Women Mc Travels
World Around Traveller

by Motorcycle
by Car

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Last update by Bernd Tesch: 07.03.2022 + 06.02.2022.

Around-The-World by motorcycle
10 bi-1900 Around-The-World
1901-1950 Around-The-World
1951-1970 Around-The-World
1971-1980 Around-The-World
1981-1990 Around-The-World
1991-1994 Around-The-World
1995-2000 Around-The-World
2001-2004 Around-The-World
2005-2010 Around-The-World
2011-2015 Around-The-World
2016-2020 Around-The-World

Books for Around-The-World
See my website
= >1350 Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books in a date-base. Here look in the columne "continent" under Around-The-World.

Maps for all continents

Information about
> 249 Motorcycle-Tours Around-The-World: 1912 - up to date

Around-The-World by Motorcycle
= Il giro del mondo al moto (Italian) = La Vuelta del Mundo al moto (Spanish) = Autour du monde avec une moto = Lune de Miel (French) = Rond de Wereld met de motor (Dutch) = Motorcylist kör totalt "runt jorden" (Swedish) = Svetovni popotnik na motociklu (Slovenian) = Trotamundos (Latine) = Motorrad-Weltumrunder (German)
Do you know this in other languages?

Copyright Bernd Tesch.Motorcycle-WORLD-Travel-Expert. It is free for you to read this and learn out of it. It is not allowed to take off or to publish any information of this without written permission of Bernd Tesch. This all is a part of the book in work "Motorrad-Welt-Reisen" = Motorcycle-Travels Around-The-World. ISBN  3-9800099-8-x.
GLOBETROTT-ZENTRALE Bernd TESCH. Grünentalstr. 31. 52152 Simmerath-Hammer / EIFEL / Germany. Tel : 0049 (0)2473-938686. email: berndtesch (ad)  homepage

First and largest summary in internet and in literature at all about "Around-The-World by Motorcycle". The detailed stories you will find in my in work being book.

I would be grateful if you could help to keep this update ! So far you find many language and grammar mistakes inside because of lack of time. Pardon. Will be corricated and updated with more Around-The-World-Travellers in future. If you find yourself inside or any lack of information please inform me! Bernd Tesch has been working in this field "Around The World" since 1970. In this times I had to write letters and to phone or to visit the World-Around-Travellers to get contact / information. Since 1985 fax helped. In 1991 I visited the most famous motorcycle-travellers in Denmark, in 1993 in Britain, in 1994 in USA and in between many in Europe (France, Germany, Netherland, Switzerland). In 1999-2000 I visited famaous Mc-Travllers in Australia. In october 2000 I saw Alberto Granada, best mc-travel-friend of Ernesto "Che" Guevara in CUBA. Many of  Motorcycle Travellers Around-The-World have been at my yearly Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers in april. In 1998 there have been 20 within 300 participants. In 2000 11 of them. Nobody knows more World-Around-Travellers in person than Bernd Tesch. I own the largest archive of World-Around-Travellers: 10 file-boxes full packed (90 cm wide).

To find all this and all my activities was a "life-long job" and cost me a lot of money. Since many years I am working in a new book called "Motorrad-Welt-Reisen" = Motorcycle-World-Around-Travels. All books about "Around-The-World" by motorcycle which have been published until 1994 are published in my in German written, but very international understandable book called "Motorrad-Abenteuer-Touren" = Motorcycle-Adventure-Tours (432 pp, 500 pictures / drawings. About 264 Motorcyle World-Tours. ISBN 3-9800099-55-5. € 19.90). I own all this books in all languages.

If you are a World-Around-Traveller or plan to do this or "on the road" already or know anyone who is not listed here, please send my any details, addresses, publications, homepages and most important: best pictures.

YOUR summary: PLEASE give me at first a complete view like this EXAMPLE-BLOCK  in THIS STYLE in English. Copy this and overwrite it with your namw / details:

01.10.2011 - 27.10.2012
Sven Müller (German, born-date??)  and Susan Smith (British, born-date??) your http://www.???
Solo Around the World with BMW R 100 GS. 50.000 kms. Sven rode together with Susan Smith (British) who rode a HONDA 500 XL. Route: Europe 12.000 kms (Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Italy - Greek - Turkey ....) - Asia 15.000 kms (Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal. Bike solo by plane to Singapure. I flew to Singapure. Malaysia - Thailand - back to Singapure). - Australia 16.000 kms (I flew together with bike to Darwin. Around  Australia 16.000 kms. Or offer names like: Darwin - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney ...) - North-America (I flew with bike to Los Angeles. LA - New York) - Africa - Europe (Bike by ship to Netherlands / Amsterdam - Germany / Cologne).
Purpose: ?? To find out...
The best:
I wanted to find myself. Freedom. Sun. Friendship of  Turkey people. invitation by Pakistani. Climbing the Himalayas........)
The worst: I got Malaria in Nairobi. Attack of soldiers with weapons in Iran.....)...
Important useful informations for others:...
Book or publication (about your tour):...
Earlier motorcyle-travel-expereinces::....

I am very grateful to all the individuals who knew that I am working in this field. They informed me since 1970 worldwide by meeting me, phoning, sending letters, later faxes and emails since 1994 about World-Around-Travellers. Without their help I could not get to this high level. This internet-list had to be done in many days but too quick, because I did not have enough time. So please give me your "pardon" that there are mistakes inside of the information and a lot in my language.
At least you will never have seen such a huge collection of information in internet or literature. Bernd Tesch


Around-The-World by Motorcycle
(Summarises by year of start)

1901 - 1910 (1 Weltumrunder by car)
Dr. E. C. Lehwess (British)
- Plan Around-The-World by car. Seit 1899 beabsichtigte der Brite mit einem Koch - Auto von Peking nach London zu fahren. Nachdem daraus aber nichts wurde, startete er ohne Zeitlimit mit einem Auto Panhard - Levassor mit Spezial - Fahrgestell und einem Omnibus - Aufbau von London über Europa nach Asien Richtung Wladiwostok, um von dort nach Kalifornien überzusetzen, USA zu durchqueren und über den Atlantik nach England zurückzukehren. Der Fahrzeugname war "Passe Partout" ( = "Überall hin" oder "Alles passieren"). Nach enormer Publicity und vielen Einladungen unterwegs blieb das Fahrzeug sechs Monate später in meterhohem Schnee östlich von Nizhni - Novgorod im Osten Rußlands stecken. Die Mannschaft gab das Fahrzeug auf reiste mit der Eisenbahn nach London zurück. Da die Reise gescheitert war, wurde ein solches Projekt einer Welt - Reise mit einem Auto in der Presse als vollkommen unmöglich verurteilt.
In einem Buch von Wilfrid Bade et al.: Das Auto erobert die Welt. 1901-1905 Autoeisen. Zeitgeschichte Verlag. Wilhelm Andermann. Berlin.1938. Ab S. 163 wird von dieser Reise erzählt.
B.T.: The first known planned tour by car Around-The-World.

06.1901. - 06.1905
Charles Glidden (born ??)
1900: Der Millionär Charles Glidden kauft ein 24-PS-Napier-Wagen in London. Seine Reisen beginnt er in Europa. "Im 09.1904 begann unser erste Weltreise in USA (Boston). Im 06.1905 haben wir sie auch dort beendet. Am 11.01.1905 trafen wir in New Zealand (Auckland) ein. Und fuhren om Norden bis zum Süden über beide Inseln. Nach vier Tagen Schiffsreise waren sie in Australien (Tasmanien. Hobert). Die Strassen auf der Insel sind gut. Sie werden von Sträflingne, die aneinander gekettet sind, gebaut. Am 18.01.1905 bis Sydney. "Australien ist schön. Es hat Blumen, die ni cht riechen, Und und Vögel mit buntem Gefieder, die nicht singen. Die Schwarzen waren die allerschwarzesten der schwarzen Rasse".,,Full description for Around the World in a Napier in the nineteenth century, Jules Verne imagined a journey round the world.
At the start of the twentieth century, an American millionaire, Charles J. Glidden, did it for real - though it took many more than eighty days. Assisted by Charles Thomas, a Sussex engineer, the millionaire took his Napier car twice around the world, to places that had never seen a powered vehicle. The journeys took them across thirty-nine countries on four continents. In Switzerland they were arrested for driving on a forbidden road. Later they fitted the car with railroad wheels and drove to Vancouver on the tracks of the Canadian Pacific. During their travels they met people of all kinds, from impoverished pilgrims to maharajahs. In Fidji there was an encounter with the last cannibal; in militarist Japan they experienced anti-Western attitudes. Andrew Jepson tells the fascinating story of these ground-breaking journeys with theaid of images taken from Charles Thomas' own photograph albums. This is a must-read for all motoring enthusiasts.
The History Press Ltd. Published: 01 January 2014. Paperback. 128 pages. 85 black & white illustrations. 15,6 W x 23,4 H x 23,3 Thick. Paperback. See: Full bibliographic data. Categories: Biography: General Road & Motor Vehicles Motor Cars Travel Writing Expeditions. ISBN 13: 9780752497730 ISBN 10: 0752497731. Sales rank: 650,708., € 15,43.
The book was written and published in 01.01.2014
Main description: A unique detailed record of the first round-the-world trip by car. From Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days, the ambition to make round-the-world trips was born, and the first man to do this in a motor car was Charles Glidden, in 1902. Along with his wife and British engineer Charles Thomas, the American millionaire took a Napier car twice around the world to visit places that hadn't conceived such an invention. Their journey took them from Boston to Austria, where they cruised 10 miles due to a frozen gas tank and were promptly arrested; the Arctic Circle; the Far East; and more. They encountered a variety of attitudes and people on their travels, including the last cannibal of Fiji and anti-Western sentiments in Japan. Here Andrew Jepson uses his grandfather Thomas's photographs to create a fascinating story of the groundbreaking journey. Perhaps it wasn't done in 80 days, but this is certainly a must read for all road trip enthusiasts. Biographical note: Andrew M. Jepson is the grandson of Napier motoring mechanic Charles Thomas, who accompanied Charles Gildden on his round-the-world motoring tours. He is a retired teacher who has followed in the footsteps of his grandfather with his own off-the-beaten-track. Geoff McGarry is the president of the Napier Power Heritage Trust.
04.11.2013 First information by Keith Harris. Canada.
24.10.2016 Another description in book: Wilfrid Bade. "Das Auto erobert die Welt". 1938. Zeitgeschichte Verlag. Wilhelm Andermann. Berlin. pp. 128. B.T. owns this book since 1989.

Duncan, H. 0. AROUND THE WORLD IN A MOTOR CAR 1902 Autoreise Artikel in: The World on Wheels, Vol. II., 1926/30 ? Europa
Duncan, H. 0. THE WORLD WANDERER 1902-07 Autoreise Artikel in: The World on Wheels, Vol. II., 1926/30 ? Europa
Duncan, H. 0. AN EXPEDITION FROM LONDON TO CONSTANTINOPLE 1905 Autoreise Artikel in: The World on Wheels, Vol. II., 1926/30 Europa

2019.06.22. 1st information by Rüediger van Bergen.

- Around-The-World. Suggestion.
B.T.: The idea in a French Newspaper in Paris for a tour Around-The-World by car did not find a response of participants.

Frank Applebee (German)
- Around-The-World ? Planned World-Around-Tour with motorcycle by NSU. He crossed North-America west-east. Not sure if he circled the whole world what he wanted to do.
22.07.2000 If you have any information about this Bernd Tesch would be grateful.
B.T.: It is NOT sure that he wanted to circle the world. It is just written that he wanted to make a "world-tour" whatever it means. This is one of the very first known plans to circle the world by motorcycle.

Race Peking-Paris. Won by a car Itala which is in 2010 in Museo dell´ auto in Turin.

Buch 1909 publsihed

12.02.1908 - 27.01.1908

Antonio Scarfoglio (1886-1969) with two other Italian guys in a Züst-car.
+ By car Around-The-World. Das weiteste (größte) Automobil-Rennen auf der Erde im Jahr 1908. Der New York Start erfolgte vor einem viertel Million Zuschauer.
The Great Race
, which was the longest in the world so far. Antonio Scarfoglio was a Neapolitan journalist adventurer and author. Antonio Scarfoglio was the son of Edoardo Scarfoglio and Matilde Serao, both well-known Neapolitan writers of the turn of the 20th century and founders of il Mattino, the large Neapolitan daily newspaper. He broke into reporting with a dramatic account of the devastating 1906 eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. In 1908 Antonio was one of the three-man team that manned the car Züst. Thi was the Italian entry in the six-car around-the-word automobile race, known as The Great Race. The Italian car was one of the three finishers.
Route: America (Start of the race 12th.02.1908 in N.Y. with six cars - San Francisco- Seattle- Valdez (Alaska) - by ship to Asia (Japan - Manchuria) - Russia ( Wladiwostok- Sibirien - Omsk - Moskau, St. Petersburg) - an Europe (Berlin (06.09.1908) - an Paris (19.09.2008). The Züst (28/45 HP Züst. No 127) arrived after 28.730 km. Long after the winning Thomas Flyer (26.200 km) and the Protos (21.500 km. THe car is in "Deutsches Museum" in München/Germany.
The first idea was to cross the Bering Sea to Russia but the ice was not strong enough. So the idea of the route was changed several times during the race. The Züst car arrived in Paris 27.01.1908 as the third car of three which arrived in total only.
New info:
New York-Paris Great Race, 1908 The London to India journey was by no means the first but special mention must be made of another record-breaking event. As early as 1908, a great race was held from New York to Paris, which involved driving east across USA, all the way from New York to Los Angeles, then shipping cars by boat to Asia to drive westwards across Russia from Siberia to Europe and finally through Germany and France to Paris. A Thomas built in USA, won the race, covering more than 12,100 miles in 170 days! This was undoubtedly one of the greatest achievements in human history. - See more at:

Antonio Scarfoglio.
1909: Book: Il giro del mondo in automobile(= Round the World in einem Motor-Car) 1909.
1909: Translation of the original book in Italian language. Antonio Scarfoglio. Round the world in a motor car. 1909. Hardcover. First edition. 70 photographs. London: Edition Grant Richards, 1909. 6 x 9 inches. 369 pages. Decorated cloth covers, in nice shape. Interior is clean and bright. Tight binding. Tells the story of Scarfoglio’s experience as one of the three-man team that manned the Züst (car-name), the Italian entry in the six-car around-the-word automobile race, known as The Great Race. The Italian car was one of the finally three finishers.
1951. Book. Réedition. Antonio Scarfogli. Around-The-World. New York to Paris 1908. The Thomas Flyer-Champion endurance car of the world. Car-tour. Publisher: Floyd, Climer or Climer Floyd.
1999 1st info by Rudolf von Bergen.
2013: BT found 2013: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search automobile

1 Viera Josef S. Autorennen. Rund Um Die Ganze Erde Reisedatum: 1908 W. Fischer - Verlag. Göttingen. 1960 ? 1960 ? World. Bergen, Rudolf von. PG. BT. 01.07.2019        

Joshua Streiff (American ?)
- Around-The-World ?  An American who had written on his bike "Around the world"? He rode two times "Coast zu coast" with an NSU without any trouble with the machine. San Franzisko to New York 6230 kms. No information that he really circled the world.
Abgebildet im Buch "NSU 1873-1984".
01.09.1991: 1st info by Ernst Leverkus. Hat ORIGINAL- Archiv- Dia. This motorcycle shall be in Germany. The owner is Heinz Metzmaier. Bernd Tesch telephoned with Heinz Metzmaier. He owns the original mc from Streiff.
30.05.2013 Laut Heinz Schulze: Das Bild ist im Buch "Die schönsten Motorräder des Jahrunderts" von Ernst Leverkus. Untertitel zum Bild:"1912: Joshua Streiff (USA), Weltumrunder auf NSU, besucht das Werk in Neckarsulm.

B.T.: It is NOT sure that he wanted to circle the world. It is just written on the bike that he wanted to make a "world-tour" whateever it means. This is one of the first known plan to circle the world by motorcycle as well.

1911 - 1920 (4 Motorrad-Weltumrunder)

Andrew Carey Lincoln
+ Around-The-World vision. Book about a vision: "Motorcycle Chums around the world". Verlag: Hurst and Co. 1912. USA.
They travel by motorcycle, boat, train, some form of Zeppelin from North America (SF to Vancouver)- to Asia (Japan- across Russia)- to Europe (Germany - England)- to Norh America (NY - then across Canada). 35 day round trip
B.T. 22.07.2000 This is the first book about "Around the world" by motorcycle as a vision. Written for young boys. In those times people already started to dream about this.
1993 first information by Dal Smile.
2016 Stored in
2016.07.11: Request to Dal Smile in USA if the "Vision-Route" included Australia as well. He owns the book.
2016.07.11: Answer by Dal Smile: They travel by motorcycle, boat, train, some form of Zeppelin from SF to Vancouver to Japan across Russia, Germany, England to NY then across Canada. 35 day round trip

Jack Harkaway
+ Around-The-World vision (?). Jack Harkaway and his Son's Adventures ´Adventures Around The World".
Route: ??
Publication: Chicago: M. A. Donohue, n.d.
Jacob's Well (New York: International Publishers, 1926), by Pierre Benoît, trans. by A. S. .
Publisher: M. A. Donohue & Co. USA. Chicago. Before 1913.
30.09.2001 This is possibly a hardcover book as a vision. For sure no motorcycle-travel-book. But Around The World.
30.09.2001 Who owns and sells this book ? Or who can offer me a summary of this book ?
2014.09.: Jack Harkaway and His Son's Adventures in Australia from Hemyng und Bracebridge. Kindle Edition
2015.09.27: Reprint. Paperback. Publisher. 308 pp. English. 15,2 x 1,6 x 22,9 cm. ISBN-13: 978-1330897799
2015.12.05: Reprint. Hardcover. 308 pp. Publisher: Palala Press. English. 15,6 x 1,9 x 23,4 cm. ISBN-13: 978-1347364840.
2001: First known.
2016.07.11: Updated with Internet..

Le: Carl Stearns Clancy. ca. 1912. Ri: Walter Storey ca. 1912. Both fotos of an article in 1912 by Carl Stearns Clancy after they got the motorcycles in Ireland. Bicycling world and motorcycle review. Before the tour.

1913.11.06. Pacific Motorcyclist. Los Angeles. Cal. - After the tour.

01.10.1912 - 01,09.1913 (arrived at age 23 years + appr. 23 days()
Carl Stearns Clancy (American. N.Y. 08.08.1890- ??.01.1971)
+ Around-The-World. The journalist Clancy and the film-critism Walter Storey planned a World-Around-Tour to write a World-Travel-Guide. They rode with a 4-zylinder Henderson (Henderson Motorcycle Co. Detroit. Michigan. 4-cyclinder. 7-PS (bhp). 934 ?? ccm. 50 miles per gallon petrol. 175 miles per liter oil. Finally Carl Stearns Clancy rode solo through three continents in 11 months 18.000 miles. Walter Storey stopped in France (Paris) somehow.
Route: North America (New-York) by ship to Europe (Great Britain - both started rom Ireland (Dublin). But finally Clancy rode solo the whole tour. - Netherlands - Belgium - France - Spain) - Africa (Algeria - Sahara - Tunisia - Egypt)  - by ship to Asia (Ceylon - India - Japan) - by ship to North America (USA West (San Francisco) - by mc east to New York).
Publications: Clancy sold many fotos to the press.
1912 ? Article by Carl Stearns Clancy after they got the motorcycles in Ireland. Bicycling world and motorcycle review.
1913: Articles: History was published in 1913. E.G. Pacific Motorcyclist. 08.11.1913: Around The World on a Henderson. Clancy wrote a diary but never a book.
1913:10.13: Article in WORLD MOTORCYCLE REVIEW“, October 13th 1913 (see 1998)
1971: After his death Laim O´Connor finally got his diary.
1975: Article in mc-magazine: "Will girdle the Globe on Motorcycles". The Antique Motorcycle. Volume 14. No 1. Spring Issue 1975.
1988: Book: 1st information by Franitza, Martins book:  Die großen Motorradreisen unseres Jahrhunderts. 144pp., 101 fotos. Hardcover. 4 maps. 19,5 high x 21,5 wide. ISBN 3-9801491-3-7.
1988: Does anyone know the orginal article or owns a foto? Bernd Tesch would be grateful to recieve this!
1998: B.T. got article in WORLD MOTORCYCLE REVIEW“, October 13th 1913 by information of Hugo Wilson from director of The American Motorcycle Heritage Centre.  POBox 6114. 33 Collegeview RD. Westerville. OHIO. USA  Tel : 43081- 6114.
22.05.2000 Info-transfer in this website. I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??
2013 Book by Gregory Frazier. First Motorcyclist to Ride Around the World 1912-1913. iUniverse. 2013. 324 pp. Paperback.
24.10.2013: Book: Journalist and motorcycle adventurer Geoff Hill rode along the way of Clancy. He carried the very boots Clancy but rode a BMW R 1200 GS Adventure. ‘In Clancy’s Boots’. Publisher: Blackstaff. ISBN: 978-0-85640-913-4.
08.08.2014. Articel by David V. Herlihy: Clancy’s Conquest: The First Ride Around the World. "Rider" magazin.
13.10.2014 Thomas W. Perry informed me about a bicycyle-history-expert David V. Herlihy.
13.10.2014 Request to David V. Herlihy concerning older bicycle rides I know. And his knowledge about earliest mc-rides to Asia and Australia..
14.10.2014 I got the article 08.08.2014 kindly from David V. Herlihy. Including a new publication about Clancys tour RTW from him.
2014: National Motorcycle Museum in USA/Iowa. All rest there: The original Henderson of Clancy. His boots. His diaries and photos.
B.T.:  This is the first known World-Around-Tour by motorcycle and the first by an American as well.

Carl Stearns Clancy

Clancy-at-the-end-1913 Clancy Stearns 1 clancys boots invite.indd
The first recorded RTW journey by motorcycle took place in 1912-13. Carl Stearns Clancy and his companion Walter Storey set out on a pair of Henderson 57 cubic inch (934 cc), 7 horse power, in-line four-cylinder machines, aiming to write a world-travel guide.
Their route took them from New York by boat to Ireland, then Britain and through Europe, although Storey dropped out of the venture in France leaving Clancy to ride on solo through North Africa, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), India and Japan before crossing the USA from the West coast returning to New York 18,000 miles (29,000 km) later.
Clancy was able to send reports from the road via telegraph and these have been reproduced in the book ‘Motorcycle Adventurer Carl Stearns Clancy: first motorcyclist to ride around the world 1912-1913’ by Dr. Gregory W. Frazier 2010, Iuniverse, 320 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches. ISBN: 978-1-4502-2141-2 (also available as an ebook).
To mark the centenary of this historic feat, a number of riders took part in events to retrace the journey.
 Author, Sunday Times journalist and motorcycle adventurer Geoff Hill, retraced his route and even carried the very boots Clancy had worn because alas, although he’d hoped to, Carl never did get to ride the world again, before his death in 1971.
Geoff’s story has just been released as ‘In Clancy’s Boots’ ISBN: 978-0-85640-913-4 published by Blackstaff Press, and is available here.

Mrs. Harry Humphreys (British)
- America. She planned a World-Around-Tour with 85.000 miles visiting each capital of the world in two years. First known motorcycle-tour by a woman.
At 31.08.1913 she made her first step crossing solo the cross-country distance from San Francisco to New York.
At this time this is possibly the longest ride of a woman. And the first crossing by a woman west-east of America for sure.
1994 First information by Melissa Piersson.
13.07.2000 I never could find more information than a short publication in New York times. Does anyone know more about her?? Earlier address? Publication??
B.T.: At this time this is possibly the longest ride of a woman. And the first crossing by a woman west-east of America for sure. And for sure the first published plan ro ride solo around the world by a woman.

1921 - 1930 (18 Weltumrunder)

Douglas R. Hill (Nationality ?, born ??. Died ??)
Plan Around-The-World. Doughlas startet for a RTW tour with a sidecar H.R.D. - Watsonian.
Ca. 1986 1st Info by Martin Franitza.
15.04.2012 Try to get more info:

Henry M. Spickler.
Book: Around the world without a cent. RTW. 1922. Bicycle.

Aloha Wanderwell with 16. - On the route.- Book Cover 1939?. Or new book?

1930 with a motorcycle in Berlin.

World-map. Out of the book.

1922-1928 7 years
Idris Galcia Welsh (married and known as Aloha Wanderwell. Canadian-American. *13.10.1906 in Canada. +04.06.1996 with 89 in California)
Around-The-World in a car (sponsored by the Ford Motor Company). First woman drive Around-The-World in a car Ford Model-T through 43 countries. Canadian-American
Aloha Wanderwell was an explorer, a vaudevillian, filmmaker, a wife and mother. She visited places no western man or woman had seen before.
Purpose: Inspired by her father’s beloved collection of boyhood books Idris Galcia Hall was a 16 year old school girl. She dreamed of travel, adventure, and intrigue in far-flung corners of the globe. In 1922, when she was 16, she embarked on an ambitious around-the–world expedition led by “Captain” Wanderwell… She married Walter Wanderwell in 1925 in California. Sie married Walter Baker in 1933).
Aloha responded to an advertising declaring “Brains, Beauty & Breeches – World Tour Offer For Lucky Young Woman… Wanted to join an expedition!”, meeting Captain Wanderwell in Paris and securing a seat on this daring expedition. Achievements
Route: Europe, the Middle East, India, Japan, China, the Soviet Union, the United States, Cuba, and Africa
First woman to drive around the globe. (Wikipedia).
Drove 43 countries in a Ford Model-T at age 16. Traveled 380,000 miles to 80 countries in the 1920s.
First across India and Cape Town to the Nile. Filmed the first flight around the world.
Member of the French Foreign Legion.
Films at The Smithsonian & The Library of Congress.
Women’s International Association of Aviators.
Publication: Book in English: Aloha Wanderwell. 1939. Call To Adventure. 1939.
New book: Newly-commissioned essays, photos and supplemental materials from the author’s estate: Aloha Wanderwell: Call To Adventure. ISBN 1484118804. 288 pp. Publisher: Nile Baker Estate & Boyd Production Group (13. April 2013).
In 1922, when she answered an ad placed in the Paris Herald by self-styled adventurer Walter Wanderwell, who was just starting out to break the world’s long distance automobile record in an expedition jumpstarted by Henry Ford’s donation of a pair of Model-Ts.
Film: Car and Camera Around the World.[8]

Adi B. Hakim, Bhumgara, Rustom B. / Bapasola, Al P.
Book: - With Cyclists Around the World. Three Indian men from the Bombay Weightlifting Club cycle around the world in 1923. First published 1928. 2008. ISBN 9788174366184. Bicycle.

Out of website: 1925 in USA.
Svend Heiberg is the driver and owner of the bike. Aksel Svane was the passenger. This foto is possibly taken in USA (Milwaukee) when they visited the factory of Harley Davidson. They had to leave the sidecar in Turkey (Anatolia).

Svend Oluf Heiberg: l > r: 1924. - 1950 ca. (Foto Rod Cochran, Syracuse). - 1960 ca. Oluf and his wife Aaase Gerlach Heiberg (send by Lily Heiberg).

02.09.1924 - ??.04.1925
Svend Oluf Heiberg (Danish, became later an American citizen, born 22.07.1900 - 05.02.1965) and

Aksel (Axel) Svane
(Danish, born ??.??.1898 -??-??.1991)
+ Around-The-World. Svend and Aksel rode Around-The-World with a Harley-Davidson. They started with a HD - Indian: 24er H-D sidecar . In Turkey (Anatolia) they had to leave the sidecar because of terrible roads and the weight the had. So from then they travelled only with the solo-bike.
Route so far:
Europe (Denmark- Germany - Czechoslovakia - Austria - Hungary - Roumania - Bulgaria) - Asia Minor (Turkey (Anatolia) - Syria (Aleppo - Angora - Caesarea - "Arabian desert") - from Aleppo to " Mesopotamia", coutry Iraq (Bahgdad - Basra) - by steamer to India (Bombay arriving 01st.12.1924) - by motorcycle to Ceylon (Colombo)- by steamer to Federated Malay States (Malaysia today, city Penang) - Hongkong - China (Peking) - Japan (Yokohama) - by boat to North America (across the USA from San Francisco (Milwaukee in april 1925 to New York) - by boat back to Europe (France ?? - Germany - Denmark).
Purpose of the tour: To study the forest reserves in other parts of the world because because Sven intended to enter the Danish Forestry Service in Denmark.
The route in Europe went well. But after Adrianople the troubles began because of terrible conditions of the road,.In Anatolia when crossing the Taurus mountains the route became so narrow that they had to leave the sidecar. Well, they had enough spareparts to build another motorcycle (Enthusiast), which maked it much difficulter to ride on terrible roads. In total they used very few spareparts on the entire trip. Though Axel became the world´s champion tandem Passenger. The average of their speed was 80 miles a day. minimum 40 miles. In the Arabian desert between Aleppo and Bagdad they lost their tent and a rifle. They thougt that they were the first who made the 900 miles desert by motorcycle.
Publication: 1925 A picture from the Swedish magazine "Med Motorcykel" from 1925 page 114 above.
Somewhere I have seen the information that the picture is from the outside of the Harley Davidson factory.
05.1925 Moto-Magazine "The Harley Davidson Enthusiast". Photocopy of the total journey send by Austrian Hannes Happ 19.10.2019.
1928 From the book by Kai Thorenfeldt "Jorden runt paa cykle", page 44, line 4, printed 1928. Here you can see that he found their names (Axel Svane and Svend Heiberg in the guestbook in a hotel in Basra.
01.07.2003 First information by Evald Bengtsson. He wrote: A few days ago I was in Stockholm and spent a few hours looking for information about long distance drivers.
I looked for Heiberg and Svane. They are mentioned in a Danish book on page 44 in "Jorden rundt paa cykle" by Kai Thorenfeldt. He found their names in 1928 in a registerbook in a hotel in Basra. I think they are also mentioned somewhere by Palle Huld. In a periodical from 1926 I found a photo of Svend Heiberg and Axel Svane on a MC. "Around the world" but no other text at all. If you are interested, I can send you a copy of the
16.04.2003 Asked Evald for more information
28.03.2008 Could you please send / scan me the picture Evald?
20.12.2010 Asked Evald again for the foto.
24.12.2010 Got the foto and more text from Evald.
Interesting site:;f=17;f=17;t=000015
Beim Fritz hat er auch vorbeigeschaut. 17.06.2011. This websites do not work anymore.

Geschrieben am 29.01.2007 um 11:18:24 von Harleysons (HD & B Senior Member in Frankenhofen) auf website:
Around the World 1924-1925:

Im April 1925 trafen die beiden Dänen Sven Heiberg und Axel Svane auf Ihrem Trip around the World bei Harley-Davidson in Milwaukee ein.

Auf dem Foto tragen sie Ihre khakifarbene Ausgeh-Uniform, einen Sam Brown Gürtel und Offiziersstiefel. Die Mützen sind nach dem Muster des Königlich-dänischen Automobilclubs gefertigt.
Auf Ihrem kompletten Trip benötigten sie nur 2 Einlassventile, eine Reparatur an der Gabel, Kupplungsbeläge, Reifen, Schläuche und Speichen.
Der Benzinpreis war zu dieser Zeit  in Deutschland am höchsten und in Kalifornien am günstigsten. (Verbrauch 45 Miles per Gallon).
Gruesse Fritz
30th.05.2011 Lily Goldfarb (daughter of Sven Oluf Heiberg, 70) wrote:
....I came across your website as I was just curious to see if there was any mention of the motorcycle trip of my father -Svend Oluf Heiberg & his good friend Aksel Svane took in 1924 from Copenhagen, Denmark. You wrote that you were not too sure if they traveled through India etc. Yes, they did.
After the trip my father married my mother and came to the US to study at Yale - remained to become a forestry professor. Aksel stayed in Denmark to become a governor of Greenland & later a lawyer.
They visited the Harley-Davidson factory & were written up in their magazine "Harley-Davidson Enthusiast" issue 84. My brother has the log of the trip and I am sure if you are interested would fill you in on any questions you may have. 
I also have some photos of the two men on the motorcycle with the sidecar still on.
Thanks for mentioning their trip. I don't think they took the trip to be the "first" but for the sense of adventure & seeing the world.
Lily Goldfrab, born Heiberg
31.05.2011 1st request for update to Lily and her brother Eric Heiberg.
01.06.2011 Lily Goldfarb (born Heiberg) wrote about her father:
Svend Oluf Heiberg became a well known forestry professor - his specialty was silviculture (general forestry) & international forestry. He received many awards for his work in forestry including a knighthood from the King of Denmark, honorary doctor's degree & a forest named after him in Central New York State. He traveled & taught all round the world including Germany. He taught & became a Dean at New York State University College of Forestry from 1927 to 1964 - the year he died. The college is now call College of Environmental Sciences & Forestry located in Syracuse, New York.
I believe through out the trip my father wrote articles to a newspaper in Copenhagen & gave talks about the trip when they returned. That's when he met my mother. The following September they took the SS "President Harding" to the US to study at Yale University.
Unfortunately he did not write a book.

1925 Article of the tour in "Harley-Davidson Enthusiast" No. 82 and No. 84: World Tourists Visit Factory by "Hap" Hayes. This article includes the foto above with their uniform.
1965 Article of most of the professional life of Seven Oluf Heiberg, Forester by Rod Cochran. Sunny College of Enviromental Sciene and Forestry, Syracuses. Send by Lily Goldfarb.

Le: Sven Oluf Heiberg given a doctorade by Danish king Frederick in 1963. Re: The three children of Sven Oluf Heiberg and and Aaase Gerlach Heiberg in 1980: Left standing Lily Goldfarb (born Heiberg). Right standing Karin Heiberg, sitting Eric Heiberg. Foto send by Lily Goldfarb.

Aksel Svane, 1898-1991, dansk jurist. Svane var landsfoged for Sydgrønland 1932-45. Under 2. Verdenskrig boede han i USA, hvor han varetog Grønlands interesser i USA og Canada. Efter krigen var Svane kontorchef i Grønlands Styrelse; 1955-68 var han kommitteret i Ministeriet for Grønland. (

Gouverneure in Südgrönland
1932 - 1941 Aksel Svane (b. 1898 - d. 1991)
1941 - 1945 Aksel Svane was situated in US to organize the supplies.

07.07.2011 Lily Goldfarb, born Heiberg: I tried to contact  Aksel Svane's  grandson. I believe hiks name is Mikkel  Svane & is developer of software named Zendesk. I have sent him an email  asking if his grandfather was Aksel but no reply as of yet.  He is living in San Francisco. One can find him on Facebook.
08.07.2011 Bernd Tesch saw a video-interview in youtube with Mikkel Asker Svane.
09.07.2011 Mikkel answered me that he is the gandson of Aksel Svane.
09.07.2011 B.T. asked Mikkel Svane to answer several questions concerning infos and fotos about his grandfather´s tour RTW and his family.
19.07.2011 B.T. asked Mikkel Svane again
23.08.2011 B.T. asked Mikkel Svane again again

22.09.2011 B.T. asked Mikkel Svane again again again

04.12.2012 B.T. asked Mikkel Svane again again again
16.10.2017 B.TZ. wrote to Lily and Eric Heidberg. The email to Lily came back.
18.09.2017 B.T. asked Mikkel Svane new

June 2011: Lily Goldfarb (daughter of Svend Heiberg) wrote to B.T.: Svend Heiberg is the driver and owner of the bike. Aksel Svane was the passenger. My father always drove the bike (it was  called "Pretrea"). They started 02.09.1924 in Denmark (Copenhagen) with a sidecar HD - 24er Indian.
Photo taken by a press photographer from the Berlingske Tidende - a well known Copenhagen newspaper-  the paper my father wrote articles too.

Svend Oluf Heiberg & Aksel Svane
Two Danes, Svend Oluf Heiberg and Aksel Svane, rode RTW in 1924-25.  Their purpose was to study forest reserves in other parts of the world as Svend intended to enter the Danish Forestry Service, although he later settled in the USA, became a professor of forestry and was knighted by the King of Denmark. Aksel stayed in Denmark, becoming Sherriff of South Greenland and later a lawyer.HeibergSvendOluf1901-1924-Start-Copenhagen-500
They set-off in an Indian/Harley-Davidson sidecar combination, but decided to leave the sidecar in Anatolia (Turkey).

Their route took them from Denmark through Europe to Turkey, Syria, Mesopotamia (Iraq), by boat to India, Ceylon, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Japan, across the USA from San Francisco to New York and returning by boat to Europe.
For more information see
07.10.2016 B.T.

Robert Sexé auf einer Veteranen-Rallye 1957. Foto Karl Reese (C).

13.06.1926 - 05.12.1926
Robert Sexé (French, Born 17.11.1890 in La Roche-sur-Yon in the Vendée - ??.??.1986) und Henry Andrieux (French)
+ Around-The-World. Fuhren um die Welt in 5 Monaten und 17 (?) Tagen. Laut Robert Sexe's Handschrift in seinem Tagebuch, selber gesehen am 03.08.1996 von Bernd Tesch in Airvault / Frankreich, war die Reise: Start: 13.06.1926 (Paris) - 05.12.1926 (Paris).
Route: Frankreich - UdSSR (via Sibirien bis Wladiwostok. Erster Motorrad-Traveller in dort, aber es waren schon einige Autofahrer von Wladiwostok nach Europa gefahren !) - Japan - Amerika - Frankreich. Sie fuhren mit  2 Gillet, 350 ccm, 6,5 PS. Sie waren die ersten bekannten Franzosen, die um die Welt fuhren und dabei die Strecke durch Sibirien mit dem Motorrad meisterten. Sie sind nicht, wie vielfach behauptet wird, die ersten Welt-Umrunder. Es ist die "1. Welt-Umrundung 1926 auf dem Landweg durch die UdSSR per Motorrad" mit 2 Gillet (350 ccm, 6,5 PS).
Book: Crius (Christian Christophe). Mit dem Motorrad um die Welt. 1973. Reprint 1996 available.
15.07.1991 Since then Bernd Tesch owns the original photo from Robert Sexé von 1926 in front of the Kreml in Moscow.
22.07.2000 I am still missing the original publication which was published by an Austrian Mc-shop. I have never heard that
somebody ones this. Do you know anybody?
04.08.1996 Visit of Jean-Paul Schulz in chateau Airvault in Airvault, who owns all what Robert Sexé left. I saw the motorcycles of Robert Sexé and the original diary. From this I could find out the exact dates above of the tour.
19.12.2010 I know a lot more about Robet Sexe and own several originals of his publications. I never found the original publication in french or German of the Around-The-World tour as a book.
1992 A lot of years ago my daughter Malaika Tesch told me that a teacher of her in Aachen owns some parts of Robert Sexe. So finally I visited this teacher and he showed me a lot of originals: A motorcycle by Robert Sexe called "Peugeot P 110". Handwritten letters and parts of Robert in his garage. He was a friend of Robert Sexe somehow when he already was very old. I took fotos of all and wanted to publish this. But mc-magazine TOURENFAHRER was not interested in it. So I left my activities to publish this. All I wrote down must be somewhere between all my mc-travel-collections !
19.04.2015 First info by Ives Campion: A french wants to write the story of Robet Sexé again: Geoffroy Grassin 
19.12.2010 Christophe Fauret informed me kindly about a new website about Robert Sexé. French artist Christophe Fauret made all the wonderful drawings

Robert Sexé.Website since may 2010

In this website above you find bibliography of Janpol Schulz:
Janpol Schulz, Histoire de la moto militaire, éditions SAGATO Bruxelles.
Janpol Schulz, Les motos de compétiton « racing motorcycle » E. JADAULT, 1980
Janpol Schulz, Robert Sexé 1890-1986, Privee Musée de l'Aventure et du Souvenir Vieux-Château d'Airvault, 1991
Janpol Schulz, Sexé au pays des Soviets, édition du Chapeau rouge, 1996

Robert Sexé. His travels: Overview from the website above
1924 - Paris-Constantinople-Paris
1925 - Paris-Moscou
1926 - World tour
1926 - World tour - URSS
1926 - World tour - Japon
1926 - World tour - USA
1929 - Europe Tour
1932 - Europe Tour
1934 - Solo Trip
1937 - Europe Tour
1938 - From the Seine to the Euphrates
1939 - Europe Tour

Robert Sexé. His books and brochures:
In the website by Bernd Tesch you find bibliography about Robert Sexé´s books !

Robert Sexé. His motorcycle Peugeot P 110 :

One of Robert Sexés motorcycles. Peugeot P 110. Owners: Robert Sexé. Heinz R. until 03.2011. - Gerd Haberland since 03.2011. Gerd Haberland sold it to a Belgium man who wants to open a museum.

One of Robert Sexés motorcycles. Peugeot P 110. Left: KFZ-Schein. Rechts: Fahrgestell-Nr.
Alle Fotos vom Peugeot: (C) Gerd Haberland.

03.2011 Robert Sexé s Motorrad Peugeot P 110 in neuem Besitz von Gerd Haberland.
Gerd Haberland ruft mich an aufgrund meiner Präsens bei google bei der Suche mit Stichwort Robert Sexé. Gerd sammelt Motorräder und besitzt privat 158 Motorräder.
Er besitzt seit ca. 03.2011 ein Original-Motorrad Peugeot P 110 (Bj. 1932, die Papiere aber sind von 1945. Die Fahrgestellnummer  92602 steht sowohl auf dem Rahmen als auch in den Fahrzeugpapieren. Auch das Nummerschild stimmt mit der zugeteilten Nummer überein : 668 BP 86. Als Besitzer ist Robert Sexé eingetragen. Er hat dieses Motorrad im Tausch gegen eine BMW von Heinz R. bekommen. Dieser hat das Motorrad von Robert Sexé geschenkt bekommen. Als Nachweis hat mir Gerd Haberland freundlicherweise neben den Motorrad-Bildern den Kfz-Schein mit Namen Robert Sexe mitgeschickt. ; Buch "Robert Sexé 1890-1986" - Musée de l'Aventure et du Souvenir Vieux-Château d'Airvault
Tour du Monde-Originalmaschine ist:

B.T. in 1996:  This is the first known tour by motorcycle "Around-The-World" from a French via Vladiwostok.
Under experts this is not the very first tour Around-The-World by motorcycle at all. This was ca. 1912 - 13 done by Carl Stevens Clancy (American). See above on this site in

Robert Sexé & Henry Andrieux

affiche_robert_sexe_expo_2012 _00005
Robert Sexé and Henry Andrieux are the first known French RTW riders. They took just over five months in 1926 to complete a 25,000 mile (40,250 km) journey aboard two Gillet 350 cc, 6.5 hp, two-strokes.Starting in Paris they crossed Europe and the newly formed USSR to Vladivostok (thought to be the first motorcycle to reach there), then by boat to Japan, across the USA before returning to France. Sexé (who may well have been the model for Hergé’s character TinTin) wrote about many of his long-distance journeys, while Andrieux went on to race for the Gillet factory.For more details see

30.08.1926 - 03.1928
B.H. Cathrick and J.P. Castley (Cathrick, British)
+ Around-The-World. The journalist of "The Motor Cycle and Motor Cycling" rode 33.000 kms Around-The-World with two sidecars BSA, V 2 zylinder. Modell Colonial.
Route: England - France - Spain - Portugal - France Italy - Austria - Tschechoslowakei - Bulgaria - Jugoslavia - Turkey - Syria - Palästina - Egypt (This ist the first time vehicles made the distance London - Cairo) -  Egypt - India by boat - India - Burma - Java - Australia (Perth- Nullabor - Melbourne - Sydney) - Tasmania - New Zealand - South - America (Valparasio) - Südafrika - England.
B.T.:  This is the first known World-Around-Tour by motorcycle from Great Britain. And possible the first or second to Australia. The first further ión to NZ.
2015.10.15 Franz-Josef Schuetenberg will in 2016 die Reise nachfahren

MOTORCYCLISTS END TOUR.; Arrive in London From World Trip of 22,000 Miles.
Copyright, 1927, by The New York Times Company.By Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES. (); December 08, 1927,, Section RADIO, Page 34.
After traveling 22.000 miles on motorcycles, Captains and Oliver, English sportsmen, today reached London, their starting point. They went around the world, ...

Viel Arbeit, aber so könntest Du fündig werden:

Die Zeit

ab 1947

Volltext, kostenlos

Hamburger Abendblatt

ab 1950

Volltext, kostenlos

New York Times

ab 1851

Titelei und Kurztext, Volltext kostet


ab 1947

Volltext, kostenlos

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

ab 1780

Titelei und Kurztext, Volltext kostet

problematisch ist die oft schlechte OCR-Erfassung der Texte, da muss man Suchbegriffe redundant verwenden
13.05.2014 First information by Norbert Lüdtke.

BH Cathrick & JP Castley

Cathrick and Castley
British journalists B.H. Cathrick and J.P. Castley rode a pair of BSA V-twin Colonial sidecar outfits 21,000 miles (33,000 km) across six continents between 1926-28.
Their route took them from England through western, southern and eastern Europe to Turkey, Syria, Palestine and Egypt (believed to be first time vehicles made the distance from London to Cairo), then to India by boat, Burma, Java, across Australia and on to Tasmania, New --------Zealand, South America,  South Africa and back to England.

27.11.1926 - 12.1927 (Dates out of the book and wikipedia). (This dates one found in another source: 12.1929 - 12.1930)
Geoffrey H. Malins (British)
+ Around-The-World. "The complete circling of the world by motorcycle and sidecar. This is the record of Mr. Charles Oliver and myself, who succesfully accomplished what we set out to do". Auf zwei Gespannen (1000 ccm, V 2-Motor) in OEC Dublex Rahmen, genannt "Pip" und "Squeak" oder "The Heavenly Twins", fuhren sie 36.480 km (22.800 miles) um den Globus.
Route:  Großbritannien (London) - Holland - Belgien - Deutschland - Frankreich - Spanien (Gibraltar) - Malta - Palästina - Irak - per Schiff nach Pakistan (Karachi) - Indien (Bombay - Dehli) - Birma (Rangoon) - Singapure - Indonesien (Java) - Australien - (Brisbaine - Sydney - Melbourne) Neuseeland (Auckland) - Fiji - Hawaii - USA (Los Angeles  - New York) - Großbritannien (London). Sie fuhren lange und viele Strecken per Schiff.
Book: Going Further.
Ca. 1992 Info by Bent Ellingsen.
2014.07.27 Personal "Thank-Visit" to Bent Ellingsen in Drammen, near Oslo, in Norwegian. Bent owned in ca. 1990 appr. 120 mc-travel-books. In 2014.07.27 I visited him with Patricia as a surprise. He was very kind and humorous. He offered us a bed-place and the book "Going further" from Geoffrey Malins as a present".

Going Further. By Geoffrey Malins. London : Elkin Mathews and Marrot, n.d. Price 18s.

By Cargo Boat and Mountain : The Unconventional Experiences of a Woman on Tramp round the World. By Marie Beuzeville Byles, B.A., LL.B. London : Seeley, Service and Co. Ltd., 1931. Price 21s.

Some wonderful photos of a pair of rare motorcycles! They show Capt Geoffrey Malins and his mate prepared for their round the world trip started in 1926. After the trip Capt Malins wrote a book about their experiences titled ‘Going Further’. This was published by Elkin Mathews & Marrot, 54 Bloomsbury Street, London, WC1 in 1931. You can still come across it in secondhand book shops- Apparently Capt Malins was an official cinematographer during WW1 and was well known for two films,’ Battle of the Somme’ and ‘Battle of the Tanks. The start of their ‘Round the World ‘ expedition was reported on pp 68, 74 & 75 of the December 1st issue of MotorCycling as having left ‘Saturday last’.Their motorcycles were OEC Temples powered by 1000cc ohv British Vulpine engines and the sidecars were special built Hughes.These didn’t stand up to the journey too well and both sidecar chassis were replaced in Melbourne, Australia. He doesn’t say what make the new chassis were but it is suspected they were Melbourne made as by that time the Australians had long since discovered the frailties of stiff English sidecar chassis and built our own local product using Silentbloc bushes to give the necessary compliance and slight flexibility.

Geoffrey H Malins & Charles Oliver
The heavenly twins captain-malins-1927-oec-temple

Two more Britons, Geoffrey H. Malins and Charles Oliver circled the world during 1926-27 (or 1929-30 ?) using a brace of OEC-Temple 1,000cc V-twin sidecar outfits using OEC’s unique Duplex frame (an example is on display at the National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham, England).  The outfits were known as “Pip” and “Squeak”, or “The Heavenly Twins”.
Their route, based largely on British Empire territories and interests, covered 22,800 miles (36,500 km) from London through Western Europe to Gibraltar, Malta, Palestine, Iraq, India, Burma, Singapore, Java, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Hawaii, across the USA and then the Atlantic crossing back to London.
Malins, who as a cinematographer had filmed ‘The Battle of the Somme’, wrote a book: ‘Going Further, Etc. the complete circling of the world by motor cycle and sidecar’, published by E. Mathews &​ Marrot in 1931, London, 396 pages. We wish you well finding a copy. For more information on this pairing click the images, and for other riders mentioned above, see

2022.03.07: Dieter Mutschler from Germany informed my kindly about the ealier travel-dates as above out of the book. Wikipedia shows ths earlier dates as well.

02.07.1927 - 1928
Stan Glanfield (British)
+ Around-The-World. Rudge-Whitworth world tour with a sidecar. 8 months. 18.000 miles.
Reproduced from Motorcycle Sport, August 1972, p 296.
An epic journey of 1928
Route: Europe - Asia - Australia - North America
MOTORCYCLING is again coming back into favour and it does not seem right that all the credit for the long-distance pioneering runs of long ago should remain with the four-wheeler fraternity, does it? We may regard with a mixture of awe and reverence the exploits of people like Birtles who drove a Bean from London to Australia in 1927, those who raced from Paris to Peking as long ago as 1907 (1908 !) when the big Thomas car proved the winner, the Court-Treatts who coaxed a couple of Crossleys from the Cape to Cairo, taking from 1924 until 1926 to do so, and Fred Grey who undertook trans-African journeys in a pair of twin-cylinder Jowetts, of only 7 h.p., named "Wait" and "See". But the motorcycle could do it too, as I now propose to remind you.
The outfit concerned was a 3½ h.p. Rudge-Whitworth with a box-bodied sidecar, which Stanley Glanfield, of the well-known motorcycle factors, Glanfield Lawrence Ltd., rode to some purpose away back in 1927/8. What Glanfield set out to do was to ride his moderately-powered, single-cylinder Rudge for a distance of 18,000 miles across four continents at a time in motoring history when roads, maps, service facilities and conditions generally did not encourage a world onslaught of this kind, even in a car and with company to share the adventures.
Pay tribute, then, to this lone rider, who on 2 July 1927, having worked at his preparations all night, kick-started his Rudge and set off towards Folkstone on a journey which was to occupy all his skill, stamina and resourcefulness for the next eight months. The sidecar was useful as a repository for tins of petrol and oil, food, blankets, and some spare parts. On the pillion Glanfield had fitted a small vice, anticipating the need to make roadside repairs....
Even to cross Europe alone on a motor-cycle was tough going 44 years ago, but the Rudge was at Amiens by the first nightfall and the only alarms seem to have been a narrow escape from colliding with a train at a level-crossing near Compeigne and a fire, quickly put out with the rider's extinguisher, near the German border. Slightly singed, Glanfield pressed on, crossing Germany without the advantage of speaking the language, but losing 10 days at Vienna because the frame broke and had to be repaired there and then beside the road.
To prevent this happening again a lightweight sidecar was made specially for the machine in Vienna. This was an improvement but the very bad roads in Hungary and the Balkans continually threw Glanfield out of the saddle, and in Serbia he found that if he had put 65 miles behind in a day it was good going. By August 15 our hero had reached Constantinople but the feared red-tape of Turkish officialdom delayed him for nine days. Then it was across the Bosphorous to Haida Pasha, where the rider was compelled to give up riding the Rudge for a time, it being part of the official ruling that he must travel by train in order that he might not get a sight of the Dardanelles fortifications. Indeed, at this period of his travels officialdom did its best to bring the venture to a halt. For instance, the Police sent him to Payas over narrow mountain tracks strewn with boulders and crossed by dried-up river beds and gullies. Arriving there thoroughly exhausted, Glanfield was told he must go back as far as the insignificant village of Deurtyol to obtain permission to leave the country, and all his protests fell on unsympathetic, deaf ears. So he turned back and faced the route in darkness, risking malaria, an armed guard on the pillion.
Thrown into goal, then under open arrest, the motorcyclist from England eventually got away and was soon glad to be speeding along a fine highway towards Aleppo, with the old roman road from Alexandretta still discernible alongside. But these easy conditions were not destined to last long. The Syrian desert had to be crossed, which was quite a feat in itself, and at Tel-e-Far, where he asked for water, the Arabs proved to be hostile and only a tin of cigarettes and the Rudge's acceleration after these were handed around saved Glanfield from very likely suffering the fate which had befallen the last white people to stop there - the crew of an armoured car, they were all murdered....
Perhaps not surprisingly, Glanfield now fell ill with fever but after a short spell in hospital he insisted on riding on, with a temperature of 104 deg. He was worried about his self-imposed time schedule and knew that there would be the welcome respite of the sea journey from Basra to Bombay. This was a much-needed break, because the run from Bombay, across India to Calcutta was almost beyond belief. The rivers were flooded by the monsoon and the Rudge had to be dismantled to get it across many of them, while the combination of endless mud and rain caused an equally endless series of small mechanical troubles. Against such adversities Glanfield averaged 300 miles a day and his fame had preceded him as he rode his disreputable motorcycle and sidecar into fashionable Calcutta.
Next it was by sea to Penang and then more interminable riding, through dense jungle, and torrential Malayan rain. The under-wheel hazards were less from Malacca to Singapore but the rain, if possible, even heavier. The rider was frozen, which is probably why he elected to cover the last 17 moles into Singapore at 60 m.p.h., the Rudge as game as when it began.
The plot was now to ride to Java and embark for Port Darwin, hoping to get there before the rains came. Alas, the Australian monsoon was not beaten and the Rudge had to do the best it could, over almost trackless going composed of bog, sand and rock, the conditions ever deteriorating.
Improvising bridges from purloined railway sleepers, heaving and pushing, Glanfield forced the luckless Rudge along. He had company for a time, while a young stockman accompanied him on the pillion, but this passenger had had enough when a particularly bad pot-hole threw him off and at the same time crushed one of Glanfield's feet under the machine. The nearest hospital was at Boulia, 200 miles away, so there was nothing for it but to ride, in fearful pain, solo, to salvation. To do this although every jolt made him sick with pain, Glanfield had somehow to get the Rudge across numerous creeks and river beds. He also had to rebuild the gearbox, damaged by boulders after he had been crawling for miles over ridged sand in low gear.
A week after his release from another hospital, Glanfield hit a hidden tree stump, which tore off the sidecar wheel and caused the machine to somersault three times. A control pierced his leg but although bleeding profusely Glanfield had to go a quarter of a mile on foot before he found the sidecar wheel. He carried a spare spindle and at Tambo the damage was repaired and once again he pressed on - again against doctor's orders.
There were further troubles but just before Christmas he had almost completed the 800-mile run to Sydney when, three miles from his destination, the engine gave up. A big combination was sent out to tow him in but it broke down and the Rudge was eventually persuaded to motor in on its own.
After Glanfield had attended to business in Sydney, rider and Rudge crossed the Pacific and the final part of this endurance marathon was from Los Angeles to New York in temperatures below zero, sleet, rain and a biting head-wind. At a level crossing the Rudge nearly ended up as it had almost done in France but a burst of acceleration saved the day.
That was it! The Rudge had covered 18,000 miles of the worst going imaginable. It came home triumphantly on the Olympic and rests today in the Coventry museum. Let no-one say that motorcycles were not every bit as good as cars at these pioneering trans-Continental runs!
15. November 2003 this article was kindly send by email for Stanley Reters in Canada.

Stanley Glanfield
Over an eight-month period from 1927-28, Stanley Glanfield rode his 3½ hp Rudge-Whitworth motorcycle (with a box-bodied sidecar added along the way) 18,000 miles (29,000 km) from London, across Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. Stanley Glanfield 1 Glanfield in Cov Transport Museum

Some time later, W.Boddy wrote a magazine article “Round The World On A Rudge – an epic journey of 1928”, later reproduced in the August 1972 edition of Motorcycle Sport which can be found here. 
Glanfield’s machine can still be seen at the Coventry Transport Museum in England, alongside several other notable bikes, including Ted Simon’s 500cc Triumph. This is the bike he used for his famous Jupiter’s Travels trip – see 1970s section of this history

08.1928 - 1936
Zoltan Sulkowski (Hungarian 1902-1950) and Gyula Bartha (Hungarian. Born? + ?)
+ Around-The-World with a Harley-Davidson sidecar by Zoltán Sulkowsky und Gyula Bartha. 7 years. 68 countries. 170.000 kms. 5 continents.
Mit dem Motorrad um die Erde. 170.000 km durch 68 Länder in fünf Kontinenten. Zur Zeit der großen „Weltwirtschaftskrise“ reisten zwei junge Ungarn, Zoltán Sulkowsky und Gyula Bartha, von 1926-1936 mit einem -Gespann von Harley Davidson um die Welt. Sie haben 68 Länder auf 5 Kontinenten durchquert und 170.000 km zurückgelegt.
Route: Europe (Italien, Frankreich, Spanien und Portugal) - Africa (Über Nord-Afrikas Marokko, Algerien, Tunesien, Libyen und Ägypten gelangten sie in den Nahen Osten: Asia (Palästina, Syrien, Türkei)- Europe (Danach bereisten sie die Balkan-Halbinsel mit Griechenland, Bulgarien, Rumänien und Jugoslawien) - Africa (Per Schiff reisten sie zurück nach Ägypten und fuhren in den Sudan). -Asia (Von der arabischen Halbinsel gelangten sie per Schiff von Aden nach Indien. Nachdem sie Nord- und Südindien und Ceylon durchstreift hatten, landeten sie nach einer Schiffsreise in Perth) - Australia (Hier in Australien brachten sie es auf 11.000 km).
      Der schwierigste, anstrengendste, aber auch abenteuerlichste Teil ihrer Reise war in Süd-Ost-Asien durch Java, Sumatra, Malaysia, Siam, Indochina mit Kambodscha, Süd-Vietnam, Annam und Tonkin. Die fremden Schriftzeichen in China und Japan machten ihnen bei der Orientierung oftmals große Schwierigkeiten.
     Über Hawaii gelangten sie nach San Franzisko (USA). Nach 2 Jahren ausführlicher Reisen in Nord-Amerika fuhren sie weiter über Mexiko und Cuba, um zwei weitere Jahre in Süd-Amerika durch Panama, Equador, Peru, Chile, Argentinien, Uruguay und Brasilien zu reisen.
     Von Rio de Janeiro kehrten sie nach einer 8-jährigen Welt-Reise nach Europa (England) zurück. 1936 wurden die beiden Welt-Reisenden mit einer größeren Feier in Ungarn (Budapest) empfangen.
Publications: They did not have a sponsor for their tour. They had many publications in newsparers and magazines worldwide. And they had some different books in differenr languages.
Book: Sulkowsky, Zoltán. Motorral a föld körül. 170.000 km. AZ ÖT Világrész 68 Országán Keresztül. 14 Kapitel. 320 S. 127 SW-Photos. 14 Karten und Skizzen. Ungarisch.
Verlag: Privat herausgegeben von Zoltán Sulkowsky. November 1937. Budapest. Ungarn. Bibliothek.
All publication of books see:

1987: 1st info: Martin Franitza. Die großen Motorrad-Reisen unseres Jahrhunderts. Book in Hungarian: "Motorral a föld körül. 170.000 km".
Museum: Zusammenfassung der Reise in ungarischer Sprache von Dr. János Kubassek in der Museumszeitschrift „Földrajzi múzeumi tanulmányok“. 2. és 6. szám. 1986. Magyar földrajzi Gyüjtemény. Érd. Ungarn.  In dem geographischen Museum „Magyar Földraji“ in Érd liegt auch ein handsigniertes Exemplar dieses Buches und der Nachlaß der Originalaufzeichnungen von Zoltán.
1988 den „Secretary General of the FIM / CTC“, George Martinez, in Budapest besuchte, erzählte er mir erstmalig von der Existenz ausführlicher Unterlagen, die in einer ungarischen Bibliothek zu finden sein müßten.
1990: Erst 1990 konnte ich von ihm erfahren, daß ein Original eines Buches in dem geographischen Museum „Magyar Földraji“ in Érd liegt.
1991: 12.12.1991 B.T. erhielt von einem Mann Enry Sulkowsky in Bukarest (Sulkowsy war sein Onkel) das letzte, doppelte und zudem von Zoltán noch handsignierte Buch - zu einem dicken, hier ungenannten Preis ... Zoltáns Grab ist in Budapest, der genaue Ort unbekannt.
1994 B.Tesch. wrote a long summary of this rare journey and book Around-The-World in his book "Motorrad Abenteuer Touren"..
02.2008 An American translation of the book appeared which you can buy online: Edited in English language by Karoly Kanyo in USA as an ebook of 10 MB.
03.2009 The original book came out in paper in English from the in USA. Bernd Tesch sells this as well.
19.04.2015 Ives Campion informed me by email that he purchased one album and a one book in Hungarian language from Zoltan Sulkowsky. - B.T. has the impression that it comes from a member of the families of one of the travellers.
21.10.2019: Csaba Görög is an Hungarian man who collects Harley Davidson. Csaba owns (as Bernd Tesch does) a personal signed Book of Sulkowsky in Hungarian language. As well as the passport and a range of original-photos and > 100 metal-plaquets so far. Csaba wrote to me that Sulkowksy sold the bike/sidecar after ww2. He tries to find out where the bike NOW is.
Can you reader help to find the sidecar-location?

Some information about the bike / sidecar: It was a hybrid sidecar. The original bike what they bought in Paris was a 1922 model. With an old style HD sidecar frame and whelt. But he sidecar body was a French made from www1.
15.11.2019: Csaba Görög: The postwar story of the bike and the full heritage is really complicated. One part of the heritage sold on an auction 15 years ago by the inheritors. The plaquets sold by this auction to different people. In the last 4 years we made an investigation to find these people with the plaquets. We could buy back this 27 plaquets now. With this, we have 102 from the total 270. Ca. 150 lost in the war. We know about more 14-16. In the near future these plaquets will come back and the collection will be full again.
15.11.2019:: Csaba Görög : The bike with the sidecar sold to a glass repair man, named Horvath in 1948, but we lost the bike in the 1950’ies.
B.T.: This is the first longest mc-ride Around-The-World in those times. First World-Around-Tour by Hungarians. Second World-Around-Tour with a Harley-Davidson sidecar.

Zoltan Sulkowsky & Gyula Bartha
Zoltan ZS Around the World on a motorcycle

The first Hungarians to ride the world were Zoltan Sulkowsky and Gyula Bartha, using a Harley-Davidson sidecar outfit. From 1928–36 they visited 68 countries on five continents, at that time the longest RTW trip at 106,000 mile (170,000 km).
Their route took them from Budapest, down through North Africa and the Middle East, into Turkey and the Balkans, back through North Africa and Arabia through much of India to Ceylon and then on to Australia, taking-in many of the countries and islands comprising South-East, mainland China and Japan before crossing the ocean to Hawaii and on toSan Francisco. The next four years were evenly split between North America and Central / South America before returning to Hungary.
An English language translation of their book ‘Around the World on a Motorcycle: 1928-1936’ by Zoltan Sulkowsky has been published by Whitehorse Press, 413 pages, softbound 6 x 9 inches.  ISBN 978-1-884313-55-4.  Available here.
For more information see or click the image above.
07.10.2016 B.T.

1928 - 30
Gabriel Dufner (Düfner ?) (American)
+ Around-The-World. Gabriel circeld the world on an Indian Scout-Sidecar from Detroit / USA: 60.000 km. He had a dog called "Polly" with him. He had a propeller on his sidecar which motored a generator to refresh the mc-battery.
Route: Deutschland - Balkan - Asien - Australien - Neuseeland - China- Japan - Indien - Europa - Deutschland.
First information by Info Ernst Leverkus.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publicatinos about them??
1928 - >09.04.1933
Dufner Gabriel (American) . (Vielleicht wurde er in der Literatur oder in ausländischen Magazinen Doufner (Düfner ?) genannt
+ Around-The-World. The American Gabriel circeld the world on an Indian Scout-Sidecar from Detroit / USA: 60.000 km. had a dog called „Polly" with him. He had a propeller on his sidecar which motored a generator to refresh the mc-battery. Another information is that he circled the world 3 times by mc with an Indian Scout . During the third time - in the beginning of the years 1930 - it is supposed that he died in the Sahara.
Route: Deutschland - Balkan - Asien - Australien - Neuseeland - China- Japan - Indien - Europa - Deutschland.
The American Doufner went 3 times around the world by mc with an Indian Scout.
First information by Info Ernst Leverkus.
19.11.2003 Oliver Stenzel schreibt: Hallo Herr Tesch, beim Räumen ist meine Mutter über alte Photos des Bruders meiner Ur-Uroma gestossen. Er war: Gabriel Dufner, Weltumrunder per Motorrad !! Ich habe (ohne viel Hoffnung) bei Google einfach mal seinen Namen eingegeben, und bin auf Ihrer Seite gelandet. Ich habe vier Photos, die Gabriel wohl von unterwegs nach Hause geschickt hat, z.T. mit Kommentaren bez. Datumsangaben. Sollten Sie Interresse an diesen Photos für Ihr Buch haben, so schicke ich Ihnen gerne jpeg's der Vor- und Rückseiten. Falls Sie noch nähere informationen über Gabriel bez. seine Nachfahren haben, wäre es nett wenn Sie mir diese übermiteln könnten.
19.11.2003 Oliver schrieb: Und in Süd-America war er auch: Chile auf jeden Fall, und ich denke auch Peru. Es ist sehr schwer, und auch nur mit der Lupe möglich, die mischung aus sütterlings- und normaler schrift auf den Photos zu entziffern. Auf dem einen photo kann man lesen: Hinten: "Gabriel Dufner, Consulado aleman, Valparaiso, Chile" Vorne steht: "Wüste-Pampa Tau??y. 16 km v. Chim??te Peru. 18.8.1932 - 09.4. 1933." Die ?? stehen für Buchstaben, die ich nicht entziffern kann. Ich hab auch mal versucht, auf die site von Indian Motorcycle zu gehen, aber die ist scheint's permanent down. Mal schaun was noch so rauskommt. Richtig spannend !!! Viele grüsse, Oliver Stenzel
19.11.2003 Request for update.
12.02.2004 Next request for update
06.02.2012 Next request for update

Gabriel Dufner & Polly
Probably the first canine to circumnavigate the globe by motorcycle was “Polly”, who accompanied US rider Gabriel Dufner on an Indian Scout sidecar outfit over 37,000 miles (60,000 km) between 1928-30.  The sidecar was fitted with a propeller driven generator to recharge the bike battery. Their route took them from Germany through the Balkans to Asia, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan and India before returning to Germany. Dufner is believed to have circled the world 3 times by motorcycle, perishing in the Sahara on his final trip.
07.10.2016 B.T.

1929. John Gill (Australian Magazine). - John Gill and Phil Irving (Postcard they send).

11.05.1929 - 14.01.1929
John Gill (British, Bradford, Yorkshire) with Walter J (T.?) Stephens (British, London, pillion rider from England to Australia) and Phil Irving (Australian, Melbourne, pillion rider from Australia to America - Europe)
+ Around-The-World. Europe - Asia - Australia - America - Europe. From England to Australia John Gill as the driver and Walter J. Stehhens as teh pillion rider rode 16.000 miles through 15 countries with a sidecar (four-horse single cylinder motorcycle, spring frame).
Martin Franitza offers: England - 02.1930 they reached Australia after 19.000 kms - with Phil Irving then Canada - England (London). Finally 37.000 kms with a HRD-(Vincent)-Noxal- sidecar
Route: Europe (England (11.05.1928 from London- Dover) - by ship to France (Calais - left Calais 12.05.1928, 12:00 - Paris (07:30 pm) - Switzerland (Zürich) - Germany (Basel) - Austria - Hungary - Jugoslavia - Bulgaria - Turkey (Constantinoble (here John Gill was imprisoned 14 days over trouble with passports) - Alexandretta - French Syria (Aleppo - Syrian desert 1400 miles (shot by Bedouins with camels) - Deirezor (border, customs) - through the Irak desert into Irak (Mozul ? - Baghdad) - around Persia (Visa refused) by ship to India (Karachi) - through the sind desert into the Bulachistan - Agra (Taj Mahal) - because impassability of the Burmese territory from India (Calcutta) by ship to Federated Malay States (Penang - Taiping - Ipho - Singapore. By ship to Northern Australia by a Shell-Tanker "Solen" (arrived in Melbourne 14th.01.1929).
With Phil Irving (from Melbourne) as a pillion rider by ship to New Zealand (Bluff) by the Maheno (arrived 24th.02.1929) - Invergall - Auckland - by ship witzh plan to America.
Orgnanization and publications:
25th.02.1930. The Southland Times. Round The World. Tour by Motorcycle.
1932-1933 John Gill made a second world-tour on a similar course with ? motorcycle ? and ? person?. A publication about this tour is unknown. Do you know more ?
22.08.1993 1st information by Martin Franitza. Book: Martin Franitza. Die großen Motorradreisen unseres Jahrhunderts. ISBN 3-9801491-3-7.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their earlier or present address of realtions or publications about them??
One John Gill commissioned from Vincent a motorcycle that he and Walter Stephens would ride around the world. Stephens quit in Australia and a young engineer, Philip Irving, replaced him. Back in the UK, Vincent and Irving formed the working partnership that would create their greatest motorcycles.
200? David Lesdbetter. Mamatsu College. Sumiyoshi. 1-20-20 Hamatsu Shizuka Ken F 430. Society English and English Literature- 053-474-8455 send me a fotocopy of The Southland Times. Round The World. Tour by Motorcycle.
03.04.2015 Out of the publication The Southland Times. most: Mr. Gill was a track rider for some time. In 1928 he went for a trip to England. There he met M. Walter Stephens. Both members of the Royal Automobile Club of Great Britain. There the conceived the idea setting out on a worldtour in 1929.
03.04.2015 Last summary. Request to Martin Franitza via facebook. -
- Martin answers that he has a foto and a letter of...??
03.-06.04.2015 Bob Zwarts (GB) in facebook writes that in a book of Phil Irving there is a autobiography. Within this book there is a detailed description of the trip England-Australia. B.T. asks Bob via f to look of all. Bob sends the bibliographic dates of the book:
Phil Irving, An autobiography'. Published by Turton and Armstrong, Sydney, Australia in 1992 The ISBN 090803149 . The relevant sections are Chapter 5 "Pillion to England:1930" pages 131 to 153. The concluding part is in Chapter 6 "Hard Times -But Good", pages 154 to 157.
- Very expensive in internet!

Gill, Stephens and Irving
British riders John Gill and Walter Stephens undertook a 23,000 mile (37,000 km) RTW trip aboard an HRD-Noxal sidecar outfit between 1928-30. Australian rider Phil Irving joined Gill for the return leg of the journey back to England after Stephens abandoned the enterprise on reaching Australia. Back in Britain, Irving became the engineering genius behind the development of Vincent motorcycles.

07.11.1928 - 07.11.1930 in Poole, Dorset. 
Ivan Sergevich Kralichek Soboleff (Russian)
+ Around-The-World. Geplant war eine Welt-Reise per Fahrrad. Er startet mit einem gebrauchten Fahrrad in China (Shanghai), fährt per Schiff nach Hongkong und später mit Visa nach Bangkok. Er durchquert als erster Fahrrad-Fahrer den Dschungel von Burma bis Singapur. Hier kauft er sich ein gebrauchtes Motorrad. In Indien bekommt er ein britisches Ariel-Gespann geschenkt. Nach exakt 2 Jahren ist er zurück in Shanghai. Er hat 22 Länder durchquert und ist 68.800 km  (43.000 miles). Dieses dürfte die bis dahin in km längste km-Strecke sein, die ein Motorrad-Weltreisender gefahren ist.
Books: Nansen Passport. Buch von I.S.K. Soboleff. 1935. Cossack at large (1960).
1993: Bernd Tesch visited the second wife of Ivan Soboleff in GB. B.T. owns the original fotos.
22.12.2021: I had several requests to the late-living relations of Soboleff in GB.
Steve Ashford (USA) wrote to me: ​One can find reference to it on the internet.

Julie and Keld, a Danish-Russian couple, appears to maintain this site.  Their website is:

Emeric Von Semendy. The foto on top is originally from the visit of the office of "Motorcycling of 10 August 1932 in GB"
The foto below is the rider seen on a postcard which he sold for living.
Both send are kindly by woman Annice of Vintage Motorcycle Club of GB in may 2009 to Bernd Tesch.

1929 - 1935
Emeric von Semendy
- Around The World ? Emeric Von Semendy sold postcards to finance his world tour by motorcycle. On the back of the postcard is standing:
EMERIC VON SEMENDY, Hungary , Budapest, Left Budapest in 1929 with the intention to travel the world around in six years by Motor Cycle DKW. I have travelled already through – Austria , Czecho-Slovakia, Jugo Slavia, Roumania, Germany , Switzerland , Italy , Sicily , Africa, France , Belgium. Having accomplished the distance of 70,000 kilometres. The intention of my travelling around the world is, solely for educational purposes. I am maintaining myself by selling postcards ONE PENNY.
This is standing in "The Motorcycle".
There is a picture of him on the motorcycle on the card but it is not clear enough to be sure what make it is. We are working on that part of it.
Who knows more ??
22.04.2009 1st summary and request by Annice from the librarian of the Vintage Motorcycle club in England : You (and/or any other motorcyclists) would be very welcome to visit the library if you have time next time you are in England . We are in Wetmore Road, Burton on Trent which is about 30 miles North of Birmingham. There is a map on our website.
22.04.2009 1st answer and request for update with picture.

Captain Geoffrey Malins (left) and his friend. Foto: Kerry Pratt von den Cayman Islands.

1931 - 1940
Peter Lee Warren (British) (Warner, Lee ?)
Around-The-World ?  193? um die Welt.
22.05.2000 I could not get more information of this. Who knows more or publications? Any details ?


07.10.2018: Ryan Baum Davis from USA / California send me kindly this postcard. It was in the envelope-letter above.
BT: The motorcycle is an Indian. The postcard is handsigned and says that this foto is taken in Lahore, Indian (now Pakistan) in february 1931. The envelope was from the HOTEL TUNG SHAN in Hongkong. It was send 23.07.1931 from USA, Los Angeles to Denmark. Bfoer teh name is written "Herr". This is German.'

07.10.2018: 1st information by Ryan Baum Davis from USA / California who send me kindly this scan of the postcard and envelope.
07.10.2018: BT answers Ryan Baum Davis that he does not the name of the still early and rare expedition "Around-The-World".
07.10.2018 BT asks famous mc-traveller and book-author Hjalte Tin if he knows anything abou this.

Heinz Block und Sorofka (German)
Around-The-World ? Sie brachen 1931 mit einem Victoria-Motorrad zu einer Welt-Reise auf.
Quelle Martin Franitza. Die großen Motorradreisen unseres Jahrhunderts. ISBN 3-9801491-3-7.
22.08.93 1st information by Martin Franitza.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Miss Rene Lees (British) and an American girl
Around-The-Word ?  Miss Rene planned with an American girl (who already rode Califonia to New York) togehter to circle the world on a American big-twin which she purchased in Japan.
26.02.1931 Short publication with picture as an announcement in THE MOTORCYLE 1931, page 318.


1932: Robert Fulton in Waziristan. Robert "Bob" send me this foto for publication in 1993.

1993: Robert Fulton in USA at home. Robert "Bob" send me this foto in 1993.

06.07.1932 - 24.12.1933 ??
Robert Edison Jun. Fulton (American, April 15, 1909 – May 7, 2004))
+ Around-The-World. The record of a journey round the world by a Doughlas through 22 countries in 18 months on three continents with most of the time spent in Asia. The architekt "Bob (23)" started  solo with a sidecar but took off the side waggon in South of  Europe and continued with his solo bike.
Route: 40.000 miles (64.000 km). England (Bristol) - France - Germany - Austria - Hungary - Jugoslawia - Bulgaria - Greece - Turkey - Syria - "Djebel - Druze" - Iraq - by ship to India - Waziristan - Afghanistan - D.E.I. - Malaysia - Sumatra - Java - Siam - Cambodia (= French - Indo-China) - China - Japan - USA (New York).
1991: Bernd Tesch found Robert "Bob" Fulton in USA. My first letter was answered on the first day when it arrived, By fax. Then I had a wonderful-personal exchange with many letters from both sides. I know many details out of his life. He gave more than 500 reports/lectures about his tour RTW. Including one in the Carnegie Hall.
1993.06.04 Robert E. Fulton Jr. (84) and his son Rawn Fulto and his gransson Sohn Whitman Fulton visited Bernd Tesch three days in Aachen/Germany/Europe. Many fotos. A publication one sheet came out in Aachens largest Newspaper Aachener Volkszeitung about Robert Fulton (which B.T. wrote).
1994 B.T. visited Robert in USA.
1994: Book: "One Man Caravan (Original in 1936)" was published. Bernd Tesch had the idea and organised a reprint by WHITEHORSE PRESS / USA in 1998. Available there and in Germany only from Bernd Tesch.
1998.03.07: In Europes largest Motorcycle-Magazine MOTORRAD (190.000 prints), part UNTERWEGS (= on the road) was published: An eight pages report by Bernd Tesch about Robert FULTONs Motorcycle World-Around-Tour 1932 with a Doughlas and his new reprint-book  "One man Caravan"  (DM 44,90, in English. I had the idea of this reprint and Dan Kennedy from WHITE HORSE PRESS in USA did the job of publishing.). Bernd Tesch published an 8 pages report about his travel in German motorcycle-magazine MOTORRAD.
04.2000 Robert had an exhibition of his total life as an artist, architect, pilot, inventor and motorcycle world-around-traveller being 90 years old.
2000: A book in artistic style in a limited small edition about his World-Around-Tour was published. "The long journey home" (Hardcover). Available only from Bernd Tesch in Germany.
B.T.: 1991 I found the architect Robert and pilot (called Bob) in USA. We had an intensively exchange of letters. When Robert found out that I know the largest amount of Motorcycle-WORLD-A-Round Travellers he wanted to meet me. When he circled solo the world in 1932  he thought that he probably is the first one. Still being interested in Motorcycle-World-Travelling "Bob" visited me in 1993 in Aachen/Germany in my shop. He wanted to stay with his son and grandson for three hours. Because I organised a one page publication in the German Newspaper here about his worldtour on the same day and a reception with 40 Motorcycle-Traveller for him "Bob" stayed for three days. In 1994 I was his personal guest in USA. Although already 84 year Bob collected me in N.Y. at the air-port by himself 300 kms from his home in Connecticut.
Bob is still a very wonderful and modest person although he and his family are very famous. His earlier fathers invented the steamship, the bulb (?, not sure if this was his family), Mac Lorry Company for Transport and greyhound busses. Bob invented many things. One of the famous items are that he builds (simple explain) a gas-bottle with which you fill up a baloon which is going in the air with a robe. Then a big plain is coming with a fork in the front and flying under the baloon and rolling up the rope. So the lost person will be lifted up by this rope in the plane and brought home safely 5000 kms. This equipment had been used for years in the USA-military to pick up pilots or ship people who were in case of emercency. Even the agent 007 was one time safed by this in a film.
11.08.2000 B. T.: Robert (calls himself  Bob) is the oldest living Motorcycle-Traveller "Around-The-World". He has been in some places nobody has been until today. He is the only one "Around-The-World" by motorcycle, who had a reprint of his book so many years later still being alive. Bob is the first one who made 40.000 feet of film with a 35 mm movie camera riding a motorcycle Around-The-World. B.T. tries since 1994 to motivate Bob that he makes a video out of it.

Nariman P. Mistry (India)
Around-The-World ? Weil ich eine Wette gewinnen wollte, startete ich zu einer Welt-Reise.
Route: Von Dar es Salaam startet der Inder Nariman P. Mistry 1933 seine geplante Welt-Umrundung, allerdings ohne Motorrad. Später reist er mit einem Harley-Davidson-Gespann (Baujahr 1929) mit linksseitigem Seitenwagen. 1936 ist er nach 44.000 km (???) bereits in Harlem.
First info by Martin Franitza.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Siegfried Neuhaus und Hans Reichardt. 1934-35 ca. Archiv Heinz Schulze: "Ob das Foto gemacht wurde, als sein Reisepartner Hans Reichardt noch dabei war, kann niemand mehr sagen. Genauso wo das Bild entstanden ist, kann niemand mehr sagen. Das einzige, was man sehen kann, das die Träger asiatisch aussehen".

Siegfried Neuhaus und Hans Reichardt. 1934 ca. Archiv Heinz Schulze.

11.09.1934 - ca. end of 08.1935
Siegfried Neuhaus (German, born *1912 +1992) und Hans Reichardt (German, *??.??.19??- +??.??.19??)
+ Around-The-World. Siegfried Neuhaus circled the World with a Harley Davidson in one year. Hans Reichard rode with him possibly as far as Siam (Thailand) and stayed there.
Route: Europe (Germany (Berlin)- Czechoslovakia - Hungary - Yugoslavia - Bulgaria - Turkey)- Asia (Turkey (Konstantinopel) - by ship to Egypt ( Alexandria) - by motorcycle to Cantara - Suez - Sinai Peninsula - Palestine (Nazareth - Tiberias - Jerusalem) - Syria (Damascus) - Iraq (Baghdad - Basra- by ship from Basra to India (Karachi - Bombay) - ??? by motorcycle to Thailand (Siam ) ?? - Indonesia - Indochina - working on a ship to earn money from Hongkong to China (Shanghai) - by ship to Japan - working on a ship to earn money to North America (USA (Los Angeles - New York)) - by ship to Europe (Denmark) - by motorcycle to Germany (Halberstadt).
Info zur Reise:
- Heinz Schulze schreibt: "Neuhaus und Reichardt aus Germany (Halberstadt) hatten Korolec-Bujakowska in Bagdad getroffen. Ab da waren Neuhaus und Reichardt immer vor Korolec-Bujakowska. Wenn die durch Burma gereist sind, dann auf jeden Fall vor den Druskiennikier Korolec-Bujakowska. Ich habe eben nochmals meine Unterlagen durchgeschaut. Die Reisekarte, die Du von den Polen hast, ist nicht richtig gezeichnet. In der aktuellen Taschenbuchauflage ist die korrigierte Karte abgebildet (siehe Anhang), Lukasz hat sie mir zugeschickt. Sie sind von Kalkutta per Schiff nach Rangun. Meine Vermutung wäre also, das Siegfried und Hans das Gleiche gemacht haben. Das läßt sich aber jetzt nicht mehr bestätigen. Auch Max Reisch und Helmuth Hahmann hatten seiner Zeit diese Schiffsfahrt gemacht. Wobei es aber nicht unmöglich sein kann, der Landweg (siehe Anhang Motorradtransport!!!). Neuhaus und Reichardt haben schon abenteuerliche Wege benutzt.
Hier mal der deutsche Text aus dem polnischem Buch zu Neuhaus und Reichardt :"Zwei junge Burschen aus Halberstadt, der Fahrer Siegfried Neuhaus (Wenhaus im Buch) und der Beiwagenpassagier Hans Reichart, haben Berlin drei Wochen nach unserem Besuch dort verlassen, und zwar als spezielle Berichterstatter. Durch einen seltsamen Zufall haben sie eine mit unserer identischen Route gewählt. Sie fahren die gleichen Punkte ab und streben demselben Ziel entgegen. Allerdings mit einem gewissen Unterschied. Während wir uns stur auf dem Landweg vorwärts drängen, sei es über die Straße oder auch auf Eselspfaden, begeben sich unsere Kollegen aus Deutschland immer auf dem kürzesten Weg über das Festland oder das Meer, so dass sie auf der Strecke Berlin-Bagdad nur um die Hälfte unserer Kilometerzahl gemacht haben. Sie werden wohl längst auf der Grenze von Siam sein, wenn wir die persische Gastfreundschaft in Teheran in Anspruch nehmen werden. „Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel“, sagt man. Und noch gilt: „Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst“… (Marta Majorczyk, beeidigte Dolmetscherin, die Übersetzerin, hat mir erlaubt, Dir diesen Text zu schicken).
Lasse Dich jetzt Bitte NICHT durch die Schreibweise von Wenhaus und Reichart irritieren. Das ist das, was Halina geschrieben hat.
Die Angaben zu den Schiffspassagen stammen aus einem Zeitungsartikel vom Dez. 1935 in Halberstadt. Mehr ist da nicht zu lesen. Vielleicht erfährt man mehr in den anderen Artikeln, die ich aber leider "noch" nicht habe! 
1935.12.??: Zeitungsartikel: Heinz Schulze 28.05.2016: Bei Gelegenheit möchte wir, Michael und ich, nach Halberstadt um im dortigen Archiv die Zeitungen von 1935 durch zu schauen. Aufs Jahr verteilt sind dort einige Berichte von Neuhaus erschienen. Und in amerikanischen Motorradzeitschriften gibt es auch Berichte von ihm, auch, um sich noch was Geld dazu zu verdienen. Das hat mir seine Tochter erzählt.
B.T.: Hat die Tochter nicht noch Fotos / Unterlagen??? 
Heinz Schulze: An den letzten Kriegstagen in 1945 ist Halberstadt völlig zerstört worden. Alle Souvenirs/Bilder/die Harley -- alles im elterlichen Haus verbrannt. Es gibt nur eine Handvoll Bilder, die Siegfried bis zum Schluss immer in seiner Brusttasche bei sich gehabt haben soll. Aussage der Tochter.
25.05.2016 First information by Heinz Schulze (who saw this book at Michael Schulze´s book-collection).
Info von Heinz Schulze: Ín dem Buch "Mein Moped, mein Junge und ich" von Halina Bujakowski (Hochzeitsreise mit BSA 1000 G34-14 Twin "World Tour" mit Beiwagen, von Polen (Druskienniki) nach China (Shanghai) in 1934 sind zwei deutsche Motorradfahrer aus Halberstadt erwähnt. Die Polen haben sie im Irak (Bagdad) getroffen. Siegfried Neuhaus und Hans Reichardt waren mit einer Harley-Davidson unterwegs. Hans ist eventuell in Siam (Thailand) ausgestiegen. Siegfried ist alleine bis nach Shanghai gefahren, über Japan in die USA. Dort quer durch das Land bis "Neu York". Mit dem Schiff nach Kopenhagen und von dort zurück per Motorrad nach Germany (Halberstadt). Siegfried war solo fast genau ein Jahr unterwegs.
26.05.2016 First request for update.
11.05.2016 Generalanzeiger Bonn-Beuel: Biker sucht Biker. Siegfried Neuhaus soll nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nach Bonn gezogen sein. - Infos zu der Reisen an B.T. oder
- Heinz Schulze besitzt einen alten Artikel einer Halberstädter Zeitung, die Briefe von Neuhaus veröffentlicht hat.
- Hans Reichard soll Kontakte zum König von Siam gehabt und von diesem den Auftrag erhalten haben, ein Hotel zu leiten.
28.05.2016 Second request for update.
28.05.2016 Frau Reichardt-Hoppe aus Halberstadt trifft sich morgen mit den vier Geschwistern aus dem Telefonbuch. Sie will fragen wie die 4 Brüder ihres Vaters hießen! Und mich informieren.
28.05.2016 Last update.
28.05.2016 Request for update the route.
29.05.2016 Next update via Heinz Schulze
31.07.2016 New Foto von Heinz Schulze.

Fred A. Birchmore. Around the World on a Bicycle. Round the world in 1935. Reprinted 1996. ISBN: 1887813128.

1-887813-12-8 (1996) Birchmore (*1911-2012. American) Fred A. Around the world on a bicycle. - University of Georgia Press. Georgia. Athens. (Cucumber Island Storytellers, 1996 ISBN 1-887813-12-8) 1935: Travel. Book: 1939. 1st edition. TR = RB. TG = RF. English. World. Germany. Middle East. India. Vietnam. USA. Bicycle. Fahrrad.

1941 - 1950
Lucky Lady (American plane with American pilots)
+ Around-The-World.  The first aeroplane circled the world. It got several times fuel in the air. The US-Bomber B 50.

Ca. 1950
Wim Dussel (Dutch)
+ Around-The-World. The Dutch journalist Wim rode for Maico with a Maico-Scooter (150 ccm-MAICO-Zweitaktmotor. 6.5 PS. 8,5 liter fuel-tank). Wim drove another time Around-The-World with a DAF-car.
Book: De wereld is nog altijd rond. Win wrote 18 books.
08.1997 First info von Martin Schaal.
2000: Wim is 81 years.

22.04.1950 ?
Mary Morris and Beri (American)
Around-The-World. ?
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??


