour. My letters in 1998 and 2000 have not been answered so far.
30.10.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows him, his present address or publications about him??

13.09.1986 - ??.08.1981
Gouillaume Meissonier (French)
+ Around-The-World. 47 countries on a HONDA XL 600 R in all continents. 135.000 kms. The enginer Gouillaume started in Africa just for holidays for a year. His hobby was catching butterflies with a net. Therefore he was wellknown along the route. He opened and dismanteled the motor 10 times.  He decided "on the road" to circle the world Around-The-World.
12.04.1992 First visit on the 14th Mc-Meeting for World-Travellers giving a short view. Standing in a row with 4 other Around-The-World-Travellers.
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers three times 1992, 1997, 2000.

11.1986 - ?
Erik Tombrock (Swedish)
+ Around-The-World. 17 Monate mit Suzuki GSX-R 1100. 77.000 kms.
1989 First info by Rudi Kretschmer
13.06.2005 Erik contacted me by email.
13.06.2005 First request for update.
13.07.2024 Next request for update via his wife Tina Tombrock by facebook.

1986 - 1999
Norman G. McElroy Obituary
Norman G. McElroy
(American, 22.01.1928 -14.08.2013 )
++ Three times Around-The-World. The American fireman and privat pilot and aircraft mechanic circled the world once by sailing-boats two times by motorcycle around the world. The first American who circled the world by motorcycle first time. He finisihd his second World-Around-Tour with 70. Therefore he is the oldest  Mc-World-Around-Traveller having done this.
Norman from Detroit - called "Smoky" - circled the world by sailing-boats (races) in 1969. Since 1979 until 24.06.1998 (then he was 70 years) re rode twice Around-The-World. He is the first American who reached Vladiwostok (starting in Europe) with his HONDA XL 250 in 1992 without Russina guides. He rode in all continents..
Route first World-Around-Tour: 1986 Alaska. 1,5 Monate. 6000 miles. 1990/1 Nord-, Zentral- und Süd-Amerika. 6 Monate. 20.000 miles. 1992 USA - Deutschland - Transrußland - Wladiwostok - USA - 2 Monate 12.500 miles. 1993 Deutschland - NL - B - F - GB - Irland - Schottland - Orkneys - Shetland Inseln - Färöer Inseln - Island - USA. 5 Wochen - 3000 miles.
Route second World-Around-Tour: 1996 Start in Detroit 26.09.1996 (USA) - von Bremen per Motorrad - Zweifall (Nach 3 Tagen stop bei Bernd Tesch Abfahrt 30.10.96) - Plan Capetown in 4-6 Monaten. Norman meinte 8.000 miles in Afrika; es sind bestimmt 14.000 miles! 1997: Zweifall - Belgien (Liege) - Frankreich (Rhone-River-Valley) - Spain (Bercelo - Costa del sol) - Algeciras - Marokko - Rabat - Layoune - Dahkla - Nouadhibou to Visa: Mauretanien (Nouakchott by French truck - Senegal (Dakar) - Tambacounda - by train to Mali (Bamako) - Burkina Faso (Segou - Bobo Dialassou - Ouagadougou) - Ghana (Accra) - Flug mit Motorrad nach Südafrika, da Unruhen / Rebellion in Zaire / bis Johannesburg in demselben Flugzeug - Capetown - Sprinkbok - Upington - Vryburg - Rustenburg - Pretoria - Nelspruit (Krüger Nationalpark) - dort 1 day Safari - Bulawayo - Victoria Falls - über die Brücke nach Visa: Zambia (Lusaka - Kabwe - Visa: Tanzania (Mbeya - Morogoro - Arusha - Serengeti - Ngorongoro-Krater (one of the best things) - Kenya (Nairobi) - mit Flugzeug bis Athen / Griechenland (2 Wochen) - Mazedonien - Jugoslawien (Belgrad) - Ungarn - Österreich (Linz) - Germany (Regensburg - Würzburg - Fulda - Zweifall - Bremen).
With Honda XL 250 (1979). 13.000 miles (= 20.800 km). Keine Reifenpanne. Kein Motorschaden. Nur einmal im Sand gefallen. Best: Safari in Kenya. No worst happening. Costs about US $ 5000 for this tour.
03.07.97-29.07.97: Bremen - DK - F - Estland - Lettland - Litauen - Polen - D - Bremen. Ca. 6511 km.
07.05.-24.06.1998. Around Australia: 12.385 kms being 70 years already.
08.04-06.05.1998: Around New Tealnad.  4166 kms being 70 years.
2000: Normans problem: He does not know any place to go. Probably he will return to Europe to see all the small contries like wie Andorra, San Marino zu besuchen.
1992 Norman called Bernd Tesch. Norman visited Bernd Tesch three times in Zweifall.
1994 Bernd Tesch visits Norman in USA.
25.07.1999 I got a postcard from Canada/Labrador. Norman is on the road again with HONDA XL 250 seeing some nice
North Woods Country and still looking for Polar Ice Bears.
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers once.
01:02:2015 Asked German Björn Gottschild to find Norman.
01.02.2015 Bjoern answerd me, Norman died in 2013:
McELROY, NORMAN G.; age 85; better known at "Mac"; of Lincoln Park; passed away August 14, 2013. He grew up in Lincoln Park, where he served as a firefighter until he retired. Over the years, he enjoyed sailing, hand gliding, flying, and motor cycling, which he did throughout Europe, South America, Africa, and Australia just to name a few. He was quite the traveler. He is survived by his brother, Charles of Arizona; sister, JoAnn of North Carolina; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his sisters, Maxine, Eleanor, Lois, and Margaret; and brothers, Jack and Thomas. Norm will be dearly missed by family and friends. Arrangements were made through Solosy Funeral Home in Lincoln Park.
Published in Heritage on Aug. 25, 2013. See more at:

01.09.1986 - 19.06.1987
Norbert Müllauer (Austrian)
+ Around-The-World. Norbert, Lehrer für Geographie, Wirtschaftskunde und Leibesübungen, fährt mit einer Yamaha XT 350 alleine und ohne Unterstützung um die Welt und legt 29.063 km zurück. In einer Art Dokumentation seiner Tour erzählt er, "offen für alle Impulse und Reize, offen, um in seine eigene Stille zu horchen". Vom Kriegsschauplatz Iran, wo er aus ungeklärten Gründen verhaftet wird - einerseits war das Land der Höhepunkt der Reise durch die Freundlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft in der Krisensituation, andererseits zugleich Tiefpunkt wegen der Verhaftung. Er lernt jede Menge "verrückte Leute" unterwegs kennen. "Ich habe mich unterwegs nie einsam gefühlt, auch wenn ich meist alleine war."
Route: Österreich - Ungarn - Rumänien - Bulgarien - Türkei - Iran - Pakistan - Indien - Nepal - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapur - Java und Nord-Amerika von Los Angeles nach New York - Belgien - Niederlande - Deutschland - Österreich.
Book: Mit dem Motorrad allein um die Welt.


13.07.2001 Tried again and again to get his report. I have been searching him for years and found him in Mexico city as an owner of a motorcycle shop in Mexico City: CYCLE WORLD Moto Boutique. Harris L. Cosman Mirsky. Manuel M. Ponce No. 17. Cto. Músicos. Cd. Satélite. Naucalpan. Edo. de Meéico. C.P. 53100. Tel. 393-2388. 370-7454. Married a Mexican girl. Has 4 children. Undersigned "World Traveler". Whatever this means
19.10.2001 Again and again I tried. His email does not work anymore. So I send another letter with money !
19.03.2003 Harry: Bernd, I found an e-mail that you sent me several years ago and some money. I spent the money so at least I owe you a thanks. THANKS! I am glad for you that you have been able to travel all over the place and built these great carrying cases so you can put ½ your worldly belongings on your bike with you. I hope that one day you will find what you are looking for and I hope it fits in one of your bags or at least on the back seat of your bike!
Aron said you were a realy nice guy and thats why I sent you my e-mail address. However you should understand something very basic about me. I didn’t travel to get famous. I didn’t ask for any high powered sponsors or write for any fancy magazines. I worked my way around from place to place and met and lived among the people I met. I did it for ME! I especially didn’t do it for you to write about me. Or for you to get famous writing about me. I have photos and memories about what I did and I will one day share all these with my children and God willing my grandchildren, but that is up to me. There is lots of life after traveling! In fact I think it only just gets started so I think I’ll get on with mine. God bless you. WORLD TRAVELER WITHOUT A NUMBER!
19.03.2003 x request for update.
11.05.2006 Send German MC-traveller Bernd Thiel to Harris to make sure that he does NOT leave this place without knowing the missiing dates above and the route.
25.03.2010 Harry answered to my letter. He nearly died because of cancer I
25.03.2010 Next request to Harry. And asking for ONE = the best picture of his tour with him and the bike.

??.11.1986 - ??.09.1990
Harris Cosman (Canadian, born ??)
+ Around-The-World.
Purpose of tour: I hated studding in school or reading about places and people. I wanted to experience first hand, see, smell, taste & feel but most of all to live the life of others.
Route: I started in Europe (Germany (Munich) where I bought my bike - Denmark - Sweden Norway - Denmark - Germany - Holland - Belgium - France - Italy - Austria - Italy - Yugoslavia - Greece - Cyprus - Asia (Israel) - Africa (Egypt). Shipped bike to Asia (India and rode from Bombay south to Madras then north to Calcutta) - then shipped the bike to Australia (Spent one year in Australia from Sydney north along the gold coast to Cape York then south and through the desert to Ayers Rock. North to Darwin then followed the coast to Perth). Shipped the bike from Perth to North America (Las Angeles. I lived in San Francisco for a while after picking the bike up in Los Angeles then rode home to Canada (Ottawa).
The best: Living in Israel on a Kibbutz. Getting lost in Finland and being found and guided back to a small town in the woods by an 11 year old girl on a bicycle. Living with Hippies in Darwin. Working on a sheep station in West Australia. Learning to play Cricket & being flown around in a bush plane. Working on a ship from New Zealand (Auckland) to San Francisco and hanging off the bridge on a rope, cleaning the windows on the outside, looking down and seeing schools of dolphins swimming beside the ship! 
The Worst
: Riding down the coast of Norway in August. Expecting summer weather, I wore winter gear and rode for ten or twelve days in the cold rain.
Book or publication: Articels ?. Na!
Useful information and TIPS for others: Get y
Ca. 1991 1st info by Glynn Roberts. Since then I tried to contact or meet him with several letters.
15.04.1999 Answer with my portrait by email
13.07.2001 Tried again and again to get his report. I have been searching him for years and found him in Mexico city as an owner of a motorcycle shop in Mexico City: CYCLE WORLD Moto Boutique. Harris L. Cosman Mirsky. Manuel M. Ponce No. 17. Cto. Músicos. Cd. Satélite. Naucalpan. Edo. de Meéico. C.P. 53100. Tel. 393-2388. 370-7454. Married a Mexican girl. Has 4 children. Undersigned "World Traveller". Whatever this means
19.10.2001 Again and again I tried. His email does not work anymore. So I send another letter with money !
19.03.2003 Harry: Bernd, I found an e-mail that you sent me several years ago and some money. I spent the money so at least I owe you a thanks. THANKS! I am glad for you that you have been able to travel all over the place and built these great carrying cases so you can put ½ your worldly belongings on your bike with you. I hope that one day you will find what you are looking for and I hope it fits in one of your bags or at least on the back seat of your bike!
Aron said you were a realy nice guy and thats why I sent you my e-mail address. However you should understand something very basic about me. I didn’t travel to get famous. I didn’t ask for any highpowered sponsers or write for any fancy magizines. I worked my way around from place to place and met and lived among the people I met. I did it for ME! I especially didn’t do it for you to write about me. Or for you to get famous writing about me. I have photos and memories about what I did and I will one day share all these with my children and God willing my grandchildren, but that is up to me. There is lots of life after traveling! In fact I think it only just gets started so I think I’ll get on with mine. God bless you. WORLD TRAVELER WITHOUT A NUMBER!
19.03.2003 x request for update.
11.05.2006 Send German mc-traveller Bernd Thiel to Harris to make sure that he does NOT leave this place without knowing the missiing dates above and the route.
25.03.2010 Harry answered to my letter. He nearly died becaue of cancer I
25.03.2010 Next request to Harry. And asking for ONE = the best picture of his tour with him and the bike.
18.03.2014 First better summary Harry: Bernd: You are stubborn, has anyone ever told you that? Probably if you are married! I guess you need to be in order to do this stuff. If you weren't you would have stayed home, wouldn't you?
18.04.2014 Next request to Harry. And asking for ONE = the best picture of his tour with him and the bike.
2014-2015: Harry wrote: n 1982 I almost died in the back seat of my friends BMW while he tried to drive drunk. I survived a punctured lung, missed a year of college then made my come back. I graduated Technical College as a Motor Vehicle Technician at the top of my class and went on to do an apprenticeship at a local GM dealer. But my love was always motorcycles. I read Ted Simon's book Jupiter's Travels and wondered how he could go out to do something like that without any mechanical knowledge at all. But I wanted to travel on a motorcycle but didn't want to have to rely on anyone sponsoring me or showing up to fix my bike when or if it broke. So I decided back in High School that I would get trained in the trade and then take off and see the world on the back of a motorcycle. I finally got an insurance settlement almost four years after the accident and about six months after I had received my licence as a technician and I finally left Canada for England and then Israel where I spent the winter of 1986. In May of 1987 I went by boat from Israel to Greece then Italy and took the train from Italy to Munich where I bought a Blue and White 1984 R80GS.

Mark Kaler and Max Wiseberg /British)
+ Around-The-World. On two BMW R 80 GS.
Address: c/o Ms Viv Brown, 4 Oakwood Court Bow Lane. Bowdon, Cheshire, WA14 3DJ.
Mark Galer c/o Mr. and Mrs, D, Galer, I Nourse Cottages Rock Lane. Lea. Herefordshire. MR9 7 JZ.
First Info on a handwritten paper by one of the helpers in my work without a name... Thanks says B.T. in 29.03.2015

06.04.1987 -  01.09.1989
Rudi Kretschmer (German)
+ Around-The-World. The educated teacher Rudi rode solo RTW with a Honda XL 600 LM: 55.000 kms though 5 continets and 30 countries. It was a paid world-around-tour by HONDA and mc-magazine MOTORRAD. Rudi won the 1st price out of...??.
Route: ? Süd- Ost- Asien: Singapur, Malaysia, Japan.
In 1999 -2000 he is now on a long distance tour with his family (wife: Bettina and two kids) through North - Central- and South-America.
Partcipant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers 11 times 1982-1998.
Book: "Mit dem Motorrad um die Welt (1990)" in German. A detailled book with The best and downs about a solo tour.
B.T.: 1979 I met Rudi in Africa first time.
Kretschmer, Rudi     World-A-Round  North- Middle- and South Africa
14.01.1999: When I phoned to Rudi to ask for his email and homepage he told me that he found out lately first that you write computer with C in the beginning. He will start with a laptop and email in 02.1999 in USA. He is flying with his wife Bettina and daughter Bella 10.02.99 to San Francisco. They will buy a van, going south to Panama, visiting Cuba, ship to Colombia and following through many countries in South-America slowly to Chile. Here they will stay for about a 3/4 of a year. Their trip to Chile will be about 14 months. Rudi: "Everything is open: May be we buy a cadillac in San Francisco and drive the roads there up and down if we like it".
1979: I met Rudi first time in 1979 in Africa by motorcycle. He travelled many years long distance tours in Africa by motorcycle. He had come many times to the Tesch-Motorcycle-Meeting
22.04.1989 Rudi gave kindly a slide-show at the Tesch-Meeting" about Africa and later about his World-A-Round-Tour by motorcycle.
1995 ? Rudi married Bettina and both worked in their shop for picture-design. Rudi did not even have a mc and had to borrow one when he came to the Tesch-Mc-Meetings. But he did not loose his travel-virus: "I do not want to make frames for pictures my whole life". Good luck next two years!
03.2000 I always get emails from them. They are travelling very slowly and are now with the whole family abnd a Caravan Combi in Central America.
24.03.2010 Next request for update.
ab 14.00 Uhr   Rudi Kretschmer: "Süd-Ost-Asien. Detail- Vortrag von Rudis Weltreise 87-89". Rudi (den ich 1979 zum ersten Mal mit dem Motorrad in Afrika traf) gewann eine von MOTORRAD, Honda und HB finanzierte Weltreise von 1300 Bewerbern. Von 04.87- 09.89 fuhr er mit einer Honda XL 600 LM durch 5 Kontinente und 30 Länder. Dieses Mal erzählt er uns von Singapur, Malaysia, Thailand und Japan.- Über seine Welt- Reise ist 1990 ein Buch erschienen. Ein sehr intelligent und ausführlich geschriebenes Buch zum Nacherleben, Träumen und Nachmachen. Rudi wird auf Wunsch sein Buch nach diesem Vortrag signieren.

05.1987 - ca. 1990
Moore Arlette and Gary Moore (American)
+ Around-The-World. Als Hochzeitsreise touren Arlette und Gary mit zwei HONDA Gold Wing um die Welt (mit zwei Moto-Guzzi ?): 51.000 (91.000 ?) miles. 35 Länder. 05.1987- 2,5 years. Es war eine Kombination von: Ship, ride, ferry and fly. Sie verließen Charleston ohne richtige Pläne. Sie schliefen oft draußen, aber der beste Teil war andere Traveller und Einheimische zu treffen.
12.05.95 1. Letter from Gary answering the article of Clement Salvadori in Rider
Route: USA (ab Charleston, South Carolina) - GB (Isle of Man) - Norwegen (Nordcap) - Portugal (Dort überwintert) - Marokko - Tunesien - Italien - Jugoslawien - Türkei - Griechenland - die Motorräder per Schiff nach Australien - Flug nach Indien (There they rented small bikes) - Nepal - Thailand - Motorräder von Australien nach New Zeeland - USA.
08.01.98 Information by Steve Attword.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publicatios about them??

Glynn Roberts on his RTW-Tour. Time to find a place for the night !

Glynn Roberts on his RTW-Tour. North-America.

Glynn Roberts in 1994 in Canada.

11.09.1987 - 12.09.1990
Glynn Roberts (British, born ??.??.1960) and Jo-Anne (Canadian, born 25.10.1962)
+ Around-The-World. 3 years Around-The-World with BMW 1981 R 80 G/S. Glynn met Jo-Anne on his Around-The-World-Tour while she was travelling by herself with a motorcycle Honda XL 600.
The British shopkeeper Glynn always had motorcycles since he was 16. So when he had time and money he decided to go around-the-world with a BMW R 80 G/S 150.000 kms in total
Purpose of travel: .....Because I can...
Route: From England to Australia he rode with Richard Attenborough (BMW R 65) - GB - France - Italy - Yugoslavia - Greece - Turkey - Greece - Egypt - Jordan - by ship to Pakistan (Karachi, at this time no chance of going overland to Iran for British people because of political reasons) - India - by cargo-ship from India (Madras) to Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - with a cargo-ferry to Australia (Darwin) - Alice Spings - Melbourne - Sydney (total in Australia 15 months, working for 5 months) - working for free transport to New Zealand (German Colombus Shipping lines) and USA (Harbour Long Beach at Los Angelos - New Orleans - St. Louis - Los Angelos) - Mexico (Mexico City, around Mexico) - USA (New Orleans - Key West - Atlanta (working for 5 weeks furniture restauration) - Chicago - Seattle) - Canada (Vancouver - Dawson City) - USA (Fairbanks - Prudoe Bay - Anchorage) - Canada - USA (New York) - England  (Manchester).
The best: Fast dirt roads. Taj Mahal. People.
The Worst: US$2000 repairs to the bike.
Useful tips for others:....just do it!
ca. 1993 1st Info von Roeland Herbert.
1992-2000 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 7 times .
In 1994 I visited Glynn and Canadian Jo-Anne in Nottingham for first time when I visited the 17 most famous British Motorcycle-Travellers. He was then a participant of the 1st British Motorcycle Meeting for World-Travellers in London. We have a good friendship.
07.-08.08.1998: The British World-Around-Traveller visited me with two Australian Motorcycle-Travellers Judy and Ian McDonald being "on tour" through Europe with two BMW 80 GS/ST. Ian is more of a collector of old British Bikes (owns six) than a traveller. Judy is a nice woman who always has travel-dreams. Bernd Tesch visited them in 12.1999.
18.10.1999 Glynn showed up with his BMW R 1100 GS and bought a rack and alumnium-panniers. He stayed for two days enjoying an open fire until 03.00 o´clock.
24.07.2011 Asked for the best foto from him with the bike on the tour. And a portrait. Glynn promised to send them next weekl !
28.11.2011 Glynn send this great portrait from him. Still missing a foto as well with his bike during the world-tour.
Glynn will travel in North of Chile in 2011.
05.04.2013 Last fotos.

Spring 1987 - 2000 ...
Susan Johnson and Grant (Canadians)
+ Around-The-World. Grant and Susan belong to the very LONG distance motorcycle travellers. They call themself "Horizons Unlimited".
Route: 02.1987 - 10.1987. Over 9 months of leisurely touring: North America (Canada (Vancouver BC) - USA - Mexico - Belize - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua (during the Contra wars) - Costa Rica - Panama - back to Canada to make money for 2 years). 12.1989 - 04.1994 New Zealand and Australia (where they got Australian citizenship). 1992-1995 Without the bike to Fiji - Tahiti - Solomon Islands Asia (Singapore - Bali - Malaysia). 1994-1995 Singapore (where they lived for a year) Hong Kong and Macau. 1995 To the USA for a while to make money. May 1996 Europe (UK - Norway to Nordkapp - Finland - Sweden - Denmark - Netherlands - Germany - France - UK. October 1996 Europe (UK - France - Belgium - Spain - Gibraltar) - March 1997 Africa (Tunisia - Libya - Egypt - couldn't get through Sudan at the time so flew to Nairobi - Kenya - south to Tanzania - Malawi - Mozambique - Zimbabwe - Botswana - Namibia - South Africa (Capetown). December 1997 South America (Argentina - Tierra del Fuego - Antarctica by ship without the bike - Chile - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia - flew from Bogota to North America (USA April 1998 (Miami) - Canada - Alaska - July/August 1998 - (Prudhoe Bay). In 1998 completing a round the world from North to South, touching the most southerly and most northerly reachable points by road.
The best: All the new friends we made on the way. Travellers and all the other people we met. Animals in Africa. Scenery everywhere.
Lowlights: Getting sick, several times... Contras stopping us with machine guns in Nicaragua to have a look at us.... Egyptian border crossings...
Book: Planned. Great website and monthly Newsletter for Motorcycle-World-Travellers since ca. 11.1999. You can get this free of charge asking him by email via his web-page at
Ca. 30.11.1998 1st contact
1999: Partcipant of the Tesch-Meeting for Motorcycle-World-Travellers.
27.08.2000 Currrently in UK, planning the next trip.
B.T.: They went  to the BMWMOA rally in Missoula Montana, where there were guests speakers about their Mc-World-Tour. They met the World-A-Round-Travellers Ted SIMON, Helge Pedersen and Greg Frazier in Ushuaia and others 24th.12.1997.
07.08.98 They finished their mc-World-Around-Tour having reached all North and south ends of Europe, Africa, South Amerika and North-America and have travelled in Australia and New Zealand as well. They wrote me that they circumnavigated the world North-South to be different and covered 39 countries in 5 continents and 98.000 kms.
They have ridden now twice around the world two up on the same motorcycle BMW. ............ No. one and a half. Canada to Panama, then back to Canada and to New Zealand, Australia and back to Canada, then UK. Almost but not quite I think. Then around the world - UK - Nordkapp - Gibraltar - Cape Agulhas - Ushuaia - Colombia - Miami - Alaska - Prudhoe Bay. Last sentence: "We´ll have a rest for a few days!"
26.-28.03.99: They gave a wonderful slide-show and a view about their 12 years of riding at the "21th Meeting for World-Travellers"
12.03.2003 Hi Bernd, no I won't be able to make it this year - but I will be there later in the summer - maybe we'll see you at the BMW Rally?


Ca. 1988
Hans Düsing (German, born ca. 1955) oder Hans-Heinrich Duensing ??
? Around-The-World. Circled the world. In 1988 Hans was 33 years and living in Nienburg / Germany.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??
Nienburg. Kennzeichen : NI-AZ 131.
Hercules Wankel W 2000.
Info von Ernst Leverkus. Hat 2 Fotos und Zeitungsausschnitt.
15.03.94 Tel. Auskunft: Friedrich (Garbsen) 05137/78326 (kennt Hans nicht).. Karl-Heinz: Seelze 05137/93161 (??).
06.04.94 Straßenverkehrsamt Nienburg: 05021/86726. Es gibt
06.04.94 Einwohnermeldeamt: 05021/870
06.04.94 05021/801-0 Finanzamt. Herr Tannhäuser. Herr John: 801320. Kasse-Fidjis.
30.07.2011 Email an

< 1988
Michel Wälti (Swiss)
+ Around-The-World. With XT 600 Tenere in about 2,5 years.
Route: Europe - Africa - India - Asia - Australia - USA - South America.
26.05.1994 First info by Andreas Kant.
30,07,2011 Der 24-jährige Tänzer Michel Wälti studiert an der Hoogeschool for den Kunsten In Amsterdam. (Vermutlich ein anderer)
Michel Wälti (Swiss). Glatthofstr. 5. CH-8152 Gladbrugg = Eltern-A. Tel. Eltern: 0041/1/8107315.
26.05.94 Tel. Michel Wälti: 0041/1/8103961. Untere Bubenholzstr. 88. CH-8152 Gladbrugg.
26.05.94 Info von Andreas Kant. Er traf ihn 1988 in Montana an der Grenze bei Schnee mit XT 600 Tenere. Europa-Afrika-Indien-Asien-Australien-USA-Südamerika. Komplette Weltumrundung.
Hat 2,5 Jahre Tagebuch täglich. Letzten 3 Jahre studiert zum Elektroingenieur.
Zitat: Wenn ich mehr Geld, wäre ich noch länger geblieben. Rudi Kretschmer hat ihn getroffen.
30.07.2011 Keines der beiden oberen Telefone funtioniert noch.
27.07.2011 Kirsten K. gebeten den in der CH einmal über dortiges Telefonbuch ausfindig zu machen.

Heimatort; Richterswil (ZH)
Wohnort: Oberdiessbach (BE)

Catherine Germillac on the ferry back to Punta Arenas in 1993. Foto Catherine Germillac (C).

07.06.1988 - 17.08.1994
Catherine Germillac (French, born ??.??.1968)
+ Around-The-World. Long distance travelling. She planned 1,5 years and came hom after 6 years with her bike Désirée. Since 1980 (being 18) Catherine worked and lived by her own and had no family. In 1986 she made her first mc-trip to Greece. In 1986 Catherine read the book of Ted Simon and was inspired to make a huge tour. One highlight was to meet my hero Ted SIMON in San Francisco. She has been  4 years in SA (travelling 2 years, working 2 years). She rode 95.000 km on her YAMAHA 125 DTMX called Desiree. "My bike is everthing, more important than a flat. Most important was my relation between the bike".
Route: Europe (France) - North America (Canada - USA (until 05.89, about 15.000 kms) - Mexico (until 07.89, about 5.000 kms)) - South America (Colombia (until 09.90. Working time 6 months: Translater for UN and a French teacher) - Equador (10.92, working time, tourguide on mountain bikes, Hotelmanager (1,5 y) - Peru (02.93) - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina (until 08.93, about 55.000 kms in SA)) - Australia (about 15.000 kms, 2 months waitress in a French restaurant - 08.94) - Europe (GB).
The best: All the people I met, who so kindly welcomed the stranger I was. In whatever country, through whatever language shared or not, the men and women I crossed path with, are the best discoveries of all those years' journey.
The worst: Being caught between the police and snipers' shots in the street of Bogota during the presidential elections of 1990.
Publication: None yet (2011).
Book: I still find it too sensitive to write about my 6-year adventure with Désirée (my Yamaha 125 DTMX about to celebrate her 25th birthday). Besides, I'm not certain it would interest anyone to read about a French girl who travelled around for so long on such a small bike, and nearly 25 years ago!
1996 Participant of the 18th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1996.
1999 Bike stolen in Edinburgh, but recovered 7 weeks later thanks to Catherine's determination!
Participant to an Horizon Unlimited meeting in England for a slide-show presentation.
Guest star in a DVD from Horizon Unlimited about Long Distance Women Travellers
20.11.2002 Asked for address in France now.
02.04.2011 Found her new email. Asked for update. And two best fotos.
13.04.2011 Tried to find new emails via Marie-Claude
15.04.2011 Last summary from Catherine.
25.06.2021: Last request for update concernung her adress and business.

Lis Anderen (Danish)
- Plan Around-The-World. 08.88 Weltreise - Plan mit 2 Pärchen und 2 Motorrädern um die Welt. The tour was topped "on the road". Reasons unknown.

Günther Holtorf (C). Foto aus website.
+ Around-The-World. 900.000 Kilometer mit dem Auto um die Welt: “Wir haben alles bereist, was man bereisen kann”

??.12.1988 - 07.10.2015 in Germany / Brandenburger Tor.
Günther Holtorf (German, born 04.07.1937) and Christine Holtorf ( died 2010).
ca.Around-The-World by car. Günther Holtorf reist seit 1989 mit einem Mercedes Long 300 GD durch ca. 215 Länder mit > 898.280 Kilometer. Sie planten 18 Monate Afrika. Danach beschlossen sie, weiter zu reisen. Günthers Frau starb 2010. Er will in 2015 aufhören. Der Mercedes soll in ein Museum.

by samduncan (vermutlich der Eigentümer der oberen website und des Artikels)
Wer träumt nicht davon: Offene Strasse, kein Stress, keine Hektik – Freiheit. Diesen Traum hat sich Günther Holtorf und seine Frau 1989 erfüllt. Mit ihrer G-Klasse bereisten sie 18 Monate lang Afrika. Aber die Reise war nach 18 Monaten doch noch nicht zu Ende: Sie beschlossen, weiter zu fahren. Immer weiter. Günthers Frau verstarb 2010, 21 Jahre nach Antritt der Reise. Auf ihren Wunsch hin fährt Günther immer noch. Und so dauert dieser Road trip schon seit dem Mauerfall an – 23 Jahre. Der fahrbare Untersatz ist seit 1989 derselbe: Ein Mercedes-Benz 300GD mit 3.0-Liter-Diesel und 85 PS. Nicht schnell, aber unglaublich stark. Im Wagen hat der Abenteurer alles untergebracht, was er zum Leben braucht. Auch das Dach ist voll beladen, das Auto hat mit geschätzten 3,3 Tonnen Gesamtgewicht ständiges Übergewicht. Und doch hält die G-Klasse bereits seit 800.000 Kilometern, die in 200 Ländern gefahren wurden. Wenn in einem Land die Strassen aufhörten, liess er seinen Otto – so nennt er seine G-Klasse – verschiffen und fuhr woanders weiter. Von Alaska über Afrika nach Nordkorea: Günther war mit seinem zuverlässigen fahrbaren Untersatz schon fast überall auf der ganzen Welt.
Der 74-Jährige dokumentierte seine Reise fotografisch mit zwei Leica-Kameras. Er kennt kein Internet, das heisst er hat kein Facebook, kein Twitter, keinen Blog. Die Welt erfuhr erst durch den Fotografen David Lemke in Vietnam von seiner Reise. Nächstes Jahr soll diese zu Ende gehen und die G-Klasse in Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart ausgestellt werden.
08.2012 1st information by TV
02.09.2014 email verschickt.
2015: TV-Sendung.Wohnt am Chiemsee.

1988 ca. Walter Commerell (C) mit einer BMW R 80GS in ?? .

14.08.1988 - 13.08.1989
Walter Commerell (German, born 1963)
+ World-Tour through three continents. Solo 364 days through Europe, Asia and Africa with a BMW G80GS . 35.000 kms.
Purpose: With 14 years Walter read the book “Jupiters Reisen von Ted Simon”. The book inspired him to do a similar journey and discover parts of the world.  From then he detailed the idea and started with 25 years.
Route: Europe (Germany - Austria – Yugoslavia – Greece – Turkey) - Asia (Turkey - Israel) - Africa (Egypt) - Asia (Jordan – Pakistan – India – Nepal- India) - Africa ( Kenya – Uganda – Zaire  - Uganda – Kenya).
Info: The original plan was go all the way overland to India. The plan failed at the border of Turkey / Iran.  No Germans where allowed to enter Iran, because in German TV the entertainer Rudi Carrell showed an Ajatollah in a way the Iran didn’t like. 
This led to a complete change of the original plan, with a ride over Israel to Egypt. From there the plan was to take a ship to Pakistan or over Saudi Arabia. After several attempts in Egypt and Jordan without success the rider and separately the bike was transported by plane to Karachi (Pakistan), where the overland ride was continued. The journey on the road to Lahore (Pakistan) and then to Delhi (India) was impressive with the worm welcome of the people.
The second “dream” of Walter to see the “roof of the world” becomes true with the ride to different places in Nepal. After a visit of the Tibetan border he left the bike at the end of the road in the Himalaya and walked through an overwhelming landscape with very nice people. The walk took nearly 6 weeks over several high passes 3,000 to 4,000m above sea level up to “small” peaks around the Mt. Everest base camp and some lonely valley’s. He did skiing in the snow with the kids of a small farm and repaired a solar system.
After some time in Nepal he went back to Calcutta (India) and Hyderabad (India). Getting tired from driving on Indian roads he continued by train to Madras in the South of India. He stayed in an international community and did a survey on their PV solar systems.
The journey took him North to Mumbai (India) and from there to Kenya. Beside the great nature with animals he took a walk through the rain forest up to the Mt. Kenya. Meeting nice people and dangerous animals with driving with the bike through a national park he continued going to Kampala (Uganda) with the plan driving though the dessert back to Europe.
The plan was, to cross  Uganda and Congo, to reach the big Congo river and go by boat on the river to Cameroun, Nigeria, Niger and Algeria . The journey was stopped in the middle of the jungle before reaching the river by a broken bike, starting raining season with heavy rains, flooded roads and some heavy undefined problems with the driver’s stomach. Walter transported the bike on several lorry’s back to Kenya and then to Germany.
He came home after 364 day’s of seeing and understanding parts of the world.
The best: Let the dream come true - ride and walk through the Himalaya.
The worst: Fearing life, when faced with a gun barrel of some guerilla soldier in Africa
Earlier experiences:   Analyze people, repair bike, never get lost, be strong.
Book or publication (about your tour):.... About 20 articels in local Newspaper FREIZEIT TOTAL in Gingen.
13.12.1991 Slides-Report: In der Rätschenmühle in Geislingen/Steige. Thema "Mit dem Töff zum Dach der Welt".
31.03.2013 First information by Dr. Joachim Aurnhammer.
31.03.2013 Found Walter Commerell by tel-book. And phoned with him. He offered me first infos. And promised ro scan the articles within a month ca.
19.04.2013 Last summary.

19.09.1988 - 10.03.1994
Ian Ball (British. born ??)
+ Around-The-World. The cabinet-wood-maker Jan (24) rode solo on a BMW R 80  5,5 years through 43 different countries. 144.000 kms. Raising money for charitiy: Pounds 25.000.
Route: Europe (England - France - Belgium - Holland - Germany - East Germany - Poland - Hungary - Czechoslowakia - Yugloslawia - Greece - Turkey) - Africa (Egypt - Sausi Arabia - Qatar - U.A.E. - Oman - Asia (Pakistan - India - Nepal - Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - Burma) - Australia - Asia (Brunei - Taiwan - South Korea) - North America (USA, Mexico - Guatemala - Belice - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama) - South America (Colombia - Equador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina - Paraguay - Brazil - Europe (France - England).
11.03.1993 first letter from him from Road Knights MC Club in Panama.
1998. Participant of the 20th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1998.

Björn Kofoed. Sahara. Where?

Björn Kofoed. Australia. Rolling Stones. Devil Marbles. Rright: Björn Kofoed in ??.
09.12.1988 - 03.03.1992 Börn Kofoed (Norwegian. * 29.10.1954) (Not sponsored by Nike ��)
+ Around-The-World. Björn Kofoed:  "Don't speak about it. Don't dream about it. Just DO it!"
Björn: Please overwrite like this example below. Just overwrite it,:
+ Around-The-World. World-Tour through six continents. Solo 1.100 days through South-America, North-America, Australia & NZ, Asia, Africa and Europe with a Kawasaki KLR 650, 190.000 km.
Purpose: Adventure and life time experience.
Route: Start in America North (USA, New York 09.12.1988- Mexico, Latin America (contry by country please??..) and South-America to Tierra del Fuego.  Back up through South – and North-America to USA, Prudo Bay, Alaska.  Back down to Los Angeles and with a container ship to Australia. Toured all around Australia and NZ for five months, and then with a ferry from Darwin to Asia (Indonesia. Toured through Asia ?? (country by country) to Europe and with a ship from Sicilia in Italy to Africa (Tunisia. Country by country....? Toured through Africa from top to bottom through Sahara desert and rain forest from west to east and ended up in Cape Town).  To be able to reach the late summer in Europe, I shipped the motorcycle with boat to Marseille in France. Toured through Europe to North Cape in Norway and rested a couple of months in my hometown Tromsø, before I continued my trip to Germany and finalized my Around-the-world-tour in Munich in the beginning of March 1992.  Since then, I still live in Germany, since 1993 in Essen.  You can look up my website to see more information and pictures from the trip.
The best and worst is Africa at the same time. The worst because there are so many problems and challenges occurring every day from bad or even missing roads, corruption, riots, hijacking, robbery, murder, weather condition, malaria and other sicknesses, food, accommodation, drinking water, wildlife etc. 
And the best: if you survive ��, due to all the memories and stories to tell regarding all the problems described above.  This is the continent with the biggest contrast to our “western” lifestyle, and therefore most challenging.  A simple border crossing can take 2-3 days ��, in some cases.
Useful tips for others: So if I did not have 3 years to travel around the whole world, but only 3-6 months, I would definitely choose Africa as the most adventurous and challenging.  Also keep you updated where there are bigger problems to be avoided, especially riots and civil wars.  In those cases, your life is in urgent danger and not worth much at all.  However, your money, but your smartphone, your equipment and your motorcycle or vehicle are worth much more than your life!
I used one Kawasaki KLR 650 enduro motorcycle. After about 120.000 km on the first engine, I swapped my engine with a used “fresher” one in Australia with “only” 35.000 km on the meter, to lower the risk for urgent repair needs in Asia and Africa.  Both the first engine and the second engine run both over 120.000 km without any problems, and I did all the services myself.  I still have my motorcycle in 2019.

Organization: :
On two Kawasaki KLR 650. No problems with motorcycles. 180.000 kms.
1994 and 1998: Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.
11.03.2003: Björn: Leider werde ich nicht da sein am 11 bis 13 April. Aber ich vermute einer von den anderen kommen.
12.03.2003; 1st request for update.
08.04.2019: Vielleicht komme ich zum 61. TTTreffen.
08.04.2019: Bernd Tesch antwortet.
08.04.2019: Next request for update
10.04.2019: Last update.
11.04.2019: Next request for update.


< 1989
Diane Saint-Quentin (French ?)
+ Around-The-World. La Vuelta Al Mundo en un Ano. The French Diane (27) rode solo Around-The-World with Yamaha XT 350, 36.000 kms in 1 year.
03.08.96 First time I say this article in France at Jean-Paul-Schulz. Spanish Solo Moto. April 1989. pp. 66-72. Jean-Paul promised to send me a copy but never did this. Now his address is incorrect in France.
16.08.96 I asked Yamaha Deutschland and Solo Moto without success.
27.06.98 Phoned with Ernest at Solo Moto.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows her, her present address or owns the publications about her??
07.11.01 Next try via José or Ernest. Tel. 0034-93-4315533: Email: or I could never find her although I tried hard! I do not own the publication in: Spanish Solo Moto. April 1989. pp. 66-72.

Tim and Julie Brown (British)
+ Around-The-World. On a TRIUMPH 650 ex plolice bike.
Address: 14, Beechfields Road. Tottenham. London. N4 IPE.
First Info on a handwritten paper by one of the helpers in my work without a name... Thanks says B.T. in 29.03.2015

1989 - 1994
Robert Bob Auburn (American)
+ Around-The-World. With Honda Magna 700 and 132 pounds weight Bob (60) circeld the world: 165.000 miles ( = 264.000 km) through 51 countries:
Route: Europe. North-Africa. North-America. Asia. Australia. World.
Book: The Endless Ride.

02.1989 - 1989
Andre Wenzel (German)
- Plan Around-The-World.
Plan ab 02/89 7-8 Monate um die Erde.
23.02.91 Had a bad accident with motorcycle in Spain. Stopped his plan. Instead of this he made two small rides in Africa.

05.1989 - 12.1991 and ca. 01.10.1997 - 05.2000 and ca. >06.2000 - 15.05.2001 and 03.- 07.2002
Gregory Fr., (Indian American)  
+++?+? Around-The-World.
For the first tour the Indian-American Greg told me: It was a Motorcycle-World-Tour as a mistake. 42.000 miles (ca. 70.000 kms) with  BMW R 100 RT.
1st route: USA (Denver, Colorado - L.A. - Flug nach Hawaii) - dort mit Harley Davidson - Flug nach Australien - dort YAMAHA XT 600 3 Monate ca. 15.000 kms - Flug nach New Zealand - dort 1 Monat mit Kawasaki B 1 1000 beide Inseln - Flug nach Denver - by car to L.A. - to Newark, New Jersey mit BMW R 100 RT - Flug nach München - mit BMW K 100 D - GB - NL - D - DK - Norwegen - Schweden - DK - D - Belgien - Frankreich - Italy - Griechenland - Türkei - mit Flugzeug ohne Motorrad nach Australien - New Zealand dort mit SUZUKI RG 500 - Flug nach USA (Denver) - Flug nach Istanbul - mit BMW K 100 nach Bulgarien - Rumänien - Ungarn - Österreich - D (München) - Flug nach USA (Colorado) mit BMW R 80 G/S to Alaska (Anchorage, zurück nach) - USA (Denver) - Guatemala - USA (Denver).
1996, 1997, 1998 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers and three times personal guest.
2nd route and view of second World-Around-Tour in detail missing: With BMW R 100 GS 55.000 kms North America and South America in 5 months. Australia. New Zealand. Japan. Africa. Europe.
3rd route and view of third World-Around-Tour in detail missing: North America ...- Europe - Asia - North America.
4th route and view of fourth World-Around-Tour in detail missing: North America - Europe - Africa and Asia (Moscow- Vladivostok in ca. 30 days).
08.03.2004: A sponsor called Mark Hansen of LA (unfortunetaly without readable sender !! Send me an email !who helped to preare the bike send me a publication of Motorcycle Consumer News oct and dec 2002 an.
March - july 2002, 5 months. 19.631 miles. 24 time zones.
With sponsored KAWASAKI KLR 650 (from 2001)
Books: Motorcycle Sex. New Zealand. Alaska. Riding South (North-, Central and South America). Several videos for sale.
Greg visited the Tesch-Travel-Treffen several times and was a personal guest here as well.
B.T.: The first American who circled the world twice by motorcycle was Norman McElroy. Greg was the second American but the first INDIAN American who circled the world twice by mc. Although Greg knew this from me he published that HE was the first American who circled the world twice. Because I discovered this he was upsade and stopped informing me.
About 20th.05.01 I got an indirect copy of him that he finished his third ride RTW. He did not write this in person to me and I cannot proof this. So he could be the first man and American who circled the world three times by motorcycle. But as far as I know the motorcycle/s did not go around- -the-world and he did not visit one country after the other but flew over some countries.
08.03.2004 Fr. made it as a person four times RTW. And he used motorcycyles somehow. I have neer seen published the third and fourth ride RTW very clear country by country. But as far as he does not describe and publish in detail his route and (especially which parts he rode by motorcycle or flew with or without motorcycles and for what reasons) the third and fourth ride are NOT acknowledge as a motorcycle-tour around-the-world. If somebody sees a publication with detailed information of the missing ones I would be grateful for this. My only intention is to summarise the truth of "Around-The-World"

06.1989 - 09.1991 + 1993 - ca. 1995
Thomas Bartels (German)
+ Around-The-World. The lorry-driver Thomas got cancer after his first World-Around-Tour. After the first chemotheraphie in 1992 he decided to take not a second one. He would better prefer to die on another world-around-trip (planned 1-3 years) with his bike than in a hospital. In 1993 he started again. He came back after 1,5 years and died of cancer in 1998.
Thomas phoned Bernd Tesch first time in 1993.
Book: Bernd Tesch owns a private brochure about his first World-Around-Tour.

Ca. 12/1989 - 01/1992
Jari Saarelainen (Finland)
+ Around-The-World. In 752 Tagen 108.000 km mit Goldwing durch 43 Länder in 5 Kontinenten.
1994 Info von Chris Wils.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??
26.03.206 More info from Arto Rasimus: Jari has worked before and after in his family's company in Australia and Thailand.
They produce wooden houses and cottages. Name of company is Honkarakenne.
05.04.2006 1st request to Arto: Do you know how to contact him ?


Debra and Steve Attwwood "on the road" 1990-92

04.05.1990 - 01.04.1992
Debra and Steve Attwood (British) Business producer of CHILLI Heated Clothing.
+ Around-The-World with one Moto-Guzzi. Based on Model T3 850cc, but modified for tour.We travelled about 57,000 miles (or approximately 91,200 kms.
Route: Europe 10.000 miles (UK - Belgium - Germany - Hungary - Yugoslavia - Greece - Turkey - Greece) - Boat to North Africa 3.500 miles (Egypt - Sinai - Israel - Egypt). British could not get a visa fror Iran this time. So we wanted to ride via Israel - Jordan - Saudi Arabia to Gulf erea. But the Gulf war started. So we rode back to Egypt and flew with the bike to Bombay, India (via Abu Dhabi). Asia 8.000 miles (India - Nepal - India - plane trip with bike to Bangkok, Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore). We flew to Perth, Australia, bike sent via boat. Around Australia 17.500 miles (Perth - crossed Nullarbor plain - Port Augusta - Adelaide - Melbourne - Canberra - Sydney - Brisbane - Queensland - Northern Territories - Darwin - Katherine - Alice Springs - Ayers Rock - Coober Pedy - Adelaide - Sydney). Flew to Auckland, New Zealand, bike sent by boat. New Zealand 7.000 miles (Travelled around both North and South Island, New Zealand). Flew to Los Angeles via Fiji, bike sent by boat to Los Angeles. North-America 11.000 miles (Los Angeles - San Francisco - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Arizona - New Mexico - Texas - Louisiana - Florida - Georgia - South Carolina) - bike sent by boat to London - we continued via Greyhound bus to New York). Total miles travelled 57,000 (or approximately 91,200 kms)
Purpose of travel: Lifelong ambition.
The best: So many, but key points: Seeing wall being taken apart separating West/East Berlin; riding Moto Guzzi over giant sand dunes (as tall as a house) in Sahara near Siwa Oasis close to Libyan Boarder. Seeing the Pyramids of Giza; climbing up to see the sun rise over Mount Sinai; surviving India; visiting Taj Mahal; 8 day trek in foothills of Annapurna Mountains (Nepal);scuba diving on Great Barrier Reef; Travelling down centre of Australia; climbing Ayres Rock; bungee jumping in New Zealand;seeing the Grand Canyon in North America; crossing Death Valley; various people experiences in many countries.
The worst: Being too close (in our tent) to a night time machine gun battle in East Turkey between Kurds and Turkish police; Having to change route because of Gulf War; Being searched at machine gun point during desert crossing in Egypt; Getting lost in the Sinai desert; Trying to get out of Bombay - it took 5 hours in very high temperatures and extreme humidity; Dodging curfews and road closures in northern India; Suffering heat exhaustion in Northern Territories after canoeing through Katherine Gorge, Australia; Severe food poisoning in New Zealand.
Book or publication: None
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Don't keep thinking about it - just do it!
12.05.95 First Info by Gary Moore. Steve and Debra made a job of out it and are producer of CHILLI Heated Clothing.
1999 Participant of the 21th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1999.
29.07.2011 Who knows the present address of both which I know in person?


(C) Gail and Eric Haws in Russia 1992. Going from the east coast of Russia to Finland.

2012: The "maker": Eric Haws managed most. Gail followed him in each corner of the world.

1990 - 2011
Gail Haws (American, born 1960. ) and Eric Haws (American, born ??.??.19??. Died 04.05.2013)
+ Around-The-World. 1990 - 1998 First trip Around-The-World was East to West.  1990 - 2011 on second trip Around-The-World North to South.
Summary of summary: Miles travelled in North America 150.000 miles. Miles travelled in rest of the world: 200.000 miles. TOTAL:  400.000 miles. Normal travel is on 1991 GS BMW. Always two up. Gail and Eric had 10 serious breakdowns in 10 different countries.
They have places visited not visited by most around the world motorcyclists because they are out of somewhat out of their way: Iceland. Indonesia. New Zealand-3 times. Baltics- 3 times to Estonia, Lithuiana, and Latvia. Scotland and Ireland. Singapore (1996  200 miles). Tasmania. 

Motorcycle Resume  Summary:
Three Trips to Russia:
1990  5000 miles Western Russia and Baltics.
1991  Siberia by Russian moto 3300 miles.
1992  Across All of Russia 7916 miles to Finland Guinesses Certificate for this trip.
2001  Finland to Bulgaria to Germany (Frankfurt). 6.600 miles.
Toured in Northern Europe four times:
1993  Finland to Iceland and back 8000 miles.
1994  Finland, Baltics, Poland Germany 2976 miles.
1998  Germany and France and Return 7000 miles.
1999  Germany to Ireland to Finland 8000 miles.
Toured Australia five times :
1995 4068 miles and again in
1995 5500 miles
1996 that year 3500 miles
1997 4500 miles
1998 Trip around the coast 18.000 miles
Toured New Zealand three times:
1993 4863 miles
1994 3876 miles
1998 3911 miles
Toured the US, Canada and Mexico many times
1990 - 2000. We live in the US and travel around the US only total 100,000 miles.
1994 + 1998   5000 miles in Mexico
1999  18.300 miles in Canada.
Toured Indonesia:
1996  5026 miles
Toured South America:
1998 10,000 miles in Chile and Argentina.
2000  3945 miles in Argentina and Bolivia
2001  Around Equador. 2.300 miles.
2002 plus:   Many jouneys especially in Brazil
B.T. 2001: Eric and Gail started 1990 riding motorcycles together. The American lawer and Mc-Traveller Eric is carrying his wife on the back of his BMW, because - as he told me here in Zweifall at my home - she is the "boss". But in fact she is following him where ever he wants to go: "Magadan in Russia -Transsibiria - Finland: They were the first riders I know travelling from Magadan along the BAM - railway through Siberia to Moscow and Finland (01.07. - 22.08.1992) without taking a train. As well they travelled on ONE  BMW R 100 GS: 8.273 Miles (13.239 km). They learned to love the Russian friendship and the mosquitos. Russian-Route 1992: Magadan - BAM  (Baikal Amur Mainline) Rail road - Aldan River - Tynda - Lake Baikal - Bratsk - Moskau - Finland. They rode 3 times in Russia: 1990 (without Russian guides !). 1991. 1992. 
26.03.1998 Both are just retired in 1997 and came just for the "21th Meeting for World-Travellers" to Germany. They intend to ride and travel forever.
14.04.1998: Eric and Gail Haws from USA visited us first time. 
1999 both visited us here another time travelling in Europe.
12.-14.04.2002 They intend to come to the "24th Meeting for Motorcycle WORLD-Travellers".
They  keep a 1991 BMW in three countries.  Several years in Finland, then Norway, now Germany is one. Another is in Greece.   The one in Brazil they recently sold because BMW does not really make good touring motorcycles. But they have 5 BMW motorcycles including one with an EML sidecar. Leaving three motorcycles and all gear in three different countries gives them the flexibility to return to a country and tour that country and surrounding ones in depth.  Not just ride though on some once in a life time tour of the world. Gail and Eric maintain a home in Oregon which is a nature reserve to which they welcome non-USA riders if they come on a motorcycle.
B.T. 2001: Eric and Gail started 1990 riding motorcycles. The American lawer and Mc-Traveller Eric is carrying his wife on the back of his BMW, because - as he told me here in Zweifall at my home - she is the "boss". But in fact she is following him where ever he wants to go: "Magadan in Russia -Transsibiria - Finland: They were the first riders I know travelling from Magadan along the BAM - railway through Siberia to Moscow and Finland (01.07. - 22.08.1992) without taking a train. As well they travelled on ONE  BMW R 100 GS: 8.273 Miles (13.239 km). They learned to love the Russian friendship and the mosquitos. Russian-Route 1992: Magadan - BAM  (Baikal Amur Mainline) Rail road - Aldan River - Tynda - Lake Baikal - Bratsk - Moskau - Finland. They rode 3 times in Russia: 1990 (without Russian guides !). 1991. 1992.
26.03.1998 Both are just retired in 1997 and came just for the "21th Meeting for World-Travellers" to Germany. They intend to ride and travel the next ten years.
06.08.2011 Asked for update and a the best foto of them with their bike for this blog.
19.08.2011 Last summary. Asked again for update.
26.08.2011 Gail and Eric come another time to Europe starting in Belgium
10.10.2015 Daugther Lis Haws wrote me: Gail and Eric were just awarded the American Fisheries Society Presidential Award for Habitat Conservation. They were partners of the Oregon Chub Working Group - a collaborative of private land owners and agencies to restore and create ponds for the Oregon Chub (a small minnow like fish). The project took ten years and was so successful that the Oregon Chub was taken off the US Endangered Species List - the first fish ever! 

Foto Manfred Bichler in 1991-1992 (C) in Karakorum Highway

Manfred Bichler (German, born 03.01.1962) Travel-Videos von Manfred Bichler in youtube: und mehr hier
+ Around-The-World. Manfred circeld solo the world in normal vacations on 5 big tours and many others. Total 350.000 bis 400.000 km in some years on two BMWs including all his tours in Europe as well.
Also 5 große Touren und: 1981 in Frankreich 1. Tour. 1982 Skandinavien. 1983 Schweiz - Italien. 1984 Griechenland - Türkei. 1985 Island. 1986 Spanien - Marokko - Portugal. 1987 England - Irland. 1988 Nordamerika: USA - Kanada. 1989 Italien. 1990 Afrika. 1991-92 Asien - Australien. 1993-94 Südamerika. 1995 Neuseeland. 1996 Madeira. Aab dann ist es ruhiger geworden, nur mehr 1 Woche Alpen im Jahr per Motorrad.
Purpose: Den Horizont erweitern und sehen was nach der nächsten Kurve kommt.
Route: 28.000 km in Afrika 1990 in 15 Wochen mit BMW R 100 GS (nur 1 Pattfuß): Deutschland – Österreich – Italien – Tunesien – Algerien – Niger - Burkina Faso - Togo-Benin – Nigeria – Kamerun - Zentralafrikanische Republik – Zaire – Ruanda – Uganda – Kenia – Tansania – Sambia – Malawi – Simbabwe – Botswana - Süd Afrika.
40.000 km überland nach Asien + Australien in 1991/92 in 19 wochen mit BMW R100GS /(nur 2 Pattfüße): Deutschland – Österreich – Italien – Griechenland – Türkei – Iran – Pakistan – Indien – Nepal – Indien – Thailand – Malaysia – Singapur – Malaysia – Australien.
40.000 km rund um Südamerika 1993/94 (20 Pattfüße) in 17 Wochen mit BMW R100GS: Argentinien – Uruguay – Argentinien – Paraguay – Brasilien – Venezuela – Kolumbien – Ecuador – Peru – Bolivien -  Chile – Argentinien.
(26.000) = 20.000 km in 9 Wochen Nord-Amerika mit BMW R80G/S: ??
1995: 12.000 km in Neuseeland in 5 Wochen mit BMW R100GS.
The best: die Stille der Sahara, die Anmut der Berggorillas, die Wildheit des Karakorum, die Abgeschiedenheit der Atacama.
The worst: Überschlag in der Sahara, Malaria in Kenia, Zollprobleme in Bangkok, 20 Plattfüße in Südamerika.
Useful information for others: Träume nicht dein Leben, sondern lebe deinen Traum
Publication: Books in German:
In 19 Wochen nach Sydney. Kreuz und quer durch Afrika.
1998 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1998.
02.03.2002 1st request for update.
10.03.2006 4th request for update
23.07.2011 Last summary
Anmerkungen von B.T.: Manfred ist eine Art Multitalent: Viele Reisen. Bücher schreiben. Videos in youtube. Technik-Mensch in der Musikband. Haus selber bauen. Familie gründen.

04.03.1990 - 03.10.1993 FIRST JOURNEY
Myles Nott and Leo Arundell (Australians)
+ Around The World (together with tour 09.05.1999 - 03.11.2000 SECOND JOURNEY). Myles (26 years) rode from Australia through Asia to England then from England through Europe and Africa to South Africa using a YAMAHA XT 600 Tenere 1988 model all the way with Leo, also riding a YAMAHA Tenere.
Route: Australia ca. 5.000 kms (Melbourne - Darwin). I flew to Indonesia then over land and sea to Singapore. Motorcycle went by ship from Darwin to Singapore. Asia aprx. 25.000 kms (Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - and return to Singapore. Motorcycle by ship from Singapore to Madras, India. I flew from Malaysia to Madras, India. India - Pakistan - Iran - Turkey). Europe aprx. 28.000 kms (Greece - Yugoslavia - Italy - France - Monaco - England - Belgium - Luxembourg - Germany - Switzerland - Spain) - Africa aprx. 40.000 kms (Morocco - Western Sahara - Mauritania - Senegal - The Gambia - Mali - Burkina Faso - Ghana - Togo - Benin - Nigeria - Cameroon - Central African Republic - Zaire - Uganda - Kenya - Tanzania - Malawi - Mozambique - Zimbabwe - Zambia - Botswana - Namibia - South Africa). Motorcycle and I went by cargo ship >from Durban, South Africa to Fremantle, Australia. Australia aprx. 4.000 kms (Fremantle - Adelaide - Melbourne, home).
The best: Sand seas in Sahara, Ice roads and sub zero temperatures in Turkey, High altitude deserts in Iran and Pakistan, Jungle drums in Africa and incredibly friendly and generous people around the world.
The worst: Stressful border crossing and head-on collision in Africa, Bilharzia.
Book or publication: None.
Useful information for others: Leaving is the hardest thing, so don't think about it. Just do it!
08.01.2001 1st contact by email
We also know about 10 Japanese people who have
motorcycled around the world.
>>>>>This is very interesting: I would ask you to transfer their names and email-addresses to me. I woud like to send them a letter like this as well! We are very interested to hear from you. Atsuko and Myles
See tour as well 09.05.1999 - 03.11.2000 SECOND JOURNEY

03/91 in South-America, Brasil: Corcovado Rio my city. - 11/90 in North-America, North Carolina. I left Raleigh and the group of gold wings accompanied me. -

08/90 in Asia. Japan with the students. - 05/91: in Europe, in Russia, Moscow on the red place. - All fotos by Monika Vega (Copyright)

07.03.1990 - (24.05. in Guiness-Book) 04.05.1991
Monika Vega (Brasilian born 09.05.1962 from Rio de Janeiro))
+ Around-The-World. Monika rode solo 83.500 kms in 444 days through 53 countries and all continents with HONDA MTX 125 ccm.
Monika: "From the taste of the conquest comes the savour of  victory"
Route: Italien (Milano) - Vatikan - Italien - Tunesien - Libyen - Ägypten - Jordanien - Iraq - Kuwait - Bahrain - U.A.E. - Indien - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - Australien - Japan - U.S.A. - Canada - USA - Mexico - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua- Costa Rica - Panama - Venezuela - Kolumbien - Equador - Peru -Chile - Argentinien - Uruguay - Brasilien - Paraguay - Marokko - Spanien - Portugal - Spanien - Frankreich - Luxembourg - Belgien - England - Frankreich - Belgien - Holland - Deutschland - Dänemark - Schweden - Norwegen - Schweden - Finland - Sowjetunion - Polen - Chechoslowakei - Ungarn- Österreich - Lichtenstein -Schweiz - Italien (Milano).
07.1998: Bernd Tesch visited Monika in Monaco.
11.-13.04.2003 Monika will be participant of the "25th Meeting for Motorcycle-World-Travellers". But she did not come.
10.03.2015 Last update by sending fotos via facebook.
1998: B.T.: She is the first women who circled solo the world visiting five continents and is in the Guiness Book.
B.T.: It took me several years to get in contact with her after a lot of letters, because - I suppose - Monika was afraid that I could disturb her record being the first woman. The first woman who circled the world by mc in 1978 through 3 continents was Anne-France Dautheville. Monika is the first who travelled around through five continents. I am really looking forward to read her story. After so many years, Monika, you have to DO this FIRST !  Monika never slept in a tent "on the road". She always felt much more protected by the people in villages / towns. Once she was attacked by Libyan police with machine guns who wanted to rape her. Monika does not have a motorcycle any more. But at once I discovered Monikas motorcycle helmet lying in her appartement, lying on the middle of the table. Her Motorcycle is in the museum of Marseille. In a short future her story will be in internet. She has started to write a book about her world-tour and said: "I know once it will be published". With Monika and her husband Antonio in Monte Carlo Patricia and Bernd Tesch finally all had a good talk about different subjects of life.

28.03.1990 - 31.08.1992
Tabitha Estabrook and Jim Rogers (Americans)
+ Around-The-World. With BMW R 100 G/S (Jim who "earned in the 70 ies by investements at Wallstreet in NY more money than he thought exists in the world) and BMW R 65 (Tabitha). In 22 months 19.766 km (miles??) on ferries and aeroplanes (65.067 miles) 160.000 kms . They started 14.06.90 in Wladiwostok and reached Brest 30.08.91 with Russian crews in company.
Route: All 6 continentes crossed. Guinessbook-Record. Dunquin to Tokyo. Tokyo to Dunquin. Dunquin - Capetown. Rounding the horn - Australia - SA + NA.
Book: Investment Biker. On the road with Jim Rogers (1994, English). (German edition)
Video: Crossing China with guides.
1994 Bernd Tesch meets lovely, intelligent Tabitha in NY.
1994 Bernd Tesch meets always high busy Jim in 1994 in Düsseldorf/Germany for an afternoon.
1999 Jim is "on the road again" with his special Expedition-Mercedes car for two persons with a trailer: 4-wheel-drive, 3-liter-turbo diesel, 5-gear-automatic-gear, US $ 500.000, called Millenium GLK. He is now on a luxury world-tour again with the woman Paige. They intend to travel with this car in three years.
22.05.2000: Who knows the present address of Tabitha??
11.03.2003 Jim: We cannot make your gathering.
My new book ADVENTURE CAPITALIST will be published by Random House in May 2003.


Route of French Frédérique Meunier and Philippe Cantet.

Peru. Machu Pichu. Left Philippe. Ri: Frédérique Meunier.

Crossing the border between Argentina and Chile (coming back to Chile crossing the Andes after visiting the Iguaçu falls).
R: In the Australian outback.

Cactus in Mexico.- R: A bike in India.

Frédérique Meunier and Philippe Cantet in 2020.

05.07.1990 - 23.05.1992
Frédérique Meunier (*1967. French) and Philippe Cantet (*1961. French) and http://frederiquemeunier.netfile:///C:/Users/Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9rique/Downloads/MJ_1111_Le_tour_du_monde_en_XT500.pdf
+ Around-The-World. With two person on one YAMAHA XT 500 (Built 1977). 80.000 km. 23 months.
Purpose of travel: Frédérique was an educator working with disabled people and longed for a great distant epic....
Philippe was a maintenance manager and not hot to circle the world but as he is a biker, I told him "why not on a motorbike" and so we were off Escape from everyday life of course. Visit other countries. Discover other cultures. Take time ...
Route: Europe (France, Thouars (west of France)- we flew to USA by plane. The bikes were shipped by boat from France to North America
( USA (NY. - from New-York to Miami - New Orleans - Yellowstone - Salt Lake City - Sans Francisco - Los Angeles)- Mexico - we flew with the bikes from town Mexico  in Mexico to South America (Ecuador- Peru - Chile - Argentina - Brazil for Iguaçu falls and back to Chile (Santiago). The bikes were shipped from Chile (Vaparaiso) and we flew to Australia We had a stop in Tahiti and Pascua island - We flew back from Australia (Sydney-Melbourne-Adelaïde-Broken Hil-Alice Springs-Mount Isa-Cooktown-Kaherine-Darwin)) while the bike was shipped to Asia (India. Back Pakistan - Iran - Turkey) - Europe (Greece - Italy - France).
The best: Everything has been beautiful discoveries and great encounters. Everything is unforgettable and engraved in our heads.
The worst: A big breakdown in Peru which immobilized us for several weeks. A sprain in Chile. Men's behaviour in Iran. All the time spent in the customs..; But it's part of the jouney !
Important useful informations for others: Our trip dates back a bit (in 2020) to give practical advice. Now everything is made easier by technology (gps, mobile phone etc) that we didn't have. The best advice would be to take advantage of every place, every meeting/person and every moment.
Earlier motorcyle-travel-experiences:...
Publication: Moto-Journal. No 1111. 02.12.1993. Le tour de monde. Jusq´au bout du reve. S.30-36.
​We were also published in some other magazines and one in Australia for several issues. Please offer the dates of the issues.???
2020.06.17: A book is ready written and planned to be published. I have to do now is to find a publisher ... the hardest :))
Earlier motorcyle-travel-experiences: Just England with the bike. Other countries without the bike.
23.11.2021: By accient-seacr I found the book in internet. See all infos under > sach for Meunier or just XT 500.
Info: 03.06.2020: Philippe is just in the process of dismantling the YAMAHA XT 500 in order to rebuild it completely and in the best possible way! - We have started to digitize our photos (which are slides and our slide show about the round-the-world trip is antique) and plan to finalize
Frédérique: I specify that, like all those who travelled during the same period as us, we made this trip without assistance, without mobile phone, without gps, without internet, without computer etc..We did it the old-fashioned way...

08.1996: First info by Arlettre and Jean Paul Schulz in France when I visited them.
22.05.2000: I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??
16.05.2018: 1st contact to me by Frederique Meunier.
16.05.2018: 1st request for a summary to Frederique Meunier
16.05.2018: Sends the story in mc-Magazine
30.05.2020: Fréderique Meunier did not answer my request to write his overview in the form "Müller".
30.05.2020: Next request for update.
02.06.2020: 1st good summary.
04.06.2020: Next request for update.
17.06.2020: Last summary.
23.11.2021: I put the dates of their book in and I asked Frédérique for some missing deatails.

1970 Start of search of Travellers Around-The-World by motorcycle.
1992 - 1994 More intensive search because of my book "Motorrad Abenteuer Touren" in work by phone, fax and personal visits.
1995 - 1997 First tries to find and contact RTW-Travllers and Motorcycle-Travellers by email. And pesronal visits.
1998 Start of my website. Not knowing what will come out of it in future.
02.1998: A part of this information you found already under > > German or Engl. version > News
28.05.2000: Start of this collection first time in internet under > > German or Engl. version > continents > world > by motorcycle.
01.08.2001: 320 KBytes. Visitor 50.000
14.08.2001: 352 KB
04.10.2001: 360 KB
29.10.2001: 376 KB
24.01.2002: 413 KB
17.12.2002: 485 KB
13.01.2003: 489 KB
18.01.2003: Visitor 75.000. 25000 visitors : 533 days entspricht 46 visitors / day of the whole website
28.02.2003: 496 KB
05.04.2003: 536 KB
21.10.2003: 559 KB.
01.12.2003 Visitor 88.888
10.12.2003: 576 KB
31.03.2004: 594 KB. Ca. visitor 94.000
25.04.2004: 598 KB Visitor: 95.623
21.08.2004: Visitor: 100.000 Ulrich Stiller.
18.01.2003-21.08.2004 = 25.000 visitors in 364 + 124 + 90 + 3 Tage = 581. Entspicht 25.000 visitors : 581 days = 43 visitors / day.
23.08.2004: 604 KB
09.08.2004: 618 KB. Visitor: 107.804
28.03.2005: 624 KB. Ca. visitor 109.000
25.04.2005 ... Visitor 110.460. Umittelbar nach dem 47. Motorrad-Fernreise-Treffen 22.-14-04.2005.
06.10.2005 ... Visitor 116.859. 2 Wochen nach Installation eines neuen Computers wegen Viren.
20.01.2006: 945 KB .....Visitor
28.06.2011: 409 KB only 1981-1990 new strcture
01.07.2016: Overworked.
07.06.2020: Overworked.

Around-The-World by car, on food, by bicycle, in a baloon, by sailing-boat. See my other sites.



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