Women Mc Travels
World Around Traveller

South America
North Amerika
North and South America

Important: Please read this at first:

After 44 years - on 18th.09.2014 - I decided to stop my researches on:
"How were all continents discovered 1885-2014 by motorcycle-travellers?"
The reason is that I have been sitting with all my passion behind the computers and reading books and articles for years day and night to come to the knowledge of these sites.
I am still full of other ideas including some travels. Also I want to move a bit more for my health instead of sitting too long behind the computer.

You can use all information for yourself. If you use infos and fotos for any other reason like publications please know, that there is still Copyright on all of it by myself and others. You can contact me in advance.

I am German. I did my best to write most in English. If I missed some ,,,,,,,,, please take some of these and put them on the right place (Churchill)!

Bye Bernd Tesch. Village Hammer in forest EIFEL / Germany / United Europe / Multiversum.

Welcome on this site!
How to see and print out (free of charge) or to buy maps for your mc-tour ?
Bem Vindo ! Benvenuti ! Bien Venido ! Bienavenue ! Bom Bini ! Dobrodosli ! Huan yin (CN) ! Namaste ! Tanastalink ! Välkommen (S) ! Velkommen (N) ! Welkom !  Willkommen (G) ! Bienvenue (F) !
Do you know this in other languages?

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Last update:
07.11.2021 in 2014 mit Grenzen.
Ohne Rand mit Hilfe von Stephan Hahnel.

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North-America - Motorcycle - Travels Reisen / Adventures

Nord-Amerika Motorrad-Reisen

Attention: The Motorcycle-Travellers who rode both Americas you find only under "North- and South America" !
ALASKA - Tierra Del Fuego (Southern tip of South America)

See a good view for all continents or countries at:

Overland to, in and around North-America by Motorcycle

First list in Internet about "North-America by Motorcycle". 02.1998: A part of this you find under NEWS already published: >news.    28.05.2000: Start of this list in Internet: I would be grateful if you could help to keep this update ! So far you find many language and grammar mistakes inside because of lack of time. Pardon. Will be correted and updated with more Travellers in future.

Bernd Tesch has been working in this field since 1970. In this times I had to write letters and to phone or to visit the World-Around-Travellers to get contact / informations. Later Fax helped. In 1991 I visited the most famous motorcycle-travellers in Denmark, in 1993 in Britain, in 1994 in USA and in between many in Europe (France, Germany, Netherland, Switzerland). Many of  famous North-America  Motorcycle Travellers have been at my yearly Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers in april. I own the largest archive of  North-America Travellers. Especially I am good informed about the history: "Discovering N-America by Motorcycle".

To find all this and all my activities was a "life-long job" and cost me a lot of money. Since many years I am working in a new book called "Nord-Amerika Motorrad-Reisen" = North-America Motorcycle Travellers. All books about "North-America by Motorcycle" which have been published until 1994 are published in my in German written, but very international understandable book called "Motorrad-Abenteuer-Touren" (432 pp, 500 pictures / drawings. About 264 Motorcyle World-Tours. ISBN 3-9800099-55-5. DM 38.90). I own all this books in all languages.

If there is shown "Book:" under the traveller and you want to read / order this you can check if it is still available: > > German / English version > Bestelliste or > Order. If you find this book there you can order it. I offer about 183 international available Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books for sale.

If you are a North-America-Traveller or plan to do this or "on the road" already or know anyone who is not listed here, please send my any details, addresses, publications, homepages and most important: best pictures.

PLEASE give me at first a complete view about your tour like this EXAMPLE in THIS STYLE in English
and then after the tour full information with best -3 pictures of YOU and the Motorcycle:

01.10.2010 - 27.10.2011
Sven Müller (German)  your https://www.???
I plan (or have done already): USA. Canada. Mexico. With BMW R 100 GS Sven rode 50.000 kms. He rode together with Susan Smith (British) who rode a HONDA 500 XL.
Purpose of tour: ??
Route: Europe 12.000 kms (Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Italy - Greek - Turkey ....) - Asia 15.000 kms (Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal. Bike solo by plane to Singapure. I flew to Singapure. Malaysia - Thailand - back to Singapure). - Australia 16.000 kms (I flew together with bike to Darwin. Around  Australia 16.000 kms. Or offer names like: Darwin - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney ...) - North-America (I flew with bike to Los Angeles. LA - New York) - Africa - Europe (Bike by ship to Netherlands / Amsterdam - Germany / Cologne).
The best: I wanted to find myself. Freedom. Sun. Friendship of  Turkey people. invitation by Pakistani. Climbing the Himalayas........)
The worst: I got Malaria in Nairobi. Attack of soldiers with weapons in Iran.....)...
Important useful informations for others:...
Book or publication (about your tour):.
Earlier experiences of big mc-tours: ?? ..

I am very grateful to all the individuals who knew that I am working in this field. They informed me worldwide by sending letters, later faxes and emails since 1994 about World-Around-Travellers. Without their help I could not get to this level. This internet-list had to be done very quick, because I did not have enough time. So please give me your "pardon" that there are mistakes inside of the informations and a lot in my language. At least you will never have seen such a huge collection of informations.

1 Bourcier, Saint - Chaffray   LA TRAVERSEE DE L'AMERIQUE EN AUTO 1908 Artikel in: Lectures pour tous. Hachette. Paris. 1908 America. Asia.    

Bernd Tesch

North-America - Motorcycle - Travels / Reisen / Adventures
Süd-Amerika Motorrad-Reisen

Around-The-World including NorthAmerica
Alaska-Tierra del Fuego or reverse including North America
10 billion-1980 in South America
1981-2000 in South America
2001-2020 in South America

Overland to, in and around North-America by Motorcycle
Plan or experience? You can talk with 300 high experienced Motorcycle-Travellers who rode all continents so far : All the great Motorcycle-Travellers who rode / ride Around-The-World and possibly crossed this continent as well are not included here.
For this see > >Englisch or German version >continents >world

Wer ist wo und wann zum ersten Mal in und um Süd-AMERIKA gereist ?? Das läßt sich alles schwierig und nur langfristig recherchieren. Ich habe hier den Versuch gemacht, in jedem Fall ganz wichtige Reisen zusammen zufassen. Es ist die mir ausführlichste bekannteste Übersicht weltweit inklusive Internet.

Anmerkung zu Alaska-Feuerland Motorrad-Touren :

Die erste mir bekannte Motorrad-Reise "Alaska-Feuerland" wurde 1952-54 auf zwei Scootern von den Franzosen Michel le Clerc und Jean Claude Bois (Siehe "Clerc") unternommen. Jedoch wurde das "Darien Gap" umschifft. Birger Lövgren (Siehe "Lövgren") schaffte die Strecke von New York (USA) bis nach Feuerland 10-1958 bis 06-1959, wobei er als erster alleine das Darien Gap ohne Motorrad durchquerte. Somit war Danny Liska der erste, der die Strecke Alaska-Feuerland wirklich ganz, allerdings das "Darien Gap" per Kanu, mit dem Motorrad, bereist hat. Ob es jemanden gibt, der vorher die ganze Strecke mit dem Rucksack bereist hat, weiß ich nicht. Ed Culberson (Siehe "Culberson") hat die gesamte Strecke als erster ganz mit dem Motorrad in Nord- Südrichtung bereist. Der Norweger Helge Pedersen hat als erster die gesamte Strecke in Süd-Nordrichtung durchreist.
(C) Bernd Tesch

Overland to, in and around North-America by Motorcycle

Plan or experience? You can talk with 300 high experienced Motorcycle-Travellers who rode all continents so far :

All the great Motorcycle-Travellers who rode / ride Around-The-World and possibly crossed this continent as well are not included here. See >Englisch or German version >continents >world

20 Billion-1880

10-20 billion (= Millarden) years ago
The universe started to exist somehow.

4.5 billion years ago
The Sun and Earth were created. The earth is one of nine big planets of the sun. Possibly out of change of gravity in the universe it was caused that dust attracted each other at first to smaller parts which are getting bigger and bigger. Finally becoming big rocks which attracted each other to big planets. Most of them were attracted by the biggest part which is the sun. The nine planets could escape somehow the gravity of the sun and started to circle around the sun. All of the men / women who have been in satelits speak about the "blue planet earth" because about 70 % of the earth is water.

1 billion years ago
First signs of life on the earth.

25.000 years ago
The "homo sapiens" exists.

Ca. 16.000 - 8.000
Deutsch: Für die Frage, wie die ersten Menschen nach Nord-, Mittel- und Süd-Amerika kamen, gibt es drei Theorien mit jeweilgen Beweisen:

1. Mit Booten fuhren die Menschen von Asien entlang der Küste - Behringstrasse entlang der Westküste N-Amerikas bis nach S-Amerika.
2. Europäer kamen über den Atlantik nach N-Amerika.
3. Die Klobis-Menschen wanderten zu Fuß über die Behringstrasse ein und besiedelten N- und S-Amerika.

vor 16.000
zu 1. Mit Booten fuhren die Menschen von Asien entlang der Küste - Behringstrasse entlang der Westküste N-Amerikas bis nach S-Amerika.
Diese Theorie geht davon aus, daß die Menschen an der Küste alles hatten, was sie brauchten: Wasser und Nahrung auch durch Tiere. Man geht davon aus, daß Menschen schon seit 45.000 Jahren Netze bauen konnten, mit denen sie auch an Land Fallen bauen konnten ohne beim Fang z.B. gefährlicher Großtiere dabei zu sein. Kaum Beweise.

16.000 - 13.000
zu 2. Europäer kamen über den Atlantik nach N-Amerika.
Diese Theorie geht davon aus, daß die Menschen über den Atlantik nach N-Amerika kamen und von dort aus N- und S-Amerika besiedelten. Zu dieser Eiszeit waren große Wassermassen der Meere an den Polen und deren weiten Kappen durch Eis gebunden. Der Meeresspiegel soll ca. 130 m niedriger gewesen sein. Es bestand eine Landbrücke zwischen Asien und S-Amerika.
Im Museo Nacionale vo Rio de Janeiro / Brasilien befindet sich der "älteste Menschenschädel (?)" von N- und S-Amerika. Die Frau "Lusia" wurde 1 Stunde südlich von Rio de Janeiro gefunden. Ihr Schädel soll 13.-14.000 Jahre alt sein.
Am Amazos gibt es eine Höhle, in der Felszeichnungen von ca. 13.000 sind. Dieses sind die ältesten Höhlenzeichnungen von ganz Amerika.
Diese Menschen waren vom Skelett völlig verschieden von den in Amerika gefundenen Klobis-Menschen. Sie haben eher die Ähnlichkeit von Skeletten von Afrika oder Australien.

8.000 v. Chr.
zu 3. Die Klobis-Menschen wanderten zu Fuß über die Behringstrasse ein und besiedelten N- und S-Amerika.
Diese Theorie geht davon aus, daß die Menschen nach dem Ende der Eiszeit vor 8.000 Jahren von Asien über die Behringstrasse über die zurückgegangenen Eismassen im Norden von N-Amerika nach N- und S- Amerika einwanderten. Der Name "Klobis" jommt von einer Fundstätte der "ersten Menschen N-Amerikas (?)" in New Mexico ca. vor 8.000 Jahren. Nach dieser Theorie haben sich in wenigen Jahrhunderten die Menschen bis nach Feuerland ausgebreitet. Die Klobis-Kultur umfaßte die Herstellung von Steinwerkzeugen wie Speilspitzen aus Feuerstein.

B.T.: Diese Informationen über den letzten Stand der Frühgeschichte der Menschen Amerikas stammen wesentlich aus einem TV-ZDF-Film am 28.10.2001. Danach sollte der in N-Amerika gefundene "Klobis-Mensch und die Klobis-Kultur" der älteste Mensch von ganz Amerika sein. Nach den Funden von "Lusia" in S-Amerika dürfte diese Theorie aber hinfällig sein. Im Film wurde angemerkt, daß die Kenntnisse von S-Amerika in N-Amerika kaum zur Kenntnis genommen werden.
Dieser ZDF-Film wurde in selber oder ähnlicher Form am 26.04.2004, ab 15:16 Uhr, unter dem Titel 'Aufbruch nach Amerika, Steinzeitler auf großer Fahrt' vom ZDF noch einmal gesendet. Das ZDF bietet diesen über gegen vierzig Euro auf DVD oder VHS an. Allerdings muss du das Stichwort "Clovis" angeben. Wolfgang Billmann gab mir dankenswerterweise den Tipp, dass man unter 'Clovis culture' besonders bei der Bibliothek des Instituts für Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie in Bonn, 0228/734109,, einiges zu Clovis findet. Sogar einen Atlas. Zu Klobis dagegen findet man seit einiger Zeit fast gar nichts mehr

Ca. 1000 n. Chr.
Der Isländer Leif Eriksson (der Sohn des "Roten Erik", der Grönland entdeckt hatte, entdeckt Nord-Amerika. Er überwintert in Neufundland und kehrt im Jahr danach zurück.


1884-1886 Thomas Stevens (American, 1854 - 1935) was the first bicycle Around-The-World in total (See more under He was the first to cross the continent America as well.
Then it became very popular to cross America on different ways and bikes. In appr. 1886 the "Hochrad" was was changed to a safety bicycle "Niederrad". In einem USA-magazine soll gestanden haben, dass es jede Woche Infos zu einer neuen USA-Continent-Durchquerung gab. Und ab app. 1900 diese auch keine Aufmerksamkeit durch Notizen bekommen haben. Es gab ja auch schon eine transkontinentale Duchquerung per zug seit...
Um Beachtung zu finden, schreiben einige dann auch "Around-The-World" auf die Fahrräder / Motorräder.

Der untere Artikel ist S. 1 von drei Seiten von John Weiss (USA, near San Francisco)..

1884 - 1886
Thomas Stevens (American, 1854 - 1935)
From San Francisco to Boston by bicycle 3700 miles. And then Around-The-World by bicycle. 20.000 Meilen mit dem Hochrad Zweirad um die Welt. Von USA/San Francisco nach Teheran. Erste Weltumrundung auf einem Fahrzeug = Fahrrad. Thomas hatte bereits ca. 1885  8000 miles gefahren, der längste Fahrrad-Trip bisher. 1886 will er es ausdehnen bis er die Welt umrundet hat. Von San Francisco radelt er bis Boston 3700 miles mit einem Fahrrad. Dieses ist die erste Durchquerung Amerikas mit einem Fahrzeug.
Da Thomas die Idee einer Weltumrundung hatte, wurde er als Korrespondent bezahlt. Karl Kron hat 8 Monate mit Thomas Stevens in N.Y. während dessen Aufenthalt dort gesprochen. Die offizielle railroad von S.F. nach N.Y. war damals 3416 miles. Steven schätzt, daß seine Entfernung ca. 200 km länger war. Während dieser Strecke war Stevens gezwungen sein Hochrad 1/2 bis 1/3 des Weges zu schieben.
Book: 1888. Von Teheran nach Jokohama (in German)
Book: 1984. Around the world on a bicycle (in English)
Book: 1984. 20000 Meilen mit dem Hochrad um die Welt 1884-1886. Verlag: Thienemanns. Germany. Stuttgart. ISBN 3-??
421 S. DM 39,00 (in German)
B.T. 1991: The first known tour by bicycle Around-The-World.

First Motorcycle (called Motor - Rad) from Gottlieb Daimler
1 - Zyl. Viertakt - Motor. 264 ccm. 0,5 PS (0,37 kw). Max 12 km/Std.

Ca. 1887 - 88 Start
Burston, G.W. Stokes and H.R. Stokes (Australians)
Allen, Tomas G. and William L. Sachtleben (Americans)
+ My bicycle tour Around-The World
: Turkey (Konstantinopel (Istanbul)) - Desert Gobi - China (Peking) - ?
Book: 1890.
09.08.2000 1st information by Professor Dr. Hans-Erhard Lessing in his book new edited book in Germa language: Hortsmann, Heinrich: "Meine Radreise um die Erde". = "My bicycle tour Around-The World". ISBN 3-931965-06-6.007


1892 - 1894
Frank Lenz (German - American, 1867 - 1894)
Planned to circle the world by bicycle.
Route: USA (New York) - Germany - Kurdestan. Here he was murdered by 5 Kurdistan people.
09.08.2000 1st information by Professor Dr. Hans-Erhard Lessing in his book new edited book: Hortsmann, Heinrich: "Meine Radreise um die Erde". ISBN 3-931965-06-6.

Anny Londonderry (American)
+ Around-The-World by bicycle. She made a bet of  US $ 10.000 that she could circle the world by bicyle starting without any money and came home with Mark 40.000.
Book: ?
09.08.2000 1st information by Professor Dr. Hans-Erhard Lessing in his book new edited book: Hortsmann, Heinrich: "Meine Radreise um die Erde". ISBN 3-931965-06-6.
Erhard Lessing: The first known tour Around-The-World  by bicycle by a woman.

Heinrich and Wilhelm Hildebrand and Alois Wolfmüller founded the first Motorcycle-Fabric.
Until 1896 they build more than 1000 Motorcycles: Wassergekühlter 2 - Zyl. Viertakt - Motor. 1488 ccm. 2,5 PS (1,85 kw). Ca. 40 km/h. Glührohrzündanlage.

1895.Tom Winder and his route.

14.03.1895 - 09.12.1895
+ Around USA.Tom Winder rode around the United States in 1895 in 300 days.
Purpose: To be the first cyclist to ride the perimeter of the United States.
Route: New Orleans (14.03.) - around the clock . New Orleans (09.12.).
Publication: He wrote reports of his tour that were published weekly in the Buffalo Illustrated Express. After the trip he published a small book, Book: Tom Winder. Around the United States by Bicycle. 125 pages. Two photos of Winder. Self-published in Elmira, New York. No date, but likely 1896. The book is a condensed version of his articles published in the Buffalo Illustrated News (Infos by John Weiss).

20.08.2018. John Weiss, USA, wrote: Here's a map of Tom Winder's route. Your choice of two jpegs, one in color and the other one closely cropped. The map tells the story of his ride, which he accomplished in less than 300 days in 1895.
02.10.2018 First summary by BT. And request for update with more information and the Book-Details.
03.11.2018 Update like above.
04.11.2018 Request for the bibliographic details of the small book.
04.11.2018 John kindly sed the book-details above.

02.5.1895 - 08.08.1897
+ Around-The-World. Horstman, H. (German)
By bicycle Around-The-World. Eine Radreise um die Erde. Verlag: Darmen. 1897. 296 S.

11.08.1895 - 30.10.1895
George Lother (American).
Solo bicycle-tour. 80 days. 4354 miles.
Route: America, North:.San Francisco. Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Montana. Dakota. Minnesota. New York.
Publication: 1st English edition:1978. - 0-06-250540-8. Ellen Smith (Grandchild og George Lother). The Wonderful Ride. 80 days. 4354 miles. Harper & Row Publishers.
08.11.2019 1st information by: Bengtsson, Evald. . BT.

Coast to Coast by Automobile engagingly explores the challenges met and overcome by the first motorists to drive across America. Because automobiles were viewed with considerable interest and also considerable skepticism in this period, the extensive publicity that these trips generated played an important role in establishing the practicability, reliability, and widespread appeal of automobiles in early twentieth-century America. The author describes the first ten years of such pioneering trips, beginning in 1899 with the first attempt and concluding in 1908 when Jacob M. Murdock accomplished the unheard-of feat of driving his family from Los Angeles to New York City.

For each journey, the author asks the following questions: What was the driver or sponsor trying to accomplish, and why? Who was the driver (and passengers) of the car? How did the driver prepare for the trip? How did the car perform? What events occurred during the journey to the car and its driver? Specifically, how did the driver navigate, ford unbridged rivers, cross sandy or muddy ground, find gasoline and oil, repair broken parts, calm skittish horses? How did the driver dress, eat, and sleep? What impressed, disappointed, or surprised the driver most about the experiences encountered? How did the journey change the way Americans viewed the automobile and its usefulness?
ISBN 978-0804733809. Curt McConnell. Coast to coast by automobile. The pioneering trips 1899-1908. Stanford University Pr. 2000. English. USA. 349 pp.
05.11.2013 First Info by Keith Harris.
15.11.2013 O.

NSU. In the first  year of production of  Motorcycles of the firm NSU (NeckarSUlm, founded in 1892) they produced 100 motorcycles and 7000 bicylest. NSU invented the suspension of the front fork and sold later huge peaces of  NSU-motorcycles.


Dr. E. C. Lehwess (British)
Seit 1899 beabsichtigte der Brite mit einem Koch - Auto von Peking nach London zu fahren. Nachdem daraus aber nichts wurde, startete er ohne Zeitlimit mit einem Auto Panhard - Levassor mit Spezial - Fahrgestell und einem Omnibus - Aufbau von London über Europa nach Asien Richtung Wladiwostok, um von dort nach Kalifornien überzusetzen, USA zu durchqueren und über den Atlantik nach England zurückzukehren. Der Fahrzeugname war "Passe Partout" ( = "Überall hin" oder "Alles passieren"). Nach enormer Publicity und vielen Einladungen unterwegs blieb das Fahrzeug sechs Monate später in meterhohem Schnee östlich von Nizhni - Novgorod im Osten Rußlands stecken. Die Mannschaft gab das Fahrzeug auf reiste mit der Eisenbahn nach London zurück. Da die Reise gescheitert war, wurde ein solches Projekt einen Welt - Reise mit einem Auto in der Presse als vollkommen unmöglich verurteilt.

Around-The-World. Do it ! The offer of a French newspaper to help and to publish about a Around-The-World tour by car did not find any response.

16.05.1903 + 06.07.1903
George Wyman = George Adams Wyman (American, 03.07.1877 – 15.11.1959)
+ Across America on a motor bicycle
. George crossed USA as the first with a motor-vehicle. It was a 1,5 (others say 1,25) horse-power "regular model". belt-driven machine. Only 90 pounds. It was produced (or distributed) by California Motor Bicycle (Yate-California).
Wyman rode the distance in 51 days, finishing 20 days before Dr. Horation Nelson Jackson, the first person to cross the continent by automobile (Wiki).
Route: San Francisco - New York
14.10.1994 Clement Salvadori managed that Bernd Tesch got an original of magazine "Road Rider" " edition 08.1979 by managing editor Vince Iorio. In this magazine was the story of George A, Wyman: Across America on a Motor Bicycle. Roger Hull found this rare edition after 76 years.
Das Magazin liegt unter Wyman bei Tesch-Büchern.
Because B.T. knows most American Mc-Books concerning "History of travels by motorcycle" in USA he can proclaim: In all this books the history of discovering America by motorcycle is written wrong.
08.05.2003 Request to Clement Salvadori to search for Roger Hull, editor and publisher of "Road Rider"
08.05.2003 Request to Clement Salvadori to search for G.W. Knudsen (Oley, born 1923), who was a reseacher of Daytona Speed Week. Lived in 1979 in California.
2016 I checked "George Wyman" totally in internet. And was wondering that there were so many results. Many infos were cpoied..


Out of 31.03.2012

Motorcyclepedia replica memorializes
Lenny Bauer’s brave ride


Since1903, when George Wyman became the first man to ride a motorcycle across the United States, many others have tried to become the next person to complete the feat more quickly than his or her predecessor.  Early on, the record was broken by days.  In 1906, George Holden knocked 20 days off of Wyman’s record.  In 1911, Volney Davis knocked off another ten days, reducing the transcontinental ride to 20 days and nine hours.  Just three years later, Erwin Baker knocked off another nine days, crossing in 11 days, 12 hours.  But as time wore on and motorcycles became faster, success became measured in hours, and even minutes.  And it was mere minutes that kept a New York  Harley rider named Lenny Bauer out (pictured left above) of the record books in 1969.

By the teens, when Cannonball Baker was earning his name with repeated transcontinental record runs, manufacturers recognized the importance of holding such bragging rights, and they advertised heavily the setting of a new transcontinental record because it proved the prowess and reliability of their brand.  During the summer of 1923, Wells Bennett for Henderson and Paul Remaly for Indian conducted a veritable orgy of record runs to outdo each other.   At this time, the crossing was still taking five days plus.

In 1935, Michigan Harley-Davidson Earl Robinson completed the crossing in 77 hours, 53 minutes, which brought the record and its bragging rights to Milwaukee for nearly the next quarter-century.  By the late 1950s, a reliable, comfortable, and long-legged German tourer—the BMW—had become more popular in the United States, and John Penton, an Ohio BMW dealer, decided it was time to take the record away from Harley.  In 1959, he rode from New York to Los Angeles in 52 hours, 11 minutes.  Just to put the frosting on BMW’s cake, John’s brother, Ted  Penton, teamed up with Bill Clever in 1966 to ride a sidecar machine from coast to coast in 60 hours, 49 minutes, smashing the 69 hour, 46 minute sidecar record that had been set by Fred Dauria and Bill Connelley on a Harley in 1936.

John Penton’s record stood for a decade, then in 1969, another Ohio rider, Tibor Sirossy, rode his BMW across in 45 hours, 41 minutes.  Though Sirossy’s BMW was not significantly different from Penton’s machine, by this time highways had improved and effective fairings had become available for touring motorcycles.   As it had done with Penton’s feat, the U.S. BMW distributor heavily advertised Sirossy’s success.  Because the motorcycle media also had improved over the ensuing decade, Sirossy’s achievement got more  widespread attention than any of the men and women who had broken the record before him.

Two of the men who took note of this publicity were Sammy Armstrong, a mechanic  at Maroney’s Harley-Davidson in New Windsor, New York , and his friend Leonard Bauer, also of New Windsor.  Bauer figured it wouldn’t be too hard to break the record. Later he would admit, "I didn't realize what I was getting into, but this thing had a life of its own and it kept growing and growing and then it turned to some serious thought."

As Bauer and his supporters at Maroney’s saw it, there were two big issues.  How to carry extra fuel, and what to do about chain wear.  The BMW had shaft drive, which gave it an advantage over a chain-driven machine.  At the speeds Bauer  expected to be traveling, he would have to conduct chain maintenance every 500 miles, and it was simply not acceptable to have that much down time.  The fuel issue was solved by installing a 15-gallon aluminum beer keg on the back of the motorcycle, which doubled as a backrest for the rider.  Baffles were welded inside the keg so the heavy fuel load would not slosh about and disrupt the handling of the motorcycle.

At the time of his ride, Bauer treated his chain solution as a trade secret, but later would disclose the solution.  To keep engine oil as clean and cool as possible on the long ride, it was routed through a cooling radiator mounted in front of the engine, and through a big two-quart oil filter designed for a truck.  Within this system, Bauer installed a hose and a regulating valve that enabled him to deliver a controlled drip of oil to the drive chain and rear sprocket.  It worked.

Bauer set out on May 12, 1959, but was denied access to the New Jersey Turnpike, due to high winds.  He turned back, then re-launched his adventure one week later.  Incidentally, there was another little secret that Bauer chose not to mention to the press that followed his record attempt.  He was a law enforcement officer, and the speeds he would be running would make his ride inherently illegal.  There were times when he could have played his “cop card,” but he didn’t.  One was when he decided to split lanes to get past a long, double line of cars on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, only to discover that at the head of the line was a state trooper.  Bauer got a talking-to while he watched the big line of cars re-pass him.

As time wore on, Bauer became more aware of another disadvantage of the Harley-Davidson.  This was before the era of balanced and rubber-mounted engines, and vibration through the handlebars at sustained, high speed became unbearable.  He had to grip the bars tightly, and at one point his hands became so swollen that during a fuel stop he stuck his hand into at tub of grease to remove a ring that was cutting into a bloated finger. 

John Penton before him had spoken of hallucinations brought on by extreme fatigue during the final hours of his journey.  As he rode from Arizona into California, Bauer saw the telephone poles striding along the highway beside him, like stilted giants giving him a race. 

Undoubtedly, he dozed off in the saddle, because in the morning moisture he had dream-like memories of his dog licking his face, and at one point he thought himself cruising along behind the wheel of the family sedan, with his wife beside him. 

Bauer pulled into Los Angeles with an elapsed time of 46 hours, 9 minutes.  He has missed Sirossy’s record by 28 minutes.  Realizing he had failed, Bauer pulled off the road and went to sleep sitting bolt-upright on the motorcycle.  He slept sitting up through six hours of rain, until a state trooper awoke him and helped him get to a motel. 

In its July 16, 1969 issue, Cycle News East covered Bauer’s record attempt, and reporter Abram Schoenfeld brought some interesting comparisons to light (above right and left are photos that appeared with the Cycle News story).  Sirossy and Bauer traveled the same route, using trip-ticks provided by ESSO.  However, Sirossy’s odometer registered 2,689 miles while Bauer’s clicked off 2,840.  This means that Sirossy averaged 58.86 mph while Bauer averaged 61.53.  According to his instruments, Bauer went farther and faster.  Of course, none of this matters.  Odometers can be notoriously inaccurate and verifiable elapsed time is how records are determined. 

Eventually, the transcontinental solo motorcycle record would be reduced to 42 hours by George Egloff, but the whole enterprise was coming to the end of its era.  The government had begun to strongly emphasize safety, law enforcement agencies were getting electronic tools and better communication that more easily thwarted speeding scofflaws, and barnstorming from coast to coast for gain and glory was no longer politically correct.  No matter that both highways and motorcycles have since become faster and better.  No right-minded manufacturer will even think about advertising a transcontinental record. 

Lenny Bauer’s effort, however, has been memorialized in a way that others were not.  The Motorcyclepedia Museum, in Newburgh, New York—a neighbor city of New Windsor—has built an accurate replica of Bauer’s Harley-Davidson.  Motorcyclepedia Curator Ted Doering came up with the idea when he learned that Bauer still had tucked away in his garage the original beer barrel fuel tank.  The record attempt replica is not on display at the Museum, and its unveiling by Doering and Bauer was covered by journalist Donna Kessler of the Times Herald-Record (3/5/2012). 

??.??.1903 - 26.07.1903
Dr. Horatio Nelson with Sewell K. Crocker (Mericans) Jackson
Horatio Nelson drove with his mechanic Sewell in a car "Winton Automobile" with 20 horse-power across America.
B.T.: For a long time he was credited to be the first motor-vehicle. The thruth is that George A. Wyman was the first. Horatio was the first car.
Another book: Duncan Dayton and Ken, Burns
Horatio´s Drive. San Francisco to N.Y. Published in 2003 in France ?

Frank Applebee (German)
Around-The-World ? Planned World-Around-Tour with motorcycle by NSU (appr. 470 cccm). He crossed North-America west-east. Not sure if he circled the whole world what he wanted to do.
22.07.2000 If you have any information about this Bernd Tesch would be grateful.
22.07.2000 B.T. As far as I know the written American history of first crossing the continent is wrong.
B.T.: It is NOT sure that he wanted to circle the world. It is just written that he wanted to make a "world-tour" whatever it means. This is one of the very first known plans to circle the world by motorcycle.


1910. - Photo above left: "Mr. Streiff" after his arrival in New York
1910. - Photo above middle: "Mr. Streiff" after his arrival in New York (The photo is with the same people but a different photo than the one in the newspaper. This photo was kindly send in 05.2016 to B.T. by John Weiss (USA, bicyle-travel-expert)). I do not know so far from which source he gots it).
1910. - Photo above right: The newspaper clipping is dated 02.09.1910 in "Coshocton Daily Tribune" (Copyright by American Press Association). - The press foto (above right) is in excellent quality in the book of ChR Ernst Leverkus, "Die schönsten Motorräder" page 192. AS far as I rember Ernst said "I own the original foto". - Article and photo by American Press Association.

1911. William Streiff visits the NSU-Museum. Audi-Archives (C).

Joshua Streiff (American 1884-1965)
or William Peter Streiff ? (American. 1884-1965.
Son of Mr. ?? Streiff and Mrs. ?? Sieburg in San Francisco. Married with Laura Streiff. - *03.04.1884 in S.F.- +26.09.1965 in S.F. (24.09.1965 in California death index 1940-1997). - Lived in 36, Lafayetle, S.F. Brown eyes. Haircolour: brown. 12.09.1918 he asked for a registration card in S.F. Serial number: 2644. - Nearest relative was Mrs. Luise Streiff in 29, Lafayetle, S.F.)
+ Transamerica. An American Mr. Streiff rode his motor-bike NSU ((3,5 PF. 465-470 ccm possibly. Two-speed-gear. Rubber V belt. Troxel saddle. With Bosch Magneto from Bosch Magneto Company in USA in N.Y. since 1908 in North America. Weight 175 pounds. Carried 140 ounds of luggage) from West USA (San Francisco) to East USA (N.Y.) in a new transcontinent record of 28 riding days and three hours. 3836 miles (6156 km). He and the motorcycle fall appr. 250 times.
This was a new world-record for crossing the continent. The earlier record was from C.A. Miller with thirty-one days and twelve hours and fifteen minutes from coast to coast (
Palestine Daily Herald (Palestine, Tex.), Vol. 9, No. 54, Ed. 1, Monday, October 10, 1910)
Purpose: Streiff wanted to visit relatives in N.Y..
Route: America (San Francisco - Stockton - Sacramento - Reno - Ogden - Cheyenne- Omaha- Chicago- Toledo- Cleveland
- Buffalo- Suracuse- Albany- N.Y.)
Sherman Pass in the Rockies (8000 feet) - Nevada -

1911 (1912 ?) he visited  the NSU-factory in Europe (Germany). And continued his ride in Europe until Italy. If he planned or finished a tour "Around-The-World" is unknown.


- 02.09.1910 Coshocton Daily Tribune (Copyright by American Press Association): Name: Mr. Streiff.
- 13.09.1910 Advertising of Magneto Bosch Company in Name: William Streiff
- 15.10.1910 Magazine Motorcycle Illustrated reports:
- 1910: In the American Press Newspaper there was the name "William Streiff".
- 1996: In the book "Die schönsten Motorräder des Jahrhunderts" 1996. Motorbuchverlag) von Ernst Leverkus. "NSU 1873-1984" from "Klacks" Ernst Leverkus is standing for the same person "Joshua Streiff".

- 1996: Another information in the book of Ernst Leverkus is, that he rode two times "Coast zu coast" with an NSU-motorcycle without any trouble with the machine.
In the book of Ernst Leverkus (* 21.12.1922 in Essen. † 19.05.1998 in Althütte; Pseudonym: Klacks) under the photo of the visit in Germany is standing: "Joshua Streiff (USA), Weltumrunder auf NSU, besucht das Werk in Neckarsulm".
- In einem langen Gespräch aber sagte mir "Klacks", dass er auch den Versuch gemacht habe, die Geschichte von ersten Motorrad-Weltumrundern aufzuschreiben. Aber er habe das Projekt bald aufgegeben, weil es viel zu schwierig sei, Unterlagen in 1991 und vorher darüber zu beschaffen. Ich meine mich daran zu erinnern, dass auf dieser Tasche seines Fotos stand "World-Tour". Daraus hat "Klacks" wohl fälschlicherweise abgeleitet, dass er das machen wollte. Oder gemacht hat.

- 1911 (1912): William Streiff visited Europe. In Germany he visited the NSU-Museum in 1911.
- 1965.09.30: Newspaper Oregonianan reports. "Willaim P. Streiff" died with 81 after a long illness.

25.06.1911 (ab N.Y) - ??
Joshua Streiff (American ?) or William Peter Streiff ? plus journalist Esler (from N.Y. with an American-type of motorcycle) -
- Around-The-World ? Joshua Streiff or William Peter Streiff planned to circle the world with a N.S.U. Motorcycle as a "Moderne Weltumseglung". On the motorcycle was standing "Round The World".
Route: North America (by boat "Olympic" (largest ship of the world at this time) from USA (N.Y.) to Europe (Great Britain (arrival in harbour of Southampton 05.07.2011 - London - New Castle-on-Tyne - (His plan was to visit many places of representatives of N.S.U. and "Peters Union Reifen" (he only use) in: England - Schottland (23.07.2011) - Ireland (Belfast) - Frankreich (Paris) - Belgien (Brüssel) - Holland (Amsterdam) - Deutschland - (Aachen - Osnabrück - Münster - Minden -.Hannover - Einbeck (die Heimat seiner Eltern) - Hamburg - Berlin (Festbankett für ihn im Berliner "Rheingold") - Leipzig ("Benzinross"(14.09.1911) - Weimar - Coblenz - Würzburg - Heilbronn-Neckarsulm (arrival 17.09.2011. 8 days rest in Neckarsulm. In der Empfangsrede wurde gesagt: "Es ist noch keinem Menschen gelungen, den Erdball mit einem Motor zu umrunden") - Frankfurt - Karsruhe - Strassburg) - Schweiz (Zürich) - über Gotthardpass nach Italien Italien (Pan Mailand - Genua - Rom - Neapel (plan to stay there in wintertime).

2015.05.26 B.T. sind keine anderen Nachweise bisher bekannt, dass "Streiff" mit der NSU die Welt umrundet hat.

Abgebildet im Buch "NSU 1873-1984". 198?.
01.09.1991:1st info by Ernst Leverkus personnally in his home. Owns the ORIGINAL-photo of the arrival of Streiff in his archive. This motorcycle shall be in Germany - or a similar (?). The owner is Heinz Metzmaier. Bernd Tesch telephoned with Heinz Metzmaier. He owns the original mc from Streiff. B.T. There is no proof that this is the original NSU-motorcycle. It sounds that this is the same model.
22.07.2000 B.T. As far as I know the written American history of first crossing of the North American continent is wrong.
B.T.: It is NOT sure that Streiff wanted to circle the world. It is just written that he wanted to make a "world-tour". Whateever it means. This is one of the first known plan to circle the world by motorcycle as well.

28.05.2013: Heinz Schulze, der gerade an verschiedenen Motorradreisen recherchiert, macht mich auf den unteren Link aufmerksam. Danach soll das Motorrad zuerst in einem brasilianischen Museum gestanden haben. Danach wurde es von einem Neuseeländer gekauft, repariert und dort zu einer Rallye eingesetzt. . Dort steht auch:
Mr. Green's is in the history books, owned by American Joshua Streiff and used by him in 1912 for a 6300km cross-American journey from San Francisco to New York and back again.
30.05.2013 Laut Heinz Schulze: Das Bild ist im Buch "Die schönsten Motorräder des Jahrunderts" von Ernst Leverkus. Untertitel zum Bild:"1912: Joshua Streiff (USA), Weltumrunder auf NSU, besucht das Werk in Neckarsulm."
28.05.2013 E-mail request to David Bruce in NZ. Author of the article under the link.
23.05.2016 Professor John Weiss from USA send me a foto from "WM. William Streiff".
24.05.2016 B.T. sends a request to Natalie of the museum in Neckarsulm.
25.05.2016 Natalie send a foto of the visit of William Streiff 1910 at the NSU-factory.
25.05.2016 B.T. telephoned with Tobias Frabel from AUDI. Expert for NSU-Archives.
25.05.2016 Manfred Ratzinger recommends Klaus Arth as an NSU-expert. So B.T. contacted him
25.05.2016 New request to Heinz Schulze who is very interested in old mc-travels - and good informed.
29.05.2016 Klaus Arth answered:
ch stelle Dir aus den NSU-Mitteillung von 1911/12 etwas zusammen. Kann aber ca. 2/3 Wochen dauern.
1911: Die West-Ost USA-Fahrt war 1911.
1912: Die Weltfahrt von J. (Joshua) Streiff begann am 25. Juni 1912 mit der Einschiffung auf der "Olympic" in New York nach Southhampton. Am 18. September war er in Neckarsulm, dann weiter in die Schweiz, wo er eine Winterpause einlegte. Dann 1913 weiter nach Italien, wo ihn die Choleraepidemie in Süditalien vorerst stoppte. Was dann aus ihm wurde, ob er die Fahrt weitermachte und wohin, ist mir bislang nicht bekannt. Vermutlich ist er nicht um die Welt gekommen. Auch wie sein Leben weiter verlief ist leider nicht bekannt.
29.05.2016 New request for the tours of Streiff out of the NSU-publications.
01.06.2016: John Weiss answers my question if he can find out living relatives: See All Census & Voter Lists Results -
John found out the dates of his birth and death.
01.06.2016 Bernhard Stein um Mithilfe gebeten.


Andrew Carey Lincoln (American)
Around-The-World. Book about a vision: "Motorcycle Chums around the world". Verlag: Hurst and Co. 1912. USA.
B.T. 22.07.2000 This is the first book about "Around the world" as a vision. Written for young boys. In those times people already started to dream about this.
1993 first information by Dal Smile.
22.07.2000 I do NOT own this book, but would be very happy to buy it. Who can help?

Ca. 1912 - 13
Carl Stevens Clancy (Americans)
Around-The-World. The journalist Clancy and the film-critism Walter Storey plant a World-Around-Tour to write a world-Travel-Guide.
With a 4-zylinder Henderson they rode
Route: New - York - Europe - from here Clancy rode solo - Algeria - Sahara - Egypt  - Ceylon - India - Japan - USA West - East to New York. 18.000 miles. Clancy sold many Fotos to the press. His story was published in 1913.
1st information by Franitza, Martins book:  Die großen Motorradreisen unseres Jahrhunderts
Does anyone know the orginal article or owns a foto? Bernd Tesch would be grateful to recieve this!
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present adress or publicatios about them??
B.T.:  This is the first known World-Around-Tour by motorcycle.

Mrs. Harry Humphreys (British)
North-America. She planned a World-Around-Tour with 85.000 miles visiting each capital of the world in two years. First known motorcycle-tour by a woman.
At 31.08.1913 she made her first step crossing solo the cross-country distance from San Francisco to New York.
At this time this is possibly the longest ride of a woman. And the first crossing by a woman west-east of America for sure.
1994 First information by Melissa Piersson. She had a short newspaper clipping.
13.07.2000 I never could find more information than a short publication in New York times. Does anyone know more about her?? Earlier address? Publication??
B.T.: At this time this is possibly the longest ride of a woman. And the first crossing by a woman west-east of America for sure. And for sure The first published plan ro ride solo Around-The-World by a woman.
B.T. As far as I know the written American history of first crossing the continent is wrong. It is mostly written that the sisters van Buren were the first women who crossed the continent in 1916. They were only the first with TWO women and had a lot of publicity.

1913 Snodgrass on the road. Book-Cover from Dorothy G Stewart in 1992.

25.05.1913 -06.09.2013
Mr. Leroy and Mrs. Gertrude Snodgrass
+ Across USA (Not across America!). Leave in Los Angeles May 25 th. 1913 and arrive in New York September 6 th. 1913. And return to Los Angeles.
1913 LeRoy in magazine Pacific Motorcyclist. 17.06.1913
1913 LeRoy in magazine The Bicycling World and Motorcycle Review. 23.09.2013
1992 Dorothy Stewart compiled everything new. Book: First coast-to-coast by sidecar in USA. € 10,90. B.T. owns a copy.
1994 B.T. makes a longer summary of the book (80 pages) in his book "Motorrad-Abenteuer-Touren". 432pp. 50 fotos.
2013.11.20 Brtish Keith Harris -living 44 years in CAN- send me attachments with more info. Bridgeport. Keit owns a copy.

On 27.08.1913 in Cleveland LeRoy and Gertrude Snodgrass met a 10 years old boy with his father on two Indians. The own Indian for the boy was extra build for him and both were crossing the continent from San Franciso to N.Y.  Picture in Dorothy Stewarts book.-

1915 van Buren siters:
Ook vrijgevochten motorrijdsters stonden vroeger hun mannetje, bijvoorbeeld in de VS. In 1915 – het jaar waarin de lipstick op de markt kwam (!) – reisden moeder en dochter Avis en Effie Hotchkiss met een Harley-Davidson zijspan heen en weer tussen The Big Apple en San Francisco. En dat in een tijd toen het Amerikaanse wegennet nog uit onverharde karrensporen bestond. Ergerlijk waren dan ook de vele lekke banden. Zo kregen de dames in New Mexico, mijlen ver van de bewoonde wereld, een punctuur die niet te herstellen was. Maar 'Mommy and darling daughter' wisten raad. Ze rolden een wollen deken tot een grote donut en stopten die in de buitenband. En het werkte! Met die ingenieuze kunstgreep bereikten de Hotchkiss' weer de civilisatie. Eén jaar later deden twee Newyorkse 'society girls', de zusjes Adeline en Augusta van Buren, de tocht nog eens dunnetjes over. Maar dan op twee 998 cc Indian solomachines.

die & Gussie Van Buren – True Legends
February 3rd, 2012 | Author: Natalie Windsor
motorcycle attorney law blog

Women Legends in Motorcycling

Addie and Gussie Van Buren conquered every stubborn, small-minded convention in their way. What they accomplished would be brave and courageous now; in 1916, their daring was amazingly heroic, and in defiance of almost every standard that kept women in subservient positions to their husbands and homes.

Remember, 1916 was the year before the U.S. entered "The Great War." Women couldn't vote, weren't considered the legal equals of men, and the roads outside big cities were dusty unpaved dirt. Augusta and Adeline Van Buren, two sisters from New York, set out to cross the face of America on motorcycles – even though no women had ever done that before.

The two dimpled sisters set out from Sheepshead Bay in New York on the Fourth of July, 1916. Gussie was 32, and Addie was about to turn 27. Gussie and Addie pulled into Los Angeles, California on September 8th – but that makes their trip sound simple and easy, and it was neither. The sisters rode their Indian Model F Power-Plus cycles through Buffalo, Akron, Chicago, on to Omaha and then Denver, and up the narrow dirt switchbacks of a new road climbing Pike's Peak.

The Rocky Mountains were the most difficult part of the trip: the rugged ride was over narrow dusty trails full of ruts, or washed out completely. The sisters were often thrown off their bikes, though luckily neither was ever badly injured. They sometimes needed help from locals to get back on their bikes – and once, to get their bikes back, after they had to leave them on the nearly impassable roads outside Gilman, Colorado. Several times, they were handcuffed and arrested — for wearing men's clothing!

Addie and Gussie spent more than eight weeks riding across the topography of America: 5,500 miles of hazardous roads, dry weather, crashes, breakdowns, dehydration, heavy rains, washouts and mud. In 1916, there were no paved superhighways, no motels, no Triple-A maps. The sisters became lost in the desert west of Salt Lake, and a friendly prospector saved them by sharing his water when theirs ran out. He also put them back on the trail to Reno, Nevada. From Reno, they trekked through Sacramento, then south to Los Angeles and San Diego. The sisters even rode down to Tijuana, before making their way back to the East Coast.

The Van Buren sisters' story has an intermediate sad chapter, but ultimately ends well. The sisters had dreamed of serving their country by becoming motorcycle dispatch riders, freeing up men for combat support in the impending war effort; their cross-country ride proved that women could do whatever their nation needed, under any harsh conditions. But when Adeline applied to the military to become a dispatch rider, her application was rejected. And the media coverage of the day praised the bike, but not the daring women who rode them. Their record-setting achievement was described as a "vacation" instead of an historic triumph.

After their cross-country ride, Gussie and Addie each married — and kept breaking barriers. Addie moved from teaching English to earning a law degree from NYU. Gussie became a pilot, flying with the 99s, a women's group founded by Amelia Earhart. 

Augusta and Adeline Van Buren transcended the stereotypes and restrictions of their time, proving that a woman could do anything a man could do. In Augusta's words, "Woman can — if she will."

The sisters' legacy is extraordinary, and it continues. Augusta and Adeline Van Buren were inducted into the American Motorcyclist Association Hall of Fame in 2002 and into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame in 2003. In 2006, riders retraced the route the sisters took in 1916, as a tribute 90th Anniversary Ride and Fundraiser for the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. And every woman on wheels today should climb on and whisper, "Thank you, Gussie, thank you, Addie," for the trails they blazed for us all.

The Sturgis Buffalo Chip's Biker Belle's Ride celebrates Women in Motorcycling – women like Gussie and Addi

Wednesday August 8 2012, the Biker Belle's Ride will kick off from The Lodge in the historic town of Deadwood after the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast . The ride will be lead by Ride Captain, and famed Motor Maids member, Meg McDonough. Meg will take this group of incredible ladies on a scenic ride through the the beautiful Black Hills to the Legendary Buffalo Chip for a special Biker Belle celebration.

Join us for this historic Sturgis Motorcycle Rally event and be part of the Legend!

Motorcycle Lawyer Russ Brown with partners Chuck Koro and Jim Romag are proud to be part of the Biker Belles Ride during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys have been fighting for injured bikers for over thirty years, on the road and in the courtroom!

See you in Sturgis!

03.02.2012 Nach einer Info von Martin Franitza: Aus:
2012 B.T. owns an article about the van Burens tour across Americ in Road Rider Magazin 1979. Dieses Heft lieht unter Wyman bei den Tesch-Büchern

Adeline and Augusta VanBuren
From Brooklyn, New York to Tijuana, Mexico, the Van Buren sisters rode a pair of Indian Power Plus bikes to prove a point: that in 1916 women could do anything men could. To make the unpaved challenge more difficult, they rode to the summit of Pike’s Peak in Colorado en route, all 14,110ft of it. Part of their mission was to demonstrate that women should be permitted to serve as dispatch riders in WW1, but as their remarkable achievement didn’t manage to convince the military hierarchy of that, they later turned their attention to campaigning for female suffrage.

Augusta and Adeline Van Buren were real pioneers but their trip was hampered by many things, not least being arrested numerous times in the small towns west of Chicago. Not for speeding, but for wearing men’s clothes. The battle with mud, rocks, accidents, heat exhaustion and dehydration across a country with no infrastructure was never really recognised. Even the bike press of the day was happy to celebrate the achievements of the bikes, but not the riders! As ladies their trip was described as a bit of a vacation.
There is little information about whether they continued riding, but they did continue to be pioneers. Adeline, initially an English teacher, earned her law degree from NYU. Augusta became a pilot, flying with the women’s flying group founded by Amelia Earhart, called the 99s
07.10.2106 B.T.


02.05.1915 (Start in Brokklyn in NY) - ??
Avis and Effie Hotchkiss (Americans)

1. Mullins
2. Harley-Davidson Museum
3. Miller, p. 186
4. American Motorcyclist, 2006

"Trailblazers in Women's Motorcycle Riding - Avis and Effie Hotchkiss", Harley-Davidson museum online (Harley-Davidson), retrieved 2012-06-18
Miller, Ernestine G. (2002), Making her mark: firsts and milestones in women's sports, McGraw-Hill Professional, ISBN 9780071390538
Mullins, Sasha (2003), Bikerlady: living & riding free!, Citadel Press, ISBN 9780806525198
"True Pioneers", American Motorcyclist, June 2006.
A little over one hundred years ago, on May 2, 1915 Effie Hotchkiss and her mother Avis left Brooklyn, New York on the adventure of a lifetime. The mother and daughter duo were bound for San Francisco, California on a new 1915 Harley-Davidson V-twin Effie had recently bought. After arriving in the City by the Bay in August, the pair became the first women to ride cross-country on a motorcycle.

Soon afterward, Effie and Avis headed back East and arrived in New York City in October after having covered a grand total of nine thousand miles on the trip. You can learn more about their interesting run at the Harley-Davidson Museum.

Cris Sommer Simmons of Hawaii authored The American Motorcycle Girls 1900-1950, a book that takes a look back at women riders in motorcycling. In 2010, Cris honored Effie Hotchkiss by riding her own 1915 Harley-Davidson V-twin across America in the 2010 Motorcycle Cannonball. A photo of Cris on her machine can be seen (below) along with a map of next year’s run. You can also view hundreds more motorcycle-related photos here on The Old Motor.

Take a few moments to learn about the automotive version of the motorcycle cross-country adventure that is going to be combined in 2016 with the motorcycle run at the Race Of The Century. It now has ten pre-1917 cars signed up for the 3400-mile journey from Atlantic City to Dan Diego with the latest entrant being Gil Klecan, who will drive a 1913 Pierce-Arrow in the event.

Foto: nd Avis in Salt Lake City, Utah (above), in an image courtesy of Effie Hotchkiss Trust

Book in English:
Effie&Avis Hotchkiss (mother and daughter) traveled USA in 1915 from East coast to West coast and back.
They wrote a 400 pages book.
If you search   you will find information and pictures of the women and the Harley combination.  I have not seen any books for sale, possibly information is for Harley Factory collection.
17.01.2017 First information by Evald Bengtsson

Emily Post and her son drive cross country in 1916. A good mannered trip with a book all about it. Google “By Motor to the Golden Gate”.

Alfred LeRoy fuhr mit nur einem Arm sein modifiziertes Harley-Gespann 1916 von Los Angeles nach New York.

CK Shepherd

CK Shepherd
Demobbed from the RAF after WW1, Englishman CK Shepherd set off in search of further adventure in 1919. He bought a brand new Henderson in New York and decided to ride it to Los Angeles and then San Francisco.The journey took him just over 3 months, battling with mud, sand, accident, heat and exhaustion, as well as what turned out to be a hugely unreliable motorcycle. As George Wyman and Carl Stearns Clancy had discovered before him, highways in the United States were little more than deeply rutted tracks. He even ventured onto railway lines to assist with river crossings etc through what is a developing nation.
The good news is that his original book, published in 1921 and simply called ‘Across America by motorcycle’ , is now easily available again and really captures the essence of the time. You can read a full review here.


Aloha Wanderwell with 16. - On the route.- Book Cover 1939?. Or new book?

1930 with a motorcycle in Berlin.

World-map. Out of the book.

1922-1928 7 years
Idris Galcia Welsh (married and known as Aloha Wanderwell. Canadian-American. *13.10.1906 in Canada. +04.06.1996 with 89 in California)
Around-The-World in a car (sponsored by the Ford Motor Company). First woman drive Around-The-World in a car Ford Model-T through 43 countries. Canadian-American
Aloha Wanderwell was an explorer, a vaudevillian, filmmaker, a wife and mother. She visited places no western man or woman had seen before.
Purpose: Inspired by her father’s beloved collection of boyhood books Idris Galcia Hall was a 16 year old school girl. She dreamed of travel, adventure, and intrigue in far-flung corners of the globe. In 1922, when she was 16, she embarked on an ambitious around-the–world expedition led by “Captain” Wanderwell… She married Walter Wanderwell in 1925 in California. Sie married Walter Baker in 1933).
Aloha responded to an advertising declaring “Brains, Beauty & Breeches – World Tour Offer For Lucky Young Woman… Wanted to join an expedition!”, meeting Captain Wanderwell in Paris and securing a seat on this daring expedition. Achievements
Route: Europe, the Middle East, India, Japan, China, the Soviet Union, the United States, Cuba, and Africa
First woman to drive around the globe. (Wikipedia).
Drove 43 countries in a Ford Model-T at age 16. Traveled 380,000 miles to 80 countries in the 1920s.
First across India and Cape Town to the Nile. Filmed the first flight around the world.
Member of the French Foreign Legion.
Films at The Smithsonian & The Library of Congress.
Women’s International Association of Aviators.
Publication: Book in English: Aloha Wanderwell. 1939. Call To Adventure. 1939.
New book: Newly-commissioned essays, photos and supplemental materials from the author’s estate: Aloha Wanderwell: Call To Adventure. ISBN 1484118804. 288 pp. Publisher: Nile Baker Estate & Boyd Production Group (13. April 2013).
In 1922, when she answered an ad placed in the Paris Herald by self-styled adventurer Walter Wanderwell, who was just starting out to break the world’s long distance automobile record in an expedition jumpstarted by Henry Ford’s donation of a pair of Model-Ts.
Film: Car and Camera Around the World.[8]

N.Y. - San Francisco with a scooter called Nerarcar built in 1922. Kees owns this scooter and the whole story.
27.12.2006 ist information on a first visit at his private Vespa-Museum in Bunnik.

Erster Atlantik-Überflug durch Charles Lindberg von West nach Ost: New York - Paris.
In einem sehr spannenden Buch darüber las ich, dass er oft ganz tief über den Atlantik flog, weil dort die Thermik (Auftrieb) am größten war. Und so am meisten Flugbenzin gespart wurde.007

Ein deutsches Flugzeug von Hugo Junkers, W 33, flog als erstes Flugzeug von West nach Ost.
Geplant war Deutschland -New York. Aufgrund des unberechnebaren Gegenwindes driftete das Flugzeug aber nach Norden ab und landete nach 36 Stunden mit dem letzten Tropfen Flugbenzin in Neufundland mit einer Notlandung. Der erste West-Ost-Flug war daher vor dem Mitbewerber "Claude Dornier" geschafft. Allerdings war das Flugzeug durch die Landung so zerstört, dass es nicht nach New York weiterfliegen konnte.

Bessie B. Stringfield
Heel anders is het verhaal van Bessie B. Stringfield, een Jamaicaanse die als wees opgroeit in Boston. In 1927 stapt deze struise lady voor het eerst op een motorfiets en is daarna meteen verknocht. Behalve zes echtgenoten verslijt ze in haar leven ook 27 Harleys, waarmee ze acht keer door de hele VS doorkruist. Onderweg verdient ze geld met optredens in heuvelklims en in stuntshows. In die dagen is het ongebruikelijk dat een vrouw op een motor zit en zeker als je zwart bent. Hierdoor moet Bessie vaak bij benzinestations op haar machine overnachten; de jekker over het stuur diende dan als kussen, terwijl de voeten op het achterspatbord rustten. Vooral in het Diepe Zuiden was het voor haar gevaarlijk om te toeren. Een keer werd ze zelfs van de weg afgeduwd door zo'n kleingeestige redneck in een pick-uptruck. Reden genoeg om dappere Bessie enkele jaren geleden in de USA Motorcycle Hall of Fame op te nemen.

J. Graham Oates
Transcanada. Mit einem Motorrad  497cc Ariel 1928 (497 ccm) aus GB plus einem Beiwagen Sturgess Stil Zeppeling . Er musste 1600 km auf den Schwellen der Eisenbahnschienen durch das innere von Canada fahren, da es den Trans-Canada-Highway mit Strassen noch nicht gab.
1994.05.30 1st info by Michael Wadsworth sending me the book of Bill Snelling.
2016.08.10 Mand fotos and details by Alessandro

J. Graham Oates
Transcanada. Mit einem Motorrad fuhr Oates mit einer Ariel Red Hunter mit dem Radstand der variablen Breite der Beiwagen. An Vorderrad und Hinterrad waren zwei Halterungen angeflanscht, mit denen es auf den Schienen fahren konnte- statt auf den Schwellen. Das war vile einfacher als bei der ersten Reise. 20.000km. Erster Mensch, der die Hudson Bay per Fahrzeig erreichte.
1994.05.30 1st info by Michael Wadsworth sending me the book of Bill Snelling.
2016.08.10 Mand fotos and details by Alessandro


28.09.1928 - 22.09.1928 6.400km
Bill Snelling (02.1944 - ??).
+ Transcanada. "Aurora to Ariel" - The Motorcycling Exploits of J. Graham Oates, by Bill Snelling; Amultree Publications. 1993. English. 160pages. Soft. 20H x 21 B. 1st. (?) Motorcycle Across Canada (staying in Canada) using railway track but not the actual rails). July 28, 1928 to September 22, 1928 - 4,027 miles. Also first to reach Arctic Circle (Hudson Bay) 1932 on a tyred vehicle.
2005 B.T. found this book. He owns a copy.
Dieses Buch erzählt das Motorradleben von J. Graham Oates (1897-1972). Ein großer Teil ist seinen beiden großen Motorrad-Reisen, die erste Canada-Durchquerung vom Atlantik zum Pazifik 1928 und die erste Reise eines Motorrad-Reisenden zu der Hudson Bay 1932 gewidmet. 106 S. Verlag: Amulree Publications. England. 1993. ISBN 0-9521-126-04.
+ O. 30.05.1994 Erhalten von Michael Wadsworth. - This is a reprint! I do NOT own the original from ??
2005 Listed in
20.11.2013 More infos by Keith Harris.

Born: Lincoln, UK February 1944. Educated:         
Colchester Royal Grammar School, UK: 1955 - 1960. Colchester Tec College & School of Art: 1963 - 1965.
Aberdeen Uniiversity: 1966 - 1968. University of British Columbia, MA, MBA : 1972 - 1980.
Travel: Hitchiked to Turkey, Syria etc.: 1963 - 1965. Leader Student Expedition, Mount Suphan, Eastern Turkey: 1966. Drove a Citroen 2 CV around Morocco 1967. Team Leader Minitrek Expeditions Ltd.: Morocco 1968.
VW to Oaxaca, Mexico: 1973. Married 1987 and divorced 1992 with daughters Charlotte born 1980 and Clare born 1983.

J. Graham Oates

In 1928 a WW1 dispatch rider, ex-motorcycle racer and builder from the Isle of Man, Mr J. Graham Oates, was the first to take a rubber-tyred vehicle across Canada, coast to coast. Although he had designed and briefly produced his own bike, the Aurora (a venture which unfortunately failed), he did the Canadian trip aboard a 500cc single cylinder Ariel with a Sturgess sidecar built in Hamilton Ontario.JGRAHAMOATESARIEL

Having left the Isle of Man he moved to Bolivia before settling in Toronto and eventually becoming the general manager of JV & JW Conroy’s motorcycle emporium, selling Royal Enfields, Douglas’ and Ariel machines.

Gaining sponsorship from both Ariel and Castrol Oils, he set off in July 1928 to prove them both by riding from Halifax to Vanvouver using roads when he could find them, but more often by riding the sleepers of railtracks – an incredibly tough undertaking. He had to lift his outfit off the railway every time a train approached (hoping the muskeg or swamp in eastern Manitoba wouldn’t swallow him) and lift it back on afterwards.

GRAHAM_OATES_MANITOBA2He carried letters from various city Mayors with the hope of presenting them all in Vancouver and highlighting Canada’s need for a highway infrastructure.

On Thursday, Sept. 13, 1928 Oates arrived in Calgary, Alberta and a front-page story in the Calgary Herald ran the next day. The headline and first paragraph:

‘Coast to Coast Cyclist Arrives. J. Graham Oates Reaches Calgary on Motorcycle in Cross-Canada Trip.’

“Four days from Regina through discouraging prairie ‘gumbo’ and 18 days from Halifax on a coast-to-coast motorcycle tour in an effort to establish for the Ariel motorcycle the record of being the first gas-propelled vehicle to travel across Canada on rubber tires, J. Graham Oates, general manager of Conroy and Company, of Toronto, arrived in Calgary at 7 o’clock, Thursday evening, tired and dusty, but cheerfully satisfied with the results of his trip so far, having covered the 6,700 miles in 18 days. Mr. Oates emphasizes that Western Canada’s chief need is more and better motor roads and he heartily endorses the campaign of the Alberta Motor Association to awaken public interest in the subject.”

According to the article, Oates left Calgary heading west on what was the beginnings of the Trans-Canada highway, but he expected to cross the Rocky Mountains once again bouncing over railway sleepers.

Oates on the tracks
Oates made it to Vancouver just 21 days after starting the trip, and he dipped the rear tire of his Ariel in the Pacific, just as he had done in the Atlantic. He returned to Toronto via U.S. routes, and remained in Canada for another few years, founding among other things, the British Empire Motor Club in Toronto, which still exists. In 1932 he rode north on 2 wheels to the Hudson Bay, the first rider to do so.
He was recently inducted into the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame and ‘Aurora to Ariel’ is a book by Bill Snelling all about Oates’ motorcycling exploits. Published in 1993 ISBN: 0952112604 by Amulree Publica

1928 + 1932
Reise-Bericht.  Europa. Nordamerika. 1993
Snelling, Bill. Aurora to Ariel. The Motorcycling Exploits of J. Graham Oates. Dieses Buch erzählt das Motorradleben von J. Graham Oates (1897-1972). Ein großer Teil ist seinen beiden großen Motorrad-Reisen, die erste Canada-Durchquerung vom Atlantik zum Pazifik 1928 und die erste Reise eines Motorrad-Reisenden zu der Hudson Bay 1932 gewidmet. 106 S. Verlag: Amulree Publications. England. 1993. ISBN 0-9521-126-04.
+ O. 30.05.1994 Erhalten von Michael Wadsworth.


In the website / of RTW traveller-woman Canadian Doris Maron I found the information: "I was fortunate enough to meet Marjorie, an honorary member of WITW, who was a pioneer for women in motorcycling. Against her fathers wishes she ventured across the United States by motorcycle in 1938."
22.05.2008 Asked Doris Maron for more information

05.10.2018 Asked Doris Maron again ny email.

< 1938.

Louis Rokos.
+ USA. Eine Auto-Rundreise von Texas nach SW - W bis LOs Angelos- N bis zur canadischen Grenze - Ost bis N,Y 20.000 km.
Publication: Book: 20.000 km Amerikanisches Allerlei. Eine Auto Reise in Bildern und Worten. Wilhelm Braumüller Verlag. 1938. 1st edition. TR. German.
Route: USA. From Texas To New York. by car. 274 S. BW-Fotos. Hardcover. 21x15 cm.
2017: 1st information by Heinz Jansen.

14.05.1939 -early december 1939 arrived in Seattle
John Logan and Slim Williams (born c. 1882, date of death unknown) finally made it to Seattle and
Blizzard ?

In 1937, John Logan took a 2-week vacation to Alaska, and was smitten with the Great Land. Later, he was intrigued by an article by Donald MacDonald proposing a road to Asia via Alaska. Logan, with help from a cousin, contacted former territorial governor Tom Riggs, who had led the US survey team that established the Alaska-Canada boundary. Riggs recommended that Logan meet a man called "Slim" Williams who was planning to journey by motorcycle from Alaska to the Lower 48. "I said, 'He's going to do WHAT?'" recalled Logan.

Logan arranged to meet with then 57-year-old Williams, and after explaining his interest in promoting a road-link with Alaska, Slim asked Logan to be his partner on the proposed motor­ cycle trip. At first Logan hedged. "I'd never ridden a motorcycle, but I realized that I'd never be able to live with myself if I passed up the opportunity." It turned out Williams hadn't, either. "We'll figure it out," Williams assured him.

Once agreed, both Williams and Logan began preparing for the unparalleled trip. Logan put money he had saved into the purchase of two carefully researched and modified British-made motorcycles. "We chose small, single engine machines because we knew we would be pushing, pulling and rafting with them. We had plates welded on the bottom and hand brakes added so we would be able to have some control when walking the machines with the engines running. Of course, there were even fewer gas stations then, so we had racks with two gas cans each in the back." They began their trip on May 14, 1939.
In 1939 Williams made a second trip with John Logan down the proposed Alaska Highway route. This time he traveled during the summer with a 300 lb motorbike. First trip was on a sledge in 1933 along the proposed Alaska Highway route.

Route announced on the video in youtube: Alaska Highway Route: USA, Alaska - Canada - USA, Seattle: AlaskaTana River - Chicken Alaska - Whitehorse - Dawson,BC - Northern, BC -Hazelton, BC - KLappan River, BC - Seattle

Read much more at

Can't remember where I got it, probably Whitehorse Press. Don't see it on Amazon. It's a 1993 copyright by KAKM Video in Anchorage, Alaska. They still have a website, but I don't see "Slim & John's Great Adventure" there either. It is great story. I have the 28 minute long video tape. However, there was no ALCAN in 1939. That wasn't in existence until 1942, built by the US Army Corp of Engineers in agreement with Canada.

Alaska Digital Archive
BLM Alaska Frontiers, Issue 76 February/March 2000
Fig Leaf Rag, Circus Waltz FX, Friendly Day, Evil Plan, Amazing Plan, Breaktime, Bad Ideas Distressed, Doe De Oh, Water Droplets on the River, The Bandit, Olde Timey, Barroom Ballet, Gold Rush, Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"".

Books: Biography: Alaska Sourdough: The Story of Slim Williams by Richard Morenus. 1968, Rand McNally; out of print. 1st ed. was 1956. Library of Congress catalog number 56-11019.
Memoir: Sisters: Coming of Age and Living Dangerously in the Wild Copper River by Samme Gallaher. 2004, Epicenter Press.

External Links:
Alaska's Digital Archive video clips with John Logan circa 1939
Bureau of Land Management article with photos
University of Iowa archived copy of lecture brochure</ref>
PBS documentary about the Alaska Highway

09.11.2011 This youtube link with the information was send to me kindly by Dal Smile from USA. - Dal was the president of BMW Ownersclub and is now retired. He owns probably the largest collection of "in english written motorcyle-travel-books". Especially the very first series of fiction books starting in 1910.
18.11.2013 British Keith Harris, living in Canada 44 years, added:
See also: for a biography of Slim Williams.


Ca. 1946 + 2,5 years
Theresa Wallach   (born 30.04.1909 - 30.04.1999) and Miss Blenkiron (both British)
After the WW.2  Theresa rode in North-America for 2,5 years and 32.000 miles with a Norton, having had 18 different jobs like riding horses with cowboys and trecking west with Indians Routee 66 to pay her mc-trip.
Earlier experiences: 1934 / 1936
Wallach, Theresa  (born 30.04.1909 - 30.04.1999) and Miss Blenkiron (both British)
2x Transafrica London - Capetown and back    See more Africa as well.
1934 Theesa rode with Miss Blenkiron  London - Capetown: 14.000 miles in 8 months on a side-car with a trailer behind. Because "Blenk" got Malaria in Johannesburg Theresa went back solo.
1997 fand ich Theresa Wallach und hatte mir ihr brieflichen Kontakt. Sie arbeitete bis 1999 an dem 1. Buch über ihre legendäre Transafrika-Tour. In 1999 starb sie mit 90.
1997 I found Theresa Wallach being 88.
08.10.98 A next letter to Theresa Wallach. She just published the second edition of "Easy Motorcycle Riding"!  Since 20 years I know that the British Theresa Wallach is one of the real women travel pioneers.1997 I found Theresa in USA and I was really happy to recieve her first letter in July 1998 with the folowing informations: After the WW.2  Theresa rode in North-America for 2,5 years and 32.000 miles with a Norton, having had 18 different jobs like riding horses with cowboys and trecking west with Indians Routee 66 to pay her mc-trip. After she stopped importing British motorcycles in USA she founded  a "Motorcycle Research Riding School". In 1972 she published a book "EASY MOTORCYCLE RIDING" of which she sold 200.000 copies. 1998 she just finished writing two new books: "Motorcycling for Business and Leisure" (TRUE-and-TRIED" informations) and "THE RUGGED ROAD of AFRICA". The last will be the first book about her famous mc-tour 1934 Transafrica.
In 11.1998 I got the second edition of  "Easy Motorcycle Riding", the ABC for riders not so much for long distance travellers. ! 17.05.1999: I got a letter from Wesley Warren Brown, that Theresa died of liver cancer on her 90th birthday. Tears were coming to my eyes that this woman-pioneer of motorcycling and especially motorcycle travelling died before she finished her book about her great TRANSAFRICA-TOUR.
21.10.01 I got the information form USA that her book "THE RUGGED ROAD of AFRICA" is published in GB. Panther Publishing, 10 Lime Avenue, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 1DP.

15.11.01 I tried by many, many letters to different persons to get the information, what happened with Theresas manuscript, the fotos and old articles of her mc-travels.Finally I got the information that all is stored in Arizona State University Foundation. The boos - Mr. Rodney L. Houts - has been very unfriendly and not helpul from the start until his last email. In this he forbit me to contact him again.


Reise-Bericht. (Europa). Nord-Amerika. 1954.
Peggy Iris Thomas ( Born 19?? - died 1982 in ??)
+ North America. British Peggy rode solo on a Bantam 125 ccm appr. 14.000 miles solo through Canda, USA and Mexico with a dog on teh luggage-carrier.
English Book: A Ride in the Sun. An account of an adventurous English girl from Liverpool, who started in spring 1950 and toured 14.000 miles across Canada, the USA, Mexiko back to USA and from there by ship to Denmark on the motor-cycle B.S.A. Bantam 125 ccm. She started spring 1950, accompanied by her Airdale puppy (Welpe) called "Matelot" (Gefährte) with $ US 60 in her pocket. 22 Kapitel. 222 p. No fotos. Hardcover 20,5 cm H x 14 B. Englisch.
Verlag: Hodder & Stoughton. London. Großbritannien. 1954. Bibliothek.
Der englische Verlag kennt die Adresse der Autorin nicht mehr.

German book: Deutsche Übersetzung:
Peggy Iris Thomas.
Peggy braust durch Amerika. 22 Kapitel. 318 S. No fotos. No map..
Verlag: Schwabenverlag. Stuttgart. Deutschland.
Anmerkung von B.T. zu zu Peggy's Buch :
Dieses Buch regte Paul Pratt (siehe Pratt) zu seiner späteren großen Wanderlust noch zusätzlich an : "Was ein Mädchen kann, kann ich auch". Tatsächlich machte er 10 Jahre später eine ähnliche Reise.

American book:
Peggy Iris Thomas
Gasoline Gypsy
Offensichtlich das gleiche Buch wie "A Ride in The Sun".
Verlag: Thomas Y. Crowell Co. N.Y. USA. 1953. 244 S. Keine Illustrationen. Libary of Congress Catalog Card No. 53-8441.

Meine Bantam ist Peggy als Tribut gefordert, zweifellos der bekannteste Bantam Fahrer aller ... Peggy Iris Thomas.
Fräulein Thomas kaufte ihr Bantam, einen starren Werk D1, im Jahr 1950. Sie sofort benannte sie nach seiner Registrierungsnummer Oppy, OPE 811. Innerhalb weniger Wochen zog sie auf 4.500 Meilen Tour rund um Skandinavien begleitet von ihrem Freund, Prudence Beggs ( Bild rechts Reit Sozius).
Allerdings war berühmteste Reise Peggys ein 18 Monate 14.000 Meilen Epos in Nordamerika. Sie nahm ihre 60 £ Airedale Hund, Matelot, zusammen, in einem improvisierten Feld auf der Bantam Hutablage eingenistet. Beginnend in Halifax, Nova Scotia, wanderte das Paar Kanada nach Vancouver an der Pazifikküste, dann südlich entlang der Westküste der Vereinigten Staaten geleitet. Kreuzung in Mexiko, Peggy und Matelot reiste bis nach Mexiko-Stadt, bevor für die Atlantikküste und unter einem Dampfer nach Florida. Nach einem längeren Aufenthalt auf den Florida Quays, endete Peggys Reise mit einer Fahrt nach Norden bis New York.
Peggy trug eine Schreibmaschine mit sich und schrieb ein Buch über das Abenteuer namens Benzin Gypsy (später in Großbritannien als eine Fahrt in der Sonne aufgedruckt). Beide Titel wurden lange vergriffen und sehr schwer zu finden. Doch nach fast 60 Jahren, diese begehrten Reise classic ist jetzt wieder zu haben und kann aus dem bestellt werden Benzin Gypsy Seite auf dieser Website.
23.03.2013 Bernd Tesch owns the German and the English edition of the book. But I tried many years to buy the original book "Gasoline Gipsy" without success for a reasonable price.
Because the story is so unique I tried to find Peggy Iris Thomas many years without success. I even asked Nina Tina, member of the Danish Adventures Club. But nobody had herad from her.
In 2014 I tried again and found that the book was offered as a new edition. Mr. Gordon answered my question after many tries:
23.03.2015 Peggy Iris Thomas married the danish Engineer Sorensen of whom she spoke in her last sentence. So her name then should have benn "Peggy Iris Sorensen". They lived in England (London) and Denmark. They did not have children.
Gordon has a foto from Peggy Iris Thomas during the trip. Gordon has fotos of her life later. "Yes, but I have to pay copyright fees for these"
What happened later with the motorcycle of the book-trip? Gordon: "Not since the mid 1970s when she was still riding it around London, still with a dog in a box on the back!"

Peggy Thomas

Peggy Peggy Iris Thomas

From 1950 – 52 Peggy Iris Thomas rode her 125cc BSA Bantam through Canada, the US and Mexico. She’d already taken the same machine around Scandinavia with a friend riding pillion, but for her America’s trip, she had a very special passenger; Matelot, her Airedale Terrier, who sat proudly on a box behind her. For the Canadian winter he donned a jacket hat and scarf and to fend of the desert sand storms further south, Matelot donned goggles.

Peggy didn’t ride RTW but she did encapsulate the very ethos of overlanding.She trusted strangers, had very, very little money but worked where she could, and everyday she challenged herself to see, and to discover, because she was interested. The good news is that she wrote a fantastic account of her trip which is now back in print, under the dual title of ‘A ride in the Sun’ and ‘Gasoline Gypsy’, by Rixon Groove Publishing, ISBN 9780956 1168 40, a review of which is here.

Sadly, Peggy died in a car accident on Angelsey in 1982, while returning to her native Surrey from her newly adopted Donegal.

Ca. 1952
Brenda Collins (England)
North-America. The journalist Brenda rode a 16.000 kms long tour through North-America with a BSA-Bantam.
Route: GB - USA - Canada - Mexico.
25th.04.2001 1st information by Hugo Wilson´s book: Das Lexikon vom Motorrad, page 37.
24.05.2008 Greg Williams in Canada owns a brochure about Brenda Collins tour. Published by BSA ca. 1952.
Give me some time to dig that one out, and I'll scan and send you images.
24.05.2008 1 st request for more information about the brochure : pp ?, how many pictures, size??) and the trip itself. Are there any relations still living ?


Robert Pirsig. Ca. 1993. Archiv Bernd Tesch: Right send from Robert P. to B.T: Appr. 1998. Photo by Journalist Gary Guisinger- for N.Y. Times (Copyright)

08.07.1968 - 24.07.1968
Robert Pirsig (Born 06.09.1928 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
+ America. West-East. Robert Pirsig unternahm Pirsig zusammen mit seinem Sohn Chris und zwei Freunden, John und Silvia Sutherland, eine Motorradreise.
Die Erinnerungen an diese Reise verarbeitete Pirsig später zur Rahmenhandlung seines Werks Zen und die Kunst ein Motorrad zu warten. Es wurde 1974 veröffentlicht und machte ihn über die Grenzen seines Landes hinaus berühmt.

Robert M. Pirsig war von 1954 bis 1978 mit Nancy Ann James verheiratet. 1956 wurde sein Sohn Chris, 1958 sein zweiter Sohn Theodore geboren. 1978 heiratete er seine zweite Frau und zog nach England. Chris wurde 1979 auf offener Straße bei einem Überfall erstochen. 1981 wurde Robert M. Pirsigs Tochter Nell geboren.

  1. Pirsig, Robert M.
  3. Zen und die Kunst, ein Motorrad zu warten
  5. Eine Studie über Werte. Anhand einer Motorrad-Reise auf einer 52 PS Honda mit seinem Sohn Chris quer durch die USA, von Minnesota nach Kalifornien, macht sich Robert Gedanken über den „technischen Fortschritt“ der westlichen Welt. Auf der Suche nach dem Grund unserer Unzufriedenheit gelangt er zu den Überlegungen über Wahrheit und Vernunft von Sokrates und den Sophisten. Eine Gegenüberstellung technisch-rationaler und ästhetisch-seelischer Werte. Neben der Erzählung über die lange Reise und das „Motorrad-Abenteuer“ ist dieser hochphilosophische Roman ein „geistiges Abenteuer“. Dies ist auch wohl eine Folge der langen Meditationszeiten, die bei weiten Motorrad-Fahrten entstehen. Er erzählt die Geschichte eines Menschen, der daran zerbrochen ist, alles auf logisch-wissenschaftliche Weise erklären zu wollen. Als er sich mit den Definitionen der Begriffe von Schönheit und Qualität beschäftigt, endet sein Nachdenken beim Tao, einem Buch der Weisheit aus der chinesischen Philosophie. Durch seine geistige Verstrickung verrückt geworden, mußte Roberts alte Identität ausgelöscht und ihm eine neue, „lebensfähige“ gegeben werden. Während seiner Motorrad-Fahrt sucht er die Orte seines früheren Ichs, selbiges im Buch „Phaidros“ genannt, auf, um sich wieder daran zu erinnern, wer er früher gewesen war.
  6.      Über diesen philosophischen Ausflug hinaus, liefert das Buch eine hervorragende Zusammenfassung über wissenschaftliches Denken überhaupt und praktikable Anleitungen, wie man sinnvoll ein Motorrad wartet. 436 S.
  7. Verlag: S. Fischer Verlag. Frankfurt. Deutschland. 1. Aufl. 1976. ISBN 3-10061901-3. Hard-Cover.
  8. Ca. DM 39,80 (1976)
  9. Nachdruck der Original-Ausgabe des Hard-Cover-Buches mit einem Foto auf dem Umschlag von Robert Pirsig von 1983 und einem Nachwort von Robert Pirsig 1983. Neuauflage 02.1992. 443 S.
  10. Verlag: S. Fischer-Verlag. Frankfurt. Deutschland. ISBN 3-10-061903-X.


  1. Zu Roberts enormen Übersetzungen seiner Bücher :
  2. Den Papst zu erreichen ist einfach, weil seine Adresse, „Petersplatz Rom“, sicher genügt. Den „Bücherpapst“ hinsichtlich der Anzahl von Übersetzungen, Robert Pirsig, privat per Telefon oder Anschrift direkt zu erreichen, ist für mich bisher unmöglich gewesen. Leider ist kein Foto von Robert und Chris während ihrer USA-Reise in seinem Buch. Deshalb schrieb mir Robert auf meine Anfrage, daß ich das einzig existierende Foto von 1975, falls noch vorrätig, von seinem englischen Verlag Bodley Head bekommen könne. Mit großem Aufwand bekam ich es unmittelbar vor Redaktionsschluß dankenswerterweise. Ein Foto von ihm aus heutiger Zeit für den Leser zu bekommen, war mir nicht möglich.
  3.      Über seinen amerikanischen Verlag schrieb mir Robert : Sein Buch wurde in folgende 18 Sprachen übersetzt und in Verlagen (jeweils in Klammern) publiziert : Bulgarien (Narodna Kultura). China-ROC (China Times). Dänemark (Borgens Forlag). England (Bodley Head. Transworld Publishers. Corgi).
  4. Zen ja moottoripyörän kunnossapito. 457 S. Verlag: WSOY = Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö. Finnland. ISBN 951-0-13796-0. Zweite Auflage. 1988.
  5. Deutschland (S. Fischer Verlag). Frankreich (Éditions Du Seuil). Griechenland (Futurama Press. Cactus Editions). Israel (Zmora Bitan Mudan). Italien (Adelphi Edizionzi. Tascabili Bompiani). Japan (Shincho Sha. Merkmal Sha). Jugoslawien (Graficki Zavod Hrvatske). Niederlande (Uitgeverij Contact. Bert Bakker Uitgeverij). Polen (Czytelnik). Portugal (Editora Paz E Terra). Spanien (Editorial Noguer S.A. Ultramar). Schweden (Alba. Manpocket). Ungarn (Europa Konyvkiado. Arkádia). Welche Bücher noch in welchen Sprachen lieferbar sind, ist nicht zu ermitteln.
  6.      10 Jahre nach Erscheinen der Erstausgabe schrieb Robert folgendes Nachwort : Das Buch wurde zu Beginn von 122 Verlagen abgelehnt. Ein einziger Verlag bot ihm ein übliches Anfangshonorar und meinte, das sei wohl das letzte, aber Geld sei bei seinem Buch nicht der springende Punkt. - Es ist kaum vorstellbar, aber wahr : Chris, Roberts Sohn, wurde am 17.11.1979 in San Franzisko ermordet.
  8.      Wie aktuell die Problematik dieses Buches immer noch ist, läßt sich an folgendem Beispiel zeigen : Marita Dreckmeyer hat in Aachen Maschinenbau und Philosophie nacheinander studiert. Sie versucht, anhand Roberts Buch in Seminaren und Vorträgen - genau wie Robert - den Teilnehmern die Gegensätze zwischen technisch-rationalem Denken und den Erkenntnissen der Seele aufzuzeigen und dazwischen zu vermitteln. Wir leben in einer hochtechnisierten Gesellschaft, deren Welterklärungsmodell die wissenschaftlich-rationale Methode ist. So sinnvoll diese für angewandte Technik ist, so wenig hilft sie uns zur Erklärung z.B. seelischer, ökologischer und religiöser Phänomene. Was Robert Pirsigs Buch leistet, ist, dem Leser den Nutzen und die Grenzen logischen Denkens klarzumachen.
  9.      Roberts neuer philosophischer Roman wurde im Oktober 1991 in englischer Sprache publiziert (Bantam Books. USA) und wird in deutscher Sprache im Frühjahr 1992 erscheinen : Lila. Ein Versuch über Moral. (Fischer Verlag). Dieser Roman hat nichts mit „Motorrad“, sondern mit „Motorboot“ zu tun.

11.06.1993 Robert Pirsig antwortet Bernd Tesch auf die Frage nach der Menge seiner Übersetzungen seiner Buches mit einer Liste. Und einem SW-Foto. Das Buch wurde in ca. 60 Sprachen übersetzt. Sogar ein "Schwarzdruck" in Nord-Korea. Die Auflagen kennt er nicht genau. Nach einer Schätzung von B.T. dürfte das weit über 1 Mio liegen. Kein anderer Autor eines Motorrad-REISE-Buches hat jemals bis 2015 eine solche Auflage erreicht.

Olouf Zierl (German)
20.-21.04.1991 Tesch´s Motorrad- und Auto-Treffen: ab 14.00 Uhr
    Oluf Fritz Zierl : "USA. 4 Mal von coast zu coast" . Oluf, Pseudonym "Kraut" in Amerika, Jahrgang 1932 mit "biblischem Aussehen eines begeisterten Bikers", hat seit 1976 jährlich individuelle Motorrad- Touren durch USA durchgeführt. Insgesamt mehr als 120 000 km Reisen. Er fuhr 4 x von "coast zu coast", war 14 Mal auf der "Daytona Bike Week" und 2 x auf dem Motorrad- Treffen "Sturgis" in South Dakota. Er schrieb mehrere Bücher wie "Highway Melodie", "Die schönsten Motorrad- Touren durch die USA", "Verdammt, verfolgt, verraten. Packende und wahre Biker- Reportagen aus den Süd- Staaten der USA". Er produzierte ein "Video: Unter weitem Himmel" und eine "Schallplatte (auch als CD zu haben) von J.Boss: The Wind in your face". Oluf ist 1981 nach Amerika ausgewandert und hat 8 Jahre in der Biker- Scene der Süd- Staaten gelebt. Er ist Schriftsteller und freier Journalist für MO und BIKERS NEWS. Sein Kennzeichen: Nichts vertuschen!
Oluf ZIERL ist Schriftsteller und signiert auf Wunsch alle seine Bücher

Oluf Zierl (German, 05.10.1932-15.09.2002). > forum ride on !
< Oluf Zierl and his Harley Davidson and B.T. in 1992 at the mc-fair IFMA

<Oluf Zierl at the German Harley-Davidson Meeting in 1994 showing Bernd Teschs book

The mc-travel-journalist and book-author Oluf has been riding a lot in USA, Europe and Australia.
Books and videos: His Harley-Davidson compendium is out in 6 languages.
ZIERL, Oluf: Highway Melodie. 20.000 km quer durch USA mit Harleys. Sehr beliebter RB. DM 19,80. ZIERL, Oluf: Die schönsten Motorrad-Touren durch die USA. Großartiger Text-Bildband. RF. DM 59,90. ZIERL, Oluf und Jürgen Boss: Biker-songs als hardrock-Musik, die zu dem Video hergestellt wurden. CD. DM 29,90. ZIERL, Oluf: Unter weitem Himmel. 10.000 Meilen quer durch USA. Video DM 49,90 ZIERL, Oluf: Nordlichter. Skandinavien. Travemünde-Polarkreis-Nordkap.! 4000 km. 65 Min. Video DM 44,90.
16.11.2001 Tel. with Oluf: He just to wants to have fun in live: Riding his motorcycle.
B.T.: Oluf and I know each other since a long time. We call each other mc-friends. Oluf has been several times on my "Mc-Meeting for World-Travellers". Since years he has the wish to travel with me through Siberia.
15.09.2002 When I heard about his death becaus of cancer I was very sad. And will be this forever.
Oluf was burned and finally burried in München
30.10.02. His grave is on the "Waldfriedhof". The new part. His archive will "go on" deposited at Lixi Laufer from Reise-Motorrad. Sascha owns his oldest Harley.
13.08.2006 Even after 4 years I - Bernd Tesch - are still sad about the lost of Oluf Zierl.

Helmut Münch (German, born 20.09.1959) mit Erwin Schmidtfall (German) und Martin Schmidtfall (German)
+ Canada. USA. Mexico. With two BMW R 90/6 they ride 27.000 km in 6 months.
Purpose: Adventure. To see N-America.
Route: Wit a ship from "Polish Ocean Lines" from Europe (NL) - to N-America (Canada (Quebec City) - Winnipeg - crossing Canada to Vancouver / Island. With a ferry to USA (Seattle) - touring around the country. Mexico (2000 km) - Texas. There they sold 1 BMW. Schwager war nach 3 Wochen wieder zuhause.
Highlights: Human contacts. Sightseeings as Nat. Parks. Handling the motorcycle. Different landscapes.
The Worst: Seling the BMW too cheap.
2009 Helmut is now the neighbour of B.T. First summary.

??.03.1981 + 9 Monate
Christa und Manfred Wasserlos (Germans)

In 9 Monaten ab März 1981 mit einem VW- Bus 30.000 km in Mittel- und Nord- Amerika.
Route: Montreal- Kalifornien- Mexiko- Guatemala- Honduras- zurück zur Ostküste- Canada bis Montreal. Beide haben bereits über 100.000 km "Fern-Reise-km" zusammen durchgestanden.
Dia-Vortrag ab 16.00 Uhr  13.Auto-Fernreise- Treffen vom 13.-14.10.90

Bärbel Harig
North-America. 15 Wochen 1984 durch Nord-Amerika mit BMW R 75/6.
20.-21.04.1985   Dia-Vortrag auf dem 7. MOTO - FERNREISE - TREFFEN. 170 Teilnehmer

1984 - 2000
Aaron Winchester (American)  https://www. in work
NAmerica many times.
1984 being 20 years with HONDA CX 500 riding 3 months 27.000 miles in Oakland 46 States (not Delaware).
1990 Sturgis (South Dakota) one month 10.000 miles.
1991 Daytona Beach (Florida) one month 10.000 miles.
1992 Sturgis (South Dakota) one month more than 10.000 miles.
Aaron from California showed up here in Zweifall / Germany four times with his old BMW. After he knew NAmerica he wanted to travel in Europe what he did 7times already seraching for the oldest pubs in Irleland.
Route 1993: USA (by BMW R 60/2 from San Francisco - New York about 3 months) - by air (Lufthansa) with the bike to Europe (riding two weeks in Holland (Schipol) - Belgium (Antwerpen)).
Book: Plans a book about searching the oldest pub in Ireland by motorcycle. See EUROPE for his Europeab trips.

Erika John (German, geb. 10.02.1947)
USA. Erika reist 11.00 km solo in USA und schreibt darüber ein Buch: Motorrad-Amazone . Straßen bis zum Horizont Reise-Bericht. (Nord-Amerika). USA.
11.000 km in 6 Wochen aus dem Sattel einer Amazone.
Erika fliegt als 34-jährige Lehrerin im Juni 1981 nach Los Angeles (USA) und kauft sich dort eine Honda CM 400 T Softchopper. Auf der Suche nach einem individuellen weiblichen Weg steigt sie aufs Motorrad, auch, um den vielen Ampeln und Verbotsschildern in Deutschland zu entfliehen, hinein in unerschöpfliche Landschaften. Sie entwickelt eine „freundschaftliche Beziehung“ zu ihrem Motorrad, schläft mit größter Angst in ihrem kleinen Minizelt, trifft viele Motorrad-Fahrer, sucht Treffpunkte für Frauen, genießt die unterschiedlichen Landschaften, besonders die Nationalparks mit Wüsten, Wäldern, Bergen und Seen und ist überwältigt von der nie gekannten amerikanischen Gastfreundschaft. Ihre Ängste zeigen sich als unberechtigt: Sie wird weder vergewaltigt noch beraubt.
Strecke : Kalifornien - Oregon - Washington State - Idaho - Montana - Wyoming - Utah (Salt Lake City) - Arizona - Colorado (Denver). 78 S. halbseitig beschrieben. 8 SW-Fotos. 3 Streckenskizzen.
Verlag: Erijott-Verlag. Regenbogen-Vertrieb. Berlin. 1985. Keine ISBN Nr.
Bezug: Erika John. Gneisenaustr. 7 a. D-1000 Berlin 61. Deutschland. DM 12,80 (1992)
1991 Macht sehr lieben und sympathischen Eindruck am Telefon.
Noch 500-600 Bücher vorhanden. "Ist klar: Fahre noch immer". Lehrerin.
10.09.91 Sportliche Ebene Suche ich. Besonders vorsichtig. Irrationale Ängste. Intensive Phantasie. Ziemliche Feministin. Gegen Unterdrückung. Vorher 6 Wochen. 34-35 Jahre. Als Lehrerin gefahren.
Earlier expereinces befoer 1991:
Dozentin in der Lehrerfortbildung. Sie war mit dem Motorrad in Spanien und Jugoslawien und fährt eine BMW R 65. Als ich sie fragte, ob sie heute noch Motorrad fahre, meinte Erika: „Klar doch, fahre noch immer".
09.09.2009 Fahre noch die 650ger BMW und fahre immer mal wieder. Wie wäre es für mich mit Namibia ??? Vielleicht dort eine Maschine leihen ?
Mache Kunst ( oder

23.05.1987 - 24.06.1987
Ursula Lettmann (German, born 1953) and Rolf Lettmann (German, born 1952 )
+ Canada and USA. Ursula and Rolf rode on a Moto Guzzi with sidecar Squire about 6.000 km in Canada and in the USA
Purpose of travel: Fun. Meeting the people and seeing the country.
Route : The motorbike was transported from Germany (Frankfurt/M) to Canada ( Vancouver ) and back from Canada ( Calgary ) to Germany (Frankfurt/M) via Wardair airplane. Vancouver/CAN - Yakima - Sacramento - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Moab - Mesa Verde - Monument Valley - Flagstaff - Tombstone - Tucson - Tijuana/MEX - San Diego - Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Salt Lake City - Yellowstone National Park - Virginia City/Montana - Great Falls - Calgary/CAN.
Highlights : Meeting people from all over the world at the International Rally of Moto Guzzi National Owners at Yakima (we had made a pre-registration, they awaited us already). Seeing the impressive nature and landscape for the first time. Meeting nice poeple in every place we stayed especially during our three days stay at Virginia City/Montana. The friendlyness of the M exican people.
The worst: Nothing.
Book or publication: No
My useful informations and TIPS for others :
After the experiences of our first North America tour we omitted any camping gear on our next North America tours - no need for it.
14.04.2007 First summary.
18.04.2007 "informatiker" Rolf has been in 2007 already 16 times on the Tesch-Meeting for World-Travellers.
See his other N-Amerca tours below

Nord- Amerika per Motorrad   von Robert Reitberger.  DM 19,80
Ein Erfahrungsbericht einer Reise quer durch Nord- Amerika mit einer BMW R 100 GS. In 6 Monaten "ritt" er 1988  40.000 km. Tagebuch mit Routenbeschreibung. 174 S. 18 Karten. 11 Abb.


Foto: Michaela Schmid Arizona 1991

26.06.1991 - 24.08.1991
Michaela Schmid (German, September 29 th , 1962) and Gotthard Schmid (German, born on January 18 th , 1959)
+ USA . Gotthard and his wife Michaela rode together on a Harley Davidson FLTC Tour Glide Classic (1982) 25.500 km around the USA .
Purpose of your travel: Adventure. Seeing the country. Meeting people of the country, off the touristy places
Route : And how did you come to USA ??
We flew with airline ?? from ?? to N.y. ?? for US $ ???
Surrounding the continental USA (except Alaska ), riding 25.500 km.
They started from York / Maine on the east coast and went westward through the Midwest till Denver / Colorado . T hen north to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota and crossed the Continental Divide over the Glacier National Park close to the Canadian border. They visited Portland / Oregon and surrounded the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State (from start till here approx. 9500 km). Followed by the path south through San Francisco and Los Angels they reached San Diego / California (additional approx. 4000 km). From here on the trip westward brought them to Phoenix / Arizona , Mesa Verde National Monument , Santa Fe / New Mexico and Memphis / Tennessee (add. approx. 4000 km). They then continued south to New Orleans and finally to Key West / Florida (add. approx. 3500 km). The trip north lead them along the east coast through Savannah / Georgia to Charleston / South Carolina and then inland and further north on the Blue Ridge Parkway to York / Pennsylvania where the Harley Davidson factory and museum is located. Through New York City and Boston / Massachusetts they reached there starting point in York / Maine (add. approx. 4500 km) again after fabulous and exciting two months.
We flew back with airline ?? from N.Y. to ???? for US $ ???
Highlights: Adventure. Fun. Sun. Friendship of  American people. Crossing the country and seeing the west coast. Touching the four corners of the continental USA (except Alaska )
The worst: The Harley all of a sudden drained all the motor oil in the middle of a parking lot in Little Rock / Arkansas . Thanks to the local Harley dealership and its friendly and skilled mechanic we got the gaskets replaced and could hit the road again.
20.04.2008 1 st summary
20.04.20081 st request for update.


1992 - 1993
Andreas Kieling (German)
The German hunter Andreas wanted to make a huge motorcycle-tour. But he changed his plan and made a huge canoe-tour: 2 years and 2000 miles: The Yukon from the start to the end. Andreas kindly gave a slide-show at the 16th MCar-Meeting for World-Travellers 20.-21.1993. ab 16.30 Uhr : 2000 Meilen Freiheit. Mit dem Kanu durch Alaska. Andreas, den ich als potentiellen Motorrad-Weitreisenden kennenlernte, fuhr mit Birgit 6 Monate, Mai bis Nov 92, auf dem Yukon von den Quellen bis zur Beringsee. Sie lebten mit Indianern, Eskimos und Goldgräbern zusammen und schliefen ausschließlich in Zelten. Auf der gesamten Strecke von 3400 km brach 700 km vor dem Ende der Winter ein. Das Kanu wurde vom Eis eingeschlossen. Seine Reise ist auf dem Titelblatt des vauDe-Kataloges und der Eingangsstory und im Fernsehen zu bewundern: Am 23.03.92 in Nord 3, 20.15 Uhr. Am 24.03.92, 21.45 in West
3. Am 26.03.92, 20.15 Uhr in 1 Plus.
1991 1st contact
07.02.2002 1st email.
22.04.2008 Habe neuere Filme von Andreas gesehen. Ihn aber leider nie wieder getroffen, obwohl er hier in der Nähe in der Eifel wohnt.

Giorgio Macaluso (Swiss)
+ Canada - Alaska - Mexiko - Canada. Girgio rode solo 37.000 km in four months with BMW R100 GS. With several motorcycles Giorgio rode in total 320.500 km.
Purpose of travel: Der Gwunder trieb mich in die Welt
The best: Alle Kontakte mit den Leuten in den Länder und das Entdecken, daß wir - so verschieden wir sind - doch immer Gleich sind.
The worst: In Israel wurde ich in der Nähe von Gaza bestohlen: Motorradjacke und 50% des Werkzeugs. En riesieger Verlust, wenn die Reise noch 2 Monate gehen soll.
Useful informations and TIPS for others: .Gutes Material der Ausrüstung, das zuhause eingehend vorher im Winter und unter der Dusche getestet werde sollte. Gute Unterlagen. Realistische bewegliche Reise-Routen.
Other experiences:
1986 2 Wochen. Europa: .Schweiz - Deutschland - Frankreich with Suzuki RV 125 3000 km.
1986 5 Wochen. Europa: Schweiz - Östereich – Tschechien - Ungarn – Schweiz mit Honda 125 .5.000 km
1987 3 Monate. Europa + N-Afrika. Schweiz - Italien - Griechenland - Israel - Sinai - Ägypten - Italien - Schweiz mit Jamaha XT 600. 8000 km.
1988 6 Wochen. Europa. Schweiz - Italien - Griechenland - Türkei - Rodos - Italien Schweiz mit MW GS 80 ca. 7500 km.
1989 3 Monate Europa + N-Afrika. Schweiz - Frankreich - Andorra - Spanien - Marokko - Algerien - Tunesien - Frankreich - Schweiz mit 11.000 km.
1990 1 Monate: Europa. Schweiz - Italien - Sizilien - Malta - Italien - Schweiz BMW GS 80 5500
1992 1 Monat: Asien. Indonesien - Bali mit Suzuki 3500 km.
1993 4 Monate: Nord-Amerika. Canada - Alaska (Prudoe Bay) - Mexiko - Canada mit BMW R100 GS. 37.000 km
1995 1 Monat: Europa. Schweiz - Deutschland - Belgien - Dänemark - Färörer Island - Dänemark - Deutschland - Schweiz miz BMW R100 GS 3000 km.
1996 1 Monat: Europa. Schweiz - Deutschalnd - Dänemark - Schweden - Finland - Schweden - Deutschland - Schweiz mit BMW R100 GS 7000 km.
1997 2 Wochen Europa. Schweiz - Frankreich - England - Frankreich - Schweiz mit BMW R100 GS 4000 km.
2000 1 Monat Europa: Schweiz - Deutschalnd - Dänemark - Schweden - Finland - Schweden - Deutschland - Schweiz mit BMW R100 GS 8000 km.
Dazwischen X Reisen in Italien Frankreich Deutschland
Auch habe ich 5 USA Reisen mit Camper Auto und Ruchsack gemacht. Auch Seltene Gebiete Neufundland....Grönland , griechische Inseln, Norwegen, Holland, Tunesien, Malaisia, und weitere europäische Länder aber nicht mit dem Motorrad
Also neben den Motorradreisen habe ich traditionell per Flugzeug eine Tour rund um die Welt Gemacht: Schweiz - Island - USA - Hawaii Neuseland - Australien - Singapore - Malasia - Indonesien - Schweiz
Die Gesamten Killometer von ca 330.500 km zählen sich aus den km-Zählstände der Motorräder:
Kilometer mit eigenen Motorrädern: Susuki 23.000 km. Honda 32.000 km. Jamaha XT 65.000 km .BMW R 80 GS 92.000 km. BMW R100 GS 115,000 km. Mit gemietetem Motorrad Jamaha 3.500 km.
25.02.1996 First contact.
27.03.2002 1st answer: Infiziert binn ich schon seit Langem und werde diese Krankheit auch nich Heilen können und wollen. Der "Virus Motorrad Reisen" ist auch so Speziel das ich Ihn auch nicht vermissen möchte.

17.01.1993 – 21.02.1993
Klaus Förderer (German, 26.02.1969)
+ USA - Mexico. Klaus rode solo 6500km five weeks through México with his Honda CB 550 four which he bought in L.A.
Purpose of your travel: You need a reason for travel??? Viva México!!
Route: Los Angeles (California) – Entering Mexico in Tijuana, all the way down the Baja California – Creel/Copper Canyon (by train) – Zacatecas – Mexico D.F. – San Cristobal – Palenque – Chichen Itza – Tulum – Belize (Bike sold at the border to someone who came along) – Back to Germany from Cancun.
The best: First big bike tour, knowing that motorbike is one of the best forms of travelling.
The worst: Accident in Baja California, pain for three weeks.
17.10.1993 - 04.11.1996 Alaska-Feuerland
Sbampato, Thomas and Petra (Ketelsen, heute Sbampato. Schweizer)
Drei Jahre lang erforschten der freischaffende Fotograf  Thomy und die Lehrerin und Schriftstellerin Petra mit einer BMW R 100 GS den amerikanischen Kontinent. Alaska - Feuerland: 120.000 km. Hielten Dia-Vorträge. Vermutlich längste Alaska-Feuerland-Tour.
Sbampato, Thomas and Björn Würmli
??.05. - ??.09.1982 4 Monate Europa mit Yamaha 125 DT. 20.000 km.
Sbampato, Thomas und Petra Ketelsen:
17.10.1989 - 11.10.1990 1 Jahr Nord und Central Amerika mit einer Kawasaki KLR 650. 50.000 km.
Route: Florida - Kalifornien - Panama - Florida mit einigen Abstechern in verschiedene Nationalparks wie Arches, Grand Canyon, Bryce usw.
Our The best: Dass wir am Ende der Reise uns so gut verstanden, daß wir beschlossen zusammenzubleiben und heirateten.
The worst: Wir gerieten in Nicaragua zwischen die Fronten der Contras und den Sandinisten. Schüsse, Schreie, Tote, Kampfhelikopter. Das wir aus der Situation lebend herauskamen war absoluter Zufall.
Petra und Thomas Sbampato
17.10.1993 - 04.11.96 Feuerland - Alaska mit einer BMW R 100 GS. 120.000 kms.
Route: Alle Länder Amerikas bis auf die drei Guayanas.
The best: Die Leute am Wegesrand, die uns  in scheinbar ausweglosen Situationen immer wieder neuen Mut gaben und weiterhalfen.
The worst: Es gab einige schlimme Situationen, aber der Überfall nachts in unserem Zimmer in Mexiko, wo ich beinahe mein rechtes Auge verlor, gehörte bestimmt zu den schlimmsten Erlebnissen. Mein Schneidezahn wackelt heute noch davon.
Book or Publikation: Magazine wie das Globetrotter-Magazin Schweiz. Motorradmagazin Schweiz. Gegen hundert Tageszeitungen in der Schweiz und Süddeutschland. In der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2000 erscheint die Reportage im Motorrad - Magazin Deutschland.
Info: Zwei CD´s und eine CD - ROM  Feuerland - Alaska. Die CD-ROM ist mit Wort, Bild und Musik.  Buch von Petra geplant. Bestellbar bei Thomas Sbampato oder Bernd Tesch.
02.2000 1st Info by MOTORRAD 4/2000
31.05.2000 1st contact

Bernd Tesch
visited the most famous motorcycle-travellers in USA in 4 weeks:
Tabitha Estabrook and Jim Rogers, Ted Simon, Susan and Clement Salvadori, Robert Fulton, Judy and Dan Kennedy (WHITE HORSE PRESS), Norman McElroy, Jim Wilson, Helge Pedersen and Karen Oftshus...
"Transamerika": Bernd Tesch besucht die berühmtesten amerikanischen Motorrad-Reisenden zwischen New York und San Francisco (1994, 4 Wochen): Norman McElroy (64, 2 Weltumrundungen), Robert FULTON (85, fuhr 1932 um die Welt), Karen Oftshus (ca. 30, Freundin, die Teilstücke mit Helge Pedersen, 10 Jahre um die Welt, fuhr), Tabitha ESTABROCK (28) und Jim ROGERS (52, Weltumrundung 2 Jahre ca. 1990-92), Clement Salvadori (55, Weltumrundung in 2 Touren 1973-1976), Ted SIMON (62, 1974-79 Weltumrundung), James WILSON (94, fuhr als erster 1927/28 Afrika West-Ost. Jim starb 02/95!)!

1995 - 1998
Renate Greulach (German, born 26.02.1951) and Gino Grimbacher (German/USA, born 08.05.1956)
+ America. In 1995 we (Renate: and I) decided to start travelling on a motorcycle in New York/USA. To safe money (the bike was cheaper in the USA then in Germany and we did not have spend money for the transportation over the Atlantic. We bought our Bike (BMW R100 GS/PD) at a BMW dealer outside of New York. We were able to arrange everything by internet in USA and two days after arriving the bike was ready and we could leave New York.
Renate (responsible for employee-accounts in a large company) prefers to sit on the back of my (Gino) bike (seaman, driving instructor). We knew each other only 2 months and till then Renate had no experiences in camping and travelling on a motorcycle – would it work? Along the east coast I had family and friends living, so we gave it a try, having in mind, that in case it would not work we could always stop. It worked perfect and we had a great time. While travelling, we already decided that this will not be our last trip in the USA , because of 2 reasons. First: we loved the big cities and the beautiful country side of the USA and second: we both loved travelling on a motorcycle. After storing our bike at a friends house in Chicago and leaving the USA , we already made plans where to go, coming back the following years. As soon as we had been back in Germany we contacted Bernd Tesch, knowing him from the Tesch-Travell-Treffen, which I joined already 9 times and ordered his great Tesch-Travel-Boxes including the special designed frame. A really good decision, which we did not regret till today (2007). We are still using them and after all the boxes went through, they are still in good condition and even protected our legs perfectly after an accident in Chile. We would never travel without them.
1995: New York - Washington D.C. – Shenandoah Parkway – Nashville – Memphis – Atlanta – Miami – Key West – New Orleans – St. Louis – Chicago (4,5 weeks and 6 560km).
1996: Chicago – Des Moines – Grand Teton NP. – Yellowstone NP. – Deadwood Cody – Sturgis Badlands – Mitchell – Chicago (5 weeks and 5 920km).
1997: Chicago – St.Louis – Amarillo – El Paso – Big Bend N.P. – Amarillo - Houston – New Orleans – Lynchburg - Nashville – Chicago (6 weeks and 7 360km).
1998: Chicago – Edmonton – Dawson Creek – Watson Lake – Dawson City – Fairbanks – Anchorage – through the Inside Passage to St. Rupert – Calgary – Vancouver (7 weeks and 12 640km)
Purpose of Travel: After having gone twice around the world on freighters (ships) I (Gino) want to travel overland with Renate.
The best : To know other nations, other people, different cultures and living and dealing with " Mother Nature ".
The worst: NONE, because whenever it looked like a problem is coming up, there was always someone who gave us help and/or hospitality, so that the problem turned into a good and great experience.
Useful Information: Going to the yearly "Bernd-Tesch-Meeting" in Germany and take the chance to use "Bernd's Individual Consulting" which safes you lots of money during your trip.
Earlier experiences: Gino Grimbacher started 1974 with little motorcycle trips around Germany (20 000km) on a DKW 200.
1980 - 1994 he toured in several trips around Europe (60 000km) between North Cape - Marocco and between Ireland - Czechoslovakia on a BMW R80/7.
Dreaming off: going to Central- and South America, S.Africa , Australia , New Zeeland and Asia ( Russia )

17.06.1995 - 24.09.1995  100 days
Dee Gagnon (American)
USA. The woman Dee  (35) rode solo over the backroads of  U.S.A. for 100 days, on her 1986 Honda Interceptor 500, covering more than 17,000 miles.
Route: Dee explored, ate and slept (usually camping) in 38 States, with no planned agenda. The adventures she encountered, obstacles overcome, and fine people she met along the way inspired her to share her story with others, by writing a book, published July 2000.
The best: Ten of the same questions were asked everywhere she went.  Number One question was "Aren't you afraid?"  Others were, "All by yourself ? What if you break down? What do you for work, that you can just take off this way?" and the dumbest "You rode it all the way here?"
The worst part: Crashing.
Book: "Dee Tours". Publisher. Pegasus Publishing. USA. Ssoftbound, 6 x 9 inches, 464 hefty pages with color and b/w photos, jam packed full of adventures. Takes the reader on a journey of road and spirit.  Unique observations about life, the world around us, and the strength of a woman, who thinks of herself as just the girl next door. The book is only available from Dee.
21.08.2000 First information by Dal Smile.

22.07.1995 - 18.08.1995
Ursula Lettmann (German, born 1953) and Rolf Lettmann (German, born 1952 ) with children Axel (German, born 1988) and Iris ( born 1989)
+ USA. Ursula and Rolf rode with two children on a Honda Goldwing 500 with sidecar Hechard Squale about 3.500 km in the USA .
Purpose of travel: Fun. Meeting the people and seeing the country..
Route : The motorbike was transported from Germany ( Frankfurt/M ain) to USA ( Dallas/Texas ) and back from USA ( Los Angeles to Frankfurt/M ) via Lufthansa airplane approx. 3.500 km Dallas - Amarillo - Santa Fe - Durango - Silverton - Ouray - Colorado Springs - Moab - Monument Valley - Flagstaff - Las Vegas - San Diego - Los Angeles.
Highlights : Meeting people from all over the world at the International Rally of BMW MOA (BMW Motorcycle Owners) at Durango . Meeting nice poeple in every place we stayed (e.g. a motel owner at Ouray remembered us exactly five years later, when we cam e back to that place by car). A Royal Flush at a poker maschine in Las Vegas (payed for a lot :-) ). A ride on the old train between Durango and Silverton with the kids.
The worst: It took us three days to get the Motorcycle out of customs at Dallas (closed during the weekend and we arrived on friday late in the afternoon.
Book or publication: No.

More North America tours with the kids, but without motorbikes:
2000 Denver - Ouray - Durango - Phoenix - San Diego - LA - San Francisco
2002 Detroit - Niagara Falls - New York - Boston -Portland/Maine - Detroit
2003 Boston - Montreal/CAN - Quebec City/CAN - Portland/Maine - Boston
2004 Florida
2004 San Diego - Tombstone - Flagstaff - Las Vegas - LA - San Diego
2005 Boston -> Seattle - Vancouver/CAN - Kamloops/CAN - Vancouver -> Boston
( "->" means: by airplane)

My earlier experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours:
1978 Corsica
1980 Turkey and Greece
1981 Spain and Portugal
1983 Iceland
1984 Behind the Iron Curtain (Hungaria, Romania, Bulgaria), Turkey and Greece
14.04.2007 First summary.
18.04.2007 "informatiker" Rolf has been in 2007 already 16 times on the Tesch-Meeting for World-Travellers.
See hist other N-Amerca tours above


01.07.1997 - 25.02.1998
Werner Ph.D. Bausenhart  DM 38,90   www.??
"8 Around the Americas on a Motorcycle."  English. 240 pp. 23 b +w fotos, 1 map. 47,543 miles (=76.069km)
The German Werner (living in Canada) rode around North and South America after he retired. He wrote a book with a day-to-day account of a trip by BMW R 100 GSPD from Ontario, Canada, to Prudhoe Bay (Alaska) to Ushuaia
(Tierra del Fuego, Argentina), and back to Canada. It gives an insight into matters specific to motorcycle adventure
travel: the documents required, the maintenance of the bike, road and riding conditions as they affect the motorcyclist, border crossings, transporting the bike by air freight, and accommodation and security for bike and rider. An appendix lists exact distances, and the names of secure campgrounds and hotels. The travelogue includes conversations with many of the fellow travellers Bausenhart met along the route. The book also touches on more personal questions. How does the family-oriented traveller obtain a leave of absence from a significant other who hates motorcycles? How does one overcome one's own fear of the unknown? The writer demonstrates that anyone with a strong desire to do so can indulge in motorcycle adventure travel. All that is required is a reliable
motorcycle, a bit of money, and a lot of time. Appendix: Route with kms, camping places and hotels.
Tour North America:  01.07.1997 - 21.08.97 28,864 Miles. Canada - U.S.A (Alaska) - Canada - U.S.A (Oregon - California) - Mexico - U.S.A (Texas - Florida - New York) - Canada.
Tour: South America: 20.10.1997-02.02.1998. 37,038 miles. Canada - U.S.A - Mexico - Guatemala - El Salvador -
Honduras - Nicaragua- Costa Rica - Panama - Colombia - Venezuela - Brazil - Paraguay - Argentina - Chile - Argentina - Chile - Bolivia - Peru - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia.
Tour: Central America and Mexico: 03.02.98 - 25.02.98. 47,543-37,090 =10.453 miles Panama - Costa Rica -
Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala - Belize - Mexico - U.S.A - Canada.
Book: His private published book in English is available from Bernd Tesch after 25th of May 2000: "8 Around Americas".

11.1998 - 02.1999
Günther Bruns
+ North-America.
The German Günther is 60 and noticed while travelling in India cheaply and easy by backpacking that he wanted to see more by touring. So he wants to ride to Westafrica to visit his daughter Inken first would be a good challenge on his one year trip. He intends to continue to southern and possibly eastern Africa. The teacher Günther asked at school for a one year unpayed leave because he feels quite fit now and he knows that elder colleagues wanted to travel after having been retired but never did so. He started riding a bike with 19 and wants to travel via Marocco - Mauretania - Senegal - to Ghana and Westafrica. He still thinks that to MOVE by travelling with a bike is something natural we human beings need. We start MOVING already in our mothers uterus. 20./21.08.98 Günther has visited Bernd Tesch for a recommendation of all subjects concerning a Transafrica Tour. In Aachen he made the decision to ride a BMW R 80 GS Basic instead of  YAMAHA XT 600. - After he left Aachen he got a cheap opportunity to go first to USA / California, where he rode in 11.1998 with his old YAMAHA Tenere!
25.02.99 I got a postcard from him from Ghana: "Your words helped me in many respects. It is not nessecary to make your own faults". Will be back in 02.1999.
04.11.2005 Another request for update

11.1998 - 02.1999
Bruns, Günther
North-America. The German Günther is 60 and noticed while travelling in India cheaply and easy by backpacking that he wanted to see more by touring. So he wants to ride to Westafrica to visit his daughter Inken first would be a good challenge on his one year trip. He intends to continue to southern and possibly eastern Africa. The teacher Günther asked at school for a one year unpayed leave because he feels quite fit now and he knows that elder colleagues wanted to travel after having been retired but never did so. He started riding a bike with 19 and wants to travel via Marocco - Mauretania - Senegal - to Ghana and Westafrica. He still thinks that to MOVE by travelling with a bike is something natural we human beings need. We start MOVING already in our mothers uterus. 20./21.08.98 Günther has visited Bernd Tesch for a recommendation of all subjects concerning a Transafrica Tour. In Aachen he made the decision to ride a BMW R 80 GS Basic instead of  YAMAHA XT 600. - After he left Aachen he got a cheap opportunity to go first to USA / California, where he rode in 11.1998 with his old YAMAHA Tenere!
25.02.99 I got a postcard from him from Ghana: "Your words helped me in many respects. It is not nessecary to make your own faults". Will be back in 02.1999.

18.02.1999 + 140 days in 1999
Jan Johannes (German)  no www.
USA. Canada. Mexico. The medicine student Jan (30) rode first time solo out of Europe:  140 days with a BMW 100 GS/PD in NAmerika. 43.000 kms with four sets of tires.
Route: Germany - flew to USA (N.Y.) with bike. Planned original to circle around N.Y. and then to ride to Canada. Because Jan never was very organised concerning weather he changed his plan and rode 3 days in snow south to warmer Florida - New Orleans - Houston - San Diego - Baja California/Mexico. Because of problems with gearbox Jan returned to
BMW-dealer in San Diego. From San Franzisco he made a 14 days tour by a wohnmobil with his parents through the region of  Grand Canyon. Because he liked this area so much he started again with his BMW via Parks Sequoria and Yosemiti.
But the snow wanted HIM to wait there... Continueing to Death Valley to Grand Canyon it rained or snowed the next 14 days all the time. In Lake Tahoe he only wanted to relax two days but the snow came again. So he skied 1st of may there. In the Redwoods (Westcost) his battery did not work any longer - Salt Lake City - Yellowstone-NP. The street through the
South of the Park was just opend again because of snow. So he followed it. Because the snow came back again he only could safed by others. Further to the north until the border of Canada and return to Vancouver where he wanted to meet his girlfriend for 14 days. But she decided not to meet him and flew to Alaska. So Jan decided to ride to Vancouver-Island - Whistler - Dawson-Creek to Alaska. On the Alaska-Highway he rode one day 1.500 kms in 15 hours to Whitehorse.  He
tried to leave the Yukon via the top-of-the-world-highway. But in Dawson-City his rear tire broke and a new one had to be flown it. When he reached finally Alaska he had two weeks holiday with his girl-friend Angela. Again with continueally rain: By ferry from Skagway to Prince Ruppert. From here he had only 14 days to ride back 10.000 kms via Toronto (here he had one of the hottest days of the last centuries) N.Y. Back by plane to Germany.
Best: The most streets are really bouring, but the many, many Nationalparks were really big The best. I have been in 90% of the US-NParks. The infrastructure in USA and Canada is perfekt. You can get the feeling of being alone somewhere in the wilderness too. Mexico I liked very much because of their lifestyle.
The worst: Heaving problems with gearbox in Baja California. The BMW-rack crashed in Death Valley "riding off road". My batterie did not work any more in Redwoods. My carburator was leaking 10.000 kms back through Canada. Had to pay 140 Canadian dollars because of watching the landscape and not my speedometer...
Infos: In North America are very big distances. So for me it was  normal to ride beween 400-1200 kms in one day. But I rode this distances only once or twice a week. After I reached a new nice place then I rode only a few kilometers a days. Very relaxing without all the package. Another problem for me was the speedlimits on those big distances. But I was
lucky because I was stopped only 5 times and had to pay only ones. I did not have to pay my parking tickest because the police-officers do not know from which country the numberplate is. Most expensive have been the rough roads in USA, because you need a lot of tires: My first two pairs of tires have been run down after 3.000 kms already an after 5.000 kms they were like slices. In Germany the same tire is good for 12.000 kms (Metzeler Enduro 3). Later I used US-MILAGE-ENDURO-TIRES (Avon).  They worked until they broke in the Youkon.The best tires were the same new METZLER-ENDURO-MILAGE-TIRES (25.000 kms). But these tires are very hard and are not allowed in Germany. These tires are not really good for off road. But I only rode about ca. 5000 kms off road in Mexico, Alaska and in some US-National-Parks.

21.03. - 02.12.1999
Verena Kleiner (Baden Baden, Germany, born 19.09.1978) and Cyril Gaehler (Zurich, Switzerland, born 06.05.1978)
North America. USA (NY) - Canada - Alaska - USA (NY). Verena and Cyril rode 14.000 miles in 9 months in north America. One funny thing is how we met : Verena tried to find a female travel partner to travel the panamericana with a scooter ! She did everything but no one responded. She then record a radio interview. Cyril just came back from a trip from the southern pacific. While fixing the car he did listen to the radio and called up right away. They have met only 7 times before they left together….
Cyril's was looking for the bike HONDA Africa Twina but there was no way to get one in the USA. So he bought a Honda Transalp XLV600 in NY which was finally a wonderful bike. Verena bought a Kawasaki KLX 650 in Los Angeles ( Cyril cannot recommend that bike for such a trip).
Route: By plane from Switzerland (Basel) to USA (New York. We had the order to drive two Caravans to Los Angeles and back until end of April - then by bikes along the shore Connecticut - Rhode Island - Boston MA - through Maine direction Canada - New Brunswick - Halifax in Nova Scotia. Friends came to Halifax and so wie drove two weeks in a rented car. Then by bikes: New Foundland - Prince Edward Island - Quebec - Montreal - Toronto - Ottawa in Ontario - Manitoba - Winniepeg in Saskatchewan. The streets always go straight and we were happy to see a tiny curve. Off the civilisation to La Ronge in the northern part, back down to Saskatoon and towards Calgary into the Rockies - Banff - Jasper. Wonderful road but too many tourists. End of august we headed up north (made a loop to Steward and Hyder in Alaska) - direction Watson Lake YT (there we met Dutch RTW-Traveller Peter Theuwissen). Whitehorse - Dawson City 777 km gravel road one way to Inuvik in the North West Territories and back to Dawson.
We crossed all states of Canada from east to west and then made it to Alaska, entering via the Top of the World Hwy to Chicken and Tok.
This has been at 2nd of october and nobody dared to ride to Alaska. But we went on to already closed Denali NP - Anchorage. Three days ferry from Skagway to Birmingham just next Seattle. By bike to Vancouver. Here we worked until we had an order to drive two van to New York. Unfortunately our trip and our relationship ended after a wonderful experience in Dec 99 in New York, the place were everything started.
Purpose of travel: We originally planed to go to Alaska then the Panamericana down to Chile. Unfourtenately we run out of cash ever we have been working on our way.
The best: lifestyle / Indian Summer / The Dempster Highway (from Dawson City YT to Inuvik NWT.). Alaska without tourists (everybody is supposed to be out of Alaska by the end of september, we arrived in October). The east cost mentality in Nova Scotia. The Maine lobsters. Price Edward Island.
The worst: Get stuck in snow and mud after a 12 hour horror day (110 miles), fighting with the bike in the freezing cold of the arctic fall.
Book or publication: none
Useful informations and TIPS for others: or visit me - you are always welcome
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours:... No big ones.
10.06.2002 1st contact.

10.08.1999 - 16.03.2000
Dorith Endler (*Mannes) und Helmut Zitzlaff   no www.
+ Canada. USA. Mexico. Dorith (BMW F 650 ST) and Helmut (BMW R 80) rode 30.000 kms in 3 different countries.
Route: USA (N.Y.) - Canada (Montreal - Quebec - Prince Edward Island - New Foundland - Nova Scotia - USA - Niagara Falls - Toronto) - USA (Chigaco - Route 66 to Santa Monica - Death Valley - St. Diego) - Mexico (Baja California -
Mazantas - Playa Azul - Mexico City) - Cuba (5 weeks without motorcycle) - Mexico (Mexico City - Oaxaca - San Christobal de las Casas - Tapachula - Yukatan - Villahermosa) - USA (Texas - Miami) - by plane back to Germany.
The best: : Daytona Beach "Bike Week" with 500.000 bikers. Chiapas. Route 66.
The Worst: Topez in Mexico (road bumps). A theft at night out of the hotel room.
Earlier experiences: Before I (Dorith) got my own motorcycle-license I road with Helmut Zitzlaff as a pillion rider and always six weeks in: Europe  Northafrica (Tunesia, Algeria, Morokko), Australia, Alaska, Canada, USA. Our plan to ride with two motorcycles for one year in North America ended up  after 6 months.
08.12.2012 Dorith is living in California, San Francisco. Very nice answer. She does not want to miss her life with bike before the kids came-ore
08.12.2012 Request for update. Asked for Fotos. two portraits from 2000 AND today. And the best foto of the trip with bikes.

18.03.2016 Kindest answer to my email to all women-motorcycle-travellers: danke für die Einladung. Ich bin leider erst im Sommerurlaub wieder in Deutschland, aber lade dich ein, wenn du nach San Francisco kommst.


2000 five months
Rasmussen, Ida (Danish)
Daughter Ida of famous family Nina Rasmussen and Hjalte Tin with son Emil rode with her boyfriend on motorcycles, small 125 taiwanese mc, five months all over Mexico in 2000 - in her own old route as a baby!
30.01.02 1st request to Ida.

31.04. - 15.07.2000
Enrico Freitag (German)   www. under construction
USA. Enrico (28) rode solo in 2,5 months in USA from East to West, from South to North with Kawasaki VN 800 Classic, 20.000 kms.
Motorcycle by ship from Germany to Orlando / Florida in January.  I flew in april and picked it up. This was organized from "Knopf-Motorradreisen", Heidelberg/Germany ( No problems for a good price: 2.500,-DM for moto-transport Germany - Orlando per ship and L.A. - Germany per airplane, incl. tax and customs). I flew back from L.A. without bike. Bike came 1 week later via aircraft.
Route: Florida - rode West on the coast to Jackson/Mississippi along the "Natches Trace Pkwy" - across the "Chattahooche
Nat. Forest" and "Great Smoky Mountains" along the "Blue Ridge Pkwy" to "Shenandoah Nat.Park"  Washington D.C - "Niagara Falls" - Canada (above the "Great Lakes") - back in USA to Milwaukee - 1.600 km straigth ahead to west - "Badlands Nat. Park" - "Black Hills" - south to Chimney Rock - Nebraska - Denver/Colorado - across the "Rocky´s" to "Arches Nat.Park" - "Canyonlands" - "Monument Valley" - "Bryce" and "Zion" in Utah - Arizona ("Grand Canyon") on the Road "66" - California - "Joshua Tree Park" - San Diego (Mexican border and Pacific Ocean) - Las Vegas/ Nevada - Death Valley (realy dry) - "Sequoia Nat. Park" - "Kings Canyon" - "Yosemite Valley" - "Ghosttown" Bodie (20 mls north on "Mono Lake") - Bridgeport  and "Biker-Meeting" - San Francisco - Pacific-Hwy. No.1 - L.A.
The best: Too much for a short report, but take this... freedom, wind, dust, stars, fire, natural arches, friendly people and new friends, (and last but not least) inexpensive gas.
The Worst: Cold weather in Canada (5- 8°C). A plenty of sweet food.
23.06.2000 1st contact with Tina (Harley-Girl from Germany on tour in USA, she lives and drives there 9 month)
1998 Partcipant of the Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers.

20.05.2000 - ?
Tini Spittel und Lars (Germans)
Plan Alaska - Tierra del Fuego. Both riding on one HONDA Africa Twin.
Route: USA - Canada - Alaska - all the way to Panama

25.06.2000 - 27.08.2000 + 28.06.2001 - 25.08.2001
Jacqueline Jesser (American, born 03.11.70, Intermediate Science Instructor) and Curran, Daniel. E.H. (Canadian, born 25.08.75 Biology/Philosophy Instructor)
rode 20,053 kms on a 1990 BMW R100GS on their first tour and 18,400 kms on the second tour. So the total Canada/US tour over the last two years has been about 38,500 kms.
Purpose of Travel: To see the land, live under the stars, explore new cultures/people. The road is our home..
1st.Route: 25.06.2000 - 27.08.2000 Canada (Toronto) - USA (Missouri - Arkansas - New Mexico - Colorado - Wyoming (Yellowstone/Grand Teton/Glacier Nat. Parks) - Canada (Montana - Alberta - British Columbia) - USA (Washington - Oregon - California (to LA) - Nevada - Utah (canyon country) - Colorado - Kansas - Missouri - Illinois - Michigan) - Canada (Toronto) - USA .
2 nd Route: 26.06.2001 - 25.08.2001 .Continuing US/Canada tour after the tour 06.28.01 - 08.25.01 with Tesch TTT-4 boxes/rack. Same 1990 R100GS.
Canada (Toronto) - USA (New York - Vermont - Massachussets - Conneticut - Mass. - New Hampshire - Maine - Nova Scotia - Prince Edward Island - Newfoundland - Quebec - Vermont - West Virginia - Virginia - Tennessee - Kentucky - Arkansas - Missouri - Illinois - Ohio - Canada (Toronto).
Planned Route: Semi Around-The-World. We are planning./ preparing for a semi around-the-world ride from Alaska --> Tierra del Fuego --> S. Africa --> East Africa --> Egypt --> Middle East --> Turkey --> Southern Mediterranean --> France --> England --> home. Hopefully this will take place in a couple of years (2004?). Until then, summers only! Next summer will be a Mexico tour.



31.05.2001 - 01.08.2001 USA Tour (Route 66+Higway1+PCH) (under construction, ready mid 2002
Steffen Utzmann (German, 08.12.1971) and Alexander Köhne (German, 02.03.1976)
Steffen rode a '91 Yamaha XT600, Alex rode a 2000 BMW F650, the trip was planned as a solo tour. About 13.000kms 95% on Highways.
Route: Main Route was Chicago - Los Angeles (Route 66), Los Angeles - Seattle Highway 1 and Pacific Coast Highway (101) Several excursion for example Mesa Verde, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Loughlin, NV, Crater Lake, Victoria BC, Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helen's.
Purpose of travel: Fun, Route 66 75th anniversary, my upcoming 30th birthday, meeting people, see the US
Highlights: Highway 1 North of San Francisco till it ends. Sundown/Sunset at Monument Valley. Riding hours on Route 66 in the Great Plains without a curve. Never a day without people asking: "where you come from" (German Number Plates helps!). Grand Canyon North Rim. Riding hours without meeting more than a couple of people. Meeting lots of very helpful and friendly Americans. The differences in the landscape, people, climate etc. in the states visited. Pismo Beach, CA and Oregon Dunes NP -> riding Pacific Coast Beaches;-) Loneliness in the Mojave Desert.
The worst: On the 2nd day of the trip we took a wrong turn in Chicago. This brought us for about 45min in a very bad neighbourhood, I was frightened to death.
Tip: Never follow the original Route 66 too long on Adams Street.
Book or publication:
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Books on Route 66: Tom Snyders book with the original old 66 maps. I used them to ride the 66!
Camping: KOA campgrounds are a little bit more expensive 18-30$, but very good equipped. E.B there is always a small store, clean showers, a pool, washing machines and sometimes even free data-ports for Modems. Wild camping' in a National forest is sometimes for free (e.g. Kaibab National Forest at Grand Canyon North Rim). But usually there is no restrooms, water, etc. But there is also Campgrounds in National Forest and National Recreation Areas URL: 49.500 campsites
Most National Parks have campgrounds. Prices vary depending how popular the NP is (staring around 8$) URL:
State Parks are also very nice and sometimes pretty inexpensive (starting around 8$). Minimum equipped with some sort of restroom. I always collected information about State Parks in the Welcome Centers of the States when crossing the state line. The Welcome Centers are usually after the state border on the Interstate.
Insurance in the US:
50.000$ base coverage is required by law . We never has to proof that, but I don't know what happens if you have an accident. The insurance is usually valid for USA and Canada.
Agencies in Germany:
AIU - American International Underwriters, 06122/15646. Tour Insurance, 040/251721-50 In the US: Dairyland Insurance Berglund Enterprises Inc.5625 E. Indian School Road, Studio B, Phoenix Arizona 85018. Fax: 001 6029940321, Phone. 001 6029491034
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: none, just short tours in Germany surrounding European countries. 28.01.2002 - + 350 days
Jäger, Katja (born 1975) and Thorsten Wald (born 1972) both German
USA. Mexico.
We want to fullfill our dream and ride for a year in USA with one year HONDA Africa Twin XRV 750, RD 07
Planned Route: Germany - by air to USA (Miami) - Kraut-Meeting in Daytona( 07.03.) - Bike Week in Myrtle Beach ( 11.-19.05..) - Kansas/ St. Joseph. - Mexico - ? - Maybe back to Germany!
Earlier experiences: Thorsten has already done some vacatios by motorcycle with friends. Katja do not have a driving license but rode as a pillion rider for 2.000 kms. It will be a new adneture for her."Our first paln was to ride for 3 months in USA. After the terror in USA 11.09.2001 we wanted to ride in other countries but finally decided to ride in USA".
11.2001 1st contact


17.02.2002 1st information by Oliver Lance I found your story about NASA astronaut Duane Carey and Motorcyclist for two years in USA.February 2002 The Ride of a Lifetime
Motorcycling astronaut to carry AMA banner into space by Lance Oliver It was 1975, and Duane Carey, fresh out of high school in St. Paul, Minnesota, as throwing a leg over his Suzuki GT750 Water Buffalo for a two-year journey with no fixed destination. At the time, it was the ride of his life. Now it’s 2002, and Carey is a 24-year AMA member and a NASA astronaut. On February 14, if the schedule holds, he will strap himself into a 2,250-ton, $1.7-billion
rocket ship, blaze into space for 11 days, then coast back to Earth. Once again, it will be the ride of his life. It’s hard for most of us even to imagine the experience of piloting one of NASA’s space shuttles in orbit, but in one major way, Duane Carey is just like the rest of us. Here’s an Air Force test pilot who has flown some of the fastest, most exotic, most demanding aircraft ever created, yet he still says he enjoys riding motorcycles more. That’s not just talk. In fact, when NASA allocated him room to carry one personal item into space with him, Carey chose to take a flag carrying the AMA logo, which he plans to donate afterwards for display at AMA headquarters. In other words, when the space shuttle Columbia lifts off in a few weeks, its seven-member crew will include one guy who’s very much one of us. The mission that will take 44-year-old Lt. Col. Duane Carey into space is designated STS-109. Its purpose is to conduct routine maintenance on the Hubble Space Telescope, which orbits the Earth and gives astronomers a view into the farthest reaches of the universe. The crew aboard Columbia will use a robot arm to pull the telescope into the shuttle’s work bay to give Hubble a tuneup. There are two types of astronauts aboard shuttle flights. The mission specialists are the scientists or other experts who are on board to conduct experiments or complete specific tasks, such as servicing the telescope. Also on board are a commander and a pilot, the highly experienced fliers who actually control
the ship. The commander, Scott Altman, will have primary responsibility for handling the shuttle. But over 11 days, Carey will have his hands on the
controls quite a bit as well. “The way I look at it, it’s the job of the commander and the pilot to get those folks up there to do their jobs and to get them back,” says Carey. It’s an assignment unlike any other a pilot can be given, especially when it comes to bringing the shuttle back from orbit. “We’re about a 220,000-pound glider coming in,” says Carey. “We actually enter the Earth’s atmosphere over the Indian Ocean and we have enough speed to glide halfway around the world and land in Florida.” Along the way, there’s a complex series of maneuvers that Carey compares to a motorcycle racer hitting his braking markers. For the shuttle, the markers are “gates,” or designated positions in the atmosphere, that must be hit in order to stay on the right trajectory for the landing. And talk about coming in hot! In orbit, the shuttle is moving at more than 17,000 mph. By the time it lands, it has to scrub off nearly all that velocity, touching down on the runway at a mere 225 mph. “The space shuttle is unlike any other flying machine,” says Kenneth Cameron, an AMA member and retired astronaut who flew three shuttle missions (see“Frequent Flier,” below).“It’s huge. It’s a bus. It’s like flying a large building.” In comparison, riding a motorcycle sounds like a breeze.“I enjoy riding more than I do flying,” Carey says.“But I’m a better pilot than a rider.” Carey was introduced to motorcycles by his stepfather, Claire Pastorius, who owned a BSA 650. When Carey was 13, Pastorius bought two Honda CT70 trail bikes for Duane and his brother, and the motorcycling hook was firmly set. The first motorcycle Carey owned himself was a Can-Am 175 he used for everything from off-road racing to commuting to high school. “I truly believe that’s what kept the boys out of trouble,” says Carey’s mother, Penny Pastorius. Between riding and working part-time jobs to make money to pay for motorcycling, the brothers kept busy. In fact, years later, Mrs. Pastorius was surprised that Duane ended up as a pilot. “He wasn’t the one who was always drawing pictures of airplanes,” she recalls. “That was my other son. Duane was drawing motorcycles.” After graduating from high school, Carey became what he calls a “motorcycle bum.” He bought a candy-orange Suzuki GT750 and went off to explore North America and decide the direction of his life. “I had $200 in my pocket when I left,” he remembers.
“I’d travel until all my money was gone, then I’d get a job for a while. I worked as a typewriter repairman, a bartender, anything I could get.” When his desire for the road was satisfied, at least temporarily, he returned home and made two big changes in his life. One was marrying hometown sweetheart Cheryl Ann Tobritzhofer. They’ve been together ever since, and now have two teenage children, Zack and Erin. The other big change was enrolling at the University of Minnesota, where he joined the Air Force ROTC. And Carey says all those miles on motorcycles came in handy when he
applied for pilot school. “I believe my motorcycle experience helped me do well on a lot of the aptitude tests the Air Force gave me,” he says. Tasks such as glancing at a display and instantly gathering information were nothing new to a rider with thousands of miles under his tires. Eventually, Carey was stationed in Louisiana and then Korea, where, after overcoming extensive red tape, he shipped his Honda Gold Wing. In a place where there
were few motorcycles larger than 125cc, excursions on the big tourer sometimes drew crowds of gawkers so thick Carey was literally unable to move the bike. A key turn in Carey’s career came when he was selected for the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Test pilots fly a wide variety of aircraft, and Carey further honed his skills at the controls of experimental fighters. On his own time, he also broadened his motorcycling
resume. A group of officers got permission to build a motocross track at Edwards, and Carey took up the sport aboard a Yamaha YZ250. “At first I thought, ‘Why would anyone want to do this? It’s hard work!’ ” he says. “But I found out it’s a great way to stay in shape. “There’s something very elemental about motocross,” he adds. “It made me a better street rider.” In 1996, Carey was selected as an astronaut candidate and transferred to the Johnson Space Center in Houston. After two years of training, he qualified for his first flight and was assigned to STS-109. Motocross riding has taken a vacation since Carey was selected for the shuttle mission. Even a minor injury could prevent him from participating in the mission, and that could mean other crew members would miss their chance as well. “I just crank up the YZ every week or two, warm it up and then put it away again,” Carey says. Though he’s missed motorcycling during the intense training required of shuttle crew members, he notes that it’s a small price to pay for one of the
world’s hardest-earned thrill rides. Carey believes in the old adage that luck is when opportunity and preparation meet. Competition is so fierce for spots in the astronaut program, he says, that a little luck is essential. But so is the preparation. “If you’re aiming for high goals, you need to set
yourself up for opportunities that might come up,” he notes. “You don’t know if they’ll come up, but you have to be ready.” Even as he’s about to embark on his space adventure, Carey loves to talk about his motorcycling memories, from trail rides as a boy to tours through spectacular scenery in Korea. One of his favorite stories is about the time he took his son, Zack, with him on the Gold Wing for a trip from California to his hometown in Minnesota, all on back roads. “We had a kind of ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ trip,” he says. “That’s something we’ll always have between us. It took us about six days, just putting along. “Motorcycling is full of special moments, especially when you make it a family thing,” he adds. That faithful Gold Wing has since been sold with 125,000 miles on the odometer and replaced with a new Honda ST1100. Zack, who was recently accepted for admission
to the Air Force Academy, now rides a motorcycle of his own. For his part, Carey is about to put his years of training to use, embarking on an adventure of the rarest kind. Once the shuttle lifts off, he’ll accelerate from 0 to 17,500 mph in about eight minutes, then circle the Earth more than 150 times. In
the process, he’ll join the ranks of the few humans who have traveled beyond this planet’s last wisps of air. One more ride of a lifetime in a lifetime of riding. Check in regularly for updates and more information on shuttle mission STS-109 as we follow AMA member Duane Carey’s journey into space.
Click here to see real time tracking of STS-109, and the International Space Station. Here is NASA's biographical data on Duane G. "Digger" Carey.
For more information on STS-109, click here. © 2002 by the American Motorcyclist Association 2000 five months

28.01.2002 - + 350 days
Katja Jäger (born 1975) and Thorsten Wald (born 1972) both German
USA. Mexico.
We want to fullfill our dream and ride for a year in USA with one year HONDA Africa Twin XRV 750, RD 07
Planned Route: Germany - by air to USA (Miami) - Kraut-Meeting in Daytona( 07.03.) - Bike Week in Myrtle Beach ( 11.-19.05..) - Kansas/ St. Joseph. - Mexico - ? - Maybe back to Germany!
Earlier experiences: Thorsten has already done some vacatios by motorcycle with friends. Katja do not have a driving license but rode as a pillion rider for 2.000 kms. It will be a new adneture for her."Our first paln was to ride for 3 months in USA. After the terror in USA 11.09.2001 we wanted to ride in other countries but finally decided to ride in USA".
11.2001 1st contact.

11.2002 - 01.2003
Surmund, Wolfgang (German, born 1959)
Plan Central-America. The tax-man Wofgang plans to ride solo for three months with KTM Adventure.
Route: Mexico to Panama.
Purpose of travel: "There is something other than to work only in life."
24.02.2002 Wolfgang was here for recommendation.

16.05.2003 + 38 Tage
Uschi Eller (German, born 24.08.1949 and Wolfgang Eller (German, 29.04.1945)
+ USA.
Uschi (Harley Davidson Heritage Softail) and husband Wolfgang (Harley Davidson E-Glide) rode 6280 Kilometer in 33 days through 6 States of the USA.
Wir waren gespannt auf die grandiose Landschaft, die Natur und die Ursprünge des "Wilden Westens", den wir nur von Filmen kannten. Wir wollten Kontakt zu den Native Americans, die vielgepriesene Freiheit des Bikens in USA und den way of life Amerikas kennen lernen. Ich hatte die Tour selbst geplant und alles von zu Hause aus organisiert.
Route: Flug mir Airlines Lufthansa für 698,00€ von Germany nach USA (California, *L.A*). Übernahmen am 17. Mai die Mietmotorräder von Eagleriders - *Palm Springs*- *Arizona*, ein Stück der legendären *Route 66*- *Grand Canyon - Lake Powell* - *Navajo Country* - *Monument Valley*- route 191 durch die rote Felsenlandschaft nach *New Mexico*, the Land of Entchantment, zu den *Pueblos* der *Acoma *und *Zuni* - 3 Tage *Santa Fe* - *Rancho Taos* - *Taos Pueblo* - *Rio Grande*- *Colorado*. Die Fahrt nach *Silverton*, eine original restaurierte Wildwesttown, über *Ouray* durch die Bergwelt der südlichen *Rocky* *Mountains* beeindruckte uns gewaltig - *Utah* - zum *Arches N.P. - Canyonlands* - auf der 24 durchs glühend heiße *San Raphael Desert* - *Escalante Highway* - *Capitol Reef N.P* - zauberhafte *Bryce* - *Zion Canyon*- *Nevada* - *Las Vegas* - auf der 95 North durchs verdammt heiße *Amargosa Valley* - Desert Richtung - *California* - *Tiogapass* - * Yosemite N.P* - *Mariposa Grove* mit den riesigen Sequoias - *Goldcountry, Napavalley* - *Bodega Bay* am tosend Pacific* - *bekannt aus dem Hitchkockfilm "Die Vögel"* - *Highway 1* - *San Francisco, Monterey - St. Barbara* - *L.A *.
Highlights: Wir trafen Indianer, lernten einen Teil ihrer Tradition kennen und lernten viele hilfsbereite, nette Menschen in 6 Staaten kennen. In der Landschaft des Navajo Countrys überfiel mich ein nie gekanntes Gefühl, als hätte ich alles schon einmal gesehen, als wäre ich nach Hause gekommen. (Anm.der Autorin: Ich stehe den Lehren des Buddhismus nahe) Ich fand in den einsamen Weiten des Südwestens eine neue, innere Freiheit. Uns beeindruckten die unvorstellbare Größe des Grand Canyon, die gewaltigen Rockys und die bizzaren Felsen des Bryce Canyons. Die Sierra Nevada ist wirklich ein herrliches "Gebirge des Lichts", wie John Muir es nannte. In New Mexico könnte ich sofort leben, die Schönheit dieses ursprünglichen Landes berührte mich tief.
The worst: Mich berührte die Ausgrenzung der indianischen Bevölkerung, den Ureinwohner dieses Kontinents. L.A. ist ein gefräßiger Moloch und für Las Vegas waren 3 Tage absolut ausreichend. Dies waren die einzigen negativen Erfahrungen.
Publications: Berichte über mein Buch erschienen in der Bildzeitung. Bikernews. Motorrad-Reisen-Sport. Harley Davidson Magazin. Fiereks Harley Davidsaon Magazin. Aral Bikerclub. Motorrad.
Kleine Reisetipps: Motorradmiete lohnt sich bis ca. 4 -5 Wochen Reisedauer in USA, darüber hinaus wäre Motorradtransport empfehlenswert. Hotels oder Motels gibt es günstig überall, am besten Travellerguide - kleine Heftchen in allen Tankstellen - mit Gutscheinen für diverse Motels, Restaurants - erheblicher Preisnachlass! Wenn nur eine begrenzte Zeit zur Verfügung steht, die Route zu Hause vorplanen.
Nächstes geplantes Buch: Himmlisches Blau - Motorradtour durch Schweiz, Frankreich, Italien mit unserem sechsjährigen Enkel auf dem Sozius!_ Interessant für Leute die mit Kindern auf dem Bike reisen möchten. 2005 waren wir mit der Harley Softail de Luxe und der BMW 1200 CL in Ungarn, Rumänien (sehr abenteuerlich) Kroatien und Slowenien, 4200 Kilometer in 24 Tagen, unterwegs. Buch erscheint Ende 2006 Tipps + Infos unter *www.reiseautoren -*
04.11.2005 Last summary


07.2006-september 2006 and may 2007 - june 2007

Klaus Dr. Seidenstücker (German, born in 1945; BMW R 1100R, Bj 1996 )
- Around USA / Canada. Klaus plans to circle in USA / Canada solo and with friends in two steps.
Purpose: Route is oriented towards things I would like to see as well as towards friends I wish to visit. These friends plan to ride along for substantail parts of the itinerary. Nevertheless further company on own motorcycles is welcome. Further details to be established by opersonal contact.
Route: 1st Part (July-Septemebr 2006): USA (Boston, Niagara, Chicago, Cedar Rapids, Blackhills, Buffalo, Cody, Yellowstone, Lake Mc Donald) - Canada (Waterton NP, Pincher Creek, Crow's Nest Pass,  Osoyoos Indian Res., Vancouver); USA (Seattle, Olympic Island, Rt 101/1 to SF, LA.
2nd part (May/June 2007): USA (LA, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Mesa Verde, Santa Fe über Dallas/Ft. Worth bis Baton Rouge, New Orleans, rund Florida, Savannah, Charleston, Hatteras, Norfolk/VA Beach, Chesapeake Bay, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, NY, Cape Cod, Boston.)
Earlier experiences: Yearly motorcycle tours through USA (western states) and Canada 1996-2001 together with american friends (overall mileage ~15.000). Apart from that professional stays in the US for a total of two years. Consequently there is some experience with regard to US and Canada.
20.03.2006 Last update.
21.-23.04.2006 Participant of the 28th. Motorcycle-Meeting for WORLD-Travellers.
25.-27.04.2008 Participant of the 30th. Motorcycle-Meeting for WORLD-Travellers.


Foto: Ida Tin in the USA 2008

23.08.2007 - 21.05.2008  
Ida Tin (Danish, birthday 28.05.1979)
+ USA, South-West. Ida (Aprilia, Pegaso 660cc) rode solo in the South West of the USA, a desert trip mainly. 24.000 kms.
Purpose of your travel: An experiment into a mobile office. To see if I could travel and work at the same time
. Also an adventure trip alone. On the way I guided three Moto Mundo tours, one of them a women only tour in Arizona!
Route : I started out in San Francisco where I had my bike shipped to from Denmark. My journey took me through the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Washington.
Highlights : Riding in the desert and camping out in the huge landscapes. Meeting new interesting people all the time. The riding it self!
The worst:
 I wasn't prepared for the winter to be so cold with snow, dust storms, rain, frost and strong winds.
Book or publication: The Danish magazines/news papers Tourning Nyt, Bike (planned) and Den Blå Avis, Berligske and I am writing a book.  
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Dont ship over a bike to the USA, its too much hassel (especially getting it out of the US), rather buy and sell a bike here.
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: With my parents and brother: South America, Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, former Soviet Union and Africa from Cape Town to Cairo. On my own, Mexico and Chile. With my travel agency, Mongolia, Vietnam and Cuba.
B.T: I met Hjalte (Tin) and his wife Nina (Rasmussen) and their kids Emil and Ida first time in 1990. Then I was visiting the most famous danish mc-travellers as Palle Huld and Joergensen and some more. At this time Nina and Hjalte were building their individual house as a mongolian "Jurte" themselves. All were living in two "Bauwagen". When I arrived in darkness already the parents invited me to join them. We were sitting around a round-wooden table with a central light. We were talking mostly in English. I was so happy to meet the kids as well: they stayed the whole evening with us and listened the stories out of the world. They have seen so much already.
In 19?? Hjalte, Emil and Ida Tin visited a "Tesch-Mc-Meeting for world-travellers" already.
2006 Patricia and Bernd T. met Ida in Copenhavn in Denmark. She was a lovely women already. I wish her ALL the best !
25.04.2008 Hjalte Tin, famous father of famous daughter visited the 50th. Tesch-Travel-Treffen 25.-27.04.2008. He told me that his daughter is riding since some months solo in USA.
29.04.2008 1st request to Ida
12.05.2008 1st good summary of lovely Ida.
B.T.: For sure Ida has many records already on her tours with her parents. Now she is trying to make a living out of her hobby being one part of her firm

Ida Rasmussen (Danish)
Daughter Ida of famous family Nina Rasmussen and Hjalte Tin with son Emil rode with her boyfriend on motorcycles, small 125 taiwanese mc, five months all over Mexico in 2000 - in her own old route as a baby!
30.01.02 1st request to Ida.
20.03.2006 2nd request

Ludwig Schulte in USA. Re: ?? Pismo Beach.

Ludwig Schulte (German, 26.02.1967).
+ North- and Central-America. Ludwig rode  solo 23.376kms in 94 riding days from USA (Seattle) to Costa Rica with Suzuki DR650SE. 191.290 m of altitude - 566 ups und downs.
Purpose of your travel: Meet people and enjoy different countries and landscapes, have fun riding a bike in unknown areas, curves, curves, curves.
Route: USA ( seattle - mt rainier -hells canyon - red lake - yellowstone - teton NP - flaming gorge - rocky mountain np - boulder - pikes peak - cinnemon pass - black canyon - dead horse point-canyonlands-arches np-moab - capitol reef np - bryce canyon - cottenwood canyon - (cockscromb) - paria wilderness north (the wave) - zion np - toroweap grand canyon np - las vegas-death valley -emmigrant pass-mahagony flat dv np - sequoia np - yosemite np camp 4 - diabolo state park - golden gate- marin headlands - laguna seca - big sur - bear lake- yoshua tree np - l.a. - san diego (USA) - baja california - os mochis-el fuerte-choix hotel nikol - choix-protero cancio-tuvares-piedras verdes-cinienguita-mesa de arturo-urique (copper canyon) - creel - zacatacas - toluca - mexico city - passo de cortes - cholula - oaxaca - mazunte - san cristobal de las casa (Mexico)- chichicastenango - san christobal - san pedro - santiago atitlan - antigua-guatemala city (Guatemala) - copan ruinas - tegucigalpa (Honduras) - granada - omepete island - san juan del sur (nicaragua) - Bahia salinas - san jose - san jose - cartago - siquirres - purto limon (costa rica).
Highlights: I was impressed of the rockies, baja and mexico. bahia salinas a perfect spot for kiting. met a lot of nice people and felt very safe :-)
The worst: to sweat in my gear in the tropical climate
My useful information and TIPS for others:  take every day as your first or last day .-)
I shipped my motorcycle with shipco Transport from Bremerhaven to Seattle, organized by interglobal shipping for around 600€. I shipped it back from puerto limon in Costa Rica with Horn-Line on the horncliff vessel to antwerpen for around 500€.
I had no problems mith my 14 liters gas tank. I got always enough gas and did not use my spare tank.
In the states there are a lot of very nice state parks, which are not well known, but worth to go there. For example mahagony flat above death valley with an amazing view. Same for diabolo state park, where you look over the bay to san francisco, or marin headland direct at the golden gate. You camp on a small campsite with a view over the bridge. No one was there :-)
If you leave L. A. towards the mountains, ride over bear lake to yoshua tree np, very scenic and it is such a great difference to the crowded coast line.
There are a lot of rumours about going from the mexican coast to copper canyon. It is no problem to go direct from the coast. There is a good dirt road, where even school busses ride.
The highland of Mexico is very nice to ride, the climate is perfect, very scenic, good infrastructure and curves, curves, curves. From Oaxaca to Mazunte on the coast is a rollercoaster ride, one of the best I ever did.
In Central America you get tyres for a dual sport bike with ease and they are cheap, because a lot of small bikes are on the roads. But in Mexico it is very expensive. I bought them in Mexico City for double of price.
In bahia salinas on the boarder bewteen nicaragua and costa rica you can kite and take lessons. I would like to recommend the italian nicola, who runs a kite school and has a nice place to stay.
My earlier experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours:. riding in Europe.
07.03.2013 First summary.
07.03.2013 First request for update.


Erik Peters in Wyoming (C). Layout B.T.

Erik Peters in California. Left: His DVDs (C). Layout B.T.

01.04.2011 - 15.08.2011  & 01.05.2012 - 20.09.2012
Erik Peters (German, Reisejournalist und Vortragsreferent, geb. 27.11.1970 wohnhaft in Köln)
„Abenteuer Nordamerika“. Life-Vortrag mit Filmsequenzen.
+ North America. Größtenteils solo mit Yamaha XTZ660Z Ténéré in 9 Monaten 52.000 Kilometer durch Nord-Amerika.
Purpose of travel: Fun
Route: Motorrad im Flugzeug von Düsseldorf nach Cancun. Karibikküste Mexikos - Wilde Westen der USA - Kanadische Westküstenmetropole Vancouver- Polarmeer in Alaska - durch den Yukon und die großen Prärien zur Ostküste der USA - New York City – Neuengland. Zusammen mit dem Containerschiff in 11 Tagen von North Carolina nach Antwerpen zurück über den Atlantik nach Deutschland.
The best: Das Abenteuer Reisen mit all den Begegnungen und Landschaften aber auch Entbehrungen.
The worst: Es gab nichts Schlimmes...
Earlier experiences: Nachdem ich nahezu alle Länder Europas mit dem Motorrad bereist hatte und insgesamt ein Jahr mit dem Rucksack durch Süd- und Mittelamerika getingelt bin, war die Zeit reif für spannende Motorradreisen.
2006: Cologne-Shanghai. 2009: Oman – Island.
Publication: 2008 Buch: „Cologne – Shanghai. Eine Abenteuerreise“. 5. Auflage Schardt Verlag: ISBN-10: 3898413829 - 224 . € 12,80. Bezug über den Buchhandel oder signiert unter
2011 Buch: „Oman - Island“ 1. Auflage. Delius Klasing Verlag.  ISBN-10: 3768853268 240 Seiten Hardcover. € 19,90 Euro. Bezug über den Buchhandel oder signiert unter
Diverse Reiseberichte für Motorrad- und Reisemagazine. U.a. Motorrad Abenteuer, Tourenfahrer, MotorradNEws, GEO Saison...
Nützliche Tipps: Weniger Zeit in die Planung investieren. Es kommt sowieso immer anders, als man denkt.
Meine erste DVD: "Abenteuer Nordamerika - 23.000 Kilometer von Mexiko nach Kanada". 104 Minuten. € 15,95. Bezugsadresse
Meine zweite DVD mit neuen Fotos: "Abenteuer Nordamerika - Von Alaska durch Kanada nach New York" 102 Minuten. € 15,95. Bezugsadresse
21.11.2012 First summary
21.11.2012 Request for update.
30.11.2012 Third request for Update
28.03.2013 Fourth and last request. Request for the three best fotos for the blog.  
31.03.2013 Last summary.

Jo Deleker (C) in USA (Sunset auf der Baja California)

Jo Deleker (Fotos C) in Mexico (Vulkan Colima)

01.12.2013 -01.04.2014
Jo Deleker (German, born 1959) and Birgit Pütz (German, born 1961).  Birgit rode from Costa Rica to Guatemala. Werner Zwick, Nico Streblow and Almuth Kern rode then Birgits SUZUKI each for weeks until USA (Long Beach).
Birgit (SUZUKI DR 650 SE) and Jo (Yamaha Ténéré) and all the others rode four months in Central-America from Costa Rica to USA (Los Angeles) 20.000 km. Travel-journalist Jo rode all the way.
Purpose: Why Central-America? Exciting landscapes. Fascinating cultures. Warm climate (in opposite to German cold winter). Another travel! We did not know this region.
Route: Europe ((Germany (Motos by Condor-airline. Organized by Olaf Kleinknecht from firm intime/Hamburg) von Frankfurt to America (Costa Rica (San José). By bike from Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador - Guatemala - Belize - Mexiko - USA. Two weeks in National Parks in South West. By plane back from USA (Los Angeles) to Europe (Germany). The two bikes were shipped back to Europe (Bremerhaven in Germany).
The best: ... I can´t summarise this: Too many.
The worst: No trouble with the bikes. All other problems we could solve on the road. The total worst was the frontier from Mexico into USA: 4 hours: A combination of arrogance, stupid and no knowledge of the USA-peoples I never had before in 83 countries.
Earlier experiences: Jo Deleker is a travel-journalist. He road enormous distances in many countries. Mostly with his wife Birgit Pütz. There are many publications in magazines like Europe largest mc-maganzine MOTORRAD. See his website. Since 1980 around 110 travels in 85 countries in 3250 days.
28.08.2014 Jo Deleker send me the first summary in German like below.
29.08.2014 First summary like above
Andreas Hülsmann und Jo Deleker veranstalten normalerweise jährlich im Ruhrgebiet eine meisterhafte Bilder.Text-Show. Diese wird es aus Termingründen ion 2014 nicht geben. In 2015 wird B.T. das wieder ankündigen wollen.
12.09.2014 Final summary.

Jo´s Originaltext: Zentral-Amerika, von Costa Rica bis Kalifornien.
Vier Monate dem deutschen Winter zu entfliehen, ist immer eine gute Idee. Also schickten Birgit Pütz und Jo Deleker ihre Enduros (Suzuki DR650SE und Yamaha Ténéré) Ende 2013 nach Costa Rica. 19.500 km kreuz und quer gefahrene Kilometer später stehen die beiden Mopeds vor der Queen Mary, jenem legendären Ozeanliner, der in Long Beach als Hotelschiff vor Anker liegt. Zwischen diesen beiden Ereignissen liegen acht höchst unterschiedliche Länder und unzählige Erlebnisse. Seien es die meist armen, aber sehr freundlichen Menschen in Nicaragua, die wunderbaren kolonialen Städte El Salvadors, die grandiose Vulkanlandschaft im Hochland Guatemalas, die magischen Maya-Ruinen von Tikal und Palenque, tiefenentspannte Dreadlocks tragende Einheimische in Belize und dann das riesige Mexiko mit seinen 5000 Meter-Vulkanen, Azteken-Pyramiden, kunterbunten Städten und den wüsten Pisten auf der Baja California. Und zum Schluss als Kontrapunkt geht es noch zwei Wochen durch den Südwesten der USA. Und dann ist ach der deutsche Winter endlich vorbei!


07. September 2014 - 17. January 2017
Five people. Four Ural Motorcycles. Two years. 30 000 kilometers (manchmal heißt es 40.000 km). On the landway to New York.
Via Behring-street. See detailed:


Karen Rusch and Goetz Stahlschmidt on their tenth part of their Trans-America tours

21.07.2015- 30.08.2015
Karen Rusch (German, 1960) und Goetz Stahlschmidt (German, 1960). No website
The Americas: part 10 since 2007. With two BMW F 650 GS Dakar Karen and Goetz rode about 7.700 km in the USA.
Purpose of travel: continuing the tour.
Route: North America, USA (Miami, Key West, Everglades, Cape Canaveral, St. Augustine, Tallahassee, following Gulf of Mexico, until New Orleans. We follow Ole Man River til Vicksburg (flaming hot). Heading west into Arkansas and cutting back to Memphis. Going to Music town Nashville, north thru Kentucky, touching Indiana, crossing Illinois until reaching St. Louis, Missouri, where we meet Ole Man River again. From the Gateway to the West we do go west (what else;-)) thru Missouri, to Dodge City, Kansas. We follow the Arkansas to its very beginning and finish this year´s tour in Denver.
The best: No accidents. Being very happy getting out of the southern heat. Caribbean Feelings, Music towns, and Mountains again.
The worst: nope.
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours
: Together nearly all over Europe. Further trips in Asia and the Americas. Total distance together meanwhile around 230.000 km. See their summaries on this websites:

Book or publication: none.
Info: die Tafeln stehen in der Ausstellungstaette (world heritage) in L`Anse aux Meadow an der Nordspitze von Neufundland.

18.11.2015 First info by Goetz.
27.11.2015 First summary and equest for Update ?? . And sending the overview-map of the route as data.jpg



2018: Charlie Spiegel am Ende des Dempster Highways (736 Kilometer Schotterpiste) in der Permafroststadt Inuvik.


2018: Charlie Spiegel in der Stadt Dawson-Creek. Beginn (Mile 0) des 2.288 Kilometer langen Alaska Highways erbaut 09.03.-25.10.1942).

14.06.2018 - 31.08.2018
Charlie Spiegel (German, 09.01.1956) +
+ Transcanada und Alaska. The free journalist Charlie (BMW G 650 GS Sertao) rode through Canada and Alaska. 21.000 kms in appr. two months..
Purpose of your travel: Experience the hospitality of the canadian people.
Route: Europe (Germany (Lake of Constance - Frankfurt) - by plane to Montréal (BMW G 650 GS by Air Canada Cargo)) to North-America (Canada (Province Québec (Montréal, Québec, Roberval, Baie-Corneau, Godbout (Ferry), Matane, Québec, Sainte-Flavie)- Province New Brunswick (Rexton), Province Nova Scotia (North Sydney (Ferry)), Province Newfoundland (Port aux Basques, Norris Point, Port au Choix, LaScie, Fleur de Lys, Twillingate, Bonavista, St. John's, Argentia (Ferry) to Province Newfoundland (North Sydney)- Province New Brunswick (Fredericton) Province Québec (Trois-Rivières), Province Ontario (Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay) Province Manitoba (Winnipeg), Province Saskatchewan (Yorkton, Saskatoon) Province Alberta (Edmonton), Province British Columbia (Dawson Creek, Fort Nelson),
Province Yukon (Watson Lake, Whitehorse, Dawson, Eagle Plains) Province Northwest-Territories (Fort McPherson, Inuvik, Tuktoyaktuk, Inuvik) Province Yukon (Eagle Plains, Dawson) USA-Alaska (Chicken, Tetlin Junction, Fairbanks, McKinley Park, Anchorage, Kenai, Homer, Seward, Glennalien, Canada- Province Yukon (Beaver Creek, Haines-Junction), USA-Alaska (Haines) Ferry to Juneau (Ferry to Canada) Canada Province British-Columbia (Prince Rupert, Prince George, Whistler, Vancouver (by plane to
Europe (Frankfurt(Air Canada Cargo)..
Highlights: Icebergs in Newfoundland. Bears, Moose and Bisons in Alberta. Dempster Highway. Polar Sea in Tuktoyaktuk, Inside Passage Alaska.
The worst: Forest fires in British Columbia
Book or publication: BLOG on . Book about my travels in South-America by motorcycle and other transportation.
Multimedia-Show starts March 2019. Show Title: Transkanada and Alaska. Von Neufundland bis ans Eismeer
My useful information and TIPS for others:
My earlier experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: Outer Hebrides, Faroe Islands, Estonia-Latvia-Lithuania-Poland, Falkland Islands, Easter Island, Central Chile, Scotland including Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands, North Norway, Bali (Indonesia), Dominican
Republic. 2015/2016: 11 month South America. 2017: Russia, Ukraine, Moldova. 2018: 21.000 Kilometers
Canada &amp; Alaska from Newfoundland to the Arctic Ocean including the Dempster Highway to Tuktoyaktuk.
23.11.2018: First info and summary Charlie Spiegel.
23.11.2018: First summary her by BT.
23.11.2018: First request for Update.
30.11.2018: Last update and last summary.


Michael Eschweiler in Costa Rica.

2014- 2020
Michael Eschweiler (*1960) no website
+ Central-America. Michael rode on different motorcycles aprox. 350.000 km in his life. Since 1984 more than 200.000 km on a BMW R 75/5. Since 2014 Michael is working in Costa Rica as the Director of the Center for Information of the German Academic Exchange Service. He rode aprox. 31.000 km in Central America on his BMW R 75/5.
Purpose of travel: Knowing the country and the region.
Route: Costa Rica, Nicaragua und Panama ( Honduras is planned).
The best: After 47 year and more than 200.000 km without major repairing or overhauling the R75/5 continues to be perfectly reliable
The worst: Lack of time to do more trips
Earlier experiences: 2012/13 a two months trip through Chile, Southern Bolivia and Argentine ca. 7.500 km on BMW R75/5
In the late 80s one month round trip through Spain and Portugal, aprox. 7.800 km on the BMW R75/5.
Useful tips for others: Burocracy: You must be extremely patient. Germans often complain about German burocracy - they don't know the Costa-Rican one.- In terms of development Costa Rica is outstanding in Central America.
But: Be aware that the first real improvement of the country's infrastructure was the building of a railway system (which now is nearly
wrecked), paved roads were built later. Therefore, be prepared that many nice places you can only reach on gravel roads.
If you travel on Costa Rican holiday, especially between Christmas and mid january you should look for accomodation in advance. Many places are booked up at this time.?

07.03.2019: Last update


Info: Motorrad-Transport von Deutschland nach USA
Eine der häufigsten Fragestellungen !
Die Antwort ist nicht ´mal eben in einer Preissumme zu nennen, denn es spielen eine ganz Menge Gründe mit.
Flugtransport ?? (Schneller und einfacher, aber teurer. Es fliegen viel mehr Flugzeuge an verschiedene Orte als Schiffe in verschiedene Häfen. Viermalige An- und Abfahrt nach Bremerhaven von der eigenen Wohnung)
Schiffstransport ?? (Preiswerter, aber umständlicher. Längere Transportzeit. Keine gesicherte Ankunftszeit. Das Motorrad aus Containern zu holen kann in Amerika 2-(4) Wochen dauern.
Momentane Preissituation für Flugzeugbenzin.
Gewünschter Abfahrtstermin
Gewünschter Ankunftstermin
Gewünschter Abfahrtsort
Gewünschter Ankunftsort
Art des gewünschten Transportes: Einfach hinfahren und mit Gurten auf eine Palette montieren. Oder bike diebstahlsicherer in Kiste verpacken?
Volumen des Motorrades: Größe Länge x Breite x Höhe des Originales, eventuell des Motorrades mit ausgebautem Vorderrad, Kubkimetermass
Gewicht des Motorrades (mit Gepäck ?)

Spezialisiert auf den Motorrad-Transport nach N-Amerika haben sich:
Fly & Bike

Spezialisiert auf den Wohnmobil - / Campmobil und Geländewagen-Transport nach N-Amerika hat sich:
seit 10 Jahren: Detlef Heinemann. 0211-2108083. Die versichern keine Motorräder mehr!

Spezialisiert auf den Wohnmobil - / Campmobil und Geländewagen-Transport nach N-Amerika hat sich
Tourinsure : . Telefon  +49 (0) 40 25 17 21 -47

Wenn man sich genügend Zeit unterwegs nimmt, gibt es aber noch ganz andere, preiswertere Wege ein Motorrad in alle Kontinente de Erde zu transportieren. Wie das geht, erfährst du bei Bernd Tesch in einer Beratung (gegen Honorar € 25,00 / Stunde vorab per Umschlag).

I hope you liked reeding this. I am just waiting for YOUR email helping me to update: A LIFELONG job with passion.

Bernd Tesch in Germany

Summaries in progress:

11.2002 - 01.2003
Wolfgang Surmund (German, born 1959)
Plan Central-America. The tax-man Wofgang plans to ride solo for three months with KTM Adventure.
Route: Mexico to Panama.
Purpose of travel: "There is something other than to work only in life."
24.02.2002 Wolfgang was here for recommendation.

To access the “My Ride” Times Herald-Record story on line, click here. You can also find a video about Lenny Bauer on YouTube.  Click here.

Copyright Bernd Tesch.Motorcycle-WORLD-Travel-Expert.   It is free for you to read this and learn out of it. It is not allowed to take off or to publish any information of this without written permission of Bernd Tesch. This all is a part of the books in work "Süd-Amerika Motorrad-Reisen" = South-America Motorcycle-Travels. ISBN  3-9800099-4-7 and "Nord-Amerika Motorrad-Reisen" = North-America Motorcycle-Travels. ISBN  3-9800099-4-9

Bernd Tesch has been working in this field since 1970. In this times I had to write letters and to phone or to visit the World-Around-Travellers to get contact / informations. Later Fax helped. In 1991 I visited the most famous motorcycle-travellers in Denmark, in 1993 in Britain, in 1994 in USA and in between many in Europe (France, Germany, Netherland, Switzerland). Many of  famous North-America  Motorcycle Travellers have been at my yearly Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers in april. I own the largest archive of  North-America Travellers. Especially I am good informed about the history: "Discovering N-America by Motorcycle".

To find all this and all my activities was a "life-long job" and cost me a lot of money. Since many years I am working in a new book called "Nord-Amerika Motorrad-Reisen" = North-America Motorcycle Travellers. All books about "North-America by Motorcycle" which have been published until 1994 are published in my in German written, but very international understandable book called "Motorrad-Abenteuer-Touren" (432 pp, 500 pictures / drawings. About 264 Motorcyle World-Tours. ISBN 3-9800099-55-5. DM 38.90).
First list in Internet about "North-America by Motorcycle".
02.1998: A part of this you find under NEWS already published: >news.   
28.05.2000: Start of this list in Internet: I would be grateful if you could help to keep this update ! So far you find many language and grammar mistakes inside because of lack of time. Pardon. Will be correted and updated with more Travellers in future.
01.08.2001 Visitor 50.000
31.03.2004 76 KB. Ca. visitor 94.000
11.01.2004 78 KB
28.03.2005 79 KB. Ca. visitor 109.009
04.06.2010 480 KB. Ca. visitor 200.000

GLOBETROTT-ZENTRALE Bernd TESCH. Grünentalstr. 31, 52152 Simmerath-Hammer, Germany. Tel 0049(0)2473-938686.

contact: copy please

Die unteren Daten müßten eigentlich alle oben enthalten sein. Sie stammen aus einer älteren website von mir über North-America.
Wenn ich Zeit habe werde ich die unteren kontrollieren, ob sie oben drin sind. Und dann unten löschen.

Macaluso, Giorgio (Swiss)
+ Canada - Alaska - Mexiko - Canada. Girgio rode solo 37.000 km in four months with BMW R100 GS. With several motorcycles Giorgio rode in total 320.500 km.
Purpose of travel: Der Gwunder trieb mich in die Welt
Highlights: Alle Kontakte mit den Leuten in den Länder und das Entdecken, daß wir - so verschieden wir sind - doch immer Gleich sind.
The worst: In Israel wurde ich in der Nähe von Gaza bestohlen: Motorradjacke und 50% des Werkzeugs. En riesieger Verlust, wenn die Reise noch 2 Monate gehen soll.
Useful informations and TIPS for others: .Gutes Material der Ausrüstung, das zuhause eingehend vorher im Winter und unter der Dusche getestet werde sollte. Gute Unterlagen. Realistische bewegliche Reise-Routen.
Other experiences:
1986 2 Wochen. Europa: .Schweiz - Deutschland - Frankreich with Suzuki RV 125 3000 km.
1986 5 Wochen. Europa: Schweiz - Östereich – Tschechien - Ungarn – Schweiz mit Honda 125 .5.000 km
1987 3 Monate. Europa + N-Afrika. Schweiz - Italien - Griechenland - Israel - Sinai - Ägypten - Italien - Schweiz mit Jamaha XT 600. 8000 km.
1988 6 Wochen. Europa. Schweiz - Italien - Griechenland - Türkei - Rodos - Italien Schweiz mit MW GS 80 ca. 7500 km.
1989 3 Monate Europa + N-Afrika. Schweiz - Frankreich - Andorra - Spanien - Marokko - Algerien - Tunesien - Frankreich - Schweiz mit 11.000 km.
1990 1 Monate: Europa. Schweiz - Italien - Sizilien - Malta - Italien - Schweiz BMW GS 80 5500
1992 1 Monat: Asien. Indonesien - Bali mit Suzuki 3500 km.
1993 4 Monate: Nord-Amerika. Canada - Alaska (Prudoe Bay) - Mexiko - Canada mit BMW R100 GS. 37.000 km
1995 1 Monat: Europa. Schweiz - Deutschland - Belgien - Dänemark - Färörer Island - Dänemark - Deutschland - Schweiz miz BMW R100 GS 3000 km.
1996 1 Monat: Europa. Schweiz - Deutschalnd - Dänemark - Schweden - Finland - Schweden - Deutschland - Schweiz mit BMW R100 GS 7000 km.
1997 2 Wochen Europa. Schweiz - Frankreich - England - Frankreich - Schweiz mit BMW R100 GS 4000 km.
2000 1 Monat Europa: Schweiz - Deutschalnd - Dänemark - Schweden - Finland - Schweden - Deutschland - Schweiz mit BMW R100 GS 8000 km.
Dazwischen X Reisen in Italien Frankreich Deutschland
Auch habe ich 5 USA Reisen mit Camper Auto und Ruchsack gemacht. Auch Seltene Gebiete Neufundland....Grönland , griechische Inseln, Norwegen, Holland, Tunesien, Malaisia, und weitere europäische Länder aber nicht mit dem Motorrad
Also neben den Motorradreisen habe ich traditionell per Flugzeug eine Tour rund um die Welt Gemacht: Schweiz - Island - USA - Hawaii Neuseland - Australien - Singapore - Malasia - Indonesien - Schweiz
Die Gesamten Killometer von ca 330.500 km zählen sich aus den km-Zählstände der Motorräder:
Kilometer mit eigenen Motorrädern: Susuki 23.000 km. Honda 32.000 km. Jamaha XT 65.000 km .BMW R 80 GS 92.000 km. BMW R100 GS 115,000 km. Mit gemietetem Motorrad Jamaha 3.500 km.
25.02.1996 First contact.
27.03.2002 1st answer: Infiziert binn ich schon seit Langem und werde diese Krankheit auch nich Heilen können und wollen. Der "Virus Motorrad Reisen" ist auch so Speziel das ich Ihn auch nicht vermissen möchte.

17.10.1993 - 04.11.1996 Alaska-Feuerland
Sbampato, Thomas and Petra (Ketelsen, heute Sbampato. Schweizer)
Drei Jahre lang erforschten der freischaffende Fotograf  Thomy und die Lehrerin und Schriftstellerin Petra mit einer BMW R 100 GS den amerikanischen Kontinent. Alaska - Feuerland: 120.000 km. Hielten Dia-Vorträge. Vermutlich längste Alaska-Feuerland-Tour.
Sbampato, Thomas and Björn Würmli
??.05. - ??.09.1982 4 Monate Europa mit Yamaha 125 DT. 20.000 km.
Sbampato, Thomas und Petra Ketelsen:
17.10.1989 - 11.10.1990 1 Jahr Nord und Central Amerika mit einer Kawasaki KLR 650. 50.000 km.
Route: Florida - Kalifornien - Panama - Florida mit einigen Abstechern in verschiedene Nationalparks wie Arches, Grand Canyon, Bryce usw.
Our highlights: Dass wir am Ende der Reise uns so gut verstanden, daß wir beschlossen zusammenzubleiben und heirateten.
The worst: Wir gerieten in Nicaragua zwischen die Fronten der Contras und den Sandinisten. Schüsse, Schreie, Tote, Kampfhelikopter. Das wir aus der Situation lebend herauskamen war absoluter Zufall.
Petra und Thomas Sbampato
17.10.1993 - 04.11.96 Feuerland - Alaska mit einer BMW R 100 GS. 120.000 kms.
Route: Alle Länder Amerikas bis auf die drei Guayanas.
Highlights: Die Leute am Wegesrand, die uns  in scheinbar ausweglosen Situationen immer wieder neuen Mut gaben und weiterhalfen.
The worst: Es gab einige schlimme Situationen, aber der Überfall nachts in unserem Zimmer in Mexiko, wo ich beinahe mein rechtes Auge verlor, gehörte bestimmt zu den schlimmsten Erlebnissen. Mein Schneidezahn wackelt heute noch davon.
Book or Publikation: Magazine wie das Globetrotter-Magazin Schweiz. Motorradmagazin Schweiz. Gegen hundert Tageszeitungen in der Schweiz und Süddeutschland. In der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2000 erscheint die Reportage im Motorrad - Magazin Deutschland.
Info: Zwei CD´s und eine CD - ROM  Feuerland - Alaska. Die CD-ROM ist mit Wort, Bild und Musik.  Buch von Petra geplant. Bestellbar bei Thomas Sbampato oder Bernd Tesch.
02.2000 1st Info by MOTORRAD 4/2000
31.05.2000 1st contact

17.06.1995 - 24.09.1995  100 days
Gagnon, Dee (American)
USA. The woman Dee  (35) rode solo over the backroads of  U.S.A. for 100 days, on her 1986 Honda Interceptor 500, covering more than 17,000 miles.
Route: Dee explored, ate and slept (usually camping) in 38 States, with no planned agenda. The adventures she encountered, obstacles overcome, and fine people she met along the way inspired her to share her story with others, by writing a book, published July 2000.
Highlights: Ten of the same questions were asked everywhere she went.  Number One question was "Aren't you afraid?"  Others were, "All by yourself ? What if you break down? What do you for work, that you can just take off this way?" and the dumbest "You rode it all the way here?"
The worst part: Crashing.
Book: "Dee Tours". Publisher. Pegasus Publishing. USA. Ssoftbound, 6 x 9 inches, 464 hefty pages with color and b/w photos, jam packed full of adventures. Takes the reader on a journey of road and spirit.  Unique observations about life, the world around us, and the strength of a woman, who thinks of herself as just the girl next door. The book is only available from Dee.
21.08.2000 First information by Dal Smile.

01.07.1997 - 25.02.1998
Bausenhart, Werner Ph.D.  DM 38,90   www.??
"8 Around the Americas on a Motorcycle."  English. 240 pp. 23 b +w fotos, 1 map. 47,543 miles (=76.069km)
The German Werner (living in Canada) rode around North and South America after he retired. He wrote a book with a day-to-day account of a trip by BMW R 100 GSPD from Ontario, Canada, to Prudhoe Bay (Alaska) to Ushuaia
(Tierra del Fuego, Argentina), and back to Canada. It gives an insight into matters specific to motorcycle adventure
travel: the documents required, the maintenance of the bike, road and riding conditions as they affect the motorcyclist, border crossings, transporting the bike by air freight, and accommodation and security for bike and rider. An appendix lists exact distances, and the names of secure campgrounds and hotels. The travelogue includes conversations with many of the fellow travellers Bausenhart met along the route. The book also touches on more personal questions. How does the family-oriented traveller obtain a leave of absence from a significant other who hates motorcycles? How does one overcome one's own fear of the unknown? The writer demonstrates that anyone with a strong desire to do so can indulge in motorcycle adventure travel. All that is required is a reliable
motorcycle, a bit of money, and a lot of time. Appendix: Route with kms, camping places and hotels.
Tour North America:  01.07.1997 - 21.08.97 28,864 Miles. Canada - U.S.A (Alaska) - Canada - U.S.A (Oregon - California) - Mexico - U.S.A (Texas - Florida - New York) - Canada.
Tour: South America: 20.10.1997-02.02.1998. 37,038 miles. Canada - U.S.A - Mexico - Guatemala - El Salvador -
Honduras - Nicaragua- Costa Rica - Panama - Colombia - Venezuela - Brazil - Paraguay - Argentina - Chile - Argentina - Chile - Bolivia - Peru - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia.
Tour: Central America and Mexico: 03.02.98 - 25.02.98. 47,543-37,090 =10.453 miles Panama - Costa Rica -
Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala - Belize - Mexico - U.S.A - Canada.
Book: His private published book in English is available from Bernd Tesch after 25th of May 2000: "8 Around Americas".

18.02.1999 + 140 days in 1999
Johannes, Jan (German)  no www.
USA. Canada. Mexico. The medicine student Jan (30) rode first time solo out of Europe:  140 days with a BMW 100 GS/PD in NAmerika. 43.000 kms with four sets of tires.
Route: Germany - flew to USA (N.Y.) with bike. Planned original to circle around N.Y. and then to ride to Canada. Because Jan never was very organised concerning weather he changed his plan and rode 3 days in snow south to warmer Florida - New Orleans - Houston - San Diego - Baja California/Mexico. Because of problems with gearbox Jan returned to
BMW-dealer in San Diego. From San Franzisco he made a 14 days tour by a wohnmobil with his parents through the region of  Grand Canyon. Because he liked this area so much he started again with his BMW via Parks Sequoria and Yosemiti.
But the snow wanted HIM to wait there... Continueing to Death Valley to Grand Canyon it rained or snowed the next 14 days all the time. In Lake Tahoe he only wanted to relax two days but the snow came again. So he skied 1st of may there. In the Redwoods (Westcost) his battery did not work any longer - Salt Lake City - Yellowstone-NP. The street through the
South of the Park was just opend again because of snow. So he followed it. Because the snow came back again he only could safed by others. Further to the north until the border of Canada and return to Vancouver where he wanted to meet his girlfriend for 14 days. But she decided not to meet him and flew to Alaska. So Jan decided to ride to Vancouver-Island - Whistler - Dawson-Creek to Alaska. On the Alaska-Highway he rode one day 1.500 kms in 15 hours to Whitehorse.  He
tried to leave the Yukon via the top-of-the-world-highway. But in Dawson-City his rear tire broke and a new one had to be flown it. When he reached finally Alaska he had two weeks holiday with his girl-friend Angela. Again with continueally rain: By ferry from Skagway to Prince Ruppert. From here he had only 14 days to ride back 10.000 kms via Toronto (here he had one of the hottest days of the last centuries) N.Y. Back by plane to Germany.
Best: The most streets are really bouring, but the many, many Nationalparks were really big highlights. I have been in 90% of the US-NParks. The infrastructure in USA and Canada is perfekt. You can get the feeling of being alone somewhere in the wilderness too. Mexico I liked very much because of their lifestyle.
The worst: Heaving problems with gearbox in Baja California. The BMW-rack crashed in Death Valley "riding off road". My batterie did not work any more in Redwoods. My carburator was leaking 10.000 kms back through Canada. Had to pay 140 Canadian dollars because of watching the landscape and not my speedometer...
Infos: In North America are very big distances. So for me it was  normal to ride beween 400-1200 kms in one day. But I rode this distances only once or twice a week. After I reached a new nice place then I rode only a few kilometers a days. Very relaxing without all the package. Another problem for me was the speedlimits on those big distances. But I was
lucky because I was stopped only 5 times and had to pay only ones. I did not have to pay my parking tickest because the police-officers do not know from which country the numberplate is. Most expensive have been the rough roads in USA, because you need a lot of tires: My first two pairs of tires have been run down after 3.000 kms already an after 5.000 kms they were like slices. In Germany the same tire is good for 12.000 kms (Metzeler Enduro 3). Later I used US-MILAGE-ENDURO-TIRES (Avon).  They worked until they broke in the Youkon.The best tires were the same new METZLER-ENDURO-MILAGE-TIRES (25.000 kms). But these tires are very hard and are not allowed in Germany. These tires are not really good for off road. But I only rode about ca. 5000 kms off road in Mexico, Alaska and in some US-National-Parks.

21.03. - 02.12.1999
Kleiner, Verena (Baden Baden, Germany, born 19.09.1978) and Cyril Gaehler (Zurich, Switzerland, born 06.05.1978)
North America. USA (NY) - Canada - Alaska - USA (NY). Verena and Cyril rode 14.000 miles in 9 months in north America. One funny thing is how we met : Verena tried to find a female travel partner to travel the panamericana with a scooter ! She did everything but no one responded. She then record a radio interview. Cyril just came back from a trip from the southern pacific. While fixing the car he did listen to the radio and called up right away. They have met only 7 times before they left together….
Cyril's was looking for the bike HONDA Africa Twina but there was no way to get one in the USA. So he bought a Honda Transalp XLV600 in NY which was finally a wonderful bike. Verena bought a Kawasaki KLX 650 in Los Angeles ( Cyril cannot recommend that bike for such a trip).
Route: By plane from Switzerland (Basel) to USA (New York. We had the order to drive two Caravans to Los Angeles and back until end of April - then by bikes along the shore Connecticut - Rhode Island - Boston MA - through Maine direction Canada - New Brunswick - Halifax in Nova Scotia. Friends came to Halifax and so wie drove two weeks in a rented car. Then by bikes: New Foundland - Prince Edward Island - Quebec - Montreal - Toronto - Ottawa in Ontario - Manitoba - Winniepeg in Saskatchewan. The streets always go straight and we were happy to see a tiny curve. Off the civilisation to La Ronge in the northern part, back down to Saskatoon and towards Calgary into the Rockies - Banff - Jasper. Wonderful road but too many tourists. End of august we headed up north (made a loop to Steward and Hyder in Alaska) - direction Watson Lake YT (there we met Dutch RTW-Traveller Peter Theuwissen). Whitehorse - Dawson City 777 km gravel road one way to Inuvik in the North West Territories and back to Dawson.
We crossed all states of Canada from east to west and then made it to Alaska, entering via the Top of the World Hwy to Chicken and Tok.
This has been at 2nd of october and nobody dared to ride to Alaska. But we went on to already closed Denali NP - Anchorage. Three days ferry from Skagway to Birmingham just next Seattle. By bike to Vancouver. Here we worked until we had an order to drive two van to New York. Unfortunately our trip and our relationship ended after a wonderful experience in Dec 99 in New York, the place were everything started.
Purpose of travel: We originally planed to go to Alaska then the Panamericana down to Chile. Unfourtenately we run out of cash ever we have been working on our way.
Highlights: lifestyle / Indian Summer / The Dempster Highway (from Dawson City YT to Inuvik NWT.). Alaska without tourists (everybody is supposed to be out of Alaska by the end of september, we arrived in October). The east cost mentality in Nova Scotia. The Maine lobsters. Price Edward Island.
The worst: Get stuck in snow and mud after a 12 hour horror day (110 miles), fighting with the bike in the freezing cold of the arctic fall.
Book or publication: none
Useful informations and TIPS for others: or visit me - you are always welcome
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours:... No big ones.
10.06.2002 1st contact.

10.08.1999 - 16.03.2000
Mannes, Dorith und Helmut Zitzlaff   no www.
Canada. USA. Mexico. Dorith (BMW F 650 ST) and Helmut (BMW R 80) rode 30.000 kms in 3 different countries.
Route: USA (N.Y.) - Canada (Montreal - Quebec - Prince Edward Island - New Foundland - Nova Scotia - USA - Niagara Falls - Toronto) - USA (Chigaco - Route 66 to Santa Monica - Death Valley - St. Diego) - Mexico (Baja California -
Mazantas - Playa Azul - Mexico City) - Cuba (5 weeks without motorcycle) - Mexico (Mexico City - Oaxaca - San Christobal de las Casas - Tapachula - Yukatan - Villahermosa) - USA (Texas - Miami) - by plane back to Germany.
Highlights: : Daytona Beach "Bike Week" with 500.000 bikers. Chiapas. Route 66.
The Worst: Topez in Mexico (road bumps). A theft at night out of the hotel room.
Earlier experiences: Before I (Dorith) got my own motorcycle-license I road with Helmut Zitlaff as a pillion rider a always six weeks in: Europe  Northafrica (Tunesia, Algeria, Morokko), Australia, Alaska, Canada, USA.  Our plan to ride with two motorcycles for one year in North America ended up  after 6 months.

31.04. - 15.07.2000
Freitag, Enrico (German)   www. under construction
USA. Enrico (28) rode solo in 2,5 months in USA from East to West, from South to North with Kawasaki VN 800 Classic, 20.000 kms.
Motorcycle by ship from Germany to Orlando / Florida in January.  I flew in april and picked it up. This was organized from "Knopf-Motorradreisen", Heidelberg/Germany ( No problems for a good price: 2.500,-DM for moto-transport Germany - Orlando per ship and L.A. - Germany per airplane, incl. tax and customs). I flew back from L.A. without bike. Bike came 1 week later via aircraft.
Route: Florida - rode West on the coast to Jackson/Mississippi along the "Natches Trace Pkwy" - across the "Chattahooche
Nat. Forest" and "Great Smoky Mountains" along the "Blue Ridge Pkwy" to "Shenandoah Nat.Park"  Washington D.C - "Niagara Falls" - Canada (above the "Great Lakes") - back in USA to Milwaukee - 1.600 km straigth ahead to west - "Badlands Nat. Park" - "Black Hills" - south to Chimney Rock - Nebraska - Denver/Colorado - across the "Rocky´s" to "Arches Nat.Park" - "Canyonlands" - "Monument Valley" - "Bryce" and "Zion" in Utah - Arizona ("Grand Canyon") on the Road "66" - California - "Joshua Tree Park" - San Diego (Mexican border and Pacific Ocean) - Las Vegas/ Nevada - Death Valley (realy dry) - "Sequoia Nat. Park" - "Kings Canyon" - "Yosemite Valley" - "Ghosttown" Bodie (20 mls north on "Mono Lake") - Bridgeport  and "Biker-Meeting" - San Francisco - Pacific-Hwy. No.1 - L.A.
Highlights: Too much for a short report, but take this... freedom, wind, dust, stars, fire, natural arches, friendly people and new friends, (and last but not least) inexpensive gas.
The Worst: Cold weather in Canada (5- 8°C). A plenty of sweet food.
23.06.2000 1st contact with Tina (Harley-Girl from Germany on tour in USA, she lives and drives there 9 month)
1998 Partcipant of the Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers.

20.05.2000 - ?
Spittel, Tini und Lars (Germans)
Plan Alaska - Tierra del Fuego. Both riding on one HONDA Africa Twin.
Route: USA - Canada - Alaska - all the way to Panama


Wie versichere ich mich bei einer Motorrad-Reise in Nord-Amerika, Weltreise, etc....
Bisher war das in Deutschland vorher möglich bei Nowag Versicherungen.
Diese haben den Betrieb eingestellt hat, da Herr Karl-Heinz Nowag Anfang September 2015 verstorben ist.

Bezüglich einer Versicherung wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Maria M. Alessie. Assurantiekantoor Alessie. Elliotplaats 174. 3068 VL Rotterdam. The Netherlands. Tel: +31 10 4 555 946. Fax +31 10 4 555 948. oder Tel: 001-800-378-6449 FREE

2019Mathias Heerwagen
Ich habe im September 2018 mein Motorrad bei Segurogringo versichert, der besagten mexikanischen Versicherung. Klingt etwas komisch, war aber seriös und die Versicherung galt für die USA und Kanada. (Wenn du noch bis September Zeit hast, würde ich allerdings warten, ob sich bei den US-Versicherungen noch was tut - dürfte im Schadensfall leichter sein)

I hope you liked reeding this. I am just waiting for YOUR email helping me to update: A LIFELONG job with passion.

Bernd Tesch in Germany



