Who is Bernd Tesch and his GLOBETROTT-ZENTRALE Bernd TESCH ?

Bernd Tesch
    Globetrotter. Motorcycle-WORLD-TRAVEL-Expert. Recommendation. Equipment. Producer of the strongest (steel-) racks and (aluminum-) boxes. Worldwide largest offer of Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books. Professional Motorcycle Adventurer. Writer. Travel-Book-Publisher. Journalist and Traveller-Survival-Trainer.
GLOBETROTT-ZENTRALE Bernd TESCH (Producer and mail-order-service of Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Equipment)

Grünentalstr. 31. D-52152 Simmerath-Hammer/EIFEL (40 km SSEast of Aachen near Monschau). Germany. Tel: 0049-(0)2473-938686. Fax: 0049-(0)2473-938678.

His philosophy: "To travel is the best school of the life"

Bernd Tesch

Bernd Tesch is of his knowledge a worldwide Motorcycle-World-Travel-Expert: travel writer, publisher of motorcycle TRAVEL books, motorcycle-Travel-advisor, motorcycle-TRAVEL-outfitter, journalist and survival-trainer. His knowledge comes from own 40.000 kms by autostop, 60.000 kms bye car, 150.000 kms by motorcycle. Some special kms: 111.111 kms in Africa. 500 kms canoe trip in Canada. Atlantic (France)-Pacific (Russia) via Moscow-Siberia: 13.600 kms. Atlantic (France)-China via Black Sea - Kaspian Sea 13.000 kms. Around Australia / Tasmania 14.000 kms. Organizer of 53 GLOBETROTTER-meetings since 1978 with over 10.000 participants.  "53 Tesch-Travel-Meetings" for Motorcycle-WORLD-Travellers. 55 Travel-Survival-Courses. 19 years open shop with mail order-service for travel and expedition equipment until 1995 with 300.000 visitors. 33 years mail-order-service for Motorcycle-Travel-Equipment. Private largest collection worldwide of  Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books (370 titles). Large files over World-Motorcycle-Journeys (e.g. over 249 Motorcycle Around-The-World from 1912 until to today, 99 Trans-Africa-Travellers from 1903 to today (see Africa), 30 Alaska-Tierra del Fuego travellers (see North and South-America). By constant contact with motorcycle travellers Bernd Tesch is worldwide always " UP to DATE " informed.

Individually single paid consult / recommendation at his home for your proposed large motorcycle journey. For a meeting here please organise a term in advance. Because of thousands of inquiries I unfortunately cannot answer specific questions by email.

Berd Tesch is a goog entertainer: He offers slide-shows for companies, fairs, larger associations when desired.

< Bernd with TESCH-BMW in Paris

.I gave 45 Survival-Courses for travellers /groups / managers since 1978.
That is a "Tesch-Survival-Training" on weekends in the Eifel woods, in which I offer theoretically, but particularly practically my knowledge and YOU practise "What should you do on journeys and how to behave in case of emergency?".

I write journalistic articles about motorcycle journeys for motorcycle magazines and give interviews for magazines, radio, TV-talk-shows (My name was publsihed more than 80 Mio times)..

Bernd Teschs available Books:  "Afrika-Motorad-Reisen" = "Africa-Motorcycle-Travelling":  174 chapters of recommendation. Eu 13,90. "Motorrad-Abenteuer-Touren" = "Motorcycle-Adventure-Tours": 262 world-wide motorcycle travels from 1910 to today, which appeared in book form. 432 S. and 500 (!) figures / fotos. Very international to understand. Eu 19,90. In work book "Woman-Motorcycle-Travelling" over the large woman journeys from 1910 to today. In INTERNET I have the largest international offer for "Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Book" under "order" listed. In the future I will also possibly want to publish YOUR book in my book series "Motorcycle-FAR-Travelling". Offer it to me please.

Since 01.01.1996 Bernd Tesch is specialized as  a 1-man-firm:
"Outfitter for motorcycle travel equipment" with two catalogues online in internet www.berndtesch.de for important books and equipment:

"Motorrad-REISE-Ausruestungen" = "Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Equipment"


"Motorrad-REISE-Bücher" = "Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books"
(About 200. All English are included and reviewed in English)

Both catalogues are in this website. No paper catalogues are available.

I offer consultation:
Sales of all important equipment products for your motorcycle journey. Manufacturer of some own Tesch products: Tesch-Travel-Traeger (= rack, world-wide strongest steel-carriers), Tesch-Travel-Taschen (=Panniers, strongest aluminum boxes; four own different aluminum boxes and adittionally foreign manufactured products).

Thank you for your interest in my work and person.

I always wish you fresh wind while travelling around your nose, enough sidestorm, much deep sand, slippery mud, high snow, unfathomable water, liquid bitumen, thick thorns and big stones under your tires !
Bernd Tesch

Short summary for journalists:
If you are a new journalist and are interested about Bernd Tesch and his activities: http://www.berndtesch.de/english/btesch.html
The travel-writer, publisher, journalist, survival-trainer, expert of Motorcycle-World-Travellers, producer of the strongest racks and aluminium-boxes wordwide, consulter and Outfitter for World-travellers, Dipl.-Ing. of mechanics Bernd Tesch (born 1941) ist still fit. Already with 14 years in 1955 he started to travel. In the meantime he covered 40.000 km by autostop, 60.000 km travels by car and Bernd Tesch rode 150.000 km by motorcycle in many countries. After he crossed Africa he published in 1971 the first German "Globetrotter-Guide": Africa -guide for individual travellers. Because of his passion to travel the engineer founded in 1977 the GLOBETROTT-ZENTRALE. Since 1996 Bernd Tesch returned to a one-man mail-order-service. He offers >200 worldwide available Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books and Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Equipment. Since 1978 Bernd Tesch offers his experiences to others by his courses "Tesch-Survival-Training" and the "Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers". In january 2004 wil possibly be the 100.000th visitor on his website: www.berndtesch.de