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South America
Women Mc Travels
Motorrad Welt Umrunder

Tesch-intern: Do NOT use this site WORLD for updates!

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Bem Vindo ! Benvenuti ! Bien Venido ! Bienavenue ! Bom Bini ! Dobrodosli ! Namaste ! Tanastalink ! Välkommen (S)! Velkommen (N)! Welkom !  Willkommen (G)!
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See a good view for all continents or countries at:

Around-The-World by Motorcycle
= Il giro del mondo (Italian) = La Vuelta Al Mundo (Spanish) = Lune de Miel (French) = Motor-Wereld-Reiziger (Dutch) = Motorcylist kör totalt "runt jorden" (Swedish) = Svetovni popotnik na motociklu (Slovenian) = Trotamundos (Latine) = Weltumrunder (German)
Do you know this in other languages?

Information about 246 Motorcycle-Tours (and ten others) Around-The-World: 1912 - 2002 (plans)

Copyright Bernd Tesch. Motorcycle-WORLD-Travel-Expert No. 1. It is free for you to read this and learn out of it. It is not allowed to take off or to publish any information of this without written permission of Bernd Tesch. This all is a part of the book in work "Motorrad-Welt-Reisen" = Motorcycle-Travels Around-The-World. ISBN  3-9800099-8-x.
GLOBETROTT-ZENTRALE Bernd TESCH. Zur Fernsicht 18. D-52224 Zweifall. Germany. Tel + Fax: 02402-75375. email:  homepage

First and largest summary in Internet and in literature (about 55 pages here) at all about "Around-The-World by Motorcycle". The detailed stories you will find in my in work being book.
02.1998: A part of this information you fond under > www.berndtesch > German or Engl. version > News
28.05.2000: Start of this collection first time in internet under > www.berndtesch > German or Engl. version > world. I would be grateful if you could help to keep this update ! So far you find many language and grammar mistakes inside because of lack of time. Pardon. Will be corricated and updated with more Around-The-World-Travellers in future. If you find yourself inside or any lack of information please inform me!

Bernd Tesch has been working in this field "Around The World" since 1970. In this times I had to write letters and to phone or to visit the World-Around-Travellers to get contact / information. Since 1985 fax helped. In 1991 I visited the most famous motorcycle-travellers in Denmark, in 1993 in Britain, in 1994 in USA and in between many in Europe (France, Germany, Netherland, Switzerland). In 1999-2000 I visited famaous Mc-Travllers in Australia. In october 2000 I saw Alberto Granada, best mc-travel-friend of Ernesto "Che" Guevara in CUBA. Many of  Motorcycle Travellers Around-The-World have been at my yearly Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers in april. In 1998 there have been 20 within 300 participants. In 2000 11 of them. Nobody knows more World-Around-Travellers in person than Bernd Tesch. I own the largest archive of World-Around-Travellers: 10 file-boxes full packed (90 cm wide).

To find all this and all my activities was a "life-long job" and cost me a lot of money. Since many years I am working in a new book called "Motorrad-Welt-Reisen" = Motorcycle-World-Around-Travels. All books about "Around-The-World" by motorcycle which have been published until 1994 are published in my in German written, but very international understandable book called "Motorrad-Abenteuer-Touren" = Motorcycle-Adventure-Tours (432 pp, 500 pictures / drawings. About 264 Motorcyle World-Tours. ISBN 3-9800099-55-5. DM 38.90). I own all this books in all languages.

If there is shown "Book:" under the traveller and you want to read / order this you can check if it is still available: >> >> German or English version >> Bestelliste or order. If you find this book there you can order it. I offer about 183 international available Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books for sale.

I have had many discussions what you can call a Motorcycle-Tour "Around-The-World". There does not exist only ONE definition. This defintion has changed many times by time since 1912 / 3, because motorcycles who were availbale and the conditions of the known / unknown roads and their infrastructure with water / food / petrol. Some riders thing that you must have done it in ONE tour. Others thing that you must have been in each continent. American Jim Rogers things that you must have crossed each continent in one tour (covered 6 continents). Australian David McGonical visited all seven continents (including Antarctica) AND all time-tones with his motorcycle what he did in 1998 !
Bernd Tesch thinks that we all should be very tolerant to each other: The earliest Motorcycle-Travellers had quite different conditions like Clancy in 1912 -13. And although British Martyn Swain rode 4,5 years "in the world" he did not make it in total missing an easy last part. I even think it is interesting to know who planned to ride Around-The-World, and started but did not finish it for different reasons...

If you are a World-Around-Traveller or plan to do this or "on the road" already or know anyone who is not listed here, please send my any details, addresses, publications, homepages and most important: best pictures.

YOUR summary: PLEASE give me at first a complete view like this EXAMPLE-BLOCK  in THIS STYLE in English:

01.10.2000 - 27.10.2001
Müller, Sven (German, born-date??)  and Susan Smith (British, born-date??) your www.???
Solo Around the World with BMW R 100 GS. 50.000 kms. Sven rode together with Susan Smith (British) who rode a HONDA 500 XL.
Route: Europe 12.000 kms (Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Italy - Greek - Turkey ....) - Asia 15.000 kms (Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal. Bike solo by plane to Singapure. I flew to Singapure. Malaysia - Thailand - back to Singapure). - Australia 16.000 kms (I flew together with bike to Darwin. Around  Australia 16.000 kms. Or offer names like: Darwin - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney ...) - North-America (I flew with bike to Los Angeles. LA - New York) - Africa - Europe (Bike by ship to Netherlands / Amsterdam - Germany / Cologne).
The best: I wanted to find myself. Freedom. Sun. Friendship of  Turkey people. invitation by Pakistani. Climbing the Himalayas........)
The worst: I got Malaria in Nairobi. Attack of soldiers with weapons in Iran.....)...
Important useful informations for others:...
Book or publication (about your tour):...
Earlier motorcyle-travel-expereinces::....

Organisation by Bernd (Tesch):
12.- 14.04.2002: "24th Meeting for Motorcycle-WORLD-Travellers = Motorrad-FERNREISE-Treffen".
April 2003: "25th Meeting for Motorcycle-WORLD-Travellers" with main subject "World-AROUND-Travels". To my anniversary I invite all Motorcycle-World-Around-Travellers wordlwide already since 1999. Would be wonderful to see you if you are one ! If you are a Mc-WA-Traveller and promise to come it will be marked here in internet under your name ! TRY hard to be there in Germany / Belgium.

I am very grateful to all the individuals who knew that I am working in this field. They informed me since 1970 worldwide by meeting me, phoning, sending letters, later faxes and emails since 1994 about World-Around-Travellers. Without their help I could not get to this high level. This internet-list had to be done in many days but too quick, because I did not have enough time. So please give me your "pardon" that there are mistakes inside of the information and a lot in my language.
At least you will never have seen such a huge collection of information in internet or literature.

Bernd Tesch

Facts and philosophical thoughts of the world
28th.05.2001 send as a copy to me by my GLOBETROTTER-Friend Christa and Heinz Jansen from Bangkok

Wenn wir die ganze Menschheit auf ein Dorf von 100 Einwohner reduzieren würden, aber auf die Proportionen aller bestehenden Völker achten würden, wäre dieses Dorf so zusammengestellt:
If you would reduce the whole inhabitants of the world to one village of 100 people, but would take the proportions of the peolpe of the world, this village would have this inhabitants:

57 Asiaten (Asians
21 Europäer (Europens)
14 Amerikaner (Americans Nord and South)
  8 Afrikaner (Africans)
52 wären Frauen (Women)
48 wären Männer (Men)
70 Nicht-Weiße (Non-Whites)
30 Weiße (Whites)
70 nicht Christen (Not Christians)
30 Christen (Christians)
89 heterosexuelle
11 homosexuelle
  6 Personen würden 59% des gesamten Weltreichtums besitzen und alle 6 Personen kämen aus den USA. 6 persons (=Americans) would own 59 % of the wealthy of the whole world
80 hätten keine ausreichenden Wohnverhältnisse (do not have eenough space to live)
70 wären Analphabeten (cannot read and write)
50 wären unterernährt (do not have enough food)
  1 würde sterben (would die)
  2 würden geboren (would be born)
  1 hätte einen PC (owns a PC)
  1 (nur einer) hätte einen akademischen Abschluss (only one has an academic study finished).

Wenn man die Welt aus dieser Sicht betrachtet, wird jedem klar, dass das Bedürfnis nach Zusammengehörigkeit, Verständnis, Akzeptanz und Bildung notwendig ist. Denkt auch darüber nach.

   Falls Du heute Morgen gesund und nicht krank aufgewacht bist, bist Du glücklicher als 1 Million Menschen, welche die nächste Woche nicht erleben werden.
   Falls Du nie einen Kampf des Krieges erlebt hast, nie die Einsamkeit durch Gefangenschaft, die Agonie des Gequälten, oder Hunger gespürt hast, dann bist Du glücklicher als 500 Millionen Menschen der Welt.
   Falls Du in die Kirche gehen kannst, ohne die Angst, dass Dir gedroht wird, dass man Dich verhaftet oder Dich umbringt, bist Du glücklicher als 3 Milliarden Menschen der Welt.

   Falls sich in Deinem Kühlschrank Essen befindet, Du angezogen bist, ein Dach über dem Kopf hast und ein Bett zum hinlegen, bist Du reicher als 75% der Einwohner dieser Welt.
   Falls Du ein Konto bei der Bank hast, etwas Geld im Portemonnaie und etwas Kleingeld in einer kleinen Schachtel, gehörst Du zu 8% der wohlhabenden Menschen auf dieser Welt.
   Falls Du diese Nachricht liest, bist Du doppelt gesegnet worden, denn 1. Jemand hat an Dich gedacht und 2. Du gehörst nicht zu den 2 Milliarden Menschen die nicht lesen können. Und... Du hast einen PC!

Einer hat irgendwann mal gesagt: Liebt, als hätte euch noch nie jemand verletzt. Tanzt, als würde niemand zuschauen. Singt, als würde keiner zuhören. Lebt, als wäre das Paradies auf der Erde.

Dies ist die internationale Woche der Freundschaft. Kopiere diesen Text und schicke ihn als Mail an alle, die Du Freunde nennst. Wenn Du sie nicht weiter schickst, wird nichts passieren. Wenn Du sie weiter schickst wirst Du von jemandem ein Lächeln erwerben.

Alles Gute in der Freundschaftswoche

How many countries does the World have?
To answer this question exactly is difficult because this changes many times in the earlier years. I never could read a publication about this. Have you seen one?

1985: Emilio Scotto: The 172 countries that were in the world in 1985 now in 1998 are 215.
1998: Peter Forwood informed me that there are 247 countries in 3 categories in the world according to Rand McNally atlas. There are 191 totally independent countries at all.
2001: The German leading book "Fischer Alamach 2001" says: 193 countries

How many people does the World have?
2001 about 1,2 billion (Milliarden) in the industrial countries
2001 about 4,9 billion (Milliarden) in the industrial countries
2001 about 6,1 billion (Milliarden) in the world
2050 about 1,2 billion (Milliarden) in the industrial countries (UN supposes this)
2050 about 8,2 billion (Milliarden) in the industrial countries (UN supposes this)
2050 about 9,3 billion (Milliarden) in the world (UN supposes this)

Around-The-World by Motorcycle
(Summarises by year of start)

Plan or experience? You can talk with 300 high experienced Motorcycle-Travellers who rode all continents so far :

12.- 14.04.2002: "24th Meeting for Motorcycle-WORLD-Travellers" = Motorrad-FERNREISE-Treffen.
April 2003:" 25th Meeting for Motorcycle-WORLD-Travellers" with main subject "World-AROUND-Travels". To my anniversary I invite all Motorcycle-World-Around-Travellers already. Would be wonderful to see you if you are one ! TRY hard to be there in Germany / Belgium. Organisation by Bernd (Tesch). See >Treffen or > Meeting

10-20 billion (= Millarden) years ago
The universe started to exist somehow.

4.5 billion years ago
The Sun and Earth were created. The earth is one of nine big planets of the sun. Possibly out of change of gravity in the universe it was caused that dust attracted each other at first to smaller parts which are getting bigger and bigger. Finally becoming big rocks which attracted each other to big planets. Most of them were attracted by the gravity of the biggest part which is the sun. The nine planets could escape somehow the gravity of the sun and started to circle around the sun. All of the men / women who have been in satelits speak about the "blue planet earth" because about 70 % of the earth is water.

1-3 billion years ago
First signs of life on the earth.  After the earth got colder the first cells grew in microbe "Archeos"  (= das Ursprüngliche, the basic). If this cells came by meteroits from other planets or developed on earth is not proved.

170 mio years ago
The One-Piece-Continent on earth separated in two big blocks. The southern part was called Gondwana.

25.000 years ago
The "homo sapiens" existed.

20.09.1519 - 07.09.1522
Magellan (= Magalhaes, Fernando de) (Portuguese)
Around-The-World by ship first time. Im Auftrage des spanischen Königs Karl I verließ Magellan Spanien mit fünf Schiffen. Er wollte die von Portugal besetzten Molukken (Gewürzinseln) für Spanien zurückholen. Deshalb wollte er diese auf einem neuen Seeweg westlich um die Erde erreichen. Maggelan und dann Elcano umsegelten als erste die Erde.Von fünf Schiffen kam eines zurück, von 237 Mann Besatzung nur 18. Die Gewürze reichten, um die gesamte Fahrt zu finanzieren. Die Fahrt erweiterte gewaltig das Wissen um das  Erdbild, seine Entfernungen und bewies die kugelige Gestalt der Erde.
Route: Spanien (Sanlúcar) - 12.1519 an Rio de Janeiro - ab 10.01.1519 versuchte er vergeblich über die Flußmündung La Plata Amerika zu durchqueren - den Winter verbringt er in der Bucht von San Julián in Patagonien, wo er eine Meuterei niederschlagen muß - bei der Weiterfahrt umsegelt er beim "Kap de las Virgines" in 21 Tagen die etwa 600 km gefährliche Felseninselnstraße, die SAmerka von Feuerland trennt. Sie wurde später nach ihm "Magellan-Straße" genannt -  am 28.11.1520 segelt er in das große Meer ein. Er nannte es den "Stillen Ozean", da er in drei Monaten und 20 Tagen Seegelzeit keinen Sturm erlebte - am 06.03.1521 erreichten er die Ladronen (Diebsinseln, heutige Marianen) - 16.03.1521 an Lazarusinseln (Philippinen) - Magallan versuchte mit Gewalt das Christentum einzuführen, aber Magellan wurde bei einem Kampf am 27.04.1521 auf der philippinischen Insel Matan getötet.  - Unter dem Kommando von Sebastian de Elcano erreichten die beiden verbliebenen Schiffe über Nordborneo (Nordkalimantan) die Maluku (Molucken). Obwohl die Insel von Portugiesen besetzt waren, konnten sie die erwünschten Gewürze tauschen.  Mit nur noch einem seetüchtigen Schiff  "Victoria" traten sie die Heimfahrt an, indem sie die von Portugiesen benutzen Seewege meideten. - Kap der Guten Hoffnung - Kapverden - Spanien (Sanlucar).
B.T.: Maggelan and Elcano were the first humans who circled the world by ship.

Drake, Francis (British)
Around-The-World by ship. First British RTW - tour by ship. Francis started with 5 ships in Plymyth, sailed to the Southern Tip of South America, maid it secretly to pass the islands of  Tierra del Fuego, but lost 4 of his ships.

Verne, Jules (French)
Around-The-World. The very well known French writer Jules wrote the phantastic novel (Roman) in which Phileas Fogg won the bed to circle the world in 80 days. This novel became very famous and was translated in many languages. The journey was the expression of dreams of people of that time "to circle the world" after the British finished a railway in India:
B.T. 22.07.2000 This is the first famous book about "Around the world" as a vision.

1884 - 1886
Stevens, Thomas (American, 1854 - 1935)
Around-The-World by bycycle. 20.000 Meilen mit dem Hochrad Zweirad um die Welt. Von San Francisco nach Teheran. Erste Weltumrundung auf einem Fahrzeug = Fahrrad. Thomas hatte bereits ca. 1885  8000 miles gefahren, der längste Fahrrad-Trip bisher. 1886 will er es ausdehnen bis er die Welt umrundet hat. Von San Francisco radelt er bis Boston 3700 miles mit einem Fahrrad. Dieses ist die erste Durchquerung Amerikas mit einem Fahrzeug.
Da Thomas die Idee einer Weltumrundung hatte, wurde er als Korrespondent bezahlt. Karl Kron hat 8 Monate mit Thomas Stevens in N.Y. während dessen Aufenthalt dort gesprochen. Die offizielle railroad von S.F. nach N.Y. war damals 3416 miles. Steven schätzt, daß seine Entfernung ca. 200 km länger war. Während dieser Strecke war Stevens gezwungen sein Hochrad 1/2 bis 1/3 des Weges zu schieben.
Book: 1888. Von Teheran nach Jokohama (in German)
Book: 1984. Around the world on a bicycle (in English)
Book: 1984. 20000 Meilen mit dem Hochrad um die Welt 1884-1886. Verlag: Thienemanns. Germany. Stuttgart. ISBN 3-??
421 S. DM 39,00 (in German)
B.T. 1991: The first known tour by bicycle Around-The-World.

First Motorcycle (called Motor - Rad) from Gottlieb Daimler
1 - Zyl. Viertakt - Motor. 264 ccm. 0,5 PS (0,37 kw). Max 12 km/Std.

Ca. 1887 - 88 Start
Burston, Stokes, G.W. and H.R. Stokes (Australians)
Allen, Tomas G. and William L. Sachtleben (Americans)
Route: Turkey (Konstantinopel (Istanbul)) - Desert Gobi - China (Peking) - ?
Book: 1890.
09.08.2000 1st information by Professor Dr. Hans-Erhard Lessing in his book new edited book in German language: Hortsmann, Heinrich: "Meine Radreise um die Erde". = "My bicycle tour Around-The World". ISBN 3-931965-06-6.

1892 - 1894
Lenz, Frank (German -American, 1867 - 1894)
Planned to circle the world by bicycle.
Route: USA (New York) - Germany - Kurdestan. Here he was murdered by 5 Kurdistan people.
09.08.2000 1st information by Professor Dr. Hans-Erhard Lessing in his book new edited book: Hortsmann, Heinrich: "Meine Radreise um die Erde". ISBN 3-931965-06-6.

Londonderry, Anny (American)
Around-The-World by bicycle. She made a bet of  US $ 10.000 that she could circle the world by bicyle starting without any money and come home with Mark 40.000.
Book: ?
09.08.2000 1st information by Professor Dr. Hans-Erhard Lessing in his book new edited book: Hortsmann, Heinrich: "Meine Radreise um die Erde". ISBN 3-931965-06-6.
Erhard Lessing: The first known tour Around-The-World  by bicycle by a woman.

Heinrich and Wilhelm Hildebrand and Alois Wolfmüller found the first Motorcycle-Fabric.
Until 1896 they build more than 1000 Motorcycles: Wassergekühlter 2 - Zyl. Viertakt - Motor. 1488 ccm. 2,5 PS (1,85 kw). Ca. 40 km/h. Glührohrzündanlage.
B. T.: The first motorcycle build in series.

NSU. In the first  year of production of  Motorcycles of the firm NSU (NeckarSUlm, founded in 1892) they produced 100 motorcycles and 7000 bicycles. NSU invented the suspension of the front fork and sold later huge peaces of  NSU-motorcycles.

02.05.1895 - 08.08.1897
Horstman, Heinrich (German, 30.10.1875 - 04.05.1945)
Around-The-World by bicycle.  20-years old Heinrich cycled solo Around-the-World by biycycle in 27 months.
Route: Germany (Wuppertal)  - Belgium - England - USA - Hawaii - Japan - Hong Kong - Singapore - India (Kalkutta) - by ship to Egypt - Italy - Slowenien - Austria - Germany (Wuppertal)
This in German written book was edited by H.-E. Lessing again in 2000. 320 pp. DM 39,80. Verlag: Maxi Kutschera. Book: Book: "Meine Radreise um die Erde". Verlag: Darmen. 1897. 296 S.
There should only be ONE original book exist in the library of  town Wuppertal.
2000: "Meine Radreise um die Erde". ISBN 3-931965-06-6. This in German written book was new edited by Prof. Dr. H.-E. Lessing again in 2000. 320 pp. DM 39,80. Verlag: Maxi Kutschera. Germany . Leipzig. Tel.  0049 (0) 341-4011884. Fax 0049 (0) 341-4011881. Email
12.1998 1st information by Professor Dr. Hans-Erhard Lessing about the original book.
31.07.2000. 2nd information by Corinna Gehring about the new book.
Erhard Lessing: The first known tour Around-The-World  by bicycle from a German.

Fraser, John Forster (American, 1868 - 1936)
Around-The-World by bicycle. Round the world on a wheel.
John fuhr mit S. Eduard Lunn und F.H. Lowe in 774 Tagen mit dem Fahrrad durch 17 Länder in drei Kontinenten und bewältigte 19.287 Meilen. Ab 07.1896 fuhr er auch durch Sibirien.
Book: 1. edition 1899. Verlag: Thomas Nelson und Sons (in English).
Book: 1989. 512 pp. 41 chapters. Papeback. Verlag: Futura Publ. England. London. ISNM-0708842682. (in English).
08.10.1993 1st information by Paul Pratt

Lehwess, Dr. E. C. (British)
Plan Around-The-World by car. Seit 1899 beabsichtigte der Brite mit einem Koch - Auto von Peking nach London zu fahren. Nachdem daraus aber nichts wurde, startete er ohne Zeitlimit mit einem Auto Panhard - Levassor mit Spezial - Fahrgestell und einem Omnibus - Aufbau von London über Europa nach Asien Richtung Wladiwostok, um von dort nach Kalifornien überzusetzen, USA zu durchqueren und über den Atlantik nach England zurückzukehren. Der Fahrzeugname war "Passe Partout" ( = "Überall hin" oder "Alles passieren"). Nach enormer Publicity und vielen Einladungen unterwegs blieb das Fahrzeug sechs Monate später in meterhohem Schnee östlich von Nizhni - Novgorod im Osten Rußlands stecken. Die Mannschaft gab das Fahrzeug auf reiste mit der Eisenbahn nach London zurück. Da die Reise gescheitert war, wurde ein solches Projekt einen Welt - Reise mit einem Auto in der Presse als vollkommen unmöglich verurteilt.
B.T.: The first known planned tour by car Around-The-World.

Around-The-World. Suggestion.
B.T.: The idea in a French Newspaper in Paris for a tour Around-The-World by car did not find a response of participants.

Applebee, Frank (German)
Around-The-World ? Planned World-Around-Tour with motorcycle by NSU. He crossed North-America west-east. Not sure if he circled the whole world what he wanted to do.
22.07.2000 If you have any information about this Bernd Tesch would be grateful.
B.T.: It is NOT sure that he wanted to circle the world. It is just written that he wanted to make a "world-tour" whatever it means. This is one of the very first known plans to circle the world by motorcycle.

Streiff, Joshua (American ?)
Around-The-World ?  An American who had written on his bike "Around the world"? He rode two times "Coast zu coast" with an NSU without any trouble with the machine. San Franzisko to New York 6230 kms.
Abgebildet im Buch "NSU 1873-1984".
1st info by Ernst Leverkus. Hat ORIGINAL- Archiv- Dia.
This motorcycle shall be in Germany. The owner is Heinz Metzmaier.
B.T.: It is NOT sure that he wanted to circle the world. It is just written that he wanted to make a "world-tour" whateever it means. This is one of the first known plan to circle the world by motorcycle as well.

Lincoln, Andrew Carey
Around-The-World. Book about a vision: "Motorcycle Chums around the world". Verlag: Hurst and Co. 1912. USA.
B.T. 22.07.2000 This is the first book about "Around the world" by motorcycle as a vision. Written for young boys. In those times people already started to dream about this.
1993 first information by Dal Smile.

Ca. 1912 - 13
Clancy, Carl Stevens (American)
Around-The-World. The journalist Clancy and the film-critism Walter Storey plant a World-Around-Tour to write a World-Travel-Guide. They rode with a 4-zylinder Henderson.
Route: New - York - Europe - from here Clancy rode solo - Algeria - Sahara - Egypt  - Ceylon - India - Japan - USA West - East to New York. 18.000 miles. Clancy sold many Fotos to the press. History was published in 1913.
1st information by Franitza, Martins book:  Die großen Motorradreisen unseres Jahrhunderts
Does anyone know the orginal article or owns a foto? Bernd Tesch would be grateful to recieve this!
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??
B.T.:  This is the first known World-Around-Tour by motorcycle and the first by an American as well.

Humphreys, Mrs. Harry (British)
America. She planned a World-Around-Tour with 85.000 miles visiting each capital of the world in two years. First known motorcycle-tour by a woman.
At 31.08.1913 she made her first step crossing solo the cross-country distance from San Francisco to New York.
At this time this is possibly the longest ride of a woman. And the first crossing by a woman west-east of America for sure.
1994 First information by Melissa Piersson.
13.07.2000 I never could find more information than a short publication in New York times. Does anyone know more about her?? Earlier address? Publication??
B.T.: At this time this is possibly the longest ride of a woman. And the first crossing by a woman west-east of America for sure. And for sure the first published plan ro ride solo around the world by a woman.

Ca. 1926 - ca. 1933
Sulkowski, Zoltan and Gyula Bartha (Hungarians)
Around-The-World with a Harley-Davidson sidecarby Zoltán Sulkowsky und Gyula Bartha. 7 years. 68 countries. 170.000 kms. 5 continents.
1. Quelle: Franitza. Die großen Motorrad-Reisen unseres Jahrhunderts. .
Book in Hungarian: "Motorral a föld körül. 170.000 km".
B.T.: This is the first longest mc-ride Around-The-World in those times. First World-Around-Tour by Hungarians. First World-Tour with a Harley-Davidson sidecar.

13.06.1926 - 05.12.1926.
Sexé, Robert und Henry Andrieux (French)
Around-The-World. Fuhren um die Welt in 5 Monaten und 17 (?) Tagen. Laut Robert Sexe's Handschrift in seinem Tagebuch, selber gesehen am 03.08.96 von Bernd Tesch in Airvault / Frankreich, war die Reise: Start: 13.06.1926 (Paris) - 05.12.1926 (Paris).
Route: Frankreich - UdSSR (via Sibirien bis Wladiwostok. Etsrer Motorrad-Travller in dort) - Japan - Amerika - Frankreich. Sie fuhren mit  2 Gillet, 350 ccm, 6,5 PS. Sie waren die ersten bekannten Franzosen, die um die Welt fuhren und dabei die Strecke durch Sibirien mit dem Motorrad meisterten. Sie sind nicht, wie vielfach behauptet wird, die ersten Welt-Umrunder. Es ist die "1. Welt-Umrundung 1926 auf dem Landweg durch die UdSSR per Motorrad" mit 2 Gillet (350 ccm, 6,5 PS).
Book: Crius (Christian Christophe). Mit dem Motorrad um die Welt. 1973. Reprint 1996 available.
15.07.1991 Since then Bernd Tesch owns the original photo from Robert Sexé von 1926 in front of the Kreml in Moscow.
22.07.2000 I am still missing the original publication which was published by an Austrian Mc-shop. I have never heard that
somebody ones this. Do you know anybody?
B.T.:  This is the first known World-Around-Tour by motorcycle from a French via Vladiwostok.

30.08.1926 - 03.1928
Cathrick. B.H. Cathrick and J.P. Castley (British)
Around-The-World. The journalist of "The Motor Cycle and Motor Cycling" rode 33.000 kms Around-The-World with two sidecars BSA, V 2 zylinder. Modell Colonial.
Route: England - France - Spain - Portugal - France Italy - Austria - Tschechoslowakei - Bulgaria - Jugoslavia - Turkey - Syria - Palästina - Egypt (This ist the first time vehicles made the distance London - Cairo) -  Egypt - India by boat - India - Burma - Java - Australia (Perth- Nullabor - Melbourne - Sydney) - Tasmania - New Zealand - South - America (Valparasio) - Südafrika - England.
B.T.:  This is the first known World-Around-Tour by motorcycle from British.

02.07.1927 - 1928
Glanfield, Stan (British)
Around-The-World. Rudge-Whitworth world tour with a sidecar. 8 months. 18.000 miles.

1928 - 30
Dufner (Düfner ?), Gabriel (American)
Around-The-World. Gabriel circeld the world on an Indian Scout-Sidecar from Detroit / USA: 60.000 km. He had a dog called "Polly" with him.
He had a propeller on his sidcar which motored a generator to refresh the mc-battery.
Route: Balkan - Asien - Australien - Neuseeland - China- Japan - Indien - Europa - Deutschland.
First information by Info Ernst Leverkus.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publicatinos about them??

1928 - 1930
Gill. J. with Walter Stephens (British) and Phil Irving (Australian)
Around-The-World. Route: England - 02.1930 they reached Australia after 19.000 kms - with Phil Irving then Canada - England (London). Finally 37.000 kms with HRD-Noxal- sidecar.
Quelle Martin Franitza. Die großen Motorradreisen unseres Jahrhunderts. ISBN 3-9801491-3-7.
22.08.93 1st information by Martin Franitza
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their earlier or present address of realtions or publications about them??

07.11.1928 - 07.11.1930
Soboleff, Ivan Sergevich Kralichek (Russian)
Around-The-World. Geplant war eine Welt-Reise per Fahrrad. Er startet mit einem gebrauchten Fahrrad in China (Shanghai), fährt per Schiff nach Hongkong und später mit Visa nach Bangkok. Er durchquert als erster Fahrrad-Fahrer den Dschungel von Burma bis Singapur. Hier kauft er sich ein gebrauchtes Motorrad. In Indien bekommt er ein britisches Ariel-Gespann geschenkt. Nach exakt 2 Jahren ist er zurück in Shanghai. Er hat 22 Länder durchquert und ist 68.800 km  (43.000 miles). Dieses dürfte die bis dahin in km längste km-Strecke sein, die ein Motorrad-Weltreisender gefahren ist.
Books: Nansen Passport. Buch von I.S.K. Soboleff. 1935. Cossack at large (1960).
1993: Bernd Tesch visited the second wife of Ivan Soboleff in GB.

12.1929 - 12.1930
Malins, Geoffrey H. (British)
Around-The-World. "The complete circling of the world by motorcycle and sidecar. This is the record of Mr. Charles Oliver and myself, who succesfully accomplished what we set out to do". Auf zwei Gespannen (1000 ccm, V 2-Motor) in OEC Dublex Rahmen, genannt "Pip" und "Squeak" oder "The Heavenly Twins", fuhren sie 36.480 km (22.800 miles) um den Globus.
Route:  Großbritannien (London) - Holland - Belgien - Deutschland - Frankreich - Spanien (Gibraltar) - Malta - Palästina - Irak - per Schiff nach Pakistan (Karachi) - Indien (Bombay - Dehli) - Birma (Rangoon) - Singapure - Indonesien (Java) - Australien - (Brisbaine - Sydney - Melbourne) Neuseeland (Auckland) - Fiji - Hawaii - USA (Los Angeles  - New York) - Großbritannien (London). Sie fuhren lange und viele Strecken per Schiff.
Book: Going Further
Ca. 1992 Info by Bent Ellingsen.

Warren, Peter Lee (British) (Warner, Lee ?)
Around-The-World ?  193? um die Welt.
22.05.2000 I could not get more information of this. Who knows more or publications? Any details ?

Block, Heinz und Sorofka (German)
Around-The-World ? Sie brachen 1931 mit einem Victoria-Motorrad zu einer Welt-Reise auf.
Quelle Martin Franitza. Die großen Motorradreisen unseres Jahrhunderts. ISBN 3-9801491-3-7.
22.08.93 1st information by Martin Franitza.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Lees, Miss Rene and (British) and an American girl
Around-The-Word ?  Miss Rene planned with an American girl (who already rode Califonia to New York) togehter to circle the world on a American big-twin which she purchased in Japan.
26.02.1931 Short publication with picture as an announcement in THE MOTORCYLE, page 318.

06.07.1932 - 24.12.1933
Fulton, Robert Edison Jun. (American)
Around-The-World. The record of a journey round the world by a Doughlas through 22 countries in 18 months on three continents with most of the time spent in Asia. The architekt "Bob (23)" started  solo with a sidecar but took off the side waggon in South of  Europe and continued with his solo bike.
Route: 40.000 miles (64.000 km). England (Bristol) - France - Germany - Austria - Hungary - Jugoslawia - Bulgaria - Greece - Turkey - Syria - "Djebel - Druze" - Iraq - by ship to India - Waziristan - Afghanistan - D.E.I. - Malaysia - Sumatra - Java - Siam - Cambodia (= French - Indo-China) - China - Japan - USA (New York).
In 1993: Robert (84) visited Bernd Tesch in Aachen / Germany.
In 1994 B.T. visited Robert in USA.
1994: Book: "One Man Caravan (Original in 1936)". Bernd Tesch had the idea and organised a reprint by WHITEHORSE PRESS / USA in 1998. Available there and in Germany only from Bernd Tesch.
1998: Bernd Tesch published an 8 pages report about his travel in German motorcycle-magazine MOTORRAD.
04.2000 Robert had an exhibition of his total life as an artist, architect, pilot, inventor and motorcycle world-around-traveller being 90 years old.
2000: A book in artistic style in a limited small edition about his World-Around-Tour was published. "The long journey home" (Hardcover). Available only from Bernd Tesch in Germany.
B.T.: 1992 I found the architect Robert and pilot (called Bob) in USA. We had an intensively exchange of letters. When Robert found out that I know the largest amount of Motorcycle-WORLD-A-Round Travellers he wanted to meet me. When he circled solo the world in 1932  he thought that he probably is the first one. Still being interested in Motorcycle-World-Travelling Bob visited me in 1993 in Aachen/Germany in my shop. He wanted to stay with his son and grandson for three hours. Because I organised a one page publication in the German Newspaper here about his worldtour and a reception with 40 Motorcycle-Traveller for him Bob stayed for three days. In 1994 I was his personal guest in USA. Although already 84 year Bob collected me by himself 300 kms from his home in Connecticut. Bob is still a very wonderful and modest person although he and his family are very famous. His earlier fahthers invented the steamship, the bulb, Mac Lorry Company for Transport and greyhound busses. Bob invented many things. One of the famous items are that he builds (simple explain) a gas-bottle with which you fill up a baloon which is going in the air with a robe. Then a big plain is coming with a fork in the front and flying under the baloon and rolling up the rope. So the lost person will be lifted up by this rope in the plane and brought home safely 5000 kms. This equipment had been used for years in the USA-military to pick up pilots or ship people who were in case of emercency. Even the agent 007 was one time safed by this in a film.
07.03.98: in Motorcycle-magazine MOTORRAD (190.000 prints), part UNTERWEGS (= on the road) was published: 8 pages report by Bernd Tesch about Robert FULTONs Motorcycle World-Around-Tour 1932 with a Doughlas and his new reprint-book  "One man Caravan"  (DM 44,90, in English). I had the idea of this reprint and Dan Kennedy from WHITE HORSE PRESS in USA did the job of publishing.
11.08.2000 B. T.: Robert (calls himself  Bob) is the oldest living Motorcycle-Traveller "Around-The-World". He has been in some places nobody has been until today. He is the only one "Around-The-World" by motorcycle, who had a reprint of his book so many years later still being alive. Bob is the first one who made 40.000 feet of film with a 35 mm movie camera riding a motorcycle Around-The-World. B.T. tries since 1994 to motivate Bob that he makes a video out of it.

Mistry, Nariman P. (India)
Around-The-World ? Weil ich eine Wette gewinnen wollte, startete ich zu einer Welt-Reise.
Route: Von Dar es Salaam startet der Inder Nariman P. Mistry 1933 seine geplante Welt-Umrundung, allerdings ohne Motorrad. Später reist er mit einem Harley-Davidson-Gespann (Baujahr 1929) mit linksseitigem Seitenwagen. 1936 ist er nach 44.000 km (???) bereits in Harlem.
First info by Martin Franitza.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publicatinos about them??

Lucky Lady (American plane with American pilots)
Around-The-World.  The first aeroplane circled the world. It got several times fuel in the air. The US-Bomber B 50.

Ca. 1950
Dussel, Wim (Dutch)
Around-The-World. The Dutch journalist Wim rode for Maico with a Maico-Scooter (150 ccm-MAICO-Zweitaktmotor. 6.5 PS. 8,5 liter fuel-tank). Wim drove another time Around-The-World with a DAF-car.
Book: De wereld is nog altijd rond. Win wrote 18 books.
08.1997 First info von Martin Schaal.
2000: Wim is 81 years.

22.04.1950 ?
Morris, Mary and Beri (American)
Around-The-World. ?
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publicatinos about them??

12.02.1951 - 12.09.51
Cook, John Lennox and Tim (British)
Around-The-World. The teacher John and farmer Tim rode with two Norton Dominator from London  35.000 miles (19.150 miles overland) in 93 days riding and 31 days on boats.
Route: Europa. Nord-Amerika. Asien. Australien. Welt-Reise.
Book: The world before us. 1955.

ca. 02.1952 - 12.1953
Lange, Eitel and sun Rolf (German)
Around-The-World. Mit "Taksy" (von "take it easy"), dem grünen "Reitelefant" Gespann Zündapp KS 601 (18 Zentner, 28 PS), fahren Vater Eitel und Sohn Rolf von ca. 02.1952-12.1953 in 3 Kontinenten durch 12 Länder 32.600 km und machen zusätzlich 13.000 km Seereise. Nach nur 2 Monaten Vorbereitungszeit starten beide durch Europa, Asien und Amerika.
The best: A talk with Errol Flynn and a reception throug Schah Mohammed Reza Palehvi (Iran).
Eitel und seine Frau Ilse machten ca. 1957/58 noch eine 1-jährige Reise um die Welt in einem Goggomobil. Book: "Puck um die Welt".
Das Gespann steht im "Deutschen Zweiradmuseum" in Neckarsulm.
Book in German: Weltfahrt; Mit Motorrad und Kamera. Book in English: Around the world with motorcycle and camera.
24.05.2000 His son Rolf should live since 06.09.1957 in Hollywood. Has anyone seen him worldwide and know his present address?

03.1952 - 04.1955
McDonald, Joan and Keith (Canadian?)
Lune de Miel en motocyclettes.
Around-The-World. In 3 years Around-The-World with two motorcycles Jawa CZ 125 ccm: 03/1952 though 40 countries.
Route: Australien - Ceylon - Indien - Pakistan - Afghanistan - Persien - Irak - Jordanien - Ägypten - Libyen - Tunesien - Algerien - Marokko - Spanien - Frankreich - Italien - Österreich - Tschechoslowakei - Deutschland - Belgien - NL - GB - Portugal - Argentinien - Bolivien - Peru - Equador - Kolumbien - Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador - Guatemala - Mexiko - Cuba - USA - Canada.
03.08.96 First information by Jean-Paul Schulz.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

09.1952 - 1956
Ebeler, Diether H. with a woman (name unknown. Germans)
Around-The-World. 54.000 kms (and 44.000 kms with ship and aeroplane). 42 countries in 4 continents with a Gräfin on a Hoffmann-Vespa-Scooter with a trailer.
Route: Europa - Ägypten (nach 5 Monaten) - Sudan - Beirut - Bagdad - Persischer Golf - Pakistan - Indien - nach vier Jahren El Paso - USA - Mexico.
Book: Randnotizen eines Weltenbummlers.

05.1953 - 01.1956
Jentsch, August Dr. (Austrian)
Around-The-World. In seinem Buch Sterne über sieben Höllen, beschreibt der 27 jährige Dr. August Jentsch (s. Lit.) wie er und sein Begleiter Wolfram Hannig auf dem ersten Abschnitt ihrer Welt - Reise (Europa - Afrika -  Süd - , Mittel -  und Nord - Amerika, ca. 120.000 km, 05.1953 bis 01.1956) auf einem BMW R 75 Wehrmachtsgespann die Transafrika - Route meisterten.
Route: Deutschland (München) - Österreich (Wien) - Spanien - Nordafrika (Tanger) - Sahara via Tanezrouft - Piste - Kongo - Angola - Südwestafrika - Kapstadt and around the World.
Book: 3 Books.
B.T. Dieses ist die erste mir bekannte Motorrad-Reise Transafrika im Westen Afrika via Angola bis Capetown.

01.04.1953 - 06.11.1954
Edlitzberger, Eduard und Norbert Wittasek (Austrian)
Around-The-World. With a Horrex-Felber-Sidecar Around The World. 47.567 kms.
In Austria there have been published 52 stories in a newspaper: Martin Franitza wants to publish those as a book.
Quelle Matin Franitza. Die großen Motorradreisen unseres Jahrhunderts. ISBN 3-9801491-3-7.
1991 1st info by Ernst Leverkus.
22.08.93 2nd detailed information by Martin Franitza
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or owns the publications about them??

22.03.1954 - 09.07.1955
Markert, Günther (German)
Around-The-World. Eine abenteuerliche Rollerfahrt um die Erde durch 4 Kontinente und 33 Länder. Auf einer 50 ccm Kreidler R 50 (2 PS) 50.000 km rund um die Welt vom. Während seiner Reise stellt Günter am Popocatepetel mit 4600 m einen Weltrekord für Kreidler auf.
Route: BRD - Italien - Ägypten - Sudan - Israel - Jordanien - Irak - Iran - Afghanistan - Indien - Südostasien - Hongkong - Japan - USA - Mexiko - USA - Marokko - Europa - Berlin.
Book: Die Welt war meine Strasse.
25.05.2000 I have been searching for him since years without success. I would like to know what happened with him after the tour. Does anyone of you know his earlier / present address ?

< 1956
Siska and Zdenek Polanka (Polish)
Around-The-World. Tour de monde avec des Jawa-CZ 350. Published in Revue du Moteur Tchecoslovaque 7/1956. Siska (Mechaniker) le champion de sport Bohumil Roucka; Zdenek Polanka, le champion de sport Jaroslav Pudil.
03.08.96 First information by Jean-Paul Schulz.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

18.05.1956 - < 1958
Roskolenko, Harry (American)
Around-The-World. Around-The-World on a Vespa scooter with three wheels. 37.000 miles. A highly literate account of an around-the-world adventure of Harry who was working before 12 hours a day as a journalist.
Route: USA (New York) - Frankreich (Paris) - Italien (Genua) - ...Did not have the time to work this out..
Book: Poet on a scooter. Journeys around the world on a Vespa (1958).

1957 - ?
Ajala, Olabisi (Nigerian)
Around-The-World. Solo on a scooter Lambretta so far 78 countries.
Kurze Einführung des Ministers der Justiz von Kenya. Olabisi sagt in seinem Vorwort, daß dieses Buch das erste von 3 Büchern seiner Weit-Reisen sei. Er hatte bis zu dieser Zeit schon 78 Länder besucht. Sein Reisefahrzeug ist ein. Dieses Buch enthält in 7 Kapiteln Erzählungen seiner
Route: "One-man Odyssey around the world". Indien - Rußland - Iran - Mittlerer Osten - Israel - Ägypten - Australien. Olabisi met interesting persons like Chrustchow, Nasser, Nehru, Schah von Persien, Prinz Sihanouk, Golda Meir und Tchiang Kai Chek (Chiang Kai Chek).
Route: Nord-Amerika, Ost- und West-Europa, Afrika, Asien bis Korea, Indonesien, Australien.
Book: An African abroad (1963). Deutsch : Ein Afrikaner draußen. He siad that this is one of three books. I copuld never get information of the other two.

01.01.1957 - 1964
Tello, Adnan Husni (Syrian)
Around-The-World. The Syrian Adnan travelled through 95 (?) countries in total. On two jouneys he covered 64 contries: 153.000 kms through 4 continentes His specility was to visit the presidents of the countries to bring greetings from the youth of Syria. In total he visted 40 kings, presidents and politicans.
1 st Motorcycle-Tour: 55.000 kms.
Route: Syrien - Libanon - Jordanien - Palästina - Irak - Iran - Pakistan - Indien - Pakistan - Afghanistan - per Flugzeug in die UdSSR (Tashkent) - per Zug nach Moskau - Finnland - Schweden - Norwegen - Dänemark - Bundesrepublik Deutschland - DDR - Polen - Tschechoslowakei - Ungarn - Österreich - Deutschland - Holland - Belgien - Luxemburg - Schweiz - Italien - da er keine Einreise - Erlaubnis nach Frankreich erhält, muß er per Schiff nach Spanien - Portugal - Spanien - Marokko - da keine Einreise-Erlaubnis in das französisch besetzte Algerien per Schiff nach Algerien und Tunesien - Libyen - Ägypten - per Schiff zum Libanon - zurück nach Hause in Syrien (Damaskus).
2nd Motorcycle-Tour with a new mc: Syrien - Türkei - Bulgarien - Griechenland - Jugoslawien - Italien - Schweiz - Deutschland - Belgien - Frankreich - England - Canada  USA - Mexiko - Guatemala  El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - Kolumbien - Venezuela. Ohne Motorrad mit dem Flugzeug über USA nach Japan. Mit dem Flugzeug nach Hongkong. Zurück per Flugzeug nach Japan und Venezuela - Kolumbien  Equador - Peru. Bolivien - Chile - Argentinien - Uruguay - Argentinien - Paraguay - Brasilien. Mit dem Schiff zurück nach Großbritannien. Mit dem Schiff nach Senegal - Guinea - Sierra Leone. Here he had a very bad accident: A lorry rolled over him. He had to fly to Großbritannien - Syria.
Book: East meets West on a motorcycle. No. 1 (1959 in Arabian about his first tour. 55.000 kms)
Book: Originaltitel in arabisch. Deutsch : Rund um die Welt mit dem Motorrad 153.000 km in 7 Jahren. Between 64 capitals of the world (Arabian, 1982). Sold 150.000 books.
Book: Originaltitel in arabisch. In Deutsch : Die goldene Sammlung (Das goldene Buch) mit den Signaturen und Worte der Könige, Präsidenten, Chefs und Botschafter (1988).
Adnan wrote 10 books.
Book: Originaltitel in arabischer Sprache. Deutsch : Die Lüftung der Geheimnisse, die vor 35 Jahren geschehen sind. Von dem Arabischen Reisenden Adnan Tello (1991).
16.02.93. I got the first three big books in Arabian from Adnan.
22.05.2000 Last letter from Adnan (being 81) to Bernd Tesch. He wants to meet me and adds a Arabian sentence: Only mountains cannot meet.
In seinem dicken Buch beschreibt er die Reise nach Staaten: Indien - Burma - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapur - Indonesien - Indien (Bombay) - danach zurück nach Damaskus. Auf Krücken hat danach Kairo - Khartoum - Addis Abeba und dort das Ende von Kaiser Helassie miterlebt. Uganda. Kenia. Tansania. Sansibar. Kenia. Nach Somalia per Flugzeug. Ägypten. Syrien.

15.07.1956 - 09.09.1959
Battaglini, Cesare (Italian)
Around-The-World. He started with two women: Rita van de Werde (Dutch from Amsterm got homethick in Central America) and Felicitas Hauch (German from Berlin, got Yellow Fever in Indonesia and flew home) by two scooter Lambretta 150 D. 160.000 kms.
Route: Italy - .. Indochina - Indonesia - China - Australia - New Caledonia - New Zealand - Polinesia - North America - South America - Africa - Italy.
Book: "Ceylon. India. Oriente Misterioso ed Africa esplorati col mio scooter".
1999 1 st information by Frontanini
13.08.2000 I do not own the book. Who owns the book or sells it? Who knows the present address of  Cesare Battaglini?

30.09.1957 - ca. 30.07.1958
Tartarini, Lepoldo and Giorgio Monetti (Italian)
Around-The-World. Leopoldo and Giorgio Monetti rode Around-The-World with two Ducati 175.
Route: Italia (Bologna) - Turkya - Israel - Irak - Pakistan - India - Birma - Siam (= Thailand)- Malaysia (Singapore) - Java - Australia - New Zealand - Niederländisch Curacao - Venezuela - Equador - Peru - Chile - Argentinien - Uruguay - Brasilie - Senegal - Marokko - Spagna - Italia.
Book: Un certo giro del mondo. Deutsch: Eine besondere Reise um die Welt.

26.07.1959 - 02.01.1962
Küpper, Walter (German)
Around-The-World. Worldwanderer. He rode Around-The-World with two Mopeds (Miele and Bridgestone from Japan): 72.000 kms in 902 days. He made 5 hours of film Super 8. Walter: Die zweieinhalb Jahre waren die schönste Zeit seines Lebens trotz aller Entbehrungen. Heute ist er fernsehsüchtig nach Dokumentar-Filmen über Reisen.
Route: Europe (D) - Türkei - Persien - Pakistan - Indien - Malaya - Australien - Nord-Amerika - Europe.
In 1958 a tour through 10 countries of Europe. In 1989 he went by bycyle to Irland. In 1990 to Prag.
14.04.93 Information von Heinz Jansen.
14.04.93 Walter Küpper called me first time: "The 2,5 years have been the best of my life".
25.05.2000 Bernd Tesch visits Walter Küpper. With 70 he is still fit and runing 10.000 ms. "I did not have the time to sort out my pictures" - which are lying in a box"
Book: Tausend Tage Abenteuer (19..??).
15.9.2000. Publications: Walter Küpper in "MOTORRAD", Nr.20

1961 - 63
Schüttelhöffel, Hans-Jürgen und Dieter Moldenhauer (Germans)
Around-The-World. 1961 - 63 umrundeten zwei deutsche Studenten mit zwei in Finnland hergestellten Solifer - Mopeds (50 ccm) die Welt. 40.000 km, 25 Länder. 9 Pannen, 3 Ketten. 2 Reifen.

14.08.1964 - 12.09.1965
Rasmussen, Vagn (Danish)
Around-The-World. Mit 100 US $ auf einem Vespa-Roller (Typ Grand Torismo (150 ccm) mit 29 Jahren solo um die Welt.
Route: Dänemark (Kerteminde) - zügig in Europa über die DDR - die Tschechoslowakei - Österreich - Ungarn - Jugoslawien - Bulgarien - Türkei - Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan - Kaschmir - Indien - arbeitet auf einem Schiff bis Singapur - auf einem anderen Frachter bekommt er einen Job bis Australien - dort trampt Vagn um den halben Kontinent - zurück in Singapur mit Vespa-Roller Malaysia - Thailand. Mit norwegischen Schiffen arbeitet er sich weiter bis Hongkong und Japan. Über den Pazifik bringt ihn ein Frachtschiff nach Los Angeles zurück nach USA. Mit dem Roller auf dem Heck durchquert er Nord-Amerika bis New York. Wieder gelingt es ihm, sich über den Atlantik bis Holland in Europa zu arbeiten -Dänemark: 23 Staaten in 4 Kontinenten
Nach Kenntnis von Bernd Tesch ist Vagn der 1. Roller-Reisende, der die Welt alleine mit einer Vespa umrundet hat.
1991 Bernd Tesch besucht Vagn in Dänemark.

1965 - 1968 - ?
Welker, Michael (German)
Around-The-World. 1965-68 Quer durch Austrtalien.
Mit 54 er Vespa rund um die Welt. Keine Infos mehr.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

27.11.1966 - 24.08.1979
Pratt, Paul R. (British)
Around-The-World. World motorcycle tourer. 12,5 years around the world.
Routes: 1961-63 realisiert Paul seinen Traum einer ersten Motorrad-Reise über eine lange Zeit. Er reist mit einer Triumph Trophy 650 ccm in USA, Kanada, Mexiko und Zentral-Amerika. Am 27.11.1966 startet er erneut nach USA. Mit einer Triumph Thunderbird 650 ccm soll es nur durch Latein-Amerika bis Brasilien gehen, aber die Reise um den Erdball dauert 5 Jahre: 164.000 km mit der Triumph und 20.000 km mit einer Testmaschine Kawasaki 125 ccm auf den Philippinen. Pauls Buch gibt exzellente Ratschläge für Motorrad-Weitreisende aufgrund einer 12,5 (1966-79) jährigen Welt-Reise Motorrad per Motorrad durch 48 Länder in 5 Kontinenten.
Aus einem Telefonat mit Paul am 28.09.91 : Paul, immerhin schon 65 Jahre, ist gerade zurück von einer 2 monatigen Motorrad-Reise mit seiner koreanischen Frau. Sie sind auf einer BMW R 45 6.500 Meilen (Zitat "small beer compared with the world tour") durch Europa und die Türkei gefahren. Während einer 3 monatigen Testtour mit einer Yamaha DT 175 wurde er in Medellin (Kolumbien) 1987 angeschossen und mußte 2 Jahre auf Krücken gehen.
Sein Telefon steht z. Zt. "in der guten Stube" auf seinem Motorrad, mit dem er seine Welt-Reise gemacht hat..
Book: "World understanding on two wheels"
1993 Bernd Tesch visited Paul in England.
Ca. 1995 Paul and his wife visit me in Germany.
B.T.: At least until Paul finsihed his Around the World Tour Paul had the World-Record in longtime travelling.

18.02.1967 Moto-Revue (French Mc-magazine. Japanese)
Around-The-World. World Champion du Monde en 250 ccm. Japaner abgebildet vor SONAUTO auf Titelbild und Artikel S. 155-157. "All who wander are not lost", Tankaufschrift auf einer Triumph.
Route: Vancouver-Canada: 30.07.1965. N.Y. 26.11.1965. Mexiko 30.03.1966. Santiago de Chile 19.07.66. Lissabon 29.12.1966. Paris 30.01.67. Karte von totaler Weltumrundung.
03.08.96 Heft erstmalig gesehen bei Arlettre und Jean-Paul Schulz in Airvault Frankreich.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

1969 - ca. 1989
Yanko Gluscevic (Chilean)
Around-The-World. Yanko is born and raised in Chile as a cattle rancher in the troubled years of the 60's . In 1969 he left Chile for 20 years and traveled the world (over 40 countries).
27.08.00 1st information by Grant Johnson
27.08.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows him, his present address or publicatinos about him??

Hill, Doughlas and girl friend (American)
With BMWR 75/5
1st Route: USA (California, Berkeley to the East Coast) - by freighter to Europe (France, Marseille - Spain) - Africa (Morocco - Algeria - Tunisia) - by ferry to Europe (Italy - Greece)  - Israel. Bike was sold.
2nd route a year later: USA - by plane to Europe (Germany, München. Bought a new BMW R 75 - Austria - Yugoslavia - Greece - Turkey) - Asia (Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan - India - - Nepal - India) - Shipped the bike bike back to USA (California, San Francisco).
06.03.2000 First letter. Intends to take another long trip like this in a couple of years with BMW R 100 RS (1977).

Ende November 1970 - März 1974 (Planned was 1 year)
Kühnel, Dr. Dieter (German)
Around-The-World. With a BMW (R 60/5. 600 ccm) 3 continents, 13 countries. ca. 103.000 kms
Route: Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Celebes, Molukken, Irian Jaya bis Papua Neuguinea.Route: Deutschland - Österreich - Ungarn - Rumänien - Bulgarien - Türkei - Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan - Indien - Ceylon - Sikkim - Nepal - von Kalkutta (Indien) über Rangun (Burma) bis Thailand (Bangkok) per Rucksack - Laos - Thailand - Kambodscha - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapure - Borneo - Brunei - Singapure - Sumatra - Java - Celebes  - Molukken - Irian Jaya - Papua - Neuguinea - Australien (Sydney) - Übergearbeitet von Neuseeland durch den Panama Kanal bis Philadelphia (USA) - quer durch Mexiko - Belize - Guatemala - Honduras - El Salvador - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - mit Flugzeug nach Baranquilla (Kolumbien) - Venezuela - Kolumbien - Equador - Peru - Bolivien - Argentinien - Chile - Argentinien - Uruguay - Argentinien - Paraguay - bis Brasilien  mit Schiff entlang der afrikanischen Küste von Angola bis Ghana - mit Motorrad Cote d'Ivoire - Mali - Obervolta - Ghana - Togo - Dahomey - Nigeria - Kamerun - mit Flugzeug nach Paris (Frankreich). Die Welt-Karte von Dieters Reise ist bisher so unveröffentlicht. Er zeichnete sie dankenswerterweise für dieses Buch.
03.03.92: Dieter visits Bernd Tesch.
Books: Rätselhaftes Indien. Von Burma durch die Inselwelt Südostasiens

1971 - 2000 Gouron, Georges (French, born 28.10.1944) www.??
Around The World.

Gouron, Georges (French, born 28.10.1944) www.??
Around Australia and Tasmania. I went to Australia in 1970. In 1971 with a friend I rode a 650 BSA Lightning from Sydney to Cairns through the interior. First discovery of the Australian landscape and the harshness of the sun in the bush. My friend made the mistake to wear shorts one day. Next one he was so burnt he could not climb on the bike ! Luckily I was not so foolish, even in those days, to ride a motorcycle wearing shorts ! In 1972 I left Sydney with an old car and drove to Darwin picking up a french guy (Patrick) in Queensland. From Cairns we went inland as far as Charleville where we got stuck a few days due to a flood. Resumed the trip through a grasshopers cloud then past giant termite mounds. Hit a bull on the road before reaching Darwin. Then we hitchiked from Darwin down to Perth where we bought a VW beetle and rode to Adelaide across the Nullarbor Plain. From Adelaide up to Alice Springs and Mt Isa. Got lost between Mt Isa and the Birdsville track. Down the Birdsville track to Adelaide and on to Melbourne where we arrived after one year of traveling. 1974 saw Patrick and I riding around Tasmania, a motorcycle haven.
The best: In those days the roads were still dirt ! Finding our way back to the Birdsville track thanks to a ranch owner !
The worst: Getting lost between Mt Isa and the Birdsville track !
21.01.01 1st information by Petra Schommer and Ralf Paaske
23.01.01 1st answer by Georges
1975 - 1977
Gouron, Georges (French, born 28.10.1944) www.??
France - India - Singapore - Australia. Went back from Australia to France by boat in 1975. Took my girlfriend and her Suzuki GT 250 as well as my Suzuki GT 750 (2 stroke watercooled) with me. We toured Europe on both bikes. Then I crashed mine on a roundabout by a foggy night. Worked in a banque, bought another Suzuki GT 750. In 1976 we shipped back the 250 and decided to go back overland with the 750. Got enough 2 stroke oil to last me the trip and we left France in April 1976. We had snow in Italy, snow in Greece and even snow in Turkey. Istambul is a great place. We travelled east through Cappadocia, a beautiful part of Turkey with stunning landscapes. We were warned by travellers than further east kids were pretty rough, asking for cigarettes and throwing stones at vehicles. Soon we got the treatment. Having been warned, each time I saw kids waving by the roadside. I would slow down to first gear, put my blinkers and pretend to stop, but instead I would give full throttle and charge at them. They scattered and by the time they threw their stones I was out of reach. It worked well. From Turkey to Iran where we crashed into a garbage truck. Went to court, did not said a word and won the case ! The driver not only had to pay for the repair but also to lodge us in his house until it was ready ! Then it was Afghanistan. Broke down before Kandahar. Got a lift in town where the local mechanice had to manufacture new shaft bearing himself. Meanwhile we had tea and haschich everyday until the bike was ready. Great country and great people. Through the Kyber pass to Pakistan then to India. Down to Madras where we shipped to Singapore and shipped again to Perth. Got to Perth in time, the hand made bearing had done their jobs. They were replaced by original ones and we rode across the Nullarbor (now all bitumen) to Melbourne.
Voilà The best: Cappadocia in Turkey. Afghanistan
21.01.01 1st information by Petra Schommer and Ralf Paaske
23.01.01 1st answer by Georges
1979 - 1982
Gouron, Georges (French, born 28.10.1944) www.??
USA - Mexicio - Bolivia - Mexico. Bought a new Suzuki GT 750 end of 1978. In September we flew to San Francisco (USA) and rode down California to Mexico. In Guadalajara I joined with Patrick who was coming from Canada with his Honda 750 and we travelled together. We did a grand tour of Mexico then went to Belice. Got stuck for 2 weeks in Belice City thanks to the flood. Eventually we managed to ride and waddle through to reach the border with Guatemala. At the border I checked the oil. Gosh it was a paste ! So I changed it before we continued through mud to Tikal (Took us more than one hour for the last 4 km). People there got excited. They were stuck since 10 days and thought the road was reopened. But when they saw our bikes covered in mud they just sigh ! But Tikal was just worse the trouble. More mud was waiting for us before geaching Guatemala City. Went to Antigua, Lake Atitlan, etc . then passed into Salvador then in civil war. We pulled up the French flag to show we were not yankees otherwise we would have been shot. In town we were many times accosted by groups of tough people thinking we were American but we always talked our way out and often had drink with them once they understood their mistake. From Salvador to Honduras then Nicaragua also in civil war. In Granada we spent a good hour before convincing a young guy armed with a machine gun that we were not yankees and had nothing to do with them. Reluctantly he let us go but it was touch and go. Costa Rica was a relief then we rode to Panama through a deluge. From Panama we flew the bikes to Quito. Went down to Guayaquil where an earthquake shook us out of bed in the middle of the night. No damage for us or the bikes. Left Guayaquil for Peru, rode down the coast then up the Andes to Huaraz (fantastic scenery) down to the coast again and to Lima. Up the Andes to La Oroya (alt 4887m) and from there to Cuzco along the Andes. It was still the wet season and the dirt road was mud. It was slow going with lots of falls. The brakes were blocked by the mud so sometimes the falls were voultary, to avoid a greater fall down the Andes ! But we reached Cuzco where Patrick's Honda packed up. No parts in town nor in Lima neither in Bolivia. A general bought his bike so we split. Patrick continued by bus and I still with my Suzuki which was working perfectly. So we met at prearranged places. In La Paz (Bolivia) we saw that we could not go much further because money. So we started the trip back to Mexico. From there Patrick went back to Canada. I stayed a bout a year in Mexico, working in a hotel then sold the bike which had developed some problems and with the money went back by bus or hitchiking to Bolivia. Then flew back to Australia on the last day of my visa.
The best : Too many. In fact the whole trip.
THE WORSE (at the time, now one of the best memory): The scary moment in Nicaragua. The ride to Tikal and the ride through the muddy Andes
21.01.01 1st information by Petra Schommer and Ralf Paaske
23.01.01 1st answer by Georges
July 1999 - July 2000
Gouron, Georges (now French / Australian, still born in France 28/10/1944, just getting older all the time)
North- Central- and Around South America. email :
Georges toured solo with bis bike a YAMAHA XJ 900 DIVERSION caalled "Ozzie" from Australia by plane to USA - Mexico - Belice - Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica and Panama - by plane to Equador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina (Usuaiha) - Chile - Argentina (Buenos Aires) - Paraguay - Argentina - Brazil - Venezuela - by flight to GB - Scotland - GB - Holland, Belgium, Germany - Austria, Switzerland - Austria, Switzerland.
Back in Australia joined the Public Service ! Bought various bikes then the greatest of them all in 1988: a Yamaha XJ 900 with which I covered 205.000 kms trouble free. In 1998 I decided it was time to shake the cobwebs from the Public Service. So I bought a YAMAHA XJ 900 DIVERSION and in 1999 I retired from the Public service. I flew Ozzie (my bike) to L.A in USA where I joined her right away and we rode together to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Mesa Verde Nat Park before heading down to Mexico. At the border I meet with Pete, Phil and Lucas, 3 nice American riders. We'll ride together till Guadalajara. They then turn back and I keep going on through Mexico, Belice, Guatemala (now the road to Tikal is paved !). In Antigua met Ralf and Petra at the Post office. Then I go down to Lake Atitlan, a gem. Then it is down to El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Panama I fly the bike to Quito in Equador, then myself to Quito ! Surprise ! Ozzie is not there ! Bastard have not send it yet. It was due to come by Continental Airlines (DO NOT USE THAT AIRLINE). After a week of furious calls they eventually send it. Unfortunately the volcano in Quito start to erupt. Flight are diverted to Guayaquil. Another week pass and Ozzie is still stuck in Guayaquil. Enough is enough. I pack up, catch the night bus to Guayaquil and go to the airport. I start the paper works to clear the bike (it's 09h00) when I see 4 people coming in, helmet in hands. 2 of them are Petra and Ralf, the other 2 are Renate and Gino. So we all clear our bikes together and are out by 16h00. I go back to Quito with everybody than Renate. Gino and I decide to travel together, Petra and Ralf being faster. So down it is to Peru, up a shit road to Huaraz, down a good one to the coast, Lima, Nazca, Cuzco, La Paz in Bolivia. Up to 5200m, crossing the Chilian border at 4667 m and down in Arica Chile in 150 km of descent. Through the Chilian desert to Puerto Montt, across to Argentina, windy Patagonia, cold Tierra del Fuego and lousy roads down to Ushuaia where we meet again with Petra and Ralf, Mark, Uwe and a few others and we all greet the New Year in Ushuaia. Then it's back to Chili and the glacier Perito Moreno, back to windy Patagonia up Argentina to Buenos Aires. Uwe leaves us. Renate and Gino go to Rio via Iguazu Falls and back to Germany. Mark and I go to Uruguay. Mark leaves from Montevideo to England. I'm back by myself across Paraguay, Argentina again, Iguazu falls, Brazil (I reach Rio on Carnaval day) up to Belem. Ozzie and I take a river boat to Manaus and back on the road to Caracas in Venezuela from where we fly to London. After a few days with Mark (thank you ) since I live in the South of France I take the short way through Wales and Scotland then Holland, Belgium, Germany where I'm welcomed by Renate and Gino (Thanks guys), Austria, Switzerland and then down South to France where I'm bored !
The best : the whole trip
Sorry mate Bernd: I'm afraid i've been a bit long but it's easy to get carried away
21.01.01 1st information by Petra Schommer and Ralf Paaske
23.01.01 1st answer by Georges

07.1973 - 11.1973
Dautheville, Anne-France (French)
Around-The-World. Around-The-World. The journalist and writer Anne-France ist the first women who rode solo around the world on a bike somehow. 3 continents and 20.000 kms with a Kawasaki (125 ccm).
Books: World-Tour: Et j'ai suivi le vent (in French). German translation: Der Wind war mein Begleiter. Solo France-Pakistan-France in 1972 with Moto Guzzi 750: Une demoiselle sur une Moto (in French). 1982 South America: La Piste de l'or. German translation: Wohin der Wind mich trieb (Start 19.03.1981 21.000 kms through 8 South American countries).
1998 Anne-France refused to meet Bernd Tesch in France although I saw her in person in her garden. She does not want to have to do anything with mc-travels of her earlier life anymore.

05.09.1973 - 01.03.1975
Salvadori, Clement (American)  no www.
Clement rode solo on a BMW R 75/5 72.000 kms in 5 five continents in 26 different countries.
Route: From Europe on a long hippyway to India. Europe (Italy (Rom) - Greece - Turkey) Asia (Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan - India - Nepal - India) - by ship to Africa (Kenya (Mombassa) - Tanzania - Zambia - Botswana - Rhodesia (before it became Zimbabwe) - South Africa - by ship to Australia (Western Australia - across the Nullabor Plain , up to Ayers Rock, to Queensland and Sydney - by ship to New Zealand) - by ship to North-America (Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador - Guatemala - Mexico - USA). In California Clement sold his BMW R75/5  and bought a low mileage BMW R60/5. Back to Mexico - there he stayed 15 months. Since may 30, 1976 Clement head north: USA - Canada - Alasca - back Canada - USA (Massachusetts).
The best: The culture and history and beauty of Afghanistan. Being shown New Zealand by Motorcycling author Barry Crump.
The Worst: A crash in Zambia. Apartheid in South Africa.
Other countries Clement has ridden in, since beginning in 1956:
Andorra, Austria, Bahamas, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Crotaia, Czech Pep., Finland, France,  Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Monaco, Morocco, Nethelands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tiber / China, Tunisia, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yugloslawia.
Clement is a very high experienced and wellknown American-Mc-TRAVEL-Journalist.
Book: Motorcycle Journeys Through Baja.
Book: Motorcycle Journeys Through California.
1994 Bernd Tesch visited Clement and Susan in USA. Clement: "It was a marvellous trip. I was a fortune human being to do this".
1994 Clement wanted to make a 60 days trip around the world, just for fun. But: He cannot leave his 5 cats alone for so long time...
04.2003 Promised in 2000 to be a participant of the 25thTesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 2003..

17.09.1973 - 01.03.1981
Gawenda, Ken (American /Australian dual citizen)  www. ???
Around-The-World.  Ken rode 216.000 kms solo and with a variety of other bikes and passengers on a BMW R 60/5 through 4 different continents in 40 different countries.
Route: North America (USA (Detroit, Michigan)) - flew to Europe (Germany and bought a BMW R60/5 - southeast to Turkey (Istanbul)) - Asia (Iran -  Afghanistan - Pakistan - India with sidetrips to Kashmir and Nepal - from India (Madras (Chennai)) by ship to Malaysia (Penang) - Singapore - by ship to Australia (Fremantle/Perth in Western Australia). There he worked for a while to recuperate his fortunes, and then continued east to Sydney by ship to North-America (Panama - rode north through Central America to the USA - Canada.  Six months later he headed south again, riding to riding to Mexico then back to the US - shipping the bike to Australia via New Zealand over South America (Venezuela - Columbia - Ecuador - Peru, and crossing the Andes into Bolivia. At Riberalta he put himself and his bike on a barge being pushed down the Rio Madeira, a tributary of the Amazon River, but unfortunately his barge sank, with the R60/5 still on board). That was the end of that trip.
Ken eventually emigrated to Australia, where he is now the Learning Facilitator at the Matilda Bay Brewing Company in Perth, married, children,  and several motorcycles on which he has traversed much of the Australian outback.
The best: Meeting the Dali Lama in Mcleod Gange. Riding through the Kyber Pass. Himilayas. Andes.
The Worst: Losing the bike in the Rio Mamore in Bolivia.
Book: No
Ken and Clement met in Teheran Iran in October of 1973 and rode together through Afganistan to India and Nepal.  Clem went to Africa and I went to Malaysia in South East Asia and took a boat from Singapore to Perth W. Australia arriving in late January 1974.  Clem turned up in Perth around May or June and stayed at my place for a few weeks. We parted ways again and I continued working until August 74 and then headed over to Sydney and caught a boat to Panama.  Arrived in Panama in November and rode up through Central America to Mexico. It was still to cold so I went back to Guatemala and
accidently met Clem in Guatemala City in January 1975.  We rode together until we crossed into the US a month or so later.
and rode back to the US together.
14.08.2000 1st information by Clement Salvadori
08.02.2001 Kenneth will try to join the 25th Meeting for Mc-WORLD-Travellers in april 2003

06.10.1973 - 15.08.1977
Simon, Ted (British)
Around-The-World. Four years through five continents on a Triumph (2 Zylinder. Model Tiger-100-P). A marvellous reading adventure. He rode ca. 100.800 km (60.647 road miles, 78.302 total distance), four years and fourty-five countries around the world. He came back 30 pounds lighter. Beim Fahren bewegen sich seine Gedanken zwischen Kontemplation, Fehler der Vergangenheit zu finden und Spekulation über Gefahren der Zukunft. Die Triumph steht heute im "Alfred Herbert Museum" in Coventry, Großbritannien.
Books: The most sold books of a Wold-Around-Tour by motorcycle: 300.000 copies. Jupiter's Travels (translated in 5 other languages). German edition: Jupiter's Reisen. Jupiters Fahrt (German edition 1983). French edition: Les Voyages de Jupiter.
Italian edition: I Viaggi di Jupiter. Spanish edition: Los Viajes de Jupiter. Dutch edition: Jupiters Reizen (1996). American editions: Jupiter's Travels (1980 and 1996).
After he came home: Riding High (English edition). Die Fahrt des Lebens. Vom Unterwegssein und Ankommen (German edition 1985). Riding Home (American edition). Terugkeer van Jupiter (Dutch edition 1999).
28.10.91 Bernd Teschs first contact with Ted.
1994 Bernd Tesch visited Ted in USA.
Partcipant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers 3 times since 1995.
02.10.2000 Ted visits Bernd Tesch again.
01.2001: Ted is planning a new mc-tour Round-The-World jorney to compare it with his tour in the seventies.  You can read here more later.

1974 - 1984
Basta (Batham), Charles and Veronique Biales (Australians)
Around-The-World. With a HONDA Goldwing and a trailer behind around the world. 1975 England. 1976 North-America. 1977 Central America. 1978 South America. 1980 Africa. 1981 Europe Middle East. 1982 Indian Sub Continent. 1983 S.E. Asia. 1984 Australia.

1975 - 1984
Thompson, Walter J.
Around-The-World ? Rode Around ? the World? Picture 1975-81 and 1981-1984. Sponsored by Continental. Craven Equipmnet. Nikon. S & W. Vetter Fairing.
20.11.1998 First information by Eric Haws.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publicatinos about them??

05.01.1976 - 30.11.1979: 1st Around-The-World
10.1996 - 29.06.1999: 2nd Around-The-World
McGonigal, David and Trevor Ockenden (Australians)
Two times Around-The-World. 1st tour: David with YAMAHA RD 350 and Trevor with HONDA CB 500/4.
First route: Australia (Sydney) - Singapure (by ship ?) - Thailand - flew the bikes to Kalkutta ind India - Nepal - Kashmir  - Pakistan - Afghanistan - Iran - Turkey - Europe - Ireland (Dublin) - by air to N.Y. - Canada (Vancouver) - Australia.
McGonigal, Lynn and David (Australians)
2nd tour: With a BMW R 1100 RT. Lynn rode parts of it together with David.
Route: David and Lynn rode: Chile (Santiago) - Argentina (Ushuaia) - Antartic Peninsula (Espranza Base) - back by ship to Argentina (Ushuiaia) -  Brazil (Rio - Recife) - Chile (Santigao) - Equador - by air to Panama - Alaska (Dalton Highway Artic shore) - and then ?? - Vancouver - Vladiwostok - Polen - Germany - France - Spain -.Morocco. - Europe - North Cape - North Africa - Iceland US - Australia - Pacific Islands - New Zealand - Australia.
Book: Plans a book.
1961 - 1963  ?. Earliest tours?
28.08.97 First Info by Werner Zwick
30.08.98 David visited Bernd Tesch in Germany.
29.06.1999 Bernd Tesch was the FIRST who get information about his world-around-tour through seven continents and all time zones.
12.1999 Lynn and David gave a wonderful party for the Mc-Travellers Patricia Govers and Bernd Tesch in Sydney / Australia.

< december 1977
Mentzler, Terry (Australia ?)
Around-The-World. Solo on a HONDA XL 250 around the world
Route: Australia (Sydney - Perth) - by boat to Asia (Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand  (Bangkok, 5800 kms since Sydney) - to Calcutta by plane - India - Afghanistan - Iran) - Europe( Jugloslavia - Italy - France - London) - USA (Boston - St. Louis - Long Beach, California) - Tahiti - Australia (Sydney).
09.1978 1st publication in MOTORCYCLIST
1992  1st informatin and copies by Mopsa and Richard English.

??.01.1977 - ??.10.1980
Thoeming, Peter (German born 26.01.1947, naturalised Australian, and Peter Rae (Irish)
2,5 years Around-The-World. Travel-stories out of: England. Irland. Europa (von Peter Rae). Sydney-Singapure. Südost-Asien. Nepal und Indien. Von Pakistan bis zur Türkei. Großbritannien - Spanien. Von Marokko nach Spanien. Von Sizilien nach Griechenland. Athen - London - Dublin (Die Guinness Brauerei war das Ziel). Dazu dann die Fahrt durch Europa, Nordafrika, die Tuerkei und Osteuropa mit seiner zukuenftigen Frau Anne auf einer Yamaha XS1100. Kreuz und quer durch USA von Küste zu Küste (von Peter Thoeming, mit Freund Charlie [Sydney-Dublin] auf einer Honda XL 250)
Peter Rae, Herausgeber des Magazins "Motorcycle Rider" und Peter Thoeming, Redakteur and owner des australischen  Motorrad-Magazins "Australian Road Rider", der website "" und der woechentlichen Zeitungstory     Motorcycle Weekly, erzählen und beweisen, daß die Barrieren zwischen Einheimischen und Motorrad-Fahrern viel kleiner sind als bei Auto-Fahrern, und mögliche Freundschaften einfacher sind.
Book: Motorcycle Touring. A guide for hardened explorer and novice alike. (English. 1982)
The best: Afghanistan, der Himalaya,
The Worst: Krankheit in Kashmir und Grenzen.
Book: Motorcycle Touring. A guide for hardened explorer and novice alike. (English. 1982)
14.09.91 Started to search for Peter.
30.08.98 David McGonical gave me his address in Australia.
12.1999 I visited Peter in Sydney / Australia and Charlie Carter in Alice Springs.

10.1977 - 2000
Woodburn, Emy (1961) and David (1955) with daughter Mattea (1988) (Australians)
Around-The-World ? Since 14 years "On the road". Since 8,5 years (in 1997) with child.
Route: In total unknown. Rode several times Australia - Asia - Europe. America West-East. Canada. Now in America.
29.09.97 Treffen. Info von Jochen Henrichs: "Lebt um die Welt"
03.10.97 Bernd Tesch met them at Claudia Giese´s birtday in and good-bye-party of  Dirk Erker in Duisburg.
1997: Participant of the Tesch-Globetrotter-Meeting in
07.2000 Now resting in North America.

< 1978
Amelunge (Amelin), Jean-Paul et Lauert Pflegelatte (French).
Around-The-World. Not sure if they circled the whole world.
22.07.2000. Who knows more about them? Addresses, publications?

Walle, Regis van de (French)
Around-The-World in 80 days with a HONDA CB 400 N. 40.000 kms.
Mit einer Honda CB 400 N fährt Regis 1978 in 80 Tagen (56 Fahrtage) 40.000 km durch vier Kontinente um die Welt. Er folgt den Spuren der Romanfigur Phileas Fogg von Jules Verne (Phantastischer französischer Roman "In 80 Tagen um die Welt". 1873). Die Reise fängt gut an, aber allmählich sammelt Regis Verspätungen. Er soll genau zur Eröffnung der Motorradausstellung in Paris ankommen. Vor der Tür warten seine Freundin und Leute von Honda Frankreich. Und er kommt an, eine Viertelstunde, bevor es zu spät gewesen wäre!
Route: Frankreich (Paris) - England - per Flugzeug von London nach Panama - Costa Rica - El Salvador - Guatemala - Mexico - USA - Rapid City - Canada - Alaska - mit Flugzeug über Tokyo nach - Indien - Pakistan - Iran - Türkei - Rumänien - Bulgarien - Jugoslawien - Italien - Frankreich - Spanien - Marokko - Algerien - Tunesien - Algerien - Marokko - Spanien - Frankreich (Paris).
Book: Le Tour du monde à moto en 80 jours. Deutsch : Die Tour um die Erde in 80 Tagen.

1979 - 1980
Buchholz, Artur und Heiner Maxfeld (Germans)
Around-The-World. With two Honda XL 250.
14.07.2000 1st contact. Artur called me.

04.1979 - ca. 1982
Schmidt, James (American)
Around-The-World ? Startet with SUZUKI T 500. Bought later YAMAHA XT 500. Rode possibly Around-The-World.
Route: In 1980 he was already 3 years "on the road": Nord - und Mittel-Amerika, umrundete als erster MOTORRADFAHRER Süd-Amerika, Fuhr von Kapstadt nach Kornelimünster und will mit einem Tesch-Tank (30 l) nach Asien und Australien.
1980  Capetown - Tanger. Der Amerikaner James K. Schmidt (ca. 47 Jahre) gestartet im April 1979 auf einer Suzuki T 500 in USA zu einer Motorrad-Weltreise. Dabei durchquert er Mittel-Amerika und fährt rund um Süd-Amerika - Santos (Brasilien) > South Africa (nach Capetown) - Botswana - Zimbabwe - Tansania - Kenia - Uganda - Zaire bis Kisangani - mit Schiff nach Kinshasa - dort 1 Jahr bei Amerikanern gearbeitet - Congo Brazzaville - Gabon - Cameroun - Nigeria - Benin - Togo - Ghana - Obervolta - Niger - Hoggar-Route - Alger - Marokko - Spanien - Portugal - France - Belgien - Nederland - BRD - planned to continue overland to India.
1980 War Gast beim 5. Moto-Fernreise-Treffen

14.08.1979 - 11.1980
Brück, Thomas (German)
Around-The-World with YAMAHA XS 750. 70.000 kms.
Plan july 98 2-4 years with SUZUKI DR 650 SE and Doro (?) another World-Around-Tour
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1998.

07.04.1980 - 01.10.1981
Hermansen, Chrestine (now Kohls) and Ove Jensen (Danish)
Around-The-World = Jorden rundt. Chrestine (called "Stinne", 22) and Ove (25) circled the world on ONE BMW R 90 (= Bimmer). 81.936 kms. 29 countries in 1,5 yeras. In 1983 they got the Guinnes Book Record circling the world first time on ONE bike.
Route: Denmark - Holland - Deutschland - Osteuropa - Asien - Australien - Neuseeland - USA (visiting 36 States) - Mexico - Canada (7 States) - Europe - Denmark.
1980: Both visted me in  "on the road" in Kornelünster.
1991: I visited Chrestine and Ove in Danmark.
Ove was participant of the 7th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1985 and gave a sildes-show.

1981 - 1997
Metz, Claudia und Klaus Schubert (Germans)
Around-The-World. 252.000 kms in allen continents. It was planned to travel overland to Japan 10 months. They came back to Cologne after 16 years. The kept the World-Record in long time travelling by motorcycle until 1997.
With two YAMAHA XT 500. Nur noch die beiden Rahmen, Getriebegehäuse, 1 Spiegel, 1 Felge und beide Lampen original.. Ihre Fahrt finanzierten sie durch Fotos und Artikel unterwegs. Das deutsche Motorrad-Magazin TOURENFAHRER hat eine Reihe von Artikeln publiziert mit einzigartigen phantastischen Fotos und wundervollen "crasy ideas": Sie segelten mit dem Wind in Süd-Amerika mit beiden verbundenen XTs und bauten ein eigenes Dschungelboot "Yuma", daß sie mit einer XT antrieben. Hiermit eroberten sie den Amazonas River und kamen schließlich auf dem Rhein damit zurück. Sie haben fast alles unterwegs erlebt. Höhepunkten und Tiefpunkte der "Planet EARTH Expedition".
1981 1st visit of Claudia und Klaus In Aachen.
Book in German (1999): "Abgefahren - In 16 Jahren um die Welt".

09.1981 - 01.10.81 - ?
Tholstrup, Hans (Australian)
Around-The-World. Hans wanted to brake the record riding overland from London to Sydney / Australia with a BMW R 80 G/S what he did. Having arrived he continued braking the record circling the world by bike. Exact dates unknown.
1981: Hans bought a big fuel-tank from Bernd Tesch in Kornelimünster which BMW paid.

1982 - 2000
Kersten, Marcel (Dutch)
Around-The-World. The optician and motorcycle-mechanic Marcel is a real long distance traveller. He circled the world with YAMAHA XT 500. He has been riding in Africa many times.
First Tour: 08.10.1982 - 30.11.1983 with YAMAHA XT 500 (new one). 40.000 kms.
Route about 3 months: Netherlands - Belgium - Luxembourg - France - Algeria - Tunisia - Italy - Switzerland - Germany - Netherlands. 30.12.1982 - ca. 09.1983: Marcel flew with SAS and the bike was shipped to Kenia (Mombasa) - Uganda - Rwanda - Burundi - Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe - Botswana - Namibia - South Africa - Transkei - Lesotho - SA with plane and bike to Luxembourg - Belium - Netherlands.
05.02.1986 - 04.04.1987 with YAMAHA XT 500
By ship Marcel and the bike shipped from Germany (Hamburg) - Argentina (Buenos Aires) - Chile - Argentina (Ushuaia ca. april) - Chile - Argentina - Paraguay - Brasil - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia - Venezuela - Curacao (about april 1987).
02.01.1988 - 15.08.1990 with YAMAHA XT 500 and YAMAHA FJ 1200. No idea about total kms....
Marcel then married with Peruvian Ursuala always on the same XT 500 travelled back to Venezuala - Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia - Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala - Mexico - USA (until LA with XT 500 about 110.000 kms) - Canada - USA - they could both go as a work away on a container ship (Hambürg Süd Columbus Line) from USA (Los Angeles) to New Zealand (Auckland) - 6 months in New Zealand - XT 500 by ship to Singapore Marcel and Ursula by plane - Malaysia - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - XT 500 by ship to Australia  Marcel and Ursula by plane to Australia (Darwin) - 5 months by bike in Australia - in Melbourne they met the same ship and captain of Colombus Line as a work away the shuped via New Zealand and Hawaii to USA (LA) - The PR-Manager of YAMHA USA offered a new bike YAMAHA FJ 1200 (THe XT 500 went back by ship to NL) - Mexico - Guatemala - Honduas - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - Colombia -.Ecuador - Peru - Chile - Argentina - Paraguay - Brasil - Bike and persons by ship to Spain (Polish Steam Ship Company) - Spain (Huelva) - France - Switzerland - Germany - Netherlands.
1992-94 Two years Marcel and Ursula lived and travelled in South America with a Landcruiser. The travelled about 9 months.
03.11.94 - ca. 10.10.95. Ca. 36.000 km (first tour) with XT 500.
Marcel rode solo. Route: NL - Germany - Austria - Italy - Greece - Turkey - Syria - Jordania - Israel - Egypt  - Sudan - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Kenia - Tanzania - Malawi - Mozambique - SA - Zimbabwe - Botswana - Namibia - SA.
20.09.1996 - 31.05.1997 with YAMAHA XT 500. Return Ca. 34.000 km.
Return-Route: SA - Namibia - Botswana - Zimbabwe - SA - Swasiland - Mozambique - Malawi - Tanzannia - Keni - Ehtiopia - Eritrea - Saudi Arabia - Jordania - Israel - Greece - Macedonia - Italy - Switzerland - Germany - Belgium - Netherlands.
08.09.1999 - 04.06.2000 Marcel has been travelling in South and East-Africa with a Landcruiser with his parents and tourists for 9 months.
Plan: 17.11.2000 - ???
He will be flying to Capetown and ship the car to South America and continue travelling there.
21.07.1999 Several times personal guest of Bernd Tesch. Today personal guest at the "Germanien Summernight-fete".Here I got the information that he had travelled in Africa over 150.000 kms.
1996, 1998 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers

1982 - 1992
Pedersen, Helge (Norwegian)
Around-The-World in 10 years. 354.100 kms with BMW R 80 G/S called "Olga".
Als mich der Norweger 1982 in Kornelimünster besuchte, wollte er "nur" mit seiner nach Capetown. Daraus wurde eine 10 jährige Welt-Reise mit ca. 354.100 gefahrenen km!
Route: 1982-84 Europa-Afrika. 1985-88 Latein-Amerika. 1988-90 Nord-Amerika. 1991-92 Australien und Asien.
1982 Helge visits Berend Tesch in Kornelimünster. He planned only to cross Africa.
27.03.94 besuchte Helge das 16. Motorrad-Fernreise-Treffen in Monschau. Das "tragische" an diesem Besuch war, daß er - extra von USA über Norwegen zum Treffen kommend - dieses sein letztes Motorrad-Treffen war, da er sein Weltreise-Motorrad nach München ins BMW-Museum ablieferte!

30.05.2000 - ca. 07.08.2000
Pedersen, Helge (Norwegian)
First guided tour Around-The-World. Motorcycles has to be in Seattle no later than May 1st 2000. Container with bikes is shipped to Japan. We fly to Japan around June 10th 2000. Approximately 1 week of motorcycle riding in Japan. Ferry to China with bikes. Approximately 2 weeks of motorcycle riding in China. We will enter Russia and Siberia just East of Lake Baikal. From there we will head due east for the Black Sea. The tour ends in Munchen, Germany. To complete the circle you will have to cross the USA by your self or together with other members of the group. Frank and I will be responsible to get you safely with your bike from Seattle to Munchen. Estimated time from Seattle to arrival in Munchen is 60 days. A rough estimate of the cost of the journey is US$ 15,000. We will limit the group to be about 15 motorcycles.
Helge took part in the 20th BMW-Meeting for Motorcycles.
Book: 10 Ar pa 2 Hjul (in Norwegian)
Book: 10 years on two wheels: Around-The-World in 10 years (English)

Ca. 1982 - 1986.
Shetty, Vasante S. (India)
Around-The-World. 1986 war der Inder auf einer 16 Jahre alten Lambretta (italienisch-indische Co-Produktion) schon solo 3 Jahre 65.000 km unterwegs.
Route: Von Indien (Bombay) mit Schiff nach Ost-Afrika übergesetzt - Sudan - Ägypten - Griechenland - Jugoslawien - Österreich - Deutschland - hier die Einladung von Thomas Schmidt, Werner Eberhardt und Hans Wöhrle angenommen, die er in Suez getroffen hatte - Plan: Schweiz - Frankreich - Spanien - Berlin - Skandinavien - USA - Ferner Osten - Bombay, 5-6 Jahre. War im Juni 1986 in Alpirsbach.
19.04.97 Erste Info von Gregory Frazier
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

20.08.1982 - ? 1987
English, Mopsa and Richard (British)
Around-The-World with a Motorcycle and Sidecar. With one Triumph Thunderbird 650 ccm with a light special sidcar Squire box out of fiberglas. 4,5 years (planned was 3 years) through 60 countries. 90.000 miles (144.000 km).
Bernd Tesch visited them in 1993 in England.
Route: Europa. Afrika. Nord-Amerika. Süd-Amerika. Asien. Australien. Welt-Reise.
Book: Full circle.

09.1982 - 07.1985
Wassermann, Christa and Adrian van Loenen  (Canadian?)
Around-The-World. 3 years with BMW 1969 R60/2.
21.02.1992 Send copies of seven artivcles in CYCLE CANADA (published ca. 1989)
1992 Info von Hans Stoffregen.
21.02.1992 1st contact.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address in Canada or publications about them??

26.10.1982 - 28.10.1983
Suenaga, Noriko (today Muraki, Japan)
Around-The-World. Auf ihrer HONDA CB 750 F legte sie 50.000 km vom in 20 Ländern zurück.
Book: Fly the Earth (in Japanese).
Die Motivation für ihre Reise war heraus aus diesem kleinen Inselstaat Japan zu gehen und selber die großen Kontinente entlang der Wege zu sehen und zu fühlen. - Das beste an der Reise war genügend Zeit zum Denken zu haben, ein Buch zu schreiben und ein Jahr nicht zu arbeiten. Die schönste Natur fand Noriko im Westen der USA und an der adriatischen Küste in Jugoslawien. Ihre besten Freunde fand sie in Deutschland. Das interessanteste Land und der schönste Sonnenuntergang waren in Indien. Die schönsten Dünen fand sie in Tunesien (Nahibu Desert). Die wildesten Tiere sah sie in Australien. Die USA war am komfortabelsten zum Reisen. Die freundlichsten Leute waren in Brasilien. Die schönste Stadt war Rio de Janeiro. Die Länder, die sie wieder besuchen möchte, sind Indien und Tunesien.
Route: Mit HONDA XL 250 Paris-Dakar in Japan Niigata - Tokyo) - per Schiff Australien (Sydney - quer von Ost nach West-Australien bis Perth. In der Mitte von Australien war ihr Motorrad kaputt. Deshalb kaufte sie eine Kawasaki Z 650 und fuhr damit nach Perth) - per Flugzeug nach Singapure - mit Motorrad durch Malaysia - in Indien erlaubte man ihr nicht ihr Motorrad einzuführen, deshalb flog sie nach Europa - Türkei - Tunesien - Europa - in  Holland kaufte sie sich eine Harley Davidson, mit der sie per Schiff nach USA. Von West nach Ost mit KAWASAKI Z 440. Von L.A. nach Brasilien. In Brasilien mit HONDA XL 250 - Japan.
1992 1st Info von Volker Lenzner, Transcyclist. Japan.
1995 After 3 years of hard search I found her.
11.08.98 1. E-Mail from Noriko. She did not touch a mc since 13 years. Since april 1999 she is living in Mexico with her daughter. "I really loved my motorcycle and it was my everything".

15.05.1983 - 2000
Kimber, Keith and Tania Brown (British)
Around-The-World. Planned to ride Around-The-World 4 years. British Tania (Administrator with degree in linguistics) and Keith (Electronics Engineer) are riding since 18 years and have the world-record. Rode several times Around-The-World.i
Route: Europe (GB) - Asia - Australia - North and South-America - Africa GB - .. Caribian Islands for a long time .. ALL their documents have been stolen in january 1999. Vancouver - Russia (starting from Vladiwostok in june) to Europe (GB - Spain).
So far they rode 220.000 kms by motorcycle CX 500 and 250.00 kms total including sailing distance in 99 countries.
The best: The whole tour has been the highlight of our life! But we especially remember riding 1000 kms  through the Andes in Argentina looking for a clear pass, past incredible mountain scenery. Scuba diving to 64 meters in the Red Sea with so much sealife, including sharks, it was like being in an aquarium. Flying over tiny islands in the Caribbean in a friend's plane and getting married in Gibraltar! Their philosophical thought about the very LONG tour: "Freedom is very hard to give up"! They realised to pay the costs for their 17 year long journey by selling their photos and articles to magazines.
1990 1st info by World-Traveller Martyn Swain
15.02.93 2 nd info by World-Around-Traveller Paul Pratt
02.10.1999 Tania and Keith rode from Vladiwostok - Amur area by train - now to the West to Europe. Because I helped them in advance for this tour they helped me a lot by a letter to update my informations concerning this tour.

B.T.: Since the German Claudia Metz and Klaus Schubert came back in 03.1997 after 16 years of World-Mc-Travelling Tania and Keith now have the world-record in long-time motorcycle travelling.

1984 - 1989
Reed, Chris (British ?)
Around-The-World. "Road to Ruin". A motorcycle-report with Honda XL 500 Around The -World including China.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

1984 - ca. 1990
Stoffregen, Hans und Freundin Ina (German)
Around-The-World. Hans and Ina travelled with one BMW R 90.  Now living in New Zealand.
Route: 1984 Germany overland to India - 2 years Asia - 2 months Germany - Sumatra - 1 year working and travelling in Australia - worked in NZ and tracvelled 3 months there - with ship to USA - 2 years in USA, Canada and South Africa.
1990 1st infromation by Peter Sauer.
Puplication: MOTORRAD 02.1991 and TOURENFAHRER 01.1991.
1994 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.

Ca. 1984 - 85
Seruga, Romana and Zvone (Slovenian). Around-The-World with two SUZUKI. 152.000 kms. 35 months.
Around-The-World. Book: In Slovenian in 1986: Potovanje k ljudem (z motorjem prek obeh Amerik. In German: Reisen zu Leuten mit dem Motorrad. In English: Travel to the people with a motorcycle about the American part).
1988: Zvone and his wife Romana rode Transafrica on one BMW R 100 GS  in 1988
1992: Ca. 1st contact
17.04.2000: Zvonne wrote me that he published 5 more books and made a TV-Film out of his later Transafrica Tour. He is a journalist and made a living out of it. In 1996 he and his wife and a five years old doughter finished one year backpacking trip around the world. But the bike? You know, you don't simply forget it and that's, why I better sold it five years ago. It doesn't work well with two kids. But, of course - a bike will be back! And mc journeys as well, hopefully. My kids just need couple of more years.

1985 - 1997
Doughty, Gerard (British)
Around-The-World. In 09.94 with YAMAHA XT 600 from England - Europe - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India. From 11.94  to 01.96 he rode 32.000 kms travelling clockwise around India - Nepal - Bangladesh and Ladakh. North of Ley is the highest motorable pass in the world, 5.602 m (18.350 ft). Then by ship from Bombay to Mombasa and per bike to South Africa. "In all my travels India is surely the most fascinating country I have ever visited"
Started travelling on boats 1978.  1985-1997: With BMW R 100/7 England - India - New Zealand. 1988-1991: With BMW R 80 G/S  Transafrica and the Americas. 1994-1997: India and Africa with YAMAHA XT 600 Tenere.
02.12.97 First info by Mark Manley.
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1998, 1999. 2000.
04.2003: Hopefully participant of the 25th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 04.2003 with the main subject "Around-The-World". Gerard would have the honor to give a slides-show of planned four. It would be very humorous !

17.01.1985 - 02.04.1995
Scotto, Emilio (born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the 27 of September of 1954. Argentinan) homepage: ???
Around-The-World.  An extraordinary adventure.
The passage covered by Emilio Scotto in these nine years is the greater one of the history of the humanity. Nobody visited so Honda Gold Wing many places nor crossed so many kilometers by different countries. Emilio rode between being 30-40 years with Honda Gold Wing 1100 Interstate " Princess Negra " first and only moto of Scotto. She has been reconstructed in two occasions (Madrid and Tokyo). 770.000 kms (456,729 miles) across 215 countries.
B.T.: World-Record Around-The-World in long distance.

The following is a short part out of an Articulo en jornal "La Moto" en Februari 1994. Páginas 86-95
Escrito en Sucre, Bolivia 12/98 de fotocopias malas.
(Disculpa algos pequeñas errores :) Arto Rasimus.

His plan from 13 years to 30: To visit in five years all the continents of the planet (5), all the possible countries (172), territories, dependencies and islands; this had to be fulfilled in a same motorcycle, without interruption of constant trip under no circumstance. Practically the same distance between the Earth and the Moon, roundtrip (770.000 km).
The planet had been more wonderful from which my imagination had created, but also much more difficult and complicated. It was not question to arrive at a new nation and to happen through her, adding only a number for the record. It had to know it, auque not outside more than crossing it of one to another end. And thus it was as the fantastic adventure had to change the number of five years by most logical of  10.

After nine years of trip I already have visited 172 countries, in the five continents through 565.000 kms. Why I did it ? Because I am a man for which the limits are not obstaculo to my freedom, but border to explore, goals to surpass, or to lose..., but always to confront. It was not heroísmo, only one irresistible curiosity, and much madness.

Let us be sincere. The five initial years now are ten. The 172 countries that were in the world in 1985 now in 1998 are 215. The original motor of moto, that had to fulfill all the trip, was changed in Spain. And to top it all, already not even I am single. Now I take with me to Joy (my woman), of that I do not have the value of taking off to me nor by two hours. That yes, I follow put in 770.000 km and 215 countries, discounted one by one and day per the day, as if outside most sacred and most important of this world. I have narrowed the hand of 560,000 people. Million have seen me in newspapers, magazines and television. I must so much, I have promised so much, I have received from all as much, that if  had to pay the same, and it could not fulfill it, it would have to go on bail to the jail with a sentence of 112.000 years without freedom. Just by three hundred dollars in the pocket, the prudent thing had been to stay but remote possible of those strange dreams of conquest and those showy visions of remote places. But... the horizon was every day in the same place, broken by steep tips, curvilinear rivers, mysterious forests, luxurious hotels, historical cities, bleeding wars, and as if it offered little, populated with innumerable races of beings.

Shortly I will go again on a trip. As you can see in the map mundi, still it lacks a small part to cover. I will publish a pair of books and three atlases of photographies. I will mount a film with the material that there am idi recording years in the last. And... infinitivos projects. I know clearly that, despues of these nine years of trip, no longer I will be able to return to take the life of a normal person, neither for the good thing nor for the bad thing.

Me dispararón in two ocaciones, I greeted the Pope, I spent 60,000,000 pesetas, I married in India and, mainly, I learned what moto is one.

In the nine last years I spent about sixty million pesetas. In metallic money the rest will not have been more despues I have received it in form of gratuitous passages for boats and airplanes, invitations in hotels, photographic equipment and clothes.

The collaboration of companies and individuals has been always impresindible to be able to continue the trip. My articles, published in magazines worldwide, and sponsorships covered other half. Now, with a small part of the trip to finish, like always, I look for patrocinadores, great or small, you can locate to me on telephone (91) 347xxx.
So I decided to run the risk and I let myself absorb through the enigmatic breach that was opened like a door in my or rumiante life, and that me conduciria to the insecurity of the stranger, and the uncertainty of every new day, or if it is wanted, each new one to wake up.

Route: Argentina - Uruguay - Brazil - Amazon - Venezuela - Colombia - Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador - Guatemala - Mexico - U.S.A. - Canada. 12.1986: Germany (Frankfurt) - Switzerland - Italy - San Marino - the Vatican - Monaco - France - Spain - Portugal - Morocco - Spain - France - Great Britain - Ireland - Scotland and return to France - Luxembourg - Belgium - Holland - Germany of the West - Denmark - Sweden - the North Norway and Cabo - Finland - Soviet Union - ferry to Poland - East Germany, the crossing of the wall of Berlin with a special permission of eight hours - Germany of the West by third time - Switzerland again - Liechtenstein - Italy - Austria - Hungaría - Yugoslavia - Rumania - Bulgaria - and do not let to me enter Albania - Turkey - Greece and return to Italy.  The interview with the Pope - the preparation of the crossing of the Sahara - ferry to Tunisia - Libya - Tunisia of return - Algeria - Niger - Burkina Faso - Mali - Mauritania - Senegal - The Gambia - Guinea Bissau - Guinea-Conakry ferry Liberia to forget - Ivory Coast - Desire - Togo - Benin - Nigeria - Chad - Cameroun - Guinea Ecuato - Gabon - Zaire - and, by the way, Mobutu. They do not let to me pass through Angola and is then the turn of Namibia - South Africa - Lesoto - Suazilandia - Mozambique - do not shoot! - Return to South Africa - Bostwana -Boputhswana - Zimbabue - Zambia - Malawi - Tanzania - Madagascar - Rwanda - Burundi and return back to Kenya - Somalia and I become Muslim, I am called Khalid Sagal Yumali now - The United Gowein - Emirates Arabes - Qatar - Bahrein - Kuwait - Saudi Arabia - Yemen of the North and the South - Djibuti - Etiopia - Sudan - Egypt, the Sinaí - Jordan - Syria - Iraq - Jordan again - Lebanon - the Sinaí of return - Israel - the Sinaí once again - Egypt again - Libya for the second time - Tunicia and ferry to Italy two years and a day later.

March of 1990: I return to Spain, save " the Spanish Princess ", circuit of Albacete and patrocinadores  - France - Andorra - Monaco - Italy and to 30 km of Rome the motor explodes. Return to Madrid, change by a new propellent - France - Monaco - Italy - Malta - Italy - Greece - Turkey - Cyprus - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - and I cannot enter Afghanistan beyond kilometers - India - Nepal - Tíbet - Nepal - India - Sikim - Bangladesh - India - Singapur - Malaysia - Thailand - Laos -  Malaysia - Singapur - Brunei - Singapur - Srilanka - Maldivas - Singapur - Indonesia - Australia - Papúa - New Guinea - Australia - New Zealand - New Caledonia - Vanautu - Salomón - Mauru - Kiribati - Fiji - Tuvalu - Fiji - Layer.

Who is Emilio Scotto?
It was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the 27 of September of 1954. Therefore it is now 39 years old, and it began its long trip does nine, the 14 of January of 1985 now.

It spent one hour with the eyes nailed in Honda GoldWing 1100 Interstate to end up saying itself to itself. " There it is the world. " Two months later it left the same agency with his " Princess Negra ". Fifty and five thousand kilometers later, next to their maps and their illusiones, left to the North.

Aprendi not to write more letters of peace. I believe that nobody knows for sure what is that, and I less than nobody. But I believe in the Amazon, in the forests of Sumatra, the whales and the seals. In all the places that I have visited I have put in policy, sociology and religion, three subjects that before did not exist in my previous life. And I have liked so much that does not go away of the head the idea to me to try to be, someday, president of Argentina.

After to have known almost all the towns the Earth, my opinions make me seem racist to eyes of some. For others I am realistic. I believe that, is not question of races, but of cultures. For example, I prefer thousands vezes to the Chinese that to the Japanese.

Scotto, " Bubby ". Young assets and rebel, a medical visitador that made reality its dream: to give the return to the world. " I have learned five languages. Nonstrange to my pais nor to my family. To me it does returned little tolerant. I am a pariah? If he is asi, it does not bother to me..., something will be necessary to be. "In these nine years, and more than average million kilometers, it I have found everything. And everything is a thing: happiness."

Samoa of the West, Fiji, Rarotonga and Tahití. It is 1992 already July and I am in an airplane flying towards the American continent that I left in 1986. When arriving at Los Angeles (Californian) it will be completed, one will close, be united the circle, the roller, the ring of route of trip around the world. The first circumvallation of the planet Earth in moto is complete.

Uelta to the world begins seguunda. The return, passage by the North Pacifico and I arrive at Japan. "the Princess " visits her home. We are in June of 1993 and I send towards the west crossing the great China and the desert of Gobi, Mongolia, Uzbequistán, Turkestán...

In November of the year 1993 arrival to a point already visited in previous years: Helsinki, Finland. Aqui I put the brake, a small necessary and forced and also, why not to recognize it, wished parenthesis.

Flight with moto to Madrid. Tens of people hope in the airport of  You lower with welcome placards and a beautiful song my oidos. Emilio... Scotto... you do not lower of moto! The celebrations and you arrive passage in Spain. Spain, that I want so much to you, with your successes and deceits, with your unique spirit.....

When you read these pages I already will be in route towards Finland. The worse moment and vehicle for the mistaken place. Like always.

And your eternal desire of being always a happy country. Although with your crisis, in which I do not create just a little bit nor. It lacks a year of trip and some patrocinadores decide that they will be with me. Others still I hope. When you read this history I am from way to Finland, to retake my route in the direction of Iceland, Greenland, Alaska, paises of the Caribbean and South America.

Yes already I know it, is winter. But thus it is my trip, is not interrupted. Rain, you roar or the Universe collapses. They lack 40 countries, 170,000 km. In addition, already I am in the mistaken place, the momentoequivocado one and with the mistaken vehicle.

Perhaps when you begin to read these pages I am beginning to write a new chapter of this adventure. Something like... "February of 1994-N5uuk-Greenland... 20 below cero... "


Parti of Argentina with an initial capital of 42,000 ptas. A camera Kodak Instantamatic. Six coils of 24 exhibitions. Four spark plugs of spare part. A clutch cable. A map of South America and another one of Europe. A compass. A knife of submarine hunting. A stock market with winter clothes and another one with summer clothes. A plate, glass and places setting. Passport. An international permission to lead valid by a year. A coat to sleep. Vaccines against the rage, typhus, yellow fever, smallpox and malaria.

My personal indumentaria era rather of pain. With the exception of the helmet it did not have anything of equipment. Neither gloves, nor monkey, nor dull, nor idea of what moto was one. The only thing that clear tapeworm was what what wanted to do and where wanted to go. My mechanical knowledge were absolutely null. It lacked card of international passage for moto. Nobody believed neither supported my project, nor companies, nor clubs, nor public or deprived organizations.

From 1980 to 1984 I made 55,000 km within Argentina without greater new development. In November of that year general unarevisión was made before initiating the trip. The exit occurs in January of 1985. The speedometers are placed to zero. In Venezuela the carburetors are cleaned. Change of battery in Panama. General overhaul in California. Gripa a piston in Washington, to 66,000 km (plus 55,000 km of before beginning the trip). The repair carries out Sling in New York.

I arrive at Europe, I cross 31 countries without new development. France sling replaces for the first time the shock absorbers, the front wheel and the seat. Italy sling carries out a general overhaul and takes advantage of to change to the cardan joint and the right side of the bracket. The mechanics warn to me that moto will not resist the African adventure, and they for the second time make me notice that it is necessary to change the motor. I refuse although the supply is gratuitous.

Childbirth towards Africa with four bujíasy a cable of spare part clutch. A screw of alternators

The only serious accident of the trip I have it in Tanzania. I fall to 130 km/h and to moto it is made pieces: fairing, suitcases, manetas, et cetera. " the Princess " is repaired by the son of the Italian ambassador in Tanzania. I arrive at Spain in April of 1990, two years and a day after to have started off for Africa.

Montesa-Honda offers to change the motor to me, but I refuse. They have opened it and they have been scared, but I continue denying to me. Moto has 386,000 km of trip already (plus the 55,000 original ones). Many pieces of the motor change. The cardan joint is replaced again, in addition to the right part of the bracket, the seat and the shock absorbers. In Moto Dise6no they fix to the fairing and the suitcases.

I leave course to Asia, I cross Spain, France and to puetras of Rome the motor explodes when it took 387,500 km remuelcan to Me until Spain. Montesa-Honda opens the motor and is totally appears fused. Good bye, nobleman animal! You have given more than what nobody hoped, the sky is your place. Montesa-Honda places a new motor, constructed eb the same year that the previous one, and that had been only used to train mechanics. Sling considers that this propellent is very " toqueteado " and the best thing is to hope to than they send one new one from Japan. I do not have time that to lose, I insist and in the end they mount the motor in "the Princess ", who in addition was disarmed. I leave for Asia, is November of 1990.

The indented gears of the gimballing transmission are broken, and me they fix them in miraculous plan. In Indonesia they become to spoil, they change of sense and nuts are used extra to rivet I grasp. I arrive at Australia, want to receive to change the cardan joint to me, nonacceptance, and cruzco the country saying so that entrance of parking of Sling, I push meters...

They change to the seat and the cardan joint, besides to carry out a general overhaul. I arrive at the United States, finalized therefore the first return to the world. Moto sum 515,000 km (plus 55,000 original km). They replace the front disc, that seems a leaf to shave, and carry out a general overhaul.

I arrive at Japan, Sling changes the cardan joint, speedometers, carburetors, bracket, rims, embraque, tilted, escapes, starting and some pieces more. Great overhaul. They want to change to the chassis perone I deny, because it has been welded by the man of the steel and the tower in the helmet.

When entering Helsinki (Finland) the cardan joint becomes to break. I open it, I put it the other way around and I arrive at Sling. They say me that the pieces will take two weeks in arriving, but I must go to the Ping5uinos.

The greater disadvantage than I have had in this means million kilometers has been the pinions of the cardan joint. Although also it is necessary to consider that has not taken a very easy life that we say, because they have had to arastrar the 400 kilos of moto, plus those of the pilot, by places where an Africa Twin would have had it complicated. Conclusion: Never, never never, " the Princess " has left wire drawing me.

22.05.2000 Bernd Tesch has heard about Emilio Scotto many years. Because he was "on the road" I could never contact him. I do not know more details. Who knows him, his present address in Arentina or wordkwide publications about him??

21.09.1985 - 07.1989
Swain, Martyn (British)
Nearly Around-The-World in 4,5 years. The simultan  interpreter Martyn rode solo ca. 250.000 kms with a BMW R 80 GS.
Route: Europe - Asia - Africa 15 months: Europe (GB - France - Germany - Switzerland - Italy - Greece) - Asia (Israel) - Africa (Egypt - Sudan - Uganda - Kenya - Tanzania - Sambia - Malawi - Zimbabwe - Botswana - South Africa - Nambia - St. Helena). S- and N-America 15 months:  South America (Brasilia - Argentina - Chile - Bolivia - Peru - Eqzador - Colombia ) - North America (Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador - Guatemala - Belize - Mexico - USA - Canada. 2,5 months New Zealand. 6 months Australia. Asia 1 months (Singapur - Malaysia - Singapur) - South Africa
Martyn visited Bernd Tesch many times before he started.
11.1996 Bernd Tesch visits Martyn in Capetown.

05.10.1985 - 31.08.1990
Parkinson, David (British, born May 1944)
Around-The-World Rider. David, a retired Royal Marines officer and now an Insurance Assessor, planned his motorcycle tour to ride as much as possible in the dry sunny weather and avoid riding in winter time. He wanted to ride keeping in the sun as much as possible and just ahead of the rain. With BMW R 80 G/S through 5 continents and 55 countries. 160.000 km (100.000 miles).
Route: England (London) - South - America - the Darien Gap 4 days walking and 3 days canoeing - North-America - with Columbus - shipping - Line to Australia (Sydney) - flight to Indonesia with bike - flight to Singapore - Pakistan - India - Iran - Germany - Great Britain (London).
Route: EUROPE: Ireland - crossed by ferry to Wales - England (London) - France - Spain - Portugal - Spain. AFRICA: Crossed by ferry to Morocco - Algeria - Niger - Chad - Cameroon - Central African Republic - Zaire - Kenya - Tanzania - Malawi - Mozambique - Zimbabwe - South Africa. SOUTH AMERICA: Crossed by ship to Chile - Argentina - Uruguay - Brazil - Paraguay - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador including the Galapagos Islands - Colombia - CENTRAL AMERICA: Flew the bike to Panama and flew back to Colombia and crossed the Darien Gap in 4 days in a canoe and 3 days walking to Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala. NORTH AMERICA: Rode across the border to Mexico - the USA - Canada - USA, and from Long Beach, California by ship to Sydney with Columbus shipping Lines. AUSTRALIA: In Australia in outline I covered the East coast from Melbourne to Cape York and then inland to Ayers Rock and to Darwin. SOUTH EAST ASIA: Crossed by air to Indonesia with my bike and by air to Singapore then toured in Malaysia - Thailand and back to Malaysia and Singapore - then ship to ASIA: India (Madtras) - Sri Lanka - North to Nepal - walked to Mount Everest base camp - back into India - then rode with Jean Claude Charras to Pakistan - no visa for China or Iran so flew to Amman in Jordan - rode to Syria - EUROPE: Alone back to Turkey - Greece - Italy - Austria - Hungary - Switzerland - France - Spain - France - Switzerland, Germany - Belgium - England again.
The best:The Best: Crossing the Sahara, crossing the Darien Gap overland, and walking out to Mount Everest Base camp.
From his spareparts David needed only a filter and a gasket. Because he was afraid of the lonely evenings he took a small radio "Grundig Yacht boy" to hear the radio BBC worldwide.

The Worst. Breaking my clutch in Zaire. From my spare parts I only needed a clutch plate, filters, gaskets and front fork oil seals.
4 times visitor of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers: 1992. 1993, 1995, 2000.

Book or publication : None.
Useful information and TIPS for others: Get your personal, medical and motorcycle documentation right before you leave your home country.
14.11.1991 1st information by Engelbert Boos
11.-12.04.1992 David visited the "14th Motorcycle Meeting for World-Travellers" in Aachen first time giving a view standing in a row with four other World-Around-Travellers. Bernd Tesch had the impression to meet a real English gentleman !
03.04.1993 Slides-show by David "15. Moto-Fernreise-Treffen"
1992. 1993, 1995, 2000. Visitor of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.

06.11.1985 - ?
Ericson, Stig (Swedish)
Around-The-World. With a Honda XLV 750 R Stig (57)  wanted to fullfill his dream to circle the world.
Route: Schweden - Travemünde - München - Athen - Alexandria - Suez - Jeddah (Saudi Arabien) - Riad - Dubai - Bombay (Indien) - Hongkong - Taiwan - Tokio (Japan) - Yokohama - USA (San Diego) - New Orleans - Daytona - Vero Beach - N.Y. - Rotterdam (Niederlande) - Stockholm (Schweden). 126 S. 48 SW-Fotos. 22 cm H. Schwedisch.
Book (in Swedish. 1989): Motorcyckel Jorden rundt. (= Motorradfahren um die Erde. = Motorcycling Around-The-World)

< 1986
Eliasson, Eric or Frank (Swedish)
Around-The-World. The lorry-driver visited Bernd Tesch before his trip several times in Aachen. He rode with a motorcycle BMW.
Book: Own a report from him.

10.05.1986 - 02.07.88
Smith, Tom (Canadian) and
Around-The-World. Solo Around the World with Honda Elite 250. 50.000 kms.
Route: Canada (Ontario - Nova Scotia - Ontario) - by plane to Great Britain - Norway - Sweden - Denmark - the Netherlands - Germany - Belgium - Luxembourg - Germany - Austria - Liechtenstein - Switzerland - France - Spain - Monaco - Italy - Greece - by ship to Egypt - Sudan - Kenya - by plane to India - Nepal - by plane to Singapore - Malaysia - by plane to Japan - by plane to Hawaii - by plane to USA  (at Los Angeles - across the USA via San Francisco - St. Louis - Nashville - Washington D.C. - New York)  and back to Canada  (at Fort Erie, Ontario).
Purposes: New perspectives on life and love. In part, a journey in search of  "Her" - my soulmate. I designed this tour as a project to promote international friendship and communication: "Cycle for Life: World Odyssey"- meeting with municipal, regional and national government officials - mayors, governors, generals, ambassadors.  It was a journey of meeting people on their own ground and finding common bonds between people - the basis for friendship and understanding.  It was also a journey into the self - to overcome personal limitations and to gain.
The best:  surviving three crashes, injuries and dysentery; feeling the terror in Paris during "the September Bombings";
shaking hands with Pope John Paul at the Vatican;  resolving a confrontation with an Arab along the Nile; learning from romantic interludes and troubles in the Sinai; being kissed by a lion in Kenya; being taken downtown by the secret police in Nairobi; surviving a blistering but fascinating passage through India;  coming to grips with life in Nepal; discovering a treasure in the South China Sea;  overcoming "the Wizard of Oz syndrome" in the corporate and media worlds of Tokyo;  exploring island life while marooned for four months in the Pacific; and relishing the home run "across the living breadth of America".
Book: In the Long Run (2000). Plus Digital 42-image slide show on diskette. Both are only availabale through tom´s website (see on top).
03.05.2000 1st. information by Grant Johnson:
04.05.2000 1st contact.

>25.06.1986 - ?
Gustavsson, Roger (Swedish)
World-Around-Traveller. A Swedish truck-driver of  Bromma who visted me sometimes in Aachen to circle the world by BMW. I am not sure if really completed the tour. My letters in 1998 and 2000 have not been answered so far.
30.10.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows him, his present address or publications about him??

13.09.1986 - ??.08.1981
Meissonier, Gouillaume (French)
Around-The-World. 47 countries on a HONDA XL 600 R in all continents. 135.000 kms. The enginer Gouillaume started in Africa just for holidays for a year. His hobby was catching butterflies with a net. Therefore he was wellknown along the route. He opened and dismanteled the motor 10 times.  He decided "on the road" to circle the world Around-The-World.
12.04.1992 First visit on the 14th Mc-Meeting for World-Travellers giving a short view. Standing in a row with 4 other Around-The-World-Travellers.
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers three times 1992, 1997, 2000.

11.1986 - ?
Tombrock, Erik (Swedish)
Around-The-World. 17 Monate mit Suzuki GSX-R 1100. 78000 kms.
1989 Info by Rudi Kretschmer

1986 - 1999
McElroy, Norman (American)
Three times Around-The-World. The American fireman and privat pilot and aircraft mechanic circled the world once by sailing-boats two times by motorcycle around the world. The first American who circled the world by motorcycle first time. He finisihd his second World-Around-Tour with 70. Therefore he is the oldest  Mc-World-Around-Traveller having done this.
Norman from Detroit - called "Smoky" - circled the world by sailing-boats (races) in 1969. Since 1979 until 24.06.1998 (then he was 70 years) re rode twice Around-The-World. He is the first American who reached Vladiwostok (starting in Europe) with his HONDA XL 250 in 1992 without Russina guides. He rode in all continents..
Route first World-Around-Tour: 1986 Alaska. 1,5 Monate. 6000 miles. 1990/1 Nord-, Zentral- und Süd-Amerika. 6 Monate. 20.000 miles. 1992 USA - Deutschland - Transrußland - Wladiwostok - USA - 2 Monate 12.500 miles. 1993 Deutschland - NL - B - F - GB - Irland - Schottland - Orkneys - Shetland Inseln - Färöer Inseln - Island - USA. 5 Wochen - 3000 miles.
Route second World-Around-Tour: 1996 Start in Detroit 26.09.1996 (USA) - von Bremen per Motorrad - Zweifall (Nach 3 Tagen stop bei Bernd Tesch Abfahrt 30.10.96) - Plan Capetown in 4-6 Monaten. Norman meinte 8.000 miles in Afrika; es sind bestimmt 14.000 miles! 1997: Zweifall - Belgien (Liege) - Frankreich (Rhone-River-Valley) - Spain (Bercelo - Costa del sol) - Algeciras - Marokko - Rabat - Layoune - Dahkla - Nouadhibou to Visa: Mauretanien (Nouakchott by French truck - Senegal (Dakar) - Tambacounda - by train to Mali (Bamako) - Burkina Faso (Segou - Bobo Dialassou - Ouagadougou) - Ghana (Accra) - Flug mit Motorrad nach Südafrika, da Unruhen / Rebellion in Zaire / bis Johannesburg in demselben Flugzeug - Capetown - Sprinkbok - Upington - Vryburg - Rustenburg - Pretoria - Nelspruit (Krüger Nationalpark) - dort 1 day Safari - Bulawayo - Victoria Falls - über die Brücke nach Visa: Zambia (Lusaka - Kabwe - Visa: Tanzania (Mbeya - Morogoro - Arusha - Serengeti - Ngorongoro-Krater (one of the best things) - Kenya (Nairobi) - mit Flugzeug bis Athen / Griechenland (2 Wochen) - Mazedonien - Jugoslawien (Belgrad) - Ungarn - Österreich (Linz) - Germany (Regensburg - Würzburg - Fulda - Zweifall - Bremen).
With Honda XL 250 (1979). 13.000 miles (= 20.800 km). Keine Reifenpanne. Kein Motorschaden. Nur einmal im Sand gefallen. Best: Safari in Kenya. No worst happening. Costs about US $ 5000 for this tour.
03.07.97-29.07.97: Bremen - DK - F - Estland - Lettland - Litauen - Polen - D - Bremen. Ca. 6511 km.
07.05.-24.06.1998. Around Australia: 12.385 kms being 70 years already.
08.04-06.05.1998: Around New Tealnad.  4166 kms being 70 years.
2000: Normans problem: He does not know any place to go. Probably he will return to Europe to see all the small contries like wie Andorra, San Marino zu besuchen.
1992 Norman called Bernd Tesch. Norman visited Bernd Tesch three times in Zweifall.
1994 Bernd Tesch visits Norman in USA.
25.07.1999 I got a postcard from Canada/Labrador. Norman is on the road again with HONDA XL 250 seeing some nice
North Woods Country and still looking for Polar Ice Bears.
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers once.

01.09.1986 - 19.06.87
Müllauer, Norbert (Austrian)
Around-The-World. Norbert, Lehrer für Geographie, Wirtschaftskunde und Leibesübungen, fährt mit einer Yamaha XT 350 alleine und ohne Unterstützung um die Welt und legt 29.063 km zurück. In einer Art Dokumentation seiner Tour erzählt er, "offen für alle Impulse und Reize, offen, um in seine eigene Stille zu horchen". Vom Kriegsschauplatz Iran, wo er aus ungeklärten Gründen verhaftet wird - einerseits war das Land der Höhepunkt der Reise durch die Freundlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft in der Krisensituation, andererseits zugleich Tiefpunkt wegen der Verhaftung. Er lernt jede Menge "verrückte Leute" unterwegs kennen. "Ich habe mich unterwegs nie einsam gefühlt, auch wenn ich meist alleine war."
Route: Österreich - Ungarn - Rumänien - Bulgarien - Türkei - Iran - Pakistan - Indien - Nepal - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapur - Java und Nord-Amerika von Los Angeles nach New York - Belgien - Niederlande - Deutschland - Österreich.
Book: Mit dem Motorrad allein um die Welt

1987 - 90
Cosman, Harris (American)
Around-The-World ? I will get this information later.

06.04.1987 -  01.09.89
Kretschmer, Rudi (German)
Around-The-World with a Honda XL 600 LM Rudi rode solo 55.000 km though 5 continets and 30 countries. It was a paid world-around-tour by HONDA and MOTORRAD. Rudi won the 1st price.
Route: ?
In 1999 -2000 he is now on a long distance tour with his family (wife: Bettina and two kids) through North - Central- and South-America.
Partcipant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers 11 times 1982-1998.
Book: Mit dem Motorrad um die Welt (1990).

05.1987 - ca. 1990
Moore, Arlette and Gary (American)
Around-The-World. Als Hochzeitsreise touren Arlette und Gary mit zwei HONDA Gold Wing um die Welt mit zwei Moto-Guzzi: 51.000 (91.000 ?) miles. 35 Länder. 05.1987- 2,5 years. Es war eine Kombination von: Ship, ride, ferry and fly. Sie verließen Charleston ohne richtige Pläne. Sie schliefen oft draußen, aber der beste Teil war andere Traveller und Einheimische zu treffen.
12.05.95 1. Letter from Gary answering the article of Clement Salvadori in Rider
Route: USA (ab Charleston, South Carolina) - GB (Isle of Man) - Norwegen (Nordcap) - Portugal (Dort überwintert) - Marokko - Tunesien - Italien - Jugoslawien - Türkei - Griechenland - die Motorräder per Schiff nach Australien - Flug nach Indien (There they rented small bikes) - Nepal - Thailand - Motorräder von Australien nach New Zeeland - USA.
08.01.98 Information by Steve Attword.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publicatios about them??

11.09.1987 - 12.09.1990
Roberts, Glynn (British) and Jo-Anne (American)
5 years Around-The-World with BMW. Glynn met Jo-Anne on his Around-The-World-Tour while she was travelling by herself by motorcycle.
The British shopkeeper Glynn always had motorcycles since he was 16. So when he had time and money he decided to go around-the-world with a BMW R 80 G/S 150.000 kms.
Route: From England to Australia he rode with Richard Attenborough (BMW R 65) - GB - France - Italy - Yugoslavia - Greece - Turkey - Greece - Egypt - Jordan - by ship to Pakistan (Karachi, at this time no chance of going overland to Iran for British people because of political reasons) - India - by cargo-ship from India (Madras) to Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - with a cargo-ferry to Australia (Darwin) - Alice Spings - Melbourne - Sydney (total in Australia 15 months, working for 5 months) - working for free transport to New Zealand (German Colombus Shipping lines) and USA (Harbour Long Beach at Los Angelos - New Orleans - St. Louis - Los Angelos) - Mexico (Mexico City, around Mexico) - USA (New Orleans - Key West - Atlanta (working for 5 weeks furniture restauration) - Chicago - Seattle) - Canada (Vancouver - Dawson City) - USA (Fairbanks - Prudoe Bay - Anchorage) - Canada - USA (New York) - England  (Manchester).
Purpose of travel: .....Because I can...
The best: Fast dirt roads. Taj Mahal. People.
The Worst: US$2000 repairs to the bike.
Useful tips for others:....just do it!
ca. 1993 1st Info von Roeland Herbert.
1992-2000 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 7 times .
In 1994 I visited Glynn and Canadian Jo-Anne in Nottingham for first time when I visited the 17 most famous British Motorcycle-Travellers. He was then a participant of the 1st British Motorcycle Meeting for World-Travellers in London. We have a good friendship.
07.-08.08. 98: The British World-Around-Traveller visited me with two Australian Motorcycle-Travellers Judy and Ian McDonald being "on tour" through Europe with two BMW 80 GS/ST. Ian is more of a collector of old British Bikes (owns six) than a traveller. Judy is a nice woman who always has travel-dreams. Bernd Tesch visited them in 12.1999.
18.10.1999 Glynn showed up with his BMW R 1100 GS and bought a rack and alumnium-panniers. He stayed for two days enjoying an open fire until 03.00 o´clock.

Ca. 1988
Düsing, Hans (German)
Around-The-World. Circled the world. In 1988 Hans was 33 years and living in Nienburg / Germany.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Spring 1987 - 2000 and still going...
Johnson, Susan and Grant (Canadians)
Around-The-World. Grant and Susan belong to the very LONG distance motorcycle travellers. They call themself "Horizons Unlimited".
Route: ??.??.19?? -  ??.??.19??. Over 9 months of leisurely touring: North America (Canada (Vancouver BC) - USA - Mexico - Belize - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua (during the Contra wars) - Costa Rica - Panama - back to Canada to make money for 2 years).
??.??.19?? - ??.??.19?? New Zealand and Australia (where they got Australian citizenship).
??.??.19?? - ??.19?? Without the bike to Fiji - Tahiti - Solomon Islands Asia (Singapore - Bali - Malaysia - Singapore (where they lived for a year) Hong Kong and Macau.
??.??.19?? - ??.19??: To the USA for a while to make money.
??.??.19?? - ??.19?? Europe (UK - Norway to Nordkapp - Finland - Sweden - Denmark - Netherlands - Germany - France - UK.
??.??.19?? - ??.19?? GB - France - Belgium - Spain - Gibraltar - Africa (Tunisia - Libya - Egypt - couldn't get through Sudan at the time so flew to Nairobi - Kenya - south to Tanzania - Malawi - Mozambique - Zimbabwe - Botswana - Namibia - South Africa (Capetown). South America (Argentina - Tierra del Fuego - Antarctica by ship without the bike - Chile - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia -  flew from Bogota to North America (USA (Miami) - Canada - Alaska (Prudhoe Bay). In 1998 completing a round the world from North to South, touching the most southerly and most northerly reachable points by road.
The best: All the new friends we made on the way. Ttravellers and all the other people we met. Animals in Africa. Scenery everywhere.
Lowlights: Getting sick, several times... Contras stopping us with machine guns in Nicaragua to have a look at us.... Egyptian border crossings...
Book: Planned. Great website and monthly Newsletter for Motorcycle-World-Travellers since ca. 11.1999. You can get this free of charge asking him by email via his web-page at
Ca. 30.11.1998 1st contact
1999: Partcipant of the Tesch-Meeting for Motorcycle-World-Travellers.
27.08.2000 Currrently in UK, planning the next trip.
B.T.: They went  to the BMWMOA rally in Missoula Montana, where there were guests speakers about their Mc-World-Tour. They met the World-A-Round-Travellers Ted SIMON, Helge Pedersen. And Greg Frazier in Ushuaia and others 24th.12.1997.
07.08.98 They finished their mc-World-Around-Tour having reached all North and south ends of Europe, Africa, South Amerika and North-America and have travelled in Australia and New Zealand as well. They wrote me that they circumnavigated the world North-South to be different and covered 39 countries in 5 continents and 98.000 kms. They have ridden now twice around the world two up on the same motorcycle BMW. Last sentence: "We´ll have a rest for a few days!"
26.-28.03.99: They gave a wonderful slide-show and a view about their 12 years of riding at the "21th Meeting for World-Travellers"

< 1988
Wälti, Michel (Swiss)
Around-The-World. With XT 600 Tenere in about 2,5 years.
Route: Europe - Africa - India - Asia - Australia - USA - South America.
26.05.94 First info by Andreas Kant.

07.06.1988 - 17.08.94
Germillac, Catherine  (French)
Long distance Travelling. She planned 1,5 years and came hom after 6 years. Since 1980 (being 18) Catherine worked and lived by her own and had no family. In 1986 she made her first mc-trip to Greece. In 1986 Catherine read the book of Ted Simon and was inspired to make a huge tour. One highlight was to meet my hero Ted SIMON in San Francisco. She has been  4 years in SA (travelling 2 years, working 2 years). She rode 95.000 km on her Honda 250 called Desiree. "My bike is everthing, more important than a flat. Most important was my relation between the bike".
Route: F - Canada - USA (until 05.89, about 15.000 kms ) - Mex (until 07.89, about 5.000 kms) - Colombia (until 09.90. Working time 6 months: Translater for UN and a French teacher) - Equador (10.92, working time, tourguide on mountain bikes, Hotelmanager (1,5 y) - Peru (02.93) - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina (until 08.93, about 55.000 kms in SA) - AUS (about 15.000 kms, 2 months waitress in a French restaurant - 08.94) - GB.
Participant of the 18th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1996.

Anderen, Lis (Danish)
Plan Around-The-World. 08.88 Weltreise - Plan mit 2 Pärchen und 2 Motorrädern um die Welt. The tour was topped "on the road". Reasons unknown.

19.09.1988 - 10.03.1994
Ball, Ian (British)
Around-The-World. The cabinet-wood-maker Jan (24) rode solo on a BMW R 80  5,5 years through 43 different countries. 144.000 kms. Raising money for charitiy: Pounds 25.000.
Route: Europe (England - France - Belgium - Holland - Germany - East Germany - Poland - Hungary - Czechoslowakia - Yugloslawia - Greece - Turkey) - Africa (Egypt - Sausi Arabia - Qatar - U.A.E. - Oman - Asia (Pakistan - India - Nepal - Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - Burma) - Australia - Asia (Brunei - Taiwan - South Korea) - North America (USA, Mexico - Guatemala - Belice - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama) - South America (Colombia - Equador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina - Paraguay - Brazil - Europe (France - England).
11.03.1993 first letter from him from Road Knights MC Club in Panama.
Participant of the 20th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1998.

09.12.1988 - ca.10.91.
Kofoed, Björn (Norwegian)
Around-The-World. Björn Kofoed:  "Don't speak about it. Don't dream about it. Just DO it!"
On two Kawasaki KLR 650. No problems with motorcycles. 180.000 kms.
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1994 and 1998.

< 1989
Saint-Quentin, Diane (French)
Around-The-World. La Vuelta Al Mundo en un Ano. Die Französin Diane umrundet solo die Welt: 27 Jahre mit einer Yamaha XT 350, 36.000 km in 1 Jahr.
03.08.96 Erstmalig gesehen bei Jean-Paul-Schulz.
I could never find her although I tried hard! I do not own the publication in: Spanish Solo Moto. April 1989. pp. 66-72.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows her, her present address or publications about her??

1989 - 1994
Auburn, Robert Bob (American)
Around-The-World. With Honda Magna 700 and 132 pounds weight Bob (60) circeld the world: 165.000 miles ( = 264.000 km) through 51 countries:
Route: Europe. North-Africa. North-America. Asia. Australia. World.
Book: The Endless Ride.

02.1989 - 1989
Around-The-World. Wenzel, Andre (German)
Plan ab 02/89 7-8 Monate um die Erde.
23.02.91 Had a bad accident with motorcycle in Spain. Stopped his plan. Instead of this he made two small rides in Africa.

05.1989 - 12.1991 and ca. 01.10.1997 - 05.2000 and ca. >06.2000 - 15.05.2001
Frazier, Dr. Gregory (Indian American)
Three times Around-The-World.
For the first tour the Indian-American Greg told me: It was a Motorcycle-World-Tour as a mistake. 42.000 miles (ca. 70.000 kms) with  BMW R 100 RT.
1st route: USA (Denver, Colorado - L.A. - Flug nach Hawaii) - dort mit Harley Davidson - Flug nach Australien - dort YAMAHA XT 600 3 Monate ca. 15.000 kms - Flug nach New Zealand - dort 1 Monat mit Kawasaki B 1 1000 beide Inseln - Flug nach Denver - by car to L.A. - to Newark, New Jersey mit BMW R 100 RT - Flug nach München - mit BMW K 100 D - GB - NL - D - DK - Norwegen - Schweden - DK - D - Belgien - Frankreich - Italy - Griechenland - Türkei - mit Flugzeug ohne Motorrad nach Australien - New Zealand dort mit SUZUKI RG 500 - Flug nach USA (Denver) - Flug nach Istanbul - mit BMW K 100 nach Bulgarien - Rumänien - Ungarn - Österreich - D (München) - Flug nach USA (Colorado) mit BMW R 80 G/S to Alaska (Anchorage, zurück nach) - USA (Denver) - Guatemala - USA (Denver).
1996, 1997, 1998 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers and three times personal guest.
2nd route and view of second World-Around-Tour in detail missing: With BMW R 100 GS 55.000 kms North America and South America in 5 months. Australia. New Zealand. Japan. Africa. Europe.
3rd route and view of third World-Around-Tour in detail missing: North America ...- Europe - Asia - North America.
Books: Motorcycle Sex. New Zealand. Alaska. Riding South (North-, Central and South America). Several videos for sale.
Greg visited the Tesch-Travel-Treffen several times and was a personal guest here as well.
B.T.: The first American who circled the world twice by motorcycle was Norman McElroy. Greg was the first INDIAN American who circled the world twice by mc. About 20th.05.01 I got an indirect copy of him that he finished his third ride RTW. He did not write this in person to me and I cannot proof this. So he could be the first man and American who circled the world three times by motorcycle.

06.1989 - 09.1991 + 1993 - ca. 1995
Bartels, Thomas (German)
Around-The-World. The lorry-driver Thomas got cancer after his first World-Around-Tour. After the first chemotheraphie in 1992 he decided to take not a second one. He would better prefer to die on another world-around-trip (planned 1-3 years) with his bike than in a hospital. In 1993 he started again. He came back after 1,5 years and died of cancer in 1998.
Thomas phoned Bernd Tesch first time in 1993.
Book: Bernd Tesch owns a private brochure about his first World-Around-Tour.

Debra and Steve "on the road" 1990-92

04.05.1990 - 01.04.1992
Attwood, Debra and Steve (British) Business producer of CHILLI Heated Clothing.
Around-The-World with one Moto-Guzzi. Based on Model T3 850cc, but modified for tour.We travelled about 57,000 miles (or approximately 91,200 kms.
Route: Europe 10.000 miles (UK - Belgium - Germany - Hungary - Yugoslavia - Greece - Turkey - Greece) - Boat to North Africa 3.500 miles (Egypt - Sinai - Israel - Egypt). British could not get a visa fror Iran this time. So we wanted to ride via Israel - Jordan - Saudi Arabia to Gulf erea. But the Gulf war started. So we rode back to Egypt and flew with the bike to Bombay, India (via Abu Dhabi). Asia 8.000 miles (India - Nepal - India - plane trip with bike to Bangkok, Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore). We flew to Perth, Australia, bike sent via boat. Around Australia 17.500 miles (Perth - crossed Nullarbor plain - Port Augusta - Adelaide - Melbourne - Canberra - Sydney - Brisbane - Queensland - Northern Territories - Darwin - Katherine - Alice Springs - Ayers Rock - Coober Pedy - Adelaide - Sydney). Flew to Auckland, New Zealand, bike sent by boat. New Zealand 7.000 miles (Travelled around both North and South Island, New Zealand). Flew to Los Angeles via Fiji, bike sent by boat to Los Angeles. North-America 11.000 miles (Los Angeles - San Francisco - Death Valley - Las Vegas - Arizona - New Mexico - Texas - Louisiana - Florida - Georgia - South Carolina) - bike sent by boat to London - we continued via Greyhound bus to New York). Total miles travelled 57,000 (or approximately 91,200 kms)
Purpose of travel: Lifelong ambition
The best: So many, but key points: Seeing wall being taken apart separating West/East Berlin; riding Moto Guzzi over giant sand dunes (as tall as a house) in Sahara near Siwa Oasis close to Libyan Boarder. Seeing the Pyramids of Giza; climbing up to see the sun rise over Mount Sinai; surviving India; visiting Taj Mahal; 8 day trek in foothills of Annapurna Mountains (Nepal);scuba diving on Great Barrier Reef; Travelling down centre of Australia; climbing Ayres Rock; bungee jumping in New Zealand;seeing the Grand Canyon in North America; crossing Death Valley; various people experiences in many countries.
The worst: Being too close (in our tent) to a night time machine gun battle in East Turkey between Kurds and Turkish police; Having to change route because of Gulf War; Being searched at machine gun point during desert crossing in Egypt; Getting lost in the Sinai desert; Trying to get out of Bombay - it took 5 hours in very high temperatures and extreme humidity; Dodging curfews and road closures in northern India; Suffering heat exhaustion in Northern Territories after canoeing through Katherine Gorge, Australia; Severe food poisoning in New Zealand.
Book or publication: None
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Don't keep thinking about it - just do it!
12.05.95 First Info by Gary Moore. Steve and Debra made a job of out it and are producer of CHILLI Heated Clothing.
1999 Participant of the 21th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1999.

1990 - 200?
Haws, Gail and Eric (Americans)
Around-The-World. 1990 - 1998 First trip Around-The-World was East to West.  1998 - ?? on second trip Around-The-World North to South.
Summary of summary: Miles travelled in North America 150.000 miles. Miles travelled in rest of the world: 150.000 miles. TOTAL:  300.000 miles. Normal travel is on 1991 GS BMW. Always two up. Gail and Eric had 10 serious breakdowns in 10 different countries. Places visited not visited by most around the world motorcyclists because they are out of somewhat out of their way: Iceland. Indonesia. New Zealand-3 times. Baltics- 2 times to Estonia, Lithuiana, and Latvia. Scotland and Ireland. Singapore (1996  200 miles). Tasmania.
Motorcycle Resume  Summary:
Three Trips to Russia:
1990  5000 miles Western Russia and Baltics.
1991  Siberia by Russian moto 3300 miles.
1992  Across All of Russia 7916 miles to Finland Guinesses Certificate for this trip.
Toured in Northern Europe four times:
1993  Finland to Iceland and back 8000 miles.
1994  Finland, Baltics, Poland Germany 2976 miles.
1998  Germany and France and Return 7000 miles.
1999  Germany to Ireland to Finland 8000 miles.
Toured Australia five times :
1995 4068 miles and again in
1995 5500 miles
1996 that year 3500 miles
1997 4500 miles
1998 Trip around the coast 18.000 miles
Toured New Zealand three times:
1993 4863 miles
1994 3876 miles
1998 3911 miles
Toured the US, Canada and Mexico many times
1990 - 2000. We live in the US and travel around the US only total 100,000 miles.
1994 + 1998   5000 miles in Mexico
1999  18.300 miles in Canada.
Toured Indonesia:
1996  5026 miles
Toured South America:
1998 10,000 miles in Chile and Argentina.
2000  3945 miles in Argentina and Bolivia
B.T.: Eric and Gail started 1990 riding motorcycles. The American lawer and Mc-Traveller Eric is carrying his wife on the back of his BMW, because - as he told me here in Zweifall at my home - she is the "boss". But in fact she is following him where ever he wants to go: "Magadan in Russia -Transsibiria - Finland: They were the first riders I know travelling from Magadan along the BAM - railway through Siberia to Moscow and Finland (01.07. - 22.08.1992) without taking a train. As well they travelled on ONE  BMW R 100 GS: 8.273 Miles (13.239 km). They learned to love the Russian friendship and the mosquitos. Russian-Route 1992: Magadan - BAM  (Baikal Amur Mainline) Rail road - Aldan River - Tynda - Lake Baikal - Bratsk - Moskau - Finland. They rode 3 times in Russia: 1990 (without Russian guides !). 1991. 1992.
26.03.1998 Both are just retired in 1997 and came just for the "21th Meeting for World-Travellers" to Germany. They intend to ride and travel the next ten years.
14.04.1998: Eric and Gail Haws from USA visited us first time. 
1999 both visited us here another time travelling in Europe.

1990 - 95
Bichler, Manfred (German)
Around-The-World. Circeld the world in normal vacations on 8 tours.
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1998.
Books in German: In 19 Wochen nach Sydney. Kreuz und quer durch Afrika.

07.03.1990 - 04.05.1991
Vega, Monika (Brasilian)
Around-The-World. Monika rode solo 83.500 kms in 444 days through 53 countries and all continents with HONDA MTX 125 ccm.
Monika: "From the taste of the conquest comes the savour of  victory"
Route: Italien (Milano) - Vatikan - Italien - Tunesien - Libyen - Ägypten - Jordanien - Iraq - Kuwait - Bahrain - U.A.E. - Indien - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - Australien - Japan - U.S.A. - Canada - USA - Mexico - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua- Costa Rica - Panama - Venezuela - Kolumbien - Equador - Peru -Chile - Argentinien - Uruguay - Brasilien - Paraguay - Marokko - Spanien - Portugal - Spanien - Frankreich - Luxembourg - Belgien - England - Frankreich - Belgien - Holland - Deutschland - Dänemark - Schweden - Norwegen - Schweden - Finland - Sowjetunion - Polen - Chechoslowakei - Ungarn- Österreich - Lichtenstein -Schweiz - Italien (Milano).
07.1998: Bernd Tesch visited Monika in Monaco.
1998: B.T.: She is the first women who circled solo the world visiting five continents and is in the Guiness Book.
B.T.: It took me several years to get in contact with her after a lot of letters, because - I suppose - Monika was afraid that I could disturb her record being the first woman. The first woman who circled the world by mc in 1978 through 3 continents was Anne-France Dautheville. Monika is the first who travelled around through five continents. I am really looking forward to read her story. After so many years, Monika, you have to DO this FIRST !  Monika never slept in a tent "on the road". She always felt much more protected by the people in villages / towns. Once she was attacked by Libyan police with machine guns who wanted to rape her. Monika does not have a motorcycle any more. But at once I discovered Monikas motorcycle helmet lying in her appartement, lying on the middle of the table. Her Motorcycle is in the museum of Marseille. In a short future her story will be in internet. She has started to write a book about her world-tour and said: "I know once it will be published". With Monika and her husband Antonio we finally all had a good talk about different subjects of life.

28.03.1990 - 31.08.1992
Rogers, Jim and Tabitha Estabrook (Americans)
Around-The-World. With BMW R 100 G/S (Jim who "earned in the 70 ies by investements at Wallstreet in NY more money than he thought exists in the world) and BMW R 65 (Tabitha). In 22 months 19.766 km (miles??) on ferries and aeroplanes (65.067 miles) 160.000 kms . They started 14.06.90 in Wladiwostok and reached Brest 30.08.91 with Russian crews in company.
Route: All 6 continentes crossed. Guinessbook-Record. Dunquin to Tokyo. Tokyo to Dunquin. Dunquin - Capetown. Rounding the horn - Australia - SA + NA.
Book: Investment Biker. On the road with Jim Rogers (1994, English). (German edition)
Video: Crossing China with guides.
1994 Bernd Tesch meets lovely, intelligent Tabitha in NY.
1994 Bernd Tesch meets always high busy Jim in 1994 in Düsseldorf/Germany for an afternoon.
1999 Jim is "on the road again" with his special Expedition-Mercedes car for two persons with a trailer: 4-wheel-drive, 3-liter-turbo diesel, 5-gear-automatic-gear, US $ 500.000, called Millenium GLK. He is now on a luxury world-tour again with the woman Paige. They intend to travel with this car in three years.
22.05.2000: Who knows the present address of Tabitha??

Rund um die Welt (names unknown. British)
Around-The-World. In 80 Wochen mit 2 BSA-Gespannen.
Published in Classic Motorcycle. May 1991.
Info von Ernst Leverkus.
22.05.2000: Who knows more details or their names or their  present address or the publication ?

??.09. 1991 - 05.1994
Barr, Dave (American)
Around-The-World. An 83.000 Mile (132.800 km) Adventure Around The World in 3,5 years solo on a 1972  1200cc Harley Davidson Wide Glide! Daves phantastic, unbelievable adventures world-around-tour as a double amputee man on a Harley Davidson. Dave reached all the real corners of the world including China, Mongolia  to Russia across the Gobi desert, Siberia, to Moscow and on to Murmansk. In all countries he wanted to support the people that were disabled and also show them what they can do - if they want.
Only one detail: No motorcycle-traveller managed before to ride from Singapore through China (picture on the Tiananiman Square with mc !) and Mongolei to Russia (Murmansk) !
In another mc-tour Dave was the first who rode from the Atlantic (France) to the Pacific (Russia, Vladiwostok) in total including the Amur-River area: in wintertime  December-6-1996 to March-24-1997.
10.-12.12.1996 Dave has been three times a personal guest of Bernd Tesch in Zweifall. He wrote one of the best compliments I ever got in my guest-book: "You are the Intelligence-Center of Motorcycle-World-Travellers".
Books: Riding The Edge (1995. In English). Riding The Ice (1998. In English).

Skuse, Ken "Tex Star" (Brtish)
Plan Around-The-World. Plant Weltreise. 30.11.91. Engländer.
22.05.2000 He visted me sometimes. I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

05.03.1991 - 05.05.94
Pearson, Michael (British)
Around-The-World. Michael ist ein gut aussehender Mann, der immer ein wenig schelmisch lacht und eher zurückhaltend ist.
Route: GB (Hull) - Osteuropa - Griechenland - per Schiff nach Ägypten - Jordanien - Saudi Arabien - Dubai - per Schiff nach Pakistan (Karatschi) - Indien - Nepal - Indien - von Madras  per Schiff nach Singapure - Malaysia - Australien (4 Monate) - Nord-Amerika (3 Monate) - Panama - Süd-Amerika - Süd-Afrika - Kenia - Äthiopien - Sudan - Ägypten (Alexandria) - Tunesien - Italien - Türkei - GB. GB-Australien: 1 Jahr. NA und SA: 1 Jahr.
Michael Pearson kennt noch einen Welt-Umrunder aus GB: Conan. Will mir Addresse mitteilen!
11.03.93 Info von Ian Ball:.
Participant of the 18th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1996.
Book: Wrote a book and is searching a publisher.

< 1992
Nuzzo, Giovanni Giancarlo (Italian)
Around-The-World. Weltreise durch 4 Kontinente mit einem Roller.
23.11.92 First contact.
Books: Scoprire l'Italia in Moto (Italian). Motorradtouren in Italien (German edition).

< 1992 - ca. 1998
Ohlen, Klaus Peter von (German)
Around-The-World. 6 years Around-The-World. 4,5 years by Motorcycle. 180.000 kms.
20.03.94  1st contact.
29.10.97 Publikation über ihn in MOTORRAD von Rolf Henniges.
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1996.

1992 - ca. 1994
Andersen, Henrik (Danish)
Around-The-World. Was the first West-European I know who reached Vladiwostok (about june / july 1992) by himself without Russian guides after the Sowjetunion was cancelled.
Route: Europe - Asia - North-America - South-America - Australia - Africa - Europe.

< 1992
Charras, Jean Claude (French)
Around-The-World ? Could not proof if he circled the world in total.
1st info by Englebert Boos.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

< 1992
Lievens, Marcel (Belgian)
Around-The-World. Crossed all continents North-South.
Info: Many publications in Dutch Motorcycle Magazines.
1992: 1st contact with Marce, who wanted to give a slide-show this year but did not show up.

Ca. 1992 - 93
Jensen, Heinrich (Henrik) and Conny Müllhold (Danish)
Around-The-World. Brother of Ove Jensen (1980 -81) circeld the world nearly on the same route with Conny.

Ca. 1992 - 94.
Saarelainen, Jari (Finland)
Around-The-World. In 752 Tagen 108.000 km mit Goldwing durch 43 Länder in 5 Kontinenten.
1994 Info von Chris Wils
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Ca. 1992 - 93 and
18.04.97 - 08.06.97 (World-Record).
Sanders, Nick (British)
Went 3 times Around-The-World. Once per cycle and then by Motorcyle Enfield Bullet.
Welt-Rekord: 18.04.97-08.06.97. In 20 days of only riding his bike he covered 19.930 miles and slept only two hours a night  31 Tage und 20 Tage nur Motorradfahren mit einer Triumph Daytona.
08.09.93 1st info out Australien Motorcycle news.
1993 Bernd Tesch visted Nick Sanders.
1998 Bernd Tesch was invited to his marriage in GB.
Video: Fastest man Around-The-World. The video showes his race through jungles, deserts, mountaines and big cities with all the TV-shows(1997)
Book: Fastest man Around-The-World (2000) and many others.
B.T.: A very friendly, experienced, hospital and intelligent man. Time-record Around-The-World.

Ca. 11.02.92 - ca. 12.94
Fierz, Denise and Erich  (Swiss)
Around-The-World ? With two BMW R 80 GS 1992.

13.06.1992 - 13.08.1992
Briel, Volker and Peter Stumm (Germans) Peters homepage:
Around-The-World in 60 days on the the same general way of  Robert Sexe. 66 years later with two YAMAHA XT 660.
In this time it was nearly unpossible to cross Russia without Russian leaders. So both were very astonished when Alfred Reetz and Bernd Tesch passed them east of  Moscow near Kasan. They did not have time to stay a night with us although we knew each other and we were the first mc-travellers they met.
Route: Deutschland (Mühlheim ab per PKW, Motorrad auf Hänger - Frankreich (ab Paris 13.06) - Belgien - Polen - Russland - (Moskau - Wladiwostok (an 03.07.) - Japan - USA - England - Frankreich - Deutschland (an Mühlheim 13.08.92).
Peter has been many times participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.
1997 Volker has been once a participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers and gave a slide-skow.
Video by Volker Briel: Rund um die Welt.
Peter Stumm: Peter build up "KARAWANE": Motorcycle tours in the area of "Ruhrpott" and slides-shows about worldwide tours by car,  backbacking and motorcycle. See Peters homepage:
B.T.: First Germans who reached Wladiwostok by Motorcycle.

21.08.1992 - ca. 21.04.95
Iten, Gerhard and Lucia Fuchs (Swiss)
Not completly around. With a Dnepr-sidecar .
Route: Europa - Asia - Australien - New Zealand. 60.000 kms. Schweiz - Italien - mit der Fähre in die über Griechenland in die Türkei - Iran - Pakistan - China - Indien - Australien - Neuseeland .
Book: Speichenbruch und Motorschaden. Vom Abenteuer einer Dnepr-Weltreise.

1992 - 95
Lagrot,  and Jean-Francois and Isabelle Proteau (French)
Around-The-World. Die Veterinärärzte Isabelle und Jean-Francois unternehmen mehrere Motorrad-Reisen nach ihrem Studienabschluß: 1986 Algier - Dakar (Jean-Claude und ein Freund). 1987- 88  Dakar-Capetown. 1990 rund um Süd-Amerika. Schließlich als Folge ihrer Entdeckungen und dem Leben "on the road" als Nomaden 1992-95 eine Weltreise mit zwei YAMAHA XTZ 660.
Ihr Thema aller Reisen ist jeweils das Aufspüren und Fotografieren von kaum mehr bekannten Tieren, deren Bestand gefährdet ist: Afrikanische Okapis, Java und Nepal Rhinozeros, Tasmanischer Teufel, Baumkängeruh in Papua, Miniantilope bei den Pygmäen, Fossa und Lemurs auf Madagaskar, Gelada Affen von Äthiopien, seltene Chamäleons, Australische Wombat, Malaiische Babirussa (Schweinehirsch). Roter Ibis und Zebus in Französisch Guyana, leatherback turtle (Schildkröte), Jaguar, Tapir.
1998: Patricia Govers and Bernd Tesch visited Isabelle and Francois in France.
1999 they left again for a tour "Around-The-World " with their young child by Toyota Landcruiser.
Books: In English: On the trail of UNUSUAL ANIMALS in Danger of extinction (=  Auf den Spuren von ungewöhnlichen Tieren, die vom Aussterben bedroht sind). In French: À La Recherche des Animaux Insolites en voie de Disparition. Text-Fotoband ist eine Augenweide durch die Tieraufnahmen und übersichtlichen Erläuterungen

28.09.1992 - ca. 09.1993
Beard, Elspeth (British)
Around-The-World. As a studentgirl Elspeth rode from London around the world 48.000 km by her own on a BMW R 60/6.
1994, 1996, 2000 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers including her Slides-show: "A girl wants to know the world. Solo around the world"
Book: In 2000 Elspeth is planning to finish her book.

1994 Bernd Tesch has been searching Elspeth for years and found and visited her finally in 1994. She is a pilot and wanted to circle the world by a two-person aeroplane then with her son Tom. But she could not afford to buy a plane and to fly around the world. So she flew to Australia for some months and flew in Australia herself long distances. The architect Elspeth is an extraordinary woman. Because she has seen a lot Elspeth did not want to live in a normal house. So she bought a water tower on top of the hills and build herself six floors inside. For this building she got an award. On the walls you would see a lot of pictures about her world-tour.
08.08.98 Elspeth wrote me "I took your advise - Bernd - to write my own book now, but I do not know when it will be finished".
1999 I got too little answers from Elspeth but could find out: She wanted to travel solo for three months in South America by Motorcycle, but her Motorcycle did not arrive there. So she travelled backpacking: "I defintely go back to SA". She is still continueing her book and wants to sell her selfbuild water-tower near London.
B.T. 05.2001:The architect Elsbeth is one of the five women Bernd Tesch knows who circeld solo the world.

Plan 1993 - 1994
Frankhauser, Kurt (Swiss)
Around-The-World ?
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows him, his present address or publications about him??

1993 ?
Fraser, Fiona and Martin  (Swedish?)
Around-The-World ? Ca. 1993 Info von Bent Ellingsen.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows him, his present address or publications about them??

??.??.1993 - ??.??.1997
Lord, Roland (Sweden)
Around-The-World. Roland rode 4 years with YAMAHA XTZ 660.
Route: Europe (Sweden - Germany - The Czech Republic - Austria - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania - Bulgaria -  Turkey) - Asia (Syria - Jordan) - Africa (Egypt) -  By plane ??? Why did you not travel overland ? Visa-problems??)  to Asia (India - Nepal - Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - Myanmar (by Motorcycle ???? just entering or crossing??? by plane??) - Indonesia - Australia - New Zeeland - Fiji - Cook Islands - North America (USA - Mexico - Guatemala - Honduras - El Salvador - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - South America (Colombia - Ecuador (and the Galapagos) - Peru - Bolivia - Chili - Argentina - Uruguay - Brazil - Paraguay - from Argentina by plane / ship??? to Africa (South Africa - Swaziland -  Zimbabwe - Namibia - Botswana - Mozambique - Malawi - Tanzania - Kenya - Uganda - Ethiopia - Eritrea - Asia (Saudi Arabia - Jordan again - Israel - by boat to Europe (Greece - Macedonia - Italy - San Marino - France - Monaco - Spain - Andorra - England - Belgium - Luxemburg - The Netherlands - Poland - Lithuania - Latvia - Estonia - Finland - Sweden ??.
Roland financed the trip by help from 22 sponsors and I was working as a journalist for newspapers, magazines, Swedish television and radio. Pretty much all the publications were made in Swedish.
The best: ????
The worst: ????
07.03.98 First Info von Marcel Kersten, who met him 30.12.1996 in Zimbabwe. Both rode back togehter from Kenia to Europe.
29.07.2000 Roland is trying to test a new VOLVO 2002 on another world-tour. If  he succees he will start in ca. 2002 with a Dutch who is living now in Essen-B. as a second person.

Scott, Chris (British) Adventure Motorbiking Handbook, Website & Tours
Sahara Overland Book, Wesbite & Tours
Did NOT ride Around-The-World.But published a book about those tours: The Adventure Motorbiking Handbook.
Motorcycle-World-Travel. The for sure in English written most informative guide about worldwide motorcycle-tours. Practicalities: In 12 chapters many information concerning planning and outfitting the person and bike (170 pp). Continental Route Outlines: Information about Africa. Asia. Central & South America. Australia (79 pp). Tales from the saddle: Nine stories about Sahara. Australia. Patagonia. Iceland. Central Africa. Round the World. UK to India. (80 pp). Appendix: Useful addresses and websites.
10.2000 A German edition will be available.

> 1993
Scott, David (British? American?)
Around-The-World. Will mit Harley 1993 um die Welt fahren. War 06.93 in Moskau.
17.06.94 Zeitungsbericht erhalten von Martina und Gottfried Schillings.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows him, his present address or publications about him??

ca. 05.1993 - ? ca. 10.1993
Smith, Raphael (25) and Thomas Fuller (Americans)
Plan Around-The-World. Stepson of Robert Fulton (see there) who circled the world in 1932. Was on a World-Around-Tour and died because of an accident with a lorry in Bulgaria.
1993 Raphael and Thomas visited Bernd Tesch in Aachen.

11.06.1993 - 23.09.1997
Muttoni, Carlo (born 13.02.1963, Italian, US-resident)
Around The World. The art director in advertising Carlo in Milan (Italy) rode solo around the world on a motorcycle with BMW R 100 GS Paris/Dakar (1993 modified).Total route on five continents: 140.000 kms in 52 months. Starting in New York City because , arriving in Vicenza (Italy) back to the roots.
Route: Notrh AMerica (New York) - The Americas from Alaska to Feuerland - Buenos Aires - Easter Island - Polinesia - New Zealand - Australia - Singapore to Nepal, India (Himalaya and Karakorum) - Pakistan - Turkey - Middle East - Africa from Egypt to Cape Town and back to Italy.
Purpose of travel: a geographical survey for demonstrating the globe flatness.
The best: Best bike roads: Alaska, Bolivia, New Zealand, Malawi. Best climbs in the Andes. Most beautiful women in Buenos Aires. Best beer in Australia. Best BMW mechanics: everywhere but in Sturgis (South Dakota). Best of the best: scubadiving in Exmouth (Western Australia).
The worst: Amoeba in South America. Civil war in Pakistan.
Book or publication (not published yet. I'm working on it).
Tips: to fellow travellers: Travel Light. Do not hurry. Drink a lot.
28.01.01 1st contact with help from Sam Manicom

< 1994
Huchtmann, Karl (German)
Around-The-World. Circled the world with BMW. I own a report from him.

02.- 04.1994
Honauer, Markus (German)
Plan Around-The-World. Started for a planned World-Around-Tour 1,5-2 years with Yamaha 1000. After 6 weeks his motor was defect. So he stopped the tour because of lack of money and rode only 3.5 months most in Africa.

02.04.1994 - 02.07.1996
Schmidt, Markus and Christopher Hirt (Germans)
Around-The-World. The super-fotograf Markus and motorcycle-mechanic Chris circled the world in 26 months with two YAMAHA XT 600 and rode 102.500 kms. Markus spend DM 26.000. The first piston still worked up to km 196.300 in Germany.
Markus and Chris rode 20.000 kms in 3,5 months through Ukraine, Russia, Kasachstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgistan, Kasachstan, Russia and through Siberia to Vladivostok. The ex-Sowjetunions and  Russians where very friendly people, no problems with safety, and amazing beautiful citys like Samarkand, Buchara and Kiva at the ancient Silkroad in Usbekistan. Somtimes even the 55 liter fueltank is useful. From Vladivostok they flew together with the bikes to Alaska (Ancorage) with ALASKA AIRLINES, and loved the huge supermarkets there. Supermarkets are like heaven after Ex-Sowjet-countries. They made "holiday" for one month in Alaska after hard travelling before. In wintertime (november and december) through Canada and the USA through a lot of snow in the Rockys, less on Baya California. South through Central America. With the ferry (great food and drinks) to Columbia where the customs controled their luggage by drug-dogs. Columbia and Venezuela are beautiful. South through Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia (very beautiful), Chile (go to Paso San Franzisco and Carretera Austra) and Argentinia to Patagonia (cold in Spring, snow). North to Buenos Aires. After 20 months they still had money and time. So they shipped bikes to South Africa, Capetown, and flew there. Through sandy north of  Namibia, Botswana (hallo elephants), up north to Kenia, Ethiopia (birr, birr thy asked fro some money) to Eritrea. By ferry through Red Sea to Jiddah, Saudi Arabia. After two days in Jiddah next ferry to Egypt. Two weeks "holiday" on the western oasis route and Luxor back home via Sinai - Israle - Greece - Italy - Switzerland - Germany.
Route: Europe (Germany - Austrai - Hungary) - Asia via GUS (Vladiwostok) - North America (Alaska - Tierra del Fuego) - Africa (Transafrica from Capetown to Eritrea - Egypt) - Europe (Germany).
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers 6 times 1993 - 2000.

(14)15.04.94 - 02.10.95
Wagner, Franz-Joseph and Weickel, Jürgen  and Thomas Krimm (Germans)
Around-The-World. Franz-Joseph rode with BMW R 100 R GS : Welt-Reise 18 Monate ab 14.04.94 mit Franz-Josef Wagner .
Franz-Joseph was participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1994, 1998.

06.07.1994 - ca. 03.1995
Okudaira, Masakazu (Japan)
Around-The-World. With SUZUKI DR 200.
Route: Japan - California - Panamerikana ganz - Europa - Nordkap-Sizilien - Griechenland - Türkei - Plan: Iran - Pakistan - Indien - Nepal - Thailand - Singapur - Japan.
20.12.94 Jörg Ilmenau hat ihn unterwegs getroffen und mich telefonisch informiert.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

10.1994 - ?
Theis, Peter (German)
Around-The-World ? With a BMW 1100 GS.
Ca. 1994 hat mich Peter einmal angerufen
15.03.98 Peter rief mich an. Er wußte vom Schweizer Daniel Vetter, daß ich die Information über die Einreise nach Indonesien suche.
Route: D - Motorrad nach Bangkok geflogen - Einreise wurde verweigert - er mußte das Motorrad wieder ausführen (?) über Singapur (?) - zweimal rund um Australien gefahren - Singapur - Vancouver - Nord-Amerika - Mittel-Amerika - Panama - Peru - von dort aus wollte Peter einfach nicht weiter und hatte Sehnsucht nach Thailand - so fuhr er zurück mit der damaligen Fähre nach Panama - dort mit Aeroflot mit Mascine geflogen nach Irland - Berlin - 14 Tage später Motorrad von Hamburg nach Singapur verschifft.
1995 nach Laos ca. 1997 von Laos nach Vietnam - ca. 04 1997 nach Kambodscha, dort einmal rund ums Land gefahren. 1997 in China gewesen: Von Laos zur chinesischen Grenze ausgereist - an der chinesichen Grenze unfreundlich zurückgewiesen worden - dann in Laos beim Transportministerium die Papiere geholt, die jeder LKW braucht. Darin stand, daß man bei der nächsten Stadt sich eine Genehmigung zur Weiterreise holen muß - damit hat man ihn ohne chinesiches Nummernschild und ohne chinesischen Führerschein reingelassen - er ist aber nicht dorthin gefahren, sondern einfach so weiter in China gefahren - bei der Ausreise aus China an der selben Grenze wurden seine Papiere einfach abgestempelt.
Plan: Thailand - Pakistan - Iran nach Europa or China - Kasachstan - Europe.
Since 1997 Peter has been 7 times in Kambodscha

13.12.1994 - ?
Vetter, Daniel (Swiss)
Plan Around-The-World. Daniel (Born 1967) is a very experienced traveller by backpack, car and motorcycle. Daniel travels solo or with friends "from the road". Always searching for the smallest roads. Daniel is travelling with much time and rode 100.000 kms in the first 3 years and covered 24 countries. Since 1998 he setteled down for "a while" in Bangkok and makes mc-travels from there: by now more than 30.000 kms in Thailand and neighbour countries. Crossed 6 times Cambodia. 2 times Vietnam (From Hanoi to Daigon). 4 times Laos with thousands of km gravel. Malaysia (3 months). 2 times Burma by plane.
Plan: Sumatra - Sulawesi - USA - Canada - Alaska - South America or Switzerland.
His Travel-History: 5 other travels each of 6-8 months in USA, Australia / New Zeland by car. By car South East Asia- South America- Central-America. India / China / Mongolia / Transiberia.
His travel-history: 5 previous journeys each of 6-8 months; in USA, Australia / New Zeland by car. South East Asia, South America, Central-America / Caribean, India / Sri Lanka / China / Mongolia / Transiberia by backpack.
Future plans: Sumatra - Sulawesi - USA - Canada - Alaska, maybe South America, - Switzerland.
Route: Switzerland - Italy - Sicilia - Tunesia (6 weeks) - Lybia - Egypt (2,5 months) - Jordan - Israel (without bike due to epensive stamp and insurance) - Syria - Libanon - Turkey (2 months) - 3 Greek Islands - Iran (6 weeks) - Pakistan (3 coldest months) - India (13 months to Indian border - 5,5 months in India in the  north,  incl. Spiti, Ladakh, Kashmir. In 1995 the border were opened to the "Northeastern Hillstates": Tripura (19 different hilltribes), Meghalaya and Azzam. Mizoram and Manipur were still illegal but police/army let him in) - Bangladesh (4 weeks), Bhutan (10 km) - Tibet (no bike) - Nepal - by plane to Thailand - Laos - Vietnam - Kambodia - Malaysia - Singapur - Myanmar/Burma (by plane). 130.000+ kms with BMW R 80 G/S 1986 (40 liter fuel tank, White Power suspension, Daerr aluboxes, Goetz tankbag).
1994: 1st contact.
24.02.98 First information "on the road" by W. Henke / Indonesia.
22.07.2000 Several years since 1994 on a World-Around-Tour. Specialist for Asia mc-tours.
22.07.2000 several years since 1994 on a World-Around-Tour. Many contacts for Overland / Asia mc-travels, supplies travelers with infos. More excursions in Asia for next few years planed.

Plan 1995
Lebbing, Bob (Dutch)
Plan Around-The-World. 26.03.1994 Plan Around-The-World with a Dnepr. Last contact.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

1995 - ?
Thompson, Sharon and Dave (Americans)
Around-The-World ? Plan 1996 Around-The-World in 3 years with BMW R 100 GS (Dave) and Sharaon (R 80G/S)
Route: USA - Mexico - Belize - Guatemala - El Salavador - Honduras - Nicaragua  Costa Rica - Panama - Colombia - Peru - Chile down to Tierra del Fuego - Argentina - Spain - Morocco - North again through Portugal - France - Belgium - Holland - Germany - Denmark - Sweden - Norway - up to Northe Cape - Finland - Sweden to Holland.
17.01.95 Info von Marcus Grave..
1996 Dave visited Bernd Tesch in Aachen.
21.07.1999 being back after 18 months
09.1999 Plan: Solo with R100 GS through Africa.

1995 - ?
Ulrich ? (German)
Plan Around-The-World.
10.04.95  Last contact.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about him??

09.04.1995 - + 15 month
Mark Friend (Business Accountant) + Dr. Clive Greenhough (Dr. of dispatch)  + William Penty (French and Japanese teacher) + Ches Penty (Journalist) + Nick Stubley (Aircraft engineer) +  Austine Vince (Maths teacher) + Gerald Vince (Railway Clerk)
Plan Around-The-World. Mondo Enduro.They planned to circle the world (and did it somehow) with SUZUKI DR 350s.
They wanted to take the longest route o earth.
12.04.1995 1st contact. Got a plan.

10.1995 - ?
Valmarana, Kari (Finish)
Around-The-World ?
22.07.2000: Anymore details, address, publications?

04.1995 - 1996
Greenhough, Clive (British)
Around-The-World with friends on SUZUKI DR 350 in 13 months. 65.600 kms.
1998 First information by World-Around-Traveller David Parkinson.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??
11.07.00 Listed under Chris Scotts website

01.04.1995 - 15.04.2000
Gutmann, Marc (German, born 1968)
Around-The-World. The Diplom-Kaufmann Marc rode 111.000 kms in 5 continents through 56 countries with Suzuki DR 650. Marc in 2000 to Bernd Tesch: "This was only my first round". He wants to continue.
Route: Germany (Start der Weltreise direkt vom Tesch-Travel-Treffen) - von Polen nach Argentinien auf einem alten Frachter; alle Länder Südamerikas (außer Guyanas und Chile); der Kontinent der ihm zur zweiten Heimat wird. 1997: Alle Länder Mittelamerikas und Mexiko; USA: statt auf direktem Weg nach L.A. "driftet" er durch die Begeisterung für die Nationalparks ab bis Miami. 1998: In der Regenzeit durch das depressive Japan (Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku); über Korea nach China (mit dem Fahrrad); Australien, das er als das "boring paradise" empfand; über Brunei und Malaysia nach Afrika 1999/2000 vom Kap nach Kairo; spannende 12 Monate Transafrika.
The best: Einer der Höhepunke sicherlich der Besuch der Berggorillas in Ruanda.Mittlerer Osten. Zypern. Griechenland und im Winter durch den Balkan: Macedonien, Bulgarien (zweimal eingeschneit !), Rumanien, Ungarn, Slowakei, Tschechien.
The worst: ???
Usefultips for others: ??
Books or publication: CD zur Weltreise.Gründung der Firma MANTAC zur Foto- und Filmproduktion. Diashows.
Other travel-experiences: During his education he travelled a lot including many countries of Europe by bike.

1997 Slides-show about his part of South-America at the 19. Mc-Meeting for World-Travellers.
1995, 1997, 2000. Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.
B.T.: Marc started his world-tour in 1995 on a Tesch-Treffen and finished it again on a Tesch-Treffen in 2000.

01.04.1995 - 15.04.2000
Gutmann, Marc (German, 14.07.1968) > Around-The-World. The Diplom-Kaufmann (MBA-business) Marc rode 111.000 kms in 5 > > continents through 56 countries with Suzuki DR 650. Marc in 2000 to > Bernd Tesch: "This was only my first round". He wants to continue. > > Germany (Start der Weltreise direkt vom Tesch-Travel-Treffen) > - von Polen nach Argentinien auf einem alten Frachter - alle Länder > Südamerikas (außer Guyanas und Chile) - der Kontinent der ihm zur zweiten Heimat > wird (mentality of the people, beauty of nature) 1997: Alle Länder Mittelamerikas > und Mexiko - 1997: USA, statt auf direktem Weg nach L.A. "driftet" er durch die > Begeisterung für die Nationalparks ab bis Miami. 1998: In der Regenzeit durch das > sowieso depressive Japan (Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, > Shikoku) - über Korea (train and bus) to China (by bicycle) - Australia, what he > calls a "boring paradise" - by boat, bus, train through Brunei and Malaysia - he > flew by plane and shiped the bike to Africa. 1999/2000: Cape of good hope to Cairo > in 12 thrilling months Transafrica - Middle East - Europe (Cyprus - Greece and > Balkan in wintertime - Macedonia - Bulgaria (zweimal eingeschneit !) - Rumanien - > Ungarn - Slowakei - Tschechien - Deutschland (Feuchtwangen). > The best: Africa. Visit of mountain Gorillas in Ruanda /Africa. South America: Lifestyle in Caribbean coast and Islands. Atmosphere of National Park "Badlands" in South Dakota. Asia: Long forgotten mountain roads and green scenery in Japan. Australia: Red outback roads in the flimmering heat. Middle East: Archeological site of Petra in Jordan. Europe: Monasteries in Cyprus. The worst: On the way were definetely some bad moments, but looking back on the whole trip they are of no significance. Usefultips for others: Don´t try to copy other mototcyle travels ! Find your own way! And bear in mind that traveling is not a competition. Books or publication: CD of the World-Tour 1995-200. Foundation of company MANTAC for Foto- and Filmproduction. Slides shows. Other travel-experiences: During his education he travelled a lot including many countries of Europe by bike. 1997 Slides-show about his part of South-America at the 19. Mc-Meeting for World-Travellers. 1995, 1997, 2000. Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers. B.T.: Marc started his world-tour in 1995 on a Tesch-Treffen and finished it again on a Tesch-Treffen in 2000.

04.1995 - 05.1996
Messmer, Adrian (Swiss)
Around-The-World. Solo.
Route: Switzerland (Zuerich) - Sibirien (Magadan) - Anchorage - Ushuhaia - Rio de Janeiro - Frankfurt - Switzerland (Zuerich).
Route Transafrica: 04.2000 back from Transafrica with Carlo. SA - Mozambique - Malawi - Tansania - Kenia-Aethiopien - Sudan - Tchad - Kamerun - Nigeria - Benin - Burkina Faso - Mali- Mauretanien - Marokko.
Book: Around-The-World: "Strasse nach Ost". Only 40 copies.
Book: Transafica in work.
1994 / 95 First contact.
15.09.96 First info by Sabine Junker / MDR.

23.05.1995 - 30.05.1998
Lucassen, Sjaak (Dutch)
Around-The-World. With a HONDA CBR 900 RR Fireblade road bike solo years Around-The-World. 160.000 kms.
Route: Across Russia to Japan - Thailand - Malaysia - Iindonesia - Australia - N.Z. - India - Pakistan - Iran - Turkey - Syria - Jordan - Egypt - flew to Eritrea - Äthiopia - on to South Africa - by ship back to NL.
12.07.1998 1. Info by Stichin Global Travel Information. .
1999 1st contact. Sjaak plans to leave in 2000 again with his Fireblad
Info: 10 articles in Mc-Magazine Toeren and Toerisme since october 1998 and a contract for a book

01.10.1995 - ?
Icks, Jörg (German)
Plan Around-The-World. Mit BMW R 100 GS (Bj. 90), 28.000 km ab ca. 01.10.95 über Atlantik-Route nach Dakar - Capetown ca. 8-10 Monate. Dann mit preiswertestem Schiff in irgendeinen anderen Continent. Geld für die Reise ca. DM 40.000.

11.1995 - ?
Henrichs, Iris and Jochen   (German)
Plan Around-The-World. Because they had an accident they stopped.

02.05.1994 - ca. 04.1998
Blum, Bruno (Swiss)
Around-The-World. Bruno road solo 130.000 kms with YAMAHA TT 600.
Route: Schweiz - Österreich -Tchechei - Polen - Belarussland - Russland - Mongolei - China (Beijing - Xian - alte Seidenstraße) - Pakistan - Indien - Nepal - Banglades - Flug nach Bangkok - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapur - Australien - Neuseeland - USA - Kanada - USA - Mexiko - Belize - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - Kolumbien - Equador - Peru - Bolivien - Chile - Argentinien (Rosario - Ignazu Wasserfälle) - Brasilien (Rio de Janeiro)
Earlier mc-travels: Frühere Reisen durch Europa, drei mehrmonatige Reisen nach Nord-Afrika. Eine 8 monatige Reise von Tunis nach Capetown.
1999, 2000, 2001 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in .
Book: Since 1999 Bruno is searching for a publisher for his already written book.
Ca. 04.05.2001 - ?
Blum, Bruno (Swiss) Ale 2-3 weeks find an update-story under  >Bruno Blum
Brunos travel-plan is unknown so far! Bruno travels solo with YAMAHA TT 60o again.
Route: Switzerland - Germany
- Poland (Masuren) - Littauen (Litavia) - Lettland - Russia (Moscow) - plan Kasachstan - Usbekistan - Kirgisien.
24.05.01 1st email from Moscow
B.T.: Blum, Bruno    World-A-Round  and Trans-Africa
The Swiss Bruno is a good example how to find a Motorcycle World-A-Round-Traveller being "on the road for 4 years" finally. After I heard  by Swiss motorcycle readers several times since 1994-95 that he is writing continually in the Swiss mc-magazine "Motorsport Schweiz" about his world-tour the English motorcycle travellers Mark Manley and the German Astrid Grieb wrote me his address. They met him "on the road". So I contacted Bruno in Buenos Aires in 02.12.1997 and Bruno answered kindly. He was just too late coming back to participate the "20th Meeting for World-Travellers in april 1998". Since 1998.  So far I have only some of his publications.
Earlier experiences: Before he started he rode in Europe, made three mc-tours through north of Africa and a 8 months tour Transafrica Tunis - Capetown. He carried a big file-box with him about all his publications. It was hard to get him on the stage together with all 8 Mc-World-A-Round-Travellers. After the meeting Bruno send me kindly copies of all his publications "on the road".

< 1995 - ca. 1997
Rahmani, Philippe (French)
Around-The-World. 2 Jahre um die Welt. Ist durch China gefahren. Spricht englisch. Ab 03/92 bis Capetown bis 04.94 zurück: Transafrika - Somalia - Jemen - Asien - Australien - China - GUS - Magadan - Alaska-Feuerland. Staatsempfang bei Mitterand. Mit BMW R 100 GS, gestellt von BMW. Vorher bei Moto-Revue Journalist.
05.05.95 Erste Info von Peter Schmiede
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Ca. 01.01.1995 - 27.11.1996
Hübener, Jochen (German)
Around-The-World. Solo mit BMW R 100 GS 52.000 km in 445 Tagen durch 4 Kontinente bzw. 15 Länder. Costs about DM 50,00-60,00 DM per day. Totally about 35.000 DM on the road plus transport costs DM 24.475.
The best:  Besuch vieler Sehenswürdigkeiten, "die jeder im Leben einmal sehen möchte". Viele Specials wie die Befahrung des Karakorum Highways in Pakistan bis zur chinesischen Grenze durch eine 8000er Bergwelt bei Kälte und schwindelnden Abhängen. Eine ausführliche Video-Show einer Hochzeit in Pakistan. Tempel, Sonnenuntergänge, Pässe, Schlangenbeschwörung, Wüsten, Dschungel, Krokodilfarm, Riesenbäume, Trauminseln, Route 66.
Route: Germany (Berlin) - Austria - Slowenia - Italy - Greece - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan (Karakorum) - India - Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - Indonesia backpacking - Australia - Islands (Tahiti, Moorea. Bora Bora backpacking) - USA - flew to GB, Motorcycle by ship from USA - Germany (Hamburg) - backpacking from GB to Germany (Bernd Tesch said hallohhhhh to Jochen at train station Aachen - Berlin).
Earlier experiences: Trans-Afrika vorher in 3 normalen Urlauben.
26.11.96 Party zwecks Beendigung der Weltumrundung bei Bernd Tesch in Zweifall.
Video in VHS "Mit dem Motorrad um die Welt"
Video in VHS "Afrika per Motorrad, Unimog und Rucksackt"
1993, 199?, 199?, 2000, 2001 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.
B.T.: Hübener, Jochen A.  Trans-Africa   World-A-Round
The studied German economist Jochen has 25 years of travel-experience. Bevore his world-a-round-tour he crossed Africa in three normal vacations. In Africa he turned over with his BMW with 120 kms/h. After this he wrote me that possibly the strong Tesch-Alu-Boxes and Tesch-Rack (Tesch-Travel-Taschen with TTTräger) saved his life. Before he started his world-a-round-tour he wanted to buy new boxes after all his fall downs in Aftica. I garantied him that the old ones will make the tour. They did.
About 15 people were waiting here in Zweifall to give a secret from Bernd Tesch prepared good-bye-party for Jochen, but he did not show up. He was one day late to start... Being on his wold-tour Jochen send me a desperated fax. For the next part in USA Jochen needed the money of the deposit of the Carnet de Passage. The German automobil club ADAC refused, because the motorcycle has to be back in Germany. After two hours I had organised here in Germany that Jochen will get his money back. Jochen would like to ride again around the world. Then with more time.
Jochen produced an excellent video in German language "Mit dem Motorrad um die Welt (Around-The-World with a Motorcycle)". 120 minutes VHS-Video. Jochen rode solo with a BMW R 100 GS  52.000 kms in 445 days through four  continents in  15 countries. First you get a nine minutes quick around trip. Then you follow is way chronogically through the countries and continents. He visted many sightseeings, which many want to see in their live. Many specials like the ride of the Karakorum Highways in Pakistan until the Chinese border through the mountain-world of mountains up to 8000 ms. A detailed video-show of a marriage in Pakistan. Tempels, subsets, passes, snails. Deserts, djungels, a farm with crocodils, huge trees, islands to dream off, Route 66. And always he met other motorcycles "on the road". A documentation of the world with very good quality of video with fitting music.
14.-16.04.00 "22nd Tesch-Meeting for World-Travellers". Jochen will kindly give a slide-show and report about his world-a-round-tour.

09.01.95 - 06.07.95
Chakravorty, Anindya (Anindy)  and Ranjan Bharti (India)
Around-The-World. The Indian engineers circled the world on ONE in India made motorcycle Shogun (108.2 ccm, 1 zylinder). Fuel-tank for only 150 kms.
Route: Asia - Australia - North-America - Europe. The last part from Germany to India they had to fly because as Indians they could notride through Pakistan.
B.T. They were the first Indians who circled the world on one bike. AND for sure the ones on ONE bike which was so small.
06.07.1995: They  were guests of Bernd Tesch in Zweifall.

< 1996
Paul, Adam (British)
Plan Around-The-World. 19.03.96. Publication in Daily Mail, GB. Publication: "Around the world on a moped", page 25. Plan:Solo with Honda 85 ccm in 2 years from GB - Alaska - Feuerland and Wladiwostok - Cape of good hope.
07.09.96 Info von Richard Kuttler.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Ca. 1996
Haas, Bärbel de and Michael Müller (German)
Plan Around-The-World.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Klein, Helmut (German)
Plan Around-The-World. 996 Plan World-Around-Tour 2-3 years with an African Twin XRV. RD
07..98 1st contact.

??.??.1996 - ?
Marshall, Robbie (British)
Around-The-World. A Round World Triumph. Diary of a one-man World-A-Round Tour by TRIUMPH Trophy 1200 ccm. At age of 45 Robbie gave up his advertising agency to spend a year travelling solo the world. 36.000 mile journey across six continents, seven deserts and four times over the equator. Shot in head by bandits in Ecuador, near death accident in India. All captured on video by a lone traveller on his fantastic adventure In this video he tells his personal story, shows a lot of shots during riding where you can see different road conditions, travel-conditions and landscapes. Only a few contacts with locals. A video to stimulate people what different lifes are to be seen on a trip World-A-Round. 50 mins.
13.05.95 Letter from Robbie, who gets my address from Dave Barr.
Video in VHS. English.
The worst: After meeting his girl-friend in Asia to ride solo again.

1996 - 98
Morganjil, Freddie
Around-The-World. HOG tour. 18 countries. 38.000 miles.
23.12.1998 at night 03.00 o´clock  as an email-telegram.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

1996 in 80 days around the world
Rosendo, Bernardino (= Cosi). (Spanish)
Around-The-World. 08.03.98 First information by Joerg Becker, who met him 07.1996 at Alaska Highway: Caviga Elefant 750 with a total defect of his motor. Joerg met him some days later in Anchorage.
Route: Spanien - Frankreich - fly to USA East coast - rode to North East of USA - Alaska - Sibiria - overland to Spain.

05.03.1996 - ca. 2001?
Loon Han van and Karliens Springer (Dutch)
Plan Around-The-World. With two YAMAHA XT 600 Teneres (1984) Han (U-boat captain: "you see more on land than under water!") and Karliens (Hebamme and Stewardess) want to circle the world. Until 14th.02.01 they have travelled almost 200.000 kms and from these 150.000 km on the bikes. The rest backpacking or by car.
Route: Holland - overland to India by bikes - from India to Singapore by plane - backpacking through Indonesia - China (1,5 years) - by motorcycles Australia / Tasmania  - New Zealand by car (1 year) - North- and Central-America by bikes (1 year) - South America by bikes to Ushuaia (1 year) - by riverboats on Amazone in Peru and Brazi - Africa (South-Africa - East-Africa - Sudan - Egypt) - Europe. They will be home in a couple of months.Antarctica by boat
28th of may199. 1st information by Ralf Paaske and Petra Schommer.
22.11.2000 1st information by Petra Schommer and Ralf Paaske
14.02.2001 1st contact

< 08.1996
Cantet, Philippe (French)
08.96 First info by Arlettre and Jean Paul Schulz.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Radovcic, N. S. (British)
Plan Around-The-World.
26.01.96 Asked for a prospect for setting up a Mc-World-Around-Tour.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

08.1996 - ?
Geritz, Harry (Dutch)
Plan Around-The-World. For two years with his girlfriend on a BMW R 100 GS.

30.08.96 - 06.12.96
Junker, Thomas und Steffen Müller (German)
Around-The-World. Both travelled with two sponsored. BMW 1100 GS in 99 days Around The World. Their proceeding was always published in TV MDR.
After this tour they made a race from Alaska to Ushuaia and Antartica: Northpole - Southpole.
Book: Plan was cancelled.

05.10.96 - 10.97
Stokes, Vincent (British)
Plan Around-The-World.

02.02.1991 - 2 Sams Solo-Trip
09.09.1996 - 2001 Sam and Birgits tour together Africa, South-, Central- and North-America.
Schünemann, Birgit (German, born 15.11.1964) and Sam Manicom ( Born 04.6.1959. Congo, West Africa. British Citizen) and (German).
Around-The-World 200,000 miles. BMW 91 R80GS. Sam 4 years solo, Sam 4 years with girlfriend Birgit Schunemann (BMW R60/5).

Route: Europe (GB - France - Italy - Greece (Athens)) - Africa (to Egypt (Alexandria) by ferry. Egypt - Sudan - Ethiopia - Kenya - Uganda - Tanzania - Malawi - Zambia - Zimbabwe - Botswana - Namibia - South Africa). Durban to Australia (Sydney) by cargo ship. Australia - N.Z. - Indonesia - Singapore (cargo ship for bike Darwin to Singapore and me fly) - Malaysia - Thailand - (cargo bike Penang to Madras, me train, fly and train via Bangkok and Calcutta) - India - Nepal - Pakistan - Iran - Turkey - Bulgaria - Romania - Hungary - Austria - Germany - Switzerland - Czech Rep. - Germany - Holland - Belgium - England.
(Hello Mum). Birgit and I fly, bikes by ship to Kenya (Mombasa), Kenya to South Africa. Cape Town to Argentina (Buenos Aires by cruise liner) - Argentina - Chile - Peru - Bolivia - Ecuador - Colombia (fly to Panama) - Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador - Guatemala - Mexico - USA - Canada - USA and finally (maybe) the UK in 2000.
Purpose of trip: To do something wild. To ride a bike. To learn. To have fun.
The best: Best people...almost everywhere. Maddest country... India. Best asphalt...New Zealand. Best dirt roads... Chile and Namibia. The wildest sights... the tribes people and the animals in Africa. Best beaches... Zanzibar and Malaysia. Meeting Birgit in N.Z. changed the trip and my life. To summarise the The best... It was the total eye opening diversity of the world that got to me.
The Worst moments: Malaria, Dengue Fever, Dysentry, 3 slipped discs, 17 bone breaks (including my jaw which was really hard as I couldn't talk!!). 6 weeks (and 6 bottles of rum) to get bike out of the port of Madras. 3 times arrested in Africa.
Sponsors: Avon Tyres, Hein Gerike, Balino, DHL, Lindeman Engineering.
Mechanical Backup: Bob Porecha motorcycles-London.
Next? A brick tent?
A book...'Angels on Overtime'. Not published yet. A new trip?
Tips to fellow travellers: Travel very light. Allow plenty of time. Remember the lessons of yesterday, plan the future but LIVE THE DAY! Treat each person you meet as an individual. Be flexible and learn that, every time something goes wrong, there is a new adventure just about to start. Greet each day with a smile! Well Bernd, I hope that this is what you are looking for. Stay well, see you soon. Sam.
In 1996 I had contact contact by letter with Birgit.
25.09.1999 Mc-World-Around-Traveller Rudi Kretschmer met Sam and Birgit in USA (Death Valley).
04.02.01 Sams first summary.
04.2001 Partcipants of the 23rd Meeting for Mc-WORLD-Travellers.
B.T.: At least Sam is the RTW traveller who had most broken bones during the trip !

11.02.1996 - 2003
Forwood, Kay and Peter (Australian).
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road". With one Harley Davidson Electraglide. They plan to continue travelling by motorcycle until 2003 together and then to go to the 100th anniversary of production of Harley Davidson. In this years they are returning to Australia in intervalls of  6-12 months with interruptions of 2 months. They are trying to visit as many countries as possible on the SAME bike. They have visited each country in Europe. From Italy to North Africa - Middle East - as many as possible Ex-Russian countries.
1999 Turkey and Africa. They plan to continue travelling by motorcycle until  2003 (Seven years together).
Route: In June 2000 they have covered 92 countries and 176.000 kms since leaving Australia through Asia minor - India sub
continent, Asia minor, the Balkans, Western and Southern Europe and Africa.
Peter has "chaufeured" (his job now)  Kay around 140.000 of those kms. From july 98: Netherlands to Scandinavia -
Nordkapp - from Norway / Bergen to Faroe Islands - Iceland back to Norway/Bergen - overland to GB -Ireland - GB - B -
Future: They have visited each country in Europe. From Italy to North Africa - Middle East - as many as
possible Ex-Russian countries. Since 1999 Turkey the Middle East and East Africa. From 2000 over to West Africa and 2001-2003 the Americas.
Peter informed me that there are 247 countries in 3 categories in the world according to Rand McNally atlas. There are 191 totally independent countries at all.
10.04.98 1. Info by Jörn Materne
04.98 and 01.11.98 Kay and Peter visited Bernd Tesch personally.
10.04.1998 Participant of the 20th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers. They have a short reportage about the meeting with two pictures in their homepage about their tour.
10.1998 they have covered hrough Asia - India sub continent, Asia minor, the Balkans, Western and Southern Europe. Peter has "chaufeured" (his job now)  Kay around 57.000 of those kms.
10.1998 47 countries and 97.000 kms since leaving Australia.

01.11.98 Kay and Peter are relaxing in our sofa now hoping that we possibly don´t make a fire outside, because it is only + 6°C outside. But I tried to warm them up with so far two Schnaps. Charlie Miller from Australia, who is on the road since 14 months so far they met by accident in London again (04.1997 in Delhi / India before). So he is relaxing here as well.
006.10.99 Peter and Kay with Charlie Miller are "on the road" again from North-Africa (Libya) via Turkey - Middle East - through the Ex-Sowjetunion to Moscow. "We had a great time in Libya last trip and all of the Middle East before heading up through Georgia - Ukraine - Armenia - Azerbaijan - Russia - Estland -Lettland - Litauen. And then down through all of the countries of Eastern Europe. On this tour they rode  down a part with Motorcycle Travellers Anke Eggengoor and Jan Lucas  until Turkey and flew back from there until 11.04.2000 to Australia.
05.06.2000 6th section finisihed:  "We lived out of for 1079 days in over 90 countries on four continents and
200.000 km of carrying two people for almost all of its life".
12.04.2001 Leaving Africa after almost 70.000 kms, 15 months, 41 different countries and 67 border crossings it is great to be out of Africa.

01.04.1996 - ca. 1999
Carlos Juliano Cardozo + Marcia Cardozo Garcia (Brazilian)
Around-The-World with a stop. R1100 GS
Carlos Juliano and Marcia wanted to circle the world with a BMW R 1100 GS. They rode long distances in North- and South-America, in South- and East Africa, Europe and a part of Asia. In Bombay in India Carlos got a shock by the Indian culture and stopped the planned Round-The-World tour. Between the tours they always went back to Brazil to earn money for the next tour.
1996: Kauf des Mopeds in USA und Fahrt durch Kanada Mexiko,... nach Brasilien. 35.000 km. 17 Länder.
Danach Aufenthalt 6 Monate zuhause in Sao Paulo.Die Reisen fanden mit Unterbrechungen statt. Die Unterbrechungen wurden zum Gelderwerb in Brasilien genutzt.
03.1997 - 05.1997 mit R1100 GS in ca. 4 Ländern im südl. Afrika 15.300 km. Rep. Südafrika, Mosambik, Namibia, Tansania, Kenia, Athen, London. Dort haben sie das Moto für die nächste Reise abgestellt. Siehe Bericht von denen in brasil. Zeitschrift  "Duas Rodas" 10/97, S. 265
1998: Im Jahr darauf: Besuch von Mittel- und Nordeuropa (London, Nordkap,...) 18.000 km, 15 Länder, in 2 Monaten.
1999: Letzter Teil der Reise: Nach 1 Jahr: Letzter Teil der Reise: Lissabon (Portugal), Spanien, Frankreich, Italien, Schweiz, Österreich, Ungarn, Rumänien, Bulgarien, Türkei, Syrien, Libanon.Von Beirut mit dem Flugzeug nach Bombay.
Hier Weltumrundung abgebrochen im Jahre 1998. Die arabischen Länder haben Carlos nicht gefallen (Essen, Hygiene). In Bombay hat Carlos Juliano nach meiner Meinung einen Kulturschock bekommen. Sie haben dort nur einige wenige Tage verbracht. Er hat die dortigen Verhältnisse jedoch nicht verkraftet, obwohl sie in einem 3-Sterne-Hotel logierten. Mir gegenüber erklärte er, daß die hygienischen Verhältnisse, so viele arme Menschen auf der Straße leben, Bettler,... er nicht ertragen konnte. Die fürchterliche Bürokratie verärgerte ihn ebenfalls. Ein Schlüsselerlebnis: Vor dem Hotel aß ein Kind und ein Hund dasselbe Essen! Sein Moped hat er beim Zoll stehen lassen. Er will nie mehr dahin zurück ! Inzwischen haben die beiden ein kleines Kind und betreiben jetzt in Sao Paulo direkt beim Flughafen Congonhas das Restaurant "happy hour". Adresse: Rua Otavio Tarquini de Sousa 105, Sao Paulo-Campo Belo. Tel. 011/535-5718. Nachdem sie Amerika, Afrika, Europa und Asien erfahren haben machen sie derzeit keine Reisen mehr und haben auch kein Moped. Über alle 4 Reisen wurde in einer Zeitschrift ausführlich berichtet. Bernd Tesch hat diese Artikel vorliegen.
27.10.2000 1st information by Martin Schaal

07.04.1996 - 07.10.2000
Schulze, Manfred (German aus Geisenheim)
Around-The-World by horse. Manfred circled the world with two horses and came back with a young one from the mother as well. In this 4,5 years Manfred moved 19 months riding the horses. From the whole distance of 17.459 kms on land he rode his horses 14.059 kms. 3,400 kms the horses tarvelled in front of a planwaggon. In 1997 he visited already Mongolia when a TV-camera-team made a wonderful film about Mongolia. At this time Manfred was travelling 40-50 kms/day.
His planned route so far: Germany - Mongolia - China - Japan - Canada.
TV-Film Mongolia by Peter Weiner. Hessischer Rundfunk. 1997. Send 03.11.200 in ARD-TV.
06.03.2001 The horse rider Sabine Türk finally made the first contact with Manfred onthe horse-fair "Equiptana" in Essen / Germany.
Book 2001: "Mit zwei Pferden um die Welt". ISBN 3-00-00-7492-9.

Does anyone know more about "circling the world by horse??"
B.T.: A rarity to circle the world by horse. Manfred seems to be the first one who circled the world by horses.

19.06.1996 - 2002 june
Pulko, Bernada (=Benka, Slovenian)
 Plan Around-The-World. "On the road". Around-The-World Following the Sun, as she calls her solo adventure. Biologist, nurse, masseuse, journalist and photographer. "Benka" rides solo with her BMW F 650. So far no women rode solo for so long (getting into her 4th year in july 2000).  If she succeeds to circle the world solo she will have several records: Long distance riding. Longest time. Most countries... about 150.000 kms so far.
Route so far: Slovenia - by airplane to USA (N.Y. - New England - Nova Scotia - Quebec - Newfoundland - Labrador - all the way south to Florida) - by airplane to Venezuela - Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Chile - Bolivia - Argentina (Ushuaia) - Brazil - Paraguay - Uruguay - New Zealand - Australia - Indonesia - Japan - Thailand - Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam - Malaysia and Singapore - South East Asia - ....
"On the road" Around-The-World. The nurse, masseuse, fotografer, journalist and educated biologist "Benka" rides solo with her BMW R 650 Funduro.
B.T.: So far no women rode solo for so long and far.  If she succees to circle the world she will have the record.
Book: Plans a book.
02.97 First contact with Benka.
24.01.2000 Patricia and I met Benka in Australia. Benka: "I got 4.500 emails, but learned in the meantime more to live than to work".
Hopefully participant of the 25th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 04.2003 with the main subject "Around-The-World". She would have the honor to give a slides-show of  planned four slides-shows.
Benka will try to come and give a slides-show.

09.1996 - 09.1998
Foiera, Claudio (Swiss)
Around-The-World. With BMW R 100 GS PD.
Route: Schweiz - Italien - Griechenland - Türkei - Iran - Pakistan - including Karakorum until  China - India - Nepal - by plane to Bangkok - Nord- und Südthailand - Malysia - Singapur - West-Australien - Nord-Australien - Zentral-Australien - Süd-Australien - Südliches Ost-Australien - Argentinien - Patagonien - Feuerland - Chile - Bolivien - Peru - Ecuador - Kolumbien - Venezuela - Holland - Deutschland - Schweiz.
02.12.95 Claudio visited Bernd Tesch.

08.11.1996 - ca. 04.1999
Kawakami, Miho und Tadoa (Japan)
Plan Around-The-World. Both wanted to circle the world. Tadao rides a BMW R 100 GS. Miho a HONDA XR 250.
Route: ?  Tadao stopped in South America because his bike broke down.
21.09.98 Brief mit Bericht aus japanischer Zeitung plus netter Dankesbrief.
1998 1st Inormation by Thorsten Müller.
09.98 Miho and Tadao were peronal guest of Bernd Tesch.

22.11.1996 - to about 2001
Jong, Dafne and Rob de (Dutch)
Around-The-World. "Ride-on Worldtour". With Yamaha EZS 900 and sidecar Squire like Richard and Mopsa English. Startet with 30.000 Gulden.
Route: Europe - South America  - Central America - North-America (20 States) - Transafrica to Cairo ( South Africa - Namibia - Botswana - Zambia - Tansania - Kenya - Ethiopia - Sudan (via Gedaref - Kahrtoum - Shendi - Wadi Walfa) - by ferry boat to Egypt (along the Nile to Cairo - Sinai) - Jordan - Syria - Turkey (Istanbul, 19.09.1999, where they were witness of an earth crake) - overland to India (1999)- Australia - Asia - North America - Japan - try Transrussia - still "on the road". -
Travel-Idea: Their own project is called "The World on a Children's Drawing". The idea is to gather money for children in the whole world. Children should paint about their life and what they think about the whole world and their future.  Dafne is playing violine and Rob plays mouthorange. By this they try to collect money for a child-fund: "Ride on childfund".
Bisherige Erfahrung: Rob 1986 in Australien mit Honda XL 250, 3 Monate, 15.000 km. GUS 1993 Dafne und Rob NL - Nordkap - GUS - Moskau - Finnland - NL, 2 Monate, km 9.000.
10.12.93 Personal guest of Bernd Tesch
26.03.94 Participant of the 16th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers 1994.
19.09.1999 10th newsletter coming from Istanbul
05.2001 Waiting in Japan for Russian Visa.
After an information-talk with Bernd Tesch in Zweifall/Germany with a fire-party they left 21.11.1996 Holland - by ship with their selfmade sidecar to Chile - Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego) in January 1997 - travelled South-America south-north - were sponsored by Colombian company Cafe Universal going from Barranquilla to Panama in June 1997 - travelled through Central America into Mexico - through 20 states of the USA to Nova Scotia in Canada (October 1997) - in January 1998 they put their sidecar aboard a freightliner and sailed the Atlantic Ocean going to Guinee Bissau in West Africa - travelled West Africa and found our way over land blocked due to political unrest in Nigeria - shipped over from Ghana to Capetown in May 1998 - travelled through South Africa and worked in Bloemfontein - started to ride up from South Africa to Egypt in November 1998. Rode to Windhoek/Nambia to see Bernd Teschs mc-friends Arndt and Constance Asmus 04.01.99 who where in USA.  Situation north of Kenia is still uncertain..
14.07.1999 Rob en Dafne arrived in Cairo coming from East Africa. In Aswan/Egypt they got the Egypt-mc-plate-Nr. ASWAN No.1. They are the first motorcyle to travel overland from Ethiopia through Sudan into Egypt after the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The North-South route is wide open again. The ferry from Aswan/Sudan is going and the captain very willing and helpfull to take motorcycles on board. Even our sidecar, which did not fit through the door was not a problem. We detached the sidecar from the motorcycle, after which it was carried on board. In Egypt you will get an Egyptian motorcycle-numberplate.

17.12.1996 - 23.11.2000
Theuwissen, Peter (Dutch) www.under construction
Around-The-World.  Peter (1961, architect) rode in 4 years around the world on a BMW R80GS 1991. 165.000 kms through 50 countries in five 5 continents .
Preparation: 96.000 km incl. Asia-journey: Rotterdam-Kathmandu (18.000 km)
Around The World: All continents, 165.000 km. 50 countries. Africa (1997), South America (1998), Centr.+ North America (1999). Australia+Asia (2000).
Route: The Netherlands (Rotterdam) - Cote d´Ivoire (Abidjan) 16.200 km - bike by container ship to South Africa (Durban) - Durban - Kenya (Nairobi) 12.900 km - Kenya (Nairobi) - South Africa (Cape Town) 11.600 km - bike by cont.ship to Argentina (Buenos Aires) - Buenos Aires to Ushuaia 5.500 km - Ushuaia to Bolivia (La Paz) 12.400 km - La Paz to Colombia (Cartagena) 17.000 km - by sailingyacht to Panama (Colon) - Colon to Mexico City 8.700 km - Mexico City to Canada (Vancouver) 10.500 km - Vancouver to Alaska (Prudoe Bay) 7.200 km - Prudoe Bay to USA (Los Angeles) 18.100 km - bike by cont.ship to Australia - Sydney to Sydney 19.500 km - bike by cont.ship to Japan - Japan (Tokyo-Tokyo) 9.100 km in 3 months - by ferry to Russia - Vladivostok to Rotterdam 16.400 km in 3 months.
The best: South America, Alaska, Russian people.
Worst: Electrical problems bike, flooding in Australia.
Books: website: Upcoming
Helpful Tips: Do your own thing!
06.10.1992 1st contact
21.07.1998 Info by Dave Thompson "on th road"
B.T.: Peter is one of the few Dutch RTW Travellers.

1997 - ?
Verheem, Michel (Dutch)
Plan Around-The-World. Living in Australia. Plan: 1997 with BMW R 1100 GS Around-The-World.

Plan 1997 - 2000
Koziara, Anja and Andrej  (Polish)
Plan Around-The-World.
02.10.96 Visited me on IFMA-fair in Cologne and wrote me many letters before they started.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Ca. 1997
Lenz, Uli and Norbert Braun (German)
16.03.98 Info von Hardy Schneider. Hardy (stopped in Siberia) und die beiden sind über Sibirien mit zwei Guzzi-Gespannen um die Welt gefahren.
Info: Der erste Teil bis zum Baikal-See, wo Hardy ausgestiegen ist, erschien in Bikers Live.

1997 - ?
Miller, Charles (Australia)
Around-The-World ? "On the road". Retired. With BMW R 100 GS von Australien - Indien - Europa - D - Plan GB dann USA - Alaska - Feuerland. Charly rode through a lot of GUS countries with Kay and Peter Forwood togehter an will continue travelling.
13.08.98 1. Info by Werner Zwick, who met him in Germany. He gave him my address. He wanted to contact me.
1998 Charly was personal guest of Bernd Tesch.
1999: Participant of the 21st Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.
2001: Participant of the 23rd Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.

02.02.1997 - ???
Poelman, Mike (American)
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road". With BMW 1100 after his wife died of cancer in 1986. Open end.
His motto: No Plan - no Upset. A gipsy. After his wife died of cancer in 1986 to ride with a motorcycle A-Round-The-World was no question for him. In 35 years he made 150.000 miles especially through all American States and Canadian Provinces. He wants to reach each continent in the most northern and southern point.
Route: USA (California) - Mexico - Canada - GB (Scotland) - F - Spain - Portugal - Marocco - Italy - Austria - Switzerland - Germany (thought of a nice girl ? and had an accident in Bingen) - Denmark - Sweden (?) - Norway - Chec - Hungary - ?.  So far 56.000 kms. Plan: Turkey - Greece - Lebon - Israel -Egypt - Transafrica - and ?
05.10.97 Erste Info von Marlene Kochanek und Stefan mit Foto.
30.05.98 Mike visits Bernd Tesch with Stefan in Zweifall/Germany.
29.10.98 Mike ist zurück in USA but wants to continue. Info von Kimberley.

Ab 07.1997 - ?
Rasimus, Arto (Finland)
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road". Finne, der auf Motorrad-Welt-Tour ist. Publiziert seine story fortlaufend im INTERNET
1st Info von Keijo Virtanen
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

07.08.1997 - 20.12.1999
Coates, Tiffany (British, born 15.01.1967) with Becky Lincoln, (British, 05.01.1971)
Plan totally Around The World. The Youth Worker and Self Defence Teacher Tiffany and Becky (works for an Aid Agency) started as a trip to India, riding on "Thelma", a BMW R 80 GS (1991). But the trip ended much later in Australia from where Becky returned to GB. Tiffany went on from Capetown with Maggy (works for a Housing Association) through Africa back to GB. Tiffany wants to continue next: Alaska - Tierre del Fuego!
Route: In Europe 6.000 kms (UK - Belguim - Germany - Austria - Hungary - Romania - Bulgaria - Turkey). In Asia 11.000 kms (Iran - Pakistan - India. Thelma shipped from Chennai (Madras) to Bangkok in Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore. Thelma shipped from Singapore to Perth in Australia. In Australia 6.000 kms (Perth - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney). Thelma shipped from Sydney to Cape Town, South Africa. Becky returned to England to got to university, another friend was persuaded to fly out and join me for the journey home. Maggie Dunleavy (Irish, 21.10.1965). In Africa 27.000 kms (South Africa - Namibia - Botswana - Zambia - Zimbabwe - Mozambique - Malawi - Tanzania - Zanzibar - Kenya - Ethiopia - Sudan - Egypt - Israel). We then took the ferry from Halfa (Israel) to Venice (Italy). In Europe again 2.500 kms (Italy - France - UK).
Purpose: The decision to travel by motorcycle was because we wanted an alternative to flying and the excitement of travelling by bike appealed to us - the freedom that it offers as a method of travel is unrivalled. Originally it had just been an idea to travel to India overland by motorbike for the pure enjoyment of travelling.
The best: In Asia Pakistan was definitely the highlight, the stunning landscape along the Karakoram Highway and the friendliness of the people. In Africa, the hospitality of the people in Sudan and also swimming with 30 dolphins off the coast of Zanzibar.
The Worst: Bad accident in the sand in Namibia, Tiffany was knocked unconscious and there was noone around to help. Book/Publication: None yet, but I want to write a book based on our journals.
Useful Information: Go with an open mind and a smile. We found our intercom was essential, it makes communicating on the bike so much easier, and we always had lots to talk about.
Extra notes: Becky and I were unusual in that we had never ridden motorbikes before when we had the idea to ride one to India. We did some training and got our licenses, bought a second-hand BMW, had a couple of mechanics lessons and then set off - all this preparation and planning done in less than six months. We took 5 months to get to India - our target, and after travelling there for 3 months, realized that we'd had such good fun on the bike that we didn't want to stop. And so our trip to India turned into an around the World journey lasting 2 years. Having travelled across Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa we are now back in the UK, trying to get our BMW fixed up and also trying to get sponsorship for the final trip from Alaska to Chile. We found we were a novelty to everyone we met because we were two women travelling by motorbike without a man. We always shared the riding, and it's so comfortable on the back of the BMW that we used to fall asleep. It wasn't the easiest bike to ride as we were on tiptoes to reach the ground- but we soon learnt how to balance the weight and it was the best bike for the job even getting us through the rivers in Ethiopia which came up to the petrol tank.
03.2001 1st contact.
12.04.2002 Plans to to attend your meeting next year - if I am in Europe.
B.T. 23rd.04.2001: This is the longest Motorcycel-Travel ever been made by two women on ONE bike. It could be the first RTW tour by two women on ONE bilke ! Even there is no RTW tour made by two women on two motorbikes so far.

09.1997 -  02.2000
Miligos,  Stamatis (Greek)
Around-The-World. Stamatis rode solo in two years on a HONDA XR 125 (which he bought in 1994 in USA) covering 127.000 kms.
Route: Greece (Athens) - Italy (Venice) - East Europe - Russia (Siberia - Vladiwostok) - Alaska - Mexico - Central America - Brasil - Argentina - Tierra del Fuego - Chile - Peru - Bolivia - Paraguay - Argentina - Brasil - Greece (Athens).
17.09.2000 1st informatrion by Martin Schaal.
02.2000 Publication: Duas Rodos. Nr. 253.
26.09.2000 B.T: This is the first Greek I know who rode Around-The-World.
Who of you knows his address? Who knows him?

Meijering, Jacollen and Frank (Dutch)
Around-The-World ? They travel on two Aprilias.
Route: Europe (NL) - South-America - Australia - now travelling backpacking through Asia - NL. Have been travelling for 2 years. They stayed with Peter Forwood in Australia.
01.11.1998 1. Info by Peter Forwood here1998 in Zweifall / Germany.

< 1998 - ?
Valjakka, Kari (Finish)
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road".
01.08.98 1. Info von Renate Greulach und Gino Grimbacher.

1998 - ?
Bruck, Thomas with Doro   www.??
1998 Partcipants of the Mc-Meeting for World-Travellers.
Abgespeichert unter Moweltre: BeBruckThomas000807

Plan 1998
Ziegler, Franz X. (German)
Plan a tour "Around-The-World" via Siberia 9 months.

Garrod, Patrick (British)
Plan Around-The-World. Patrick planned a tour Around-The-World.

07.1998 until ca. may 2000
Gramatke, Manfred (German)
Plan Around-The-World ? With Yamaha XJ 900 F (1985, already 100.000 kms).
12.03.98 1. information by World-Around-Traveller Peter Stumm.
Participant of the 20th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1998.
22.04.1998: Manfred visited Bernd Tesch for recommendation.The German Manfred is an early retired leader of a workshop.
When I asked him WHY he wanted to circle the world? he answered: "What should I do else?"
Planned Route: D - Italien - Sp - F - NL - GB - IRL - CAN - USA - AUS - NZ.
At 20.02. 99 Herbert Heine phoned me up. He met him at my "20. Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers 17.04.1998" and saw Manfreds bike in 1998 in New Zealand.
01.04.2000 Manfred wanted to finish his Motorcycle-World-Travel at the 22nd Meeting for World-Travellers but could not get a boat for his bike in time...

1998 - ?
Pluto (American)
Plan Around-The-World. Pluto is travelling on a Harley-Davidson sidecar paying his trip by tatooing.
Route: USA - Europe - Marocco - Mauretania - Ghana - shipped to South Africa.....
01.11.1998 1. Info by Peter Forwood.

1998 - ?
Seiji, Harumi (Japan)
Around-The-World ? I (Keiji) rode in Patagonia. At Usuaia I met my friend Seiji who are travelling for 5 years around the world with Honda.
05.08.1999 First info by Keiji Mizuno.

04.05.1998 - ?
Steinhauser, Hubert (German)
Plan Around-The-World.
Plan Route Weltumrundung: D - GUS - Mongolei - China (by plane) - Alaska-Feuerland etc. 1 year with YAMAHA XT 600 E.
29.01.98 Erstes Telefonat.
06.02.98 Hubert came to me for intensive recommendation. Especially he wanted to travel through GUS-countries where he has been before this time by motorcycle With my help he managed to get all the complicated visas finally. For his YAMAHAXT 600 E he bought "Tesch-Travel-Träger (=rack)" and "Tesch-Travel-Taschen (= alu boxes)"
18.08.1998  He made it without any serious problems solo to Wladiwostok (18.08.) in Russia. Having a trip their with Russian motorcycle friends he had a bad accident 20.08. He woke up in the hospital and supposes today that somebody must have kicked him from the back. His spine was broken although he wear a back-protector. At 27.08.98 a jet came from ADAC Germany to fly him back from Wladiwostok to a German Unfallklinik.
09.1998 Hubert gave me a first call.
1999: After 4 months having been in hospital because he could not move and go Hubert is in a good psyshilogigal mood (what many persons do not understand) and wants to continue his Mc-World-Trip from Wladiwostok to Asia and North-America after he is recovered possibly in 2000.
08.99 The German journalist Erwin Thoma infromed me that Huberts Bike is still in Vladiwostok. He saw it.
14.06.2000 Teilnehmer des 22. Moto-Fernreise-Treffens 2000. Will später wieder weiter fahren.

08.1998 - ? 4 years
Kemsley, Kit and Brian (American)
Plan Around-The-World.
Route: First Alaska - Ushuaia. Kit with modified BMW R64 more to a GS. Brian with BMW 100 GS. Kit broke her arm on the way. So they bought a van and reached Ushuaia 04.1999. Not sure if they will continue.

Mulcahy, Cuan (South African)
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road". The South African is riding a HONDA Africa Twin 750 and crossed Africa.
11.07.00 First information by Chris Scotts website

Plan 1999
Pflüger, Bernd (German)
Around-The-World in some different steps.

1999 or 2000
Zeller, Dirk (German)
Plan Around-The-World. With a friend.
Participant of the 20th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1998.

05.1999 - ?
Kuhn, Mika (German)
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road". The building-engineer Mika plans a World-Around-Tour 6 years with Yamaha XT 600 Z  Tenere.
Route: Germany (Bochum) - Belgium - The Netherlands - Danmark - Sweden - Norway - Finland - Estonia - Russia - Ukraine - by ferry Odessa to Istanbul - Turkey - Syria - Jordan - Egypt - Jordan - Syria - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal - India - by air from New Delhi to Almaty - Kazakhstan (22.05.00) - Russia - Mongolia - Russia - by ferry from Vladivostok to Fushiki - Japan - mc by ship to Port Klang, by plane to Kualar Lumpur - Malaysia - Thailand  (12.2000. In Bangkok Mika met Slowenien Mc-World-Tourer "Benka")
2.200: So far 57.000 kms on the Tenere and 22 countries.
Reasons for Travelling: I don't mind working, but I love travelling by mc.
The best:  Iran, Siberia and the Far East of Russia, Japan
The worst: Earthquake in Istanbul, traffic in Pakistan and India, Customs  in Almaty / Kazakhstan
Book or publication (about your tour): TOURENFAHRER 12.2000
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Never hurry and take care of your bike yourself
Earlier experiences: 05.1992 - 04.1993 Mika has already been in Russia and North-America during his studies for 1 year with a XT 600 K and HONDA XL 600 R.
1996: 1 year N + S-America.
Partcipant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers three times 1996-1999.

Benderoth, Vitus (German)
26.03.99 First Info by World-Around-Traveller Bruno Blum.
22.07.2000 Any details? Addresses? Who knows him?

Blasko, Metka and Uros  (Slowenian)
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road".
Route so far: Europe - Africa - South-America.
1999 first contact.

Duval, Carol and Ken (Australians)
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road".
Route so far: Australia - USA - Europe - Transafrica.
14.03.99 First contact.
Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 1998 and private guests of Bernd Tesch.

Oliver, Jim (American)
Plan Around-The-World.

04.08.1999 - ca. 2001 / 2002
Eggengoor, Anke und Jan Lucas (Germans)
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road".
Plan 1999: 2 years with two  BMW R 1100 GS.
Plan 12.2000: another 1,5 years.
1998 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers. Got the motivation and idea to ride around the world on this meeting.
Route: Germany (Hamburg) overland to India / Nepal. By Thai Airways with motorcyle from Kathmandu to Bangkok. Managed to enter Laos and Vietnam with there own bikes! First Europe-Asia-overlanders who entered Vietnam with own bikes, Bernd Tesch knows ! - in Australia since 07.2000 12.2000 - in Germany 12.2000 to february 2001.
Motivation: to meet other people, cultures and distances.
June 1998: They came for recommendation hours
30.06.1999 They stopped working at Bayer The collegues spend them a digital-camera, so that they can send a lot of pictures from the whole world. They are still working ca. 10-12 hours a day the preparing (Comment of B.T.: They had "only" a year to prepare the tour...)
10.1999 Both are now on their world-tour direction to India. The first part they rode together with experienced Australian Kay and Peter Forwood.They have a lot contact with mc-travellers from the Tesch-mc-meeting
2000: Very seldom I get informations from them by email.

25.03.1999 - ?
Rocco, Ricardo (Equador) and  Cesar Marabowen
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road in South America". Riding two Yamahas, both 96 model, a 750 Super Tenere and a XT 600. Plan: Around the world for peace, and also promote drug abuse prevention and to get humanitarian help for the chilren of the street in my home country.
Ricardo started with Cesar Marabowen who abodonned the expedition in ???.
"I have 27 years of experience riding bikes, street, motocross and desert racing in California during my college years, riding from California to Ecuador through Central America in 1986, travelling all over the United States in 1997, and hundreds of rides in the Ecuadorian Andes, Coastal and Amazonian regions. I´ve worked as a motorocycle tour guide and had an off road tours company.
08.07.99 First info by David McGonical.
Planned route: Southamerica (Equador  - Brazil .... Equador) - Africa - Europe - Asia - Australia - North and Central America.
The Southamerican stage will cover Colombia - Venezuela - Brasil - Paraguay - Argentina - Uruguay - Chile - Bolivia - Peru and back to Ecuador. The African stage will begin in Southafrica (where we will ship or fly the bikes after we find out the best way during the)
23.08.00 Ricardo is searching a suitable partner for the African and European stages.

07.05.1999 - ?
Thoma, Erwin (German)
Plan Around-The-World. With BMW R 1100 GS. "on the road".
Route so far: Germany - Transrussia including the Amur-River in summer (Being the first German)  to Wladiwostok - Canada - USA - Mexico - Central America..

21.05.1999 - Original itinerary was 15 months. Now extended to 2-3 years.
Ratay, Erin & Chris (Americans)
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road". Chris (BMW R 100 GS, a Cosmetic Display Salesman) and Erin (BMW F 650, Career Counselor)
Route: USA - Morocco - 6 months Europe  (Spain - Portugal - Germany - Netherlands (Amsterdam) - Denmark - Norway - Germany - Transdanubia Rally (Munich /Germany to Budapest /Hungary) - Bulgaria - Romania - Greece -Turkey - Israel - Egypt - plane to India - 3 months India - Nepal - plane to Thailand - 6 months SE Asia:  Thailand - Laos - Cambodia - Malaysia - Singapore - plans: by boat to Australia -  6-10 months Australia - New Zealand - 6-10 months South America.
"We quit our jobs, sold our apartment and other possesions in New York City, and packed what was left on the two bikes.  We're learning a lot along the way, and looking forward to what's around the next bend".
The best: Morocco, Norway, Turkey, Nepal, and Cambodia.
The worst: Customs in both Egypt and India.
10.07.1999. 1st information by Stefan Brandt.
Ca. 07.1999 1st contact.
04.2003. Their answer to my invitation to the "25th Meeting for World-Travellers" with the main subject "Around-The-World": "If we're in the area in 2003, we'd love to come by".

01.08.1999 - ?
Bright, Chris (British)
Plan Around-The-World. The teacher Chris is riding solo on a 1989 BMW R100GS.
Original planned route: Ship UK- NY - Canada - Alaska - Canada - USA-West - Mexico - Central America  - Panama - fly to Colombia - PanAm  (incl. Amazon) - Tierra del Fuego - ship to Australia - Visiting Sydney - Olympics - Red Centre - Northern Territories - ship to Singapore - (Dez. 2000?) - South East Asia - Thailand - China and Tibet (if possible) - Iran - Turkey - Europe /late 2001 - Tesch - GB.

Done routes:

25.08.1999 Got the first email from him in France (Paris), where he is hanging out in a famous cafe where Lenin, Trotzky and Ernest Hemingway have been. After 3 hours of sleep the scholl-teacher Chris started in England (Birmingham) finally.
25 08.1999 - 17.03.2000 London - Cairo - Cape Town 28.500 km.
25.05.2000 - 24.03.2001 New York - Arctic Circle (Alaska) - Tierra del Fuego 46.500 km.
Wants to drive London - Kathmandu in the second half of 2001.
1997, 1998, 2000. Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers

Corpuz, Andre (USA)
André is a very high active person having listed all names and infos of the Millenium-Meeting in his homepages.
Route will follow next.
13.04.2000 1st email from André

Jagger, Chris and Sara Brown (British)
Plan Around-The-World. Both plan to circle the world with one BMW R 100 GS.
Route: GB-??? - Turkey-Iran-Pakistan-India-Nepal then airfreight to Bangkok-Malaysia-Singapore then seafreight to Perth.  Accross Aus. via Gunbarrel route, then airfreight to West Coast, U.S.A.  What happens next depends on how our money is lasting.  Hopefully we will continue south to Central and South America - Europe.
04.2003: PLan to visit the "25th Tesch-Meeting for Motorcycle-WORLD-Travellers" with main subject then: "Around-The-World" by motorcycle.

01.01.2000 + planned 21 months. Now extented another year
Milward, Simon (British, FEMA General Secretary)
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road". The General Secretary of  FEMA (European Motorcycle Ass. in Brussels) plan´s "Milward´s Millenium Motorcycle Ride". Wants to raise funds for humanitarian aid:  "medicines sans Frontieres (Ärzte ohne Grenzen)" and "Riders for health". Selfmade Motorcycyle "Overlander" by John T. in GB.: 1-zyl. Rotax-motor. 600 ccm.
Planned Route: WESTERN EUROPE 1: UK - Belgium - France - Spain - Portugal - Spain. AFRICA 1: Tunisia - Libya - Egypt - MIDDLE EAST: Jordan - Saudi Arabia. UAE. Flew to India. Plan: SOUTH & EAST ASIA 1: Pakistan - India - Nepal - India - AUSTRALIA - SOUTH & EAST ASIA 2: Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - Laos - China - Mongolia - Russia (to Vladivostok) - Japan. AMERICAS: Canada - USA - Mexico - Guatamala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - Colombia - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina - AFRICA 2: South Africa - Namibia - Botswana - Zimbabwe - Malawi - Zambia - Tanzania - Kenya - Uganda - DRC - CAR - Cameroon - Nigeria - Benin - Togo - Ghana - Burkina Faso - Mali - Mauritania - Western Sahara - Morocco. WESTERN EUROPE 2: All, time & money permitting.
Route done so far: UK - Belgium - France - Italy - Tunisia - Italy - Greece - Turkey - Syria - Jordan - Egypt - Saudi Arabia - UAE - flew to India - Pakistan - India - ??
We met first at INTERMOT1998 in München
12.1998 1. info by Ralph Wuestefeld.
1999 Simon got free recommendation for some hours in Zweifall / Germany by Bernd Tesch, who is his "information-sponsor". I told Simon that he will not make all the planned countries because of  political difficulties and lack of time.
Participant of the 21th Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers 1999

Thornburg, Tom (American)
Plan Around-The-World.

01.03.2000 09:00 o´clock - 20.03.2000 10.54 o´clock
Piccard, Bertrand Dr. and Brian Jones
Around-The-World by baloon. Both were the first pilots who circled the world by a baloon: 40.814 kms in 19 days. The flew sometimes very high (10.000 m) and quick (160 kms/h).
Route (not known in total): Switzerland - Maroc - Algeria - Sudan - Saudi Arabia - Oman - China - Pazifik - SAmerika -
B.T: First flight RTW with a baloon.

06.04.2000 + next 15 years
Norris, Verna and Jim Seavey (Americans)
Plan Around-The-World Slowly.Jim (age 55 in 2000) and Verna (age 48) ride two BMW R1150GS's. Their objective is to move slowly and live in the various cultures they encouter.
Route: Ireland, UK, Holand, Belgium, France, Germany, Canada, USA, Spain to date. Next will be more of Europe (next 5
years or so. Then, on to Africa or Iran to India. Ideally we hope things change in the next few years so we can go through  China.
29.10.2000 1st information by Dr. Markus Grave
01.12.2000 1st contact

< 22.05.2000
Plan Around-The-World. "On the road". He wrote something about his first step in Austraila.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publicatios about them??
27.08.00 Grant Johnson: The riders name is Gordon Chase, he is not currently travelling, and is in USA. I don't think he finished, and his plans are not set yet for continuing. He's the one we thought had gone missing in Asia!

Jomarron, Alex (American)
Plan Around-The-World. Chicago. Illinois. USA.
29.03.98 First Email. Plans a Mc-WAT.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

< 07.2000 - ?
Valsesia, Fernando S.
Plan Around-The-World.
20.07.2000 First information by Eric Haws, who had Fernando as a visitor.  Fernado is making a "World-Tour". More info
on our website at

12.08.2000 - ?
Bevern, Martina van and Michael Höppner and
Plan Around-The-World.
13.02.2000 Both plan 2000 an unlimited mc-tour Around-The-World with two YAMAHA XT 600 E.
Plan-Route: Europe (Germany - Italy - Greece - Turkey) - Asia (Syria - Jordania ..) - Africa (Egypt) - Asia (overland to India). There they will plan there the next step.
1999 They have been visiting Bernd Tesch for recommendation and ordered "Tesch-Tavel-Träger" and "Tesch-Travel-Taschen".
2000, 2001 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 2000.
22.08.2000 Michael and Martina: "Already after 2200 kms we would never miss your sheep-skins on our saddles"
09.01.2001 From Egypt they flew to Ethiopia and send their bikes to Djibouti in 12.2000. Tina had a mc-accident 30.12.2000 and broke her leg in Ethiopia. So they came back in beginning of  january 2001 to Germany. They plan to ride on in about 6 months.
21.02.2001 With 19 nails aand a baig plate in Martinas knee they decided to go in august 2001 by a Landcruiser Bj 45.

10.08.2000 - 08.2001
Ellen Spencer (32, American) and  Manou Emringer (29, Luxembourg)
Plan Around-The-World. Plan to ride for one year 2000-2001 with two motorcycles (Africa Twin and Transalp) Around The World.
Planned Route (flexible!): 08.2000-01.2001: Alaska to Argentina - 01.2001- 02.2001: Ivory Coast to Luxembourg -
Change of Route-Plan: 01.2001-03.2001: Ghana to Luxembourg.  04.-08.2001 Luxembourg - Turkey - Central Asia - Norway
- Luxembourg.
Route so far: North America 10.700 kms (Alaska - Canada - USA) - Mexico and Central America 7.500 kms - South America 11.800 km (Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile (until here in total 26.000 kms) - Argentina (Usuhaia, ca. 20.12.2000) - Buenos Aires - Africa 6.300 kms (Ghana - Burkina Faso - Mali - Mauritania - Western Sahara - Morocco. 30.03.2001: Total so far 36.300 km.
The best: The people, the roads and the wine. In hindsight, riding a flooded Peruvian dirtroad by night in pouring rain.
The worst: Riding a flooded Peruvian dirtroad by night in pouring rain.
Book or publication: Website
Useful informations and TIPS for others: South American Handbook lists motorcycle mechanics for all major towns, very
useful. Coins or small denomination bills of your home currency are often asked for for collection purposes, especially at
This was the original before the tour in 2000 planned route:
03.2001: New Zealand (on rental bikes) -  04.-08.2001 Luxembourg - Turkey - Central Asia - Norway - Luxembourg
03.2000: Manou visited Bernd Tesch in Zweifall. I suppose they cannot do all the way in this too short time
This was the change of the route during the tour 2000 and 2001:
Next leg : 04.-08.2001 Spain - Turkey - Central Asia - Norway - Luxembourg

15.09.2000 - ca. 1 Jahr
Schobpach, Torsten (German)
Plan Around-The-World. Torsten will ride solo for fun with a YAMAHA XT 600 K after he finished his Diplom of environmental planning.
Route: Europe (Germany, Mainz) - by plane to Canada (Toronto - by bike to Vancouver) - USA (San Francisco) - bike by ship to Sydney, flight to Hawaii - Australia - Malaysia - Thailand - by ship / plane to India or Nepal - India - Pakistan - Iran -Turkey - Greece - Germany (Mainz).
Ca. 1995 four times participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 2000.
27.07.2000 Spontanous "good bye" visit.

04.07.2000 - ca. 30.09.2001
Solon, Chenda (12.07.1967) and Stephan (born 20.05.1996) (British)  no www
Plan Around-The-World. The couple townplaner Stephan (34) and social researcher Chenda (33) are riding around the world on ONE 6 year old
Honda NTV650 (80.000 kms 1002.2001).
Route completed: Europe (Bike by ship from England to Kenya (Mombasa) - Africa 10.000 kms (Kenya (Mombasa) - Tanzania - Malawi - Zambia - Zimbabwe - Botswana - South Africa (Cape Town)).  South America 15.000 kms (Bike by plane to Argentina ( Buenos Aires) - Chile - Peru -  Equador.  Bike by plane from Guayaquil to Panama City. North America (Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala - Mexico - USA). Bike by plane from USA (Los Angeles) to Australia Sydney. 15.02.2001 in Australia (Sydney).
Planned route: Australia. Asia  (Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - Nepal - India - Pakistan - Middle East - Iran - Europe (Turkey - Greece - Italy - Switzerland - Germany - Netherlands - Belgium - France - UK.
Reasons for travelling: Curiosity and fun.
The best: Coming across a lion crossing the road in front of us in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania. Going on Safari in Tanzania. Meeting friends and family in South Africa. Friendly welcome in Argentina. Riding to the Altiplano in Peru on a brand new road. Talking to people everywhere.
The worst: Shipping delays and problems with the shipping line and Kenyan shipping agent which cost us 3 weeks in Mombasa. But at least we made lots of Kenyan friends. Coming across a car crash in Zambia (one person dead and one badly injured). Being "fined" US$ 80 for speeding by bent Argentine police at a control point on Ruta 12 (they asked for US$1000).
Useful information and Tips: Consult the Bulletin Board on Remember you often need the help of people you meet, and when everything is going wrong try to be positive.  The last one is really difficult.  For airfreight between Cape Town and Buenos Aires, consult Delon Leo at Aireps (cargo agent for Malaysian Airlines): For airfreight between Los Angeles and Sydney consult Moses Posada of ETC International Freight Systems:
11.11.00 1st information by Werner Zwick who met them in Bolivia.
16.11.00 First answer by Stephan
15.02.01 I I won't be able to make the meeting in 2001 as I'll still be travelling but I hope to make the meeting in 2003

13.09.2000 - ??
Newbound, Monika and Simon (English) and
Plan Around The World. Monika (born 1974, BMW 650 GS) and retired submarine Simon (born 1962, BMW R 1150 GS) plan A RTW tour. Before they made some "test-tours".
13.09.2000 - 22.09.2000 EUROPEAN TOUR BMWR1150GS

On their European leg Monika and Simon toured with BMW R 1150 GS 4.800 miles.
Route: England - France - Belgium - Germany - Czech Republic - Poland - Czech - Slovakia - Hungary - Austria - Germany - Lichtenstein - Switzerland - France - England. 4800 Miles.
Purpose of journey: To give my wife and me a taste of biking. To travel into Eastern Europe.
28.01.2001 - 18.03.2000 African Leg / SAHARA

On their African leg Simon toured with BMW R 1150 GS 6.500 miles.
Route: England - France - Spain - Gibraltar - Morocco - Gibraltar - Spain - England.
Purpose: To get a little feel of what it is going to be like on my world tour. To see how the bike handled in extreme conditions. To see how I handled the extreme conditions.
Publications: BMW BIKE MAGAZINE March 2001. July 2001.

05.2002 - ?
Plan Around The World. Simon (start with 40 and BMW R1150 GS) and Monika (start with 30 and BMW 650 GS)
Purpose of Travel: After 24 years working on submarines I feel I deserve it! Now my daughter has left home I now have the time and opportunity. It is something I have wanted to do for a very long time and now in retirement I can do it. I have always wanted to travel across Russia and Siberia and if I make it that far it would be silly not to carry on.
Route: My aroundtheworldjourney takes me first across Russia and Siberia then onwards to Alaska or Seattle.

04.09.00 First information by Grant Johnson
23.01.01 1st contact by email
Purpose of Travel: After 24 years working on submarines I feel I deserve it! Now my daughter has left home we now have the time and opportunity. It is something we have wanted to do for a very long time and now in retirement I can do it. We have always wanted to travel across Russia and Siberia and if I make it that far it would be silly not to carry on.
Route: My aroundtheworldjourney takes me first across Russia and Siberia then onwards to Alaska or Seattle.

04.09.00 First information by Grant Johnson
23.01.01 1st contact by email

29.11.2000 - ??
Walsh, Dan (England)
Plan Around-The-World. Dan, UK journalist Ex-journalist of BIKE MAGAZIN, travelling somewhere on a fairly standard 2001 YAMAHA XT 600 E. The plan was to 'ride aorund the world', whatever that means. We'll see !
Route: Europe (England - France - Spain) - Africa (Morocco - Mauritania - Senegal - The Gambia - Guinea Bissau - Guinea Conakry - Mali (inc Timbukto) - Burkina Faso - Ghana (Accra). That's been 9.500 miles and five months.
The Future? Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya - and then I'll decide whether to continue to the Cape via Tanzania, Zambia and Namibia and skip across to BA or ship from Kenya to India. Further ahead than that would be guesswork. The best: Sunrise in the Sahara on Xmas Day, sunset over Timbukto on any day, Bissau city and all the incredible, fascinating, crazy, beautiful people I've met along the way.
Lowlights: Punctures, cops, corrugations. Is that alright?

12.2000 - ?
Thaigo and Pedro (Brasilians) in work:
Both are just started to circle the world with tow SUZUKI DR 800..
02.12.2000 First information by Manou Emringer with Ellen Spencer seen in Peru

Migliorelli, George (Italian)
Plan Around-The-World. Plans to travel around-The-World.
04.2000 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers in 2000.

Ca. 31.01.2001 + 18 months
Simon, Ted (British)
Plan Around-The-World. Ted will travel around the world again, "following the same routed than I rode in "Jupiter's Travels in 1974". My idea is to
revisit the people and the places I wrote about 25 years ago, to find out what has REALLY happened to the planet in that time. There's a film production - German/British - that's looking very positive (although of little immediate financial benefit to me). And of course I'm still negotiating with magazines in the US".
Ted will ride "on a BMW R 80 GS, of recent manufacture, with 1000cc pots, waiting in England. It is fully fitted out with Tesch boxes (Tesch-Travel-Tasche 4) and all kinds of other goodies, and the donor has generously offered to keep me in parts, so that's what you get for writing a good book 21 years ago. If I get their permission, I'll identify both these benefactors on a later occasion". Ted Simon "The interruptions ARE the journey"
28.10.91 Bernd Teschs first contact with Ted.
1994 Bernd Tesch visited Ted in USA.
Partcipant of the Tesch-Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers 3 times since 1995.
02.10.2000 Ted visits Bernd Tesch again.
01.2001: Ted is planning a new mc-tour Round-The-World jorney to compare it with his tour in the seventies.  You can read here more later.

27.05.2001 - ??
Cichon, Mariola (born in Poland / American citizien)
Plans solo Around-The-World.  Mariola (40) from Chicago in USA is soon leaving on the "First American Woman's Solo Motorcycle Journey Around the World". She rides a Kawasaki KLR650.
Route: I will ride form Chicago (Moab Utha - ..) to Alaska. Later I will travel through South and Central America, Australia and New Zealand. Southern part of Africa is next on the list. I will then continue to Asia and Europe. The northern parts of Africa will complete the journey. From there I will go back to the States. The journey is planned to take about 2-3 years.
The best: I am really looking forward to meeting people around the world. I am interested in other cultures as well as the beauty of the nature.
Publications: The itinerary from the journey will be posted and updated on There will also be articles in the Dual Sport News:
Tips: It takes a lot of preparations to get ready for such a journey. But the most important thing is to... just do it. Everything else will fall into its own place later. Just go!
Motto: The greatest risk is not taking any.
Ca. 08.2000 first contact.
31.05.01 Mariolas first email "on the road". She wrote: "Definitely will try to get to your place "23rd Meeting for Motorcyle World-Travellers" in 2003.

07.06.2001 - no time limit?
Wouters, Walter (born 10.08.1956, German)
Plan Around-The-World. The gas-water-technican (Meister) Walter plans to travel solo around-The-World with BMW R 80 G/S.
Route: Germany - France - Spain - Portugal - Africa (Morocco - Mauretania - Senegal- Congos - Angola ? - Namibia - South Africa - East Africa - Ethiopia - Djibouti) - Asia (Jemen - Saudi Arabia) - or Africa (Sudan - Egypt) - Asia (Israel - Jordan - Syria - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal - Thailand - Laos - Vietnam - Thailand) - Papua New Guinea - Australia - Americas (Canada - North - and South America).
24.02.01 1st visit. Walter lived in the next village Stolberg-Dorff.

08.2001 + 2 years
Whitman, Sharon and Bill Berwick (Americans)
Plan Around The World. Sharon and Bill plan to circle the world with two Harleys Sportzers in two years.
Planned Route: USA (Pennsylvania) -  traveling west - up to Alaska - back down west coast through Mexico - Central America  - South America, reaching Tierra del Fuego by New Years eve 2001. Then we fly the bikes across the Atlantic to South Africa - north through Africa across to Spain - through Europe (arriving aproximately summer 2002) - then east through Asia - flying to Australia - New Zealand - north to Japan - then back across the Pacific to Canada. A two year trip all together.
12.2000 first contact

09.2001 - ?
Baldewerk, Wojtek (Poland)
Plan Around The World. With another Polish friend on two KTM Adventure.
Route: Germany - India - Americas.
02.02.2001 1st contact

07.2002 + ca. 5 years
Hable, Martin (Austrich)  www. ??
Plan Around-The-World. The monteur Martin plans to circle the world without timelimit.
Planned Route: Austria (Lochen) - Germany - France - Spain - Portugal -Spain - Morocco - Algeria - Tunisia - Libya - Egypt - Jordania - along coast Saudi Arabia - Jemen - Oman bis V.A.E.  - by ship to Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal - Bangladesch - Burma - Thailand - Malaysia - Indonesia - Australia -bBack via  Neuguinea - Indonesia - Philippines - Taiwan - China - Japan - Hawaii - Mexico - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - Kolumbia - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentinia - Uruguay od. Paraguay - Brasilia  - Suriname - Guyana - Venezuela. To islands Dominik. Rep. - Tahiti - Jamaika - Bahamas to USA  - Canada - Island - Scottland - GB - Netherlands - Germany  - Austria.
01.2001 1st contact.
18.01.2001 Martin visited me for recommendation. Austrian ministry "Auswärtiges Amt":

Wunsch, Volker (German, geb. 13.01.1969)
Plan Around-The-World. The lorry-driver Volker plans to circle the world in 2002 with BMW R 1100 GS  1,5 - 2 years.
14.11.1998 Visit of Volker Wunsch who plans to ride Around the World 2002. He intends to ride by his own via Russia to Wladiwostok - Alasca - Argentinia (Tierra del Fuego) - Australia and .... So far Volker has a lot of experience driving by lorry to Russia, Ukraine and Tunisia.  

I do NOT know any more details of World-Travellers below. Sometimes even NOT the years.
Who knows more: Addresses, relations, publications?

Macaluso, Girgio (Swiss)

Around-The-World. With BMW R 80 GS in total 320.000 kms experience in all continents.
25.02.1996 First contact with him.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Ostrika, Carola and Volker Kunz (German)
Around-The-World. 3 Jahre und 4 Monate. Offer a slide-show: Mit XT 500, dann BMW GS PD und BMW 1100 GS unterwegs..
31.03.98 1. Info von Andreas Müller.
04.1998 Participant of the Tesch-Meeting for World-Travellers.

1995 - 1996 First solo RTW tour
1999 - 2000 Second RTW tour with Christel Schrijvers
Gielen, Theo (Belgian) and Christel Schrijvers (Belgian ??)

Around-The-World two times. Theo rode solo 50.000 kms on his first tour on a old 500 BSA B31 350 ccm from 1950
Route: Europe - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - Indonesia - Australia - NZ - USA - Mexico - ??
1999-2000 Theo and Christel rode 30.000 kms mainly togehter on on of the same (?) BSA B31 .
Route: USA - Mexico - NZ on a SUZUKI 250 - Australia - Malaysia on a local BSA - India - here Christel got an Enfield - Pakistan - Iran Turkey - Syria - Jordan - Egypt - Israel and Palestina - Europe.
03.08.2000 + 10.10.2000 Info by American Aaron Winchester
06.02.01 first contact

??.??.1995 - ??.??.1996 First solo RTW tour ??.??.1999 - ??.??.2000 Second RTW tour with Christel Schrijvers Gielen, Theo (Belgian) and Christel Schrijvers (Belgian ??) Around-The-World two times.
Theo rode solo 50.000 kms on his first tour on a old 500 BSA B31 350 ccm from 1950.
Route: Europe (Please countries ...........???) - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - Indonesia - Australia - NZ - USA - Mexico - ?? - back to Europe (Belgium???).
1999-2000 Theo and Christel rode 30.000 kms mainly togethter on one of the same (machine ???) BSA B31.
Route: Europe ??????? - USA - Mexico - NZ on a SUZUKI 250 - Australia - Malaysia on a local BSA - India - here Christel got an Enfield ( did she ride from there to Europe by herself??) - Pakistan - Iran Turkey - Syria - Jordan - Egypt - Israel and Palestina - Europe (countries ?????? - Belgium). Purpose of travel: ??? See the world, riding an old motorcycle The best: ??? The Worst: ??? Useful tips for other travellers: ???

Sproat, Trevor and Noah Maltz (Americans)
Plan Around The World.
03.01.2001 1st information by Grant Johnson:

Raucher, Robert and Stephen (South Africans)
Plan Around The World. The freelance computer consultans left 6 weeks after they made decision to travel RTW.
03.01.2001 1st information by Grant Johnson:

Newland, Matthew (British)
Plan Around The World.
Route: Europe (France - Switzerland - Italy - Greece - Turkey.....
03.01.2001 1st information by Grant Johnson: 

20.01.2001 - ca. 15.04.2001
Angelino, René Miragaia (Brasil)

Around The World ?
Route: Neuseeland, Australien, Indonesien (Bali), Malaysia, Singapur, HongKong, China (Peking), Nepal, Indien, Pakistan, Egypt. In New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and HongKong Gaia travelled together with hias wife. Gaia rends a motorcycle wherever he is. Er hat ein Handy, dieses wird von einem Sponsor gestellt. Damit telefoniert er ständig mit seinem Verlag. Dadurch kann sein nächstes Buch sehr bald erscheinen. Email:
Earlier books: "Yukon. A última frontera"= Brasilien - Alaska - Brasilien. (Portugese). "Minha Moto, America" (Portugese). 45,000 km Süd-Amerika-Rundreise per Moto.
Book: Planned.

07.06.1992 - 03.06.1995 FIRST JOURNEY
Atsuko Kumata (Japanese female) and Hiroaki Takahashi (Japanese male)

Around The World. I (Atsuko, 33 years) rode around the world including 5 continents using a HONDA CT 110 together all the way with Hiroaki (30 years) who also ride a HONDA CT 110.
Route: Europe 20.000 kms (U.K. - Norway - Finland - Sweden - Denmark - Germany - Poland - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania - Bulgaria - Greece - Italy - France - Monaco - Spain) - Africa 30.000 kms (Morocco - Western Sahara - Mauritania - Senegal - Mali - Burkina Faso - Benin - Nigeria - Cameroon - Central Africa - Zaire - Uganda - Kenya - Tanzania - Malawi - Mozambique - Zimbabwe - Botswana - Namibia - South Africa). Motorcycle was sent by aeroplane to Istanbul, Turkey. I flew to Istanbul, Turkey. Asia 10.000 kms (Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India). Motorcycle was sent by ship to Fremantle, Australia. I flew to Thailand, took a train to Malaysia and then flew to Perth, Australia. Australia 10.000 kms (Fremantle - West Coast - Perth - Gunbarrel Highway to Ayers Rock - Adelaide - Melbourne). Motorcycle was sent by ship to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I flew to Buenos Aires, Argentina. South America 15.000kms (Argentina - Chile - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia). Motorcycle was sent by aeroplane to Colon, Panama. I flew to Colon, Panama. Central America 10.000 kms (Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador - Guatemala - Mexico) - North America 10.000 kms (U.S.A. - Canada - Alaska). Motorcycle was sent by ship to Tokyo Japan. I flew home to Japan.
The best: North Cape in Norway, Sahara Desert in Africa, Karakoram Highway in Pakistan, Gunbarrel Highway to Ayers Rock in Australia, Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia in South America.
The worst: Bilharzia and Malaria in Africa. Political problems in Zaire, Africa.
Book or publication: Series of articles in "Garrrr" magazine (Japan). Special feature in "Tabi" magazine (Japan).
Useful infromation and Tips for others: Small reliable motorcycle is good for travelling.
08.01.2001 1st contact by email

09.05.1999 - 03.11.2000 SECOND JOURNEY
Atsuko Kumata (Japanese female and Australian resident) and Myles Nott (Australian male)
Europe - Russia - Alaska - TIerra del Fuego..I (40 years) rode from Western Europe, across Russia to Alaska and then North, Central and South America by YAMAHA TT 350 1998 model together all the way with Myles (36 years) who rode a YAMAHA XT 600.
Route: Europe 6.880 kms (Netherlands - Belgium - Luxembourg - Germany - France - Switzerland - Italy - Liechtenstein - Austria - Czech - Poland - Lithuania - Latvia - Estonia) - Russia 15.000 kms (West, St. Petersburg - East, Magadan). I flew to Anchorage, Alaska with the motorcycle. North America 12.100 kms (Alaska - Canada - U.S.A.) - Mexico 7.360 kms - Central America 5.900 kms (Belize - Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama). Motorcycle was sent by aeroplane to Bogota, Colombia. I flew to Bogota, Colombia. South America 25.340 kms (Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina - Uruguay - Paraguay - Brazil - Venezuela - Guyana). Motorcycle was sent by ship to Rotterdam then Melbourne, Australia. I flew home to Australia.
The best: Russia: Siberia in the snow. Bolivia: Salar de Uyuni and Lago Colorado on the way to the Chile border.
The worst: Frost bite in Russia. Head-on Collision with car in Guyana.
Book or publication: Not yet
Useful infromation fffor others: Less weight of motorcycle and gear makes travelling less difficult.
08.01.2001 1st contact by email
We also know about 10 Japanese people who have > motorcycled around the world.

04.03.1990 - 03.10.1993 FIRST JOURNEY
Myles Nott and Leo Arundell (Australians)

Myles (26 years) rode from Australia through Asia to England then from England through Europe and Africa to South Africa using a YAMAHA XT 600 Tenere 1988 model all the way with Leol, also riding a YAMAHA Tenere.
Route: Australia ca. 5.000 kms (Melbourne - Darwin). I flew to Indonesia then over land and sea to Singapore. Motorcycle went by ship from Darwin to Singapore. Asia aprx. 25.000 kms (Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - and return to Singapore. Motorcycle by ship from Singapore to Madras, India. I flew from Malaysia to Madras, India. India - Pakistan - Iran - Turkey). Europe aprx. 28.000 kms (Greece - Yugoslavia - Italy - France - Monaco - England - Belgium - Luxembourg - Germany - Switzerland - Spain) - Africa aprx. 40.000 kms (Morocco - Western Sahara - Mauritania - Senegal - The Gambia - Mali - Burkina Faso -Ghana - Togo - Benin - Nigeria - Cameroon - Central African Republic - Zaire - Uganda - Kenya - Tanzania - Malawi - Mozambique - Zimbabwe - Zambia - Botswana - Namibia - South Africa). Motorcycle and I went by cargo ship >from Durban, South Africa to Fremantle, Australia. Australia aprx. 4.000 kms (Fremantle - Adelaide - Melbourne, home).
The best: Sand seas in Sahara, Ice roads and sub zero temperatures in Turkey, High altitude deserts in Iran and Pakistan, Jungle drums in Africa and incredibly friendly and generous people around the world.
The worst: Stressful border crossing and head-on collision in Africa, Bilharzia.
Book or publication: None.
Useful infformation for others: Leaving is the hardest thing, so don't think about it. Just do it!
08.01.2001 1st contact by email
We also know about 10 Japanese people who have

motorcycled around the world.
>>>>>This is very interesting: I would ask you to transfer their names and email-addresses to me. I woud like to send them a a etter like this as well! We are very interested to hear from you. Atsuko and Myles

09.05.1999 - 03.11.2000 SECOND JOURNEY
Atsuko Kumata (Japanese female and Australian resident) and Myles Nott (Australian male)
I (Myles, 36 years) rode from Western Europe, across Russia to Alaska and then North, Central and South America by YAMAHA XT 600 1998 model together all the way with Atsuko Kumata (Japanese female) who rode a YAMAHA TT 350.
Route: Europe 6 880kms(Netherlands - Belgium - Luxembourg - Germany - France - Switzerland - Italy - Liechtenstein - Austria - Czech - Poland - Lithuania - Latvia - Estonia) - Russia 15 000kms(West,St. Petersburg - East, Magadan). I flew to Anchorage, Alaska with the motorcycle. North America 12 100kms(Alaska - Canada - U.S.A.) - Mexico 7 360kms - Central America 5 900kms(Belize - Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama). Motorcycle was sent by aeroplane to Bogota, Colombia. I flew to Bogota, Colombia. South America 25 340kms(Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina - Uruguay - Paraguay - Brazil - Venezuela - Guyana). Motorcycle was sent by ship to Rotterdam then Melbourne, Australia. I flew home to Australia.
The best: Far Eastern Russia, Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia and the way to the Chile border. THE WORST: Atsuko's head-on collision in Guyana. Frost bite in Russia.
USEFUL INFORMATION AND TIPS FOR OTHERS: The less weight the better (motorcycle and gear).


Lösche, Jan (German)
Mit der DR BIG. Route: D -  Pakistan - Indien

19.12.1998 - 01.04.2000
Demel, Klaus (28.10.1960, German)

Around-The-World. Kaus rode solo on a Caviga Elefant 750 70.000 kms (without flights) in his biggest tour in 14 months.
1982 to 1984: First trips with my Honda CX 500 to many countries in Europe (France, Greek, Turky, Italy ect.) all together 60.000 kms with no problems on the bike although many kilometers on dirt road in Turkey.

25.08.1986 - 03.08.1987 Big long trip with my girlfriend on my Yamaha Tenere 600.Germany - Ausstria - Jugoslavia - Greece - by boat to Israel - Egypt - by boat over lake Aswan to Sudan (Wadi Halfa). There we got no fuel and we had to use the train to Atbara. On a very hard trip (no road or track) we came to Kharthoum. We intended to go to Kenia but the way through Sudan to Central Africa was too hard for two riders on one bike. So we changed the route and used a ferry from Port Sudan to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. We crossed Saudi in two days to Jemen. This is one of the interesting countries. From Jemen (Sana) we took a flight with the bike to Kenya (Nairobi). Africa is different from all other continents and a special experence. We had an easy travel over Tanzania - Malawi - Zambia (at this time bombbbs and aattacks) - Zimbabwe (Vic. Falls) - South Africa - Lesotho (very good !) - South Africa . Flight with bike from Johanesburg) to Germany. 40.000 kms in 12 months with 3.000 US $ each.
12.12.1990 - 18.01.1991: Algeria (Algerie - Djanet - Hogar - Tamnrasset -Gardaia)
20.12.1991 - 15.01.1992: Algeria (Deb Deb - EL Golea - Reggane)
16.04.1996 - 30.04.1996 + 10.05.1997 - 10.06.1997 Marroko (great in April and Mai),
04.08.1996 - 12.09.1996: In summer (hot) 6 weeks from Germany overland to Pakistan, One of my best experences (Himalaya, Hindukusch, Babusapass).

02.12.1995 - 10.01.1996 Ethiopia and Eritrea one of the greatest trips.
18.12.1998 - 31.03.2000 Route: Germany - Italy - by ferry Italy (Genua) -–Tunis - Libya (Ghadames to Sabha. A great experience. 6 days we saw nobody). After a visit Um el Mar I road solo to Akakus Mountains, one of the greatest stones in the world. I made a 3 days roundtrip. Egypt (diving in the Red Sea) - ferry to Jordan (Taba Aqaba). The best in Jordan: Wadi Ram and Petra. The climate was verry cold in this wintertime an a had a dream of warm climate in Asia. –So I flew with the bike from Jordan to Singapore. By bike Malysia - Thailand with a little island hopping to relax - Flight with bike from Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) - Australia (Perth). In 3 months Perth - Darwin (via Kimberleys great!) - Alice Springs - Cairns - Sydney. From Sydney I wanted to fligh to India, but India had trouble in this time with Pakistan. So I flew with bike to Argentina (Buenos Aires). From BA six months through South America. The best time in my life! In Brasil, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, and Argentina very nice people. I visited: The Iguasu Falls, Matchu Pitchu, Salar de Uyuni, La Paz, Moreno Gletscher, Altiplano, Lago Titicaca, Curratera Austral.
Purpose of travel: I can`t sit at home.
The worst: Arrest in Teheran. Crash in West Australia.
Book or publication: My travel book: "Einfach-losfahren!?" ISBN: 3-9807673-1-0.
Useful informations and tips for others: Read my book or ask me.

McCabe, Liam (North Ireland)
I got a message from the riders in Melbourne. My name is McCabe, Liam from Belfast N. Ireland at the moment I'm in the middle of a RTW. From the start of my trip I heard of you from the likes of  Mika Kuhn, Chris Bright  and Jan Lucas. I was wondering do you know of any other Irish persons who have completed a RTW. Plans have already been made to met up at one of your
rallies on return to Europe.
13.01.2001 1st contact

Ca. 1995/6 - ca. 2001?
Springer, Karliens and Han van Loon (Dutch)
Plan Around-The-World. With two YAMAHA XT 600 Tenere Han (U-boat captain) and Karliens (Hebamme and Stewardess) want to circle the world.
Route: Holland - overland to India - from India to Singapore backpacking through Thailand - Malaysia - Indonesia - New Zealand - by motorcycle Australia / Tasmania  - from Canada overland to South America / Ushuaia. Next Africa.
28th of may199. 1st information by Ralf Paaske and Petra Schommer.
Route: NL - overland to India - China backpacking - Indonesia backpacking - SEAsia - Australia - NZ - North America - South America - now Transafrica (Capetown...) somehow.
22.11.2000 1st information by Petra Schommer and Ralf Paaske

Ca. 1995 - 04.03.2000
Surname ???, Reinhard (German from Bremen)
Plan Around-The-World. With HONDA Transalp or Yamaha Tenere. In 04.03.2000 already 5 years "on te road" and has already been in all continents. He had aluboxes with stickers from Fjällräven.
22.11.2000 1st information by Petra Schommer and Ralf Paaske who met him near Villa Ortega / Cohahique in Chile Carrera Austral.
22.11.2000 WHO has seen this German RTW traveller and knows his name and address???????

Klobucar, Mike
Did you meet other RTW traveller I do NOT know?? Nope! a guy who would be interesting to contact for your database is Mike Klobucar, whom I met in Central America, big time bike traveller; his email is
30.01.01 1st information by Carlo Muttoni

01.04.2002 - ?
Salzmann, Sibylle (born 1975 Swiss) and Marco Meier (born 1973, Swiss)
Plan Around The World. Sibylle and Marco have travelled already in Europe 80.000 kms with BMW R 1100 GS (Scandinavia, France, Italy, Spain, Greek, Turkey), Africa (Maroc) and Canada (BC). But their "travel bug" is not satisfied. So they plan with two BMW F-650 GS Dakar to circle the world open end.
Planned Route: Switzerland, Italy, Greek, Turkey, Pakistan, India, Lhadak, Nepal, Thailand, Tiger States, Australia.........?
Purpose of Travel: Meeting other cultures/people. To break out of the safe live here. Aadventures - and to ride a motorcycle every day!

06.2001 - open end
Kroher, Thomas (born 10.06.1957, German) (changing soon)
Plan Around-The-World. I`m planning an Around-The-World-Tour with Honda Transalp.
Planned route: Morocco - Mauretania - Mali - Niger - Tchad - Sudan - Ethiopia - Kenia - South Africa - India - Nepal - EastAsia - Australia - South - and North-America. Plan can be changed during the tour.
Search: I am in search of a female motor-cyclist who has the courage for a trip across Africa and the rest of the world.
25.02.2001 1st information with route.

During YOU Motorcycle-Traveller live:

The highest law of our universe is that it moves continually because of the opposite potentials of plus (+) and minus (-) powers. This means for our beloved world that even what you see on earth changes all the time. Even big mountains change by erosion through heat and cold, rain and ice and sand. Imagine what frozen ice can destroy! So you can never travel to the same place like it was before. Even if you do not notice the change it has changed. So it is not only worth to travel to new places.

After YOU Motorcycle-Traveller die:
01.08.2000 After I updated this homepage second time with some hundred hours of work Patricia and I took some hours off. We wanted to relax in the nearby forest EIFEL conquering a water canal maximum 3 meters wide in the end coming out of the ground about ca. 9 kms somewhere up the hills. We both liked the nature very much with all the greens, sunshine and shade. During this walk we loved to discover a group of some hundred years old beech-trees (Buchen).
Then Patricia said: "In my next life I would like to be a beech-tree". This caused some thoughts in me: After we die 90 % water of our body will first go in the ground. It could be that a part of this water will help to create another plant or even a tree. So you mc-traveller could be a part of a beech-tree. Some of this water will evaporate in the air. Then the wind will blow your water somewhere and it will come down on earth or in the sea again. If the water comes down on earth a plant could grow with your water. A Motorcycle-Traveller could eat this plant. Then you are a part of a mc-traveller again. Or your rain could fall in a small river and another mc-traveller drinks clear water out of this river. Then you are a part of a mc-traveller again.

The very rest of your 10 % material could be eaten by bacteries. Bigger animals could eat thess. Possibly this animal could be eaten by another animal and this by a mc-traveller. Then you are a part of a mc-traveller again.Possibly this mc-traveller will read this homepage. Then your soul is connected with your material again. This are some possible ways that YOU Mc-Traveller never die and will live for long times as a Motorcycle-TRAVELLER.

5 billion (Milliarden) years later ALL Motorcycle-Travellers will die:
Sun will kill all Motorcycle-Travellers. The sun will have extended so much in size that she reaches the earth. All the heat will destroy all life on earth including ALL MOTORCYCE-TRAVELLERS. That´s it !

I hope you liked reeding this. I am just waiting for YOUR email helping me to update A LIFELONG job with passion.

P.S. Compliments:

I even did not thing to publish this. But some nice came in ! Why should I not offer them to you ??

23.08.2000 Around-The-World. "on the road"  Ricardo Rocco (Equadorian) from Manaos, Amazonas:
"The new design of your site is super nice. Congratulations, I know it is a lot of work. Thank you very much for your great support and again, congratulations on your great work, not only on the site, but on everything you do for our sport - passion".

26.08.2000 Around-The-World. Ted Simon: "Thank you for the information. Many more did it than I had realised".

23.09.2000 Plans solo Around-The-World. Mariola Cichon,  (Polish - American)
Your homepage is absolutely wonderful. How do you find time to work on it?

28.10.2000 Around-The-World. Thomas Smith: Author of  IN THE LONG RUN: A Hopeful World Odyssey Keep up the great work on your website!

01.11.2000 Around-The-World. Harry Cosman: (American). "Realy cool web page".

18.01.2001 Around-The-World. Clement Salvadori. (American). "Excellent website !  My congratulations".

15.02.2001 Around-The-World. Bruno Blum (Swiss): Gratuliere, eine wirklich tolle Website und nichts zu beanstanden, was da über mich drinnen steht. Bezüglich meiner Reise....

14.03.2001 Sommerauer, Johann (Austria): Ich ordne Ihnen den Rang eines "Generalfeldmarschalls der Kraftradreisearmee" zu.

29.03.2001 Plan Around-The-World. Newbound, Monika and Simon (English) and I have had a good look at your web site and it is very impressive.

20.04.2001 Plan Around-The-World. Tiffany has covered already a two jours mc-tour with another woman passanger. Tiffany Coates (English): I find your website very interesting.

08.04.2001 Plan Around-The-World. Really impressive, what you collected as informations - especially the site of the Round-The-World-Travellers.
Around-The-World by car, on food, by bicycle, in a baloon, by sailing-boat. See other sites.

Summaries in progress:
09.2001 -
Pfaff, Thomas
and ??? (Swiss)
Plan Around-The-World. both plan to ride RTW with two BMW. For this reason we are looking for easy ship possibilities on Freight-Ships/Container-Ships to cross
Route: Europe to East-Coast USA or Canada. Argentina to New-Zealand. New-Zealand to Australia. Australia to Europe. We have already organised all necessary documents (Carnet de Passage for Motorbikes and Passports with Visa) for all countries. We ride directly to the correspondi: thpfaff@bluemail.chng departure port, and if possible directly on the ship if a ramp is available.
25.02.2001 1st information. Thomas Pfaff Schartenstrasse 68 5430 Wettingen/Schweiz

Willekes, René A.  Plan  World-A-Round
The Dutch René wants to start a World-A-Round tour with BMW 100 GS end of 2001. He probably comes to the 22. Mc-Meeting for World-Travellers 14.-16.04.2000.

Yoshida-san (Japan)

Around The World. On a Yamaha YDS3.
05.06.01 First Info by Dafne and Rob de Jong.
00.06.01 Send the first email to them: Do you know any more details? His address? Publications? A person I can ask for more contacts? From where did you get this information?
